TUEmRO"ýULIN TEST MASS SURVEY SOHEDULE FOR DURHAM COUNTY JUNE Stb TO JUNE 2bth [Inclus'vel SCHEDULE No. 1 LOATONGIVING DATE HOURS 0F OPERATION REAGTEXRA COURTICE Mndy2:0 ..ta50p.. ensa Ebenezer United Church Junc8 .00p.-m. t 00 .Jn 0 TuLýe sdà 2:00ý1 p.M. ta 500p..hursday June ~~ 7.00-p.. to i1b00 p.in.-Juei Ca-mmunity centre June ý107.00pm. ta 0:0p. June 12 ThursdaÉ:0 . Ïa00 ..Mna NEWONVLLEMaday2:0 pm. o 500pin. Wednesday Unitd Cur~ 'Jne 5 70 ..ta 10u:00 p .Jurie -17 NEWýCASTLE Duesda,:0pm a5:0pn lusa ___________________ ue17 70 .n o1:0pmn. June 19 Odd ellas Hal Jae 187.00p..; a0:0p.m.June 22 Armoa urie sJne22 7.0 pn. to 1:0pn ue24 Junýe -23 7.0i, ta1:0 pm Jne2 J uR Y2O- o W ej ua : 0 . . t 5 0 a .F i d a y2 -CHE DU LE N.2 LOCATIOtIIGDT OR OEAONN ATEO& -A JA'NEV' VI LLE ueda 200pa. a :0 pn.Tm,~ C..F HllJune 167:00pm t 00 pmue 1 Ux~~iited Church ~~~june 17,S0p, t 00 in ue1 CAVA Friay 200 an. a 5:0 pa. Tesday Cammnit HalLJne 97:00 p.m.to 10:00 ..Jae23 CATN ada :0 .m.ta 5:00 pin. Wednesda Conat all an 22 7: ,jjP. M. 0a 10p Janie 241 LiasCamuiy Co.ltre 'June .23 7:0-,mtJî00p.m. ue2 ee Ave, Wedn-esday2:0pnta50Pi.rdy Jun 247:0 pm.ta 0:0' m.june 263 Jne25 7:0pU a1:0 in ue2 '~Vdy 2:0 prn. a 500 pn. uesday J xie 2 7 - 3. a1:0 i. ae3 Mandy ~ 2:00p.m ta :00pin.ThusdJ June30 700 an a 1:00 .m.Jal(y 3 ISlCHEDULE N,. GIVING DATE Ta,-esday Ja,ýne 16 WedCI"esd(ay June 17 Thursday Jan,,e 18 Jrne 24 HOUR-'S 0F COPERATJON 7:00 .m-. ta1000 im 7:00Jpm ù a 1:00pem 2:00 p.m.le 5:00 pin. 2:00 U, a :0 pn 7:00 p."m. t 1:0 pn 7:00 pm a1:0pn READING &X-RýAY DATE Jae17 Th-urjsdayv Fridayj Janle 19 Manday Janle 22 Taesdiay Jane 23 Jane 24 Janu-e 26 Mass survey 15 sponsored by the N.orthumnberlaînd-Durha.m Tubercuiosis Association wlth the assis tance cf the Ontarlo Department of, HeaItIh THROUGH VOUR PURCHAS E 0F CHR~ISTA8 SEAIS Thsi5te timne ai year when aduit Phrase 'ta a young person.. rrany parentis develap a wari,!ed Haevrite aduit world he or- aai( antiegiaý an anxious search she is abaut ta eniee'r, itnmay take on fa afmniia t cnvnc teilIane main assaciated ith re- teenagrs ta tay pagchaal t4oatînued nage 61 af edmaatiangainst the thA" wak adtheredyc-~ factarv or aher lc! thjin-gs itwîlbyad what appeaus ta be an w~ - leve schal.Taa aften the c it iîs shckinigwhnw nsd th , eery year, thosf-,a yugCa-nad.Iaýn mn ad mn are wîllialg t ak hi sm sarfC. AcadntaheDm- ian BurauaiStatistics ab u a ut of' every hundered yangsts, who ýeni- ter shaal obtain their junior .t i fahndedreceive tersenio!r inatriculatia n. j The staggering weight an thekw scal ca beclerlypictured we enrolld tarade ane l il eilemen- tary calsi aad ï157jsr 129,00 il-atain thir uniar a- trialaianand a miere 51600 ill sucessall caplee hgh scha Ourcautryca-nnat afadthis1 appllng ase acbai pwe.We and everythiag pins a ae cam- p "exity a the fuures e.blet aur mrast valuable asset - urnan, 1 fro maeeduicatian is refl-, ected ia indaustry m7here edacatianal stand.1 ards aver ,the past 1 yearshave V n ay ecnAe talarow to d-ase t àri oeve, andit ar y be 'mae euctian you haeChe bi r chane vauhave f secur' ing pr Jt is tue thatsmemeaan f rrdl dacaion-hald hg a~ fasbt hy r uuai sWCeu "Mts rastralsciie tTPrnrn ï, eflective, they sny. Mor informato saia e o e par en dsrict offices. wee butto aheIon.The' Sincethe soots re r re klle secs ttck hi-eand ScthPine. been pplie, bu spai-g the ipsf}protection against los.Cec aivte tes before Hi ¶sects ar.- oyUr coverage fo]r adequate re- f riv iamthe surraaanding herba- I placement value. ceos latsis beiag tried this ye-ar. N.F. PORTER Siace the insects are a rýelatîiveIy l' h 2 anknowa menace ta Christmas tree RPh. 1251 plantalons, the Department would e.15 appreciate being notified Of c-ases jJ where they are caasin-g severe dam- ~ ~ ~ Do ycL vico LOCATION