ri SHEINZ FANCY-1i SDEL MONTE - 48oz SMONARCH - 20 oz, Wl-lITE tCAKE MIXES -c AUNT .EiMýiA - BUTTERMILK ~PANÇCAKE mi CBLUE SURF GE AG LYNN VALLEY BLENDED - Appi App5e &Srwer Jams 48 oz OWAGSTFAFFES ASSOGRTED rou jamrs 9oz 3 a gr ýi ior( ,e, Al0fort NEW MA ,,rU RTED O , 1-IE ' Cia 10iËZ ~ GLLTT -DIPESE *1 s' 10E F 43 OZ TIN 27c GRAPEFRUiT DRIN%'---â7c fail size 2 PKGS 59c lx 20e OFF RINE jar69 idl jar 59e -tG PKCS 39C g'ant s.ize 59c 4 LBS 89C 8 Q. AG REIUM5cOFF lNewTpo)r t 1Fluiff BRNT- lA TPrKG. C0F ý250(, serietttes on GRIMSBY SWEET 3 3e 4 3 6 9n ,.qqeofo,~nb~~OeoOo.eê.o >OÙ'C>f0o-ofo~aoeoo.foeo- UriGCES1TIOys V L, pkg f--ol5 '50c1 O blades 50e 1 lb bag 39C R PE- 59C /reserving SUPP les Ce rto Liquid 30c- Crystals 2 for 31 c Seal--iliWx 2lbs 33e BLADE ONE REMOVED ROAST lb345e NEATY,, T E NIDER SHORT iRl lb490 Clryovac Maif Sizes Boneoless Rml q Swift's Premium Weluers lb 39C Luncheon Meat lb 54)c Margarine lb pkg 33C ýo Braù'd Margarine' lb pkcg 28c lise Soap regular s"ize 2 for 35c Lf t Minature Marshnm.alows, Il a SHOP RED & HITE 0 .- 2~C= 0 C --C= 0 os J= 0 0 0=O O o=o o land a .acart on Sundiay-. .y~Watt I rs. A. Swrbrck v1ited Nmru said he was interested in coning' Grant i Leskard on Friday night. to Kendlai because his graniln.Lther, M who was [lhen Miss Philp, taughit and Mrs. Wanon of ndsay scýhool in Kendlal. Mrs. Geo. Wbn i 'Sited Mr. Bert Hiado udy ;-,(.l ale of Coldwater vitsit- Mvr. Frank Miller wvent fishing at On onMonIdaLyý Oastler- Lake, Parry Sound Friday an-d Saiturday last week.ý He dlidni't tw.sabusy day for everyone'nmake a bjig catcbtejoyed the ûÀ ~ ~ ~ ~~'i 'X~aa twsteday to tnp eewsa good attendance at thnda School Anniversary ser- 'vice in the Kendjal United Chureh1 on Sýundýay rflol-jjng. Mr. Watt,j Q Pr,ýicipal of Orono High ehol o was thle guest speaker and in hisi Q strytoth ctildenabout a mirr said that ýdif vwe tkefor an image oif ouarwlv-es someonf-ýe wJho h a in re uhrcter, wewv l ý com lkv ha Ulerso. In!i1îs sermon~cif1 nf Powr" hespokeof the- euiu U ~ ~ ~ A1,,; ýýe ë-lu itteraao, u o Q~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ie uatesf gltosmaare set g~~ ~~ t ol.Asolo by - Miss Jd o ý, Fosij r e Sner of0GIlle eof Q je2sus' en v r much enajoye. o jMn WsteuerofSloh I acon1-ý Q 'gnid te coirand AMrs. A. Swar-!ý t0 br11ick wýas the organist for thesig Q1 in1g Of the hymn]s. IRev. R. C. Whîtep O thaniked the choir anid the soloist 11fo thir music and (lMr.-attforj OThef meeting. Of the Women's Ir-! Qstitute ;s postponled to nex t week, O Wednesday, June 24th, and w Uill be Q held at dhe homie of M1.G ah Sar.Mr. Robent Moffat will speaký 0on 'lhe benefiýts we cati expect from-1 QteGo-vern-meat Hospitalization - 0 ganzation and l the Dunham C- Q opratvesaidanjswýen'questions. ~ .and Mn George Clark o To 0nospent the weekend at theLn 11home in Kendal. Q La~ Eith IlFer'guson of Toronto Mrs. Gordon Pnice of Preston, ýcdaug9hter's Of Mrs. A. Swarbr,ý- Uspet a few djays with hier thilwek 01alen 1o SundIay were M rat1 o fLeskardi, AMrs. Ridinjg of Tonon'o~ QadM.aad Mrs. , fe R ghev o of Orono. " n n rs. . . a a d 1. 0agtrRxnao nn n ge ;j in gý >g MOW ,IUSDAY to ,S-ATURDAY, JIJNE 18- 20 CECIL B, DeMILLEIS oun~ePolice", wihGary Cooper,Maeo Carroll in techniecoîor Plus POP-Eye coIor Cartoon Two Complete shows at 7 and 9:20 NETMONDAY to EDNESDAY, JUNE 22 -24 le's going to 1>ust loose tonight! bT the aub whead MR starring Don Murray and Carolyn- Jones Restrictedi to aduits 18 years and over Twvo com-plete shows at7 andi 9-05 mturday, Julie 1othl asit20th Iay evening at 8:15 p. foîowîgour Big Parade through town aCars. - See the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band. FOR THE LADIES * FRIDAY ONG SPECIAL FOR DA With Ev.ry $2.00 Pur< A BOUTLE CAPâP-ý2 MILEAGE "MIN DE ý PRIZES BOTR DATS 260 Church Sre 1BOWNANVILLE, ONT il od Luck MA.3-589 !9c -,,, Phone Orano