>'msure you'vch-r oLrAd aboût uthe satelites inpae H-ow Rusia a 71Unted States are in a rocket ra-e, -~To hear tilrem tîRi wn' e on il sae 1,ycoqurson And thnvhat rnextll a atemrpt, if n shuldreach th-e moon? If mnan shul ver reac -th icon, there's onte thing thiat is clear: Hell rufin everything- up thiere, just as he bas down hIere. ,,Wh sn aad crime, with lustan greedi, he's got enough te do. To dean tip)the mess lhe's -made 0on earlthl, 'Ild(you knowthajt is trule. The sickncss aiA-nd he wnt, thfearthie broken hearts .and sae Thle cry oDf hunlgrfllinsan mani is al to bame. 1 thînk we'dC better set our sigh-ts aibov,,e the moon and sae So le's explore eentwhile therýýe is %ime and gae It's not the moon ive need to reach, it's God- Who put t the-re; Thee Who went t', o Calvary a rug,,gedcr ioss to bear. For sins of mrenit wicked ch earts, Ho died one day at ncoon; Wîth faîth in Hirayu'lhv no fear, if man should 1-eah the moon. -Walter .1-H Uuntley. Ficu cation gret. To avoïid thiswas s pos- sible, it mighit be wise for the youngM mnar or woman who Js edetermnined to leave cschool to pa-use fonr ano i job. Perhaps they should ask them,-ý selves. "Whiere dloes itla? ndc 'How far eau). I go ini itwît m I present education?" If it is a- dead- end j4ob, 11t -migbit be better to con- t0 ask thfe samfequsin-aa. nohryear 0or two at scbool mighit ~open inew deoms toi desirab]e jo)b-op- porunîieswhih' re oou'-t of Inseekîgaluiin aet shoud rmembr, hatno ore bra-nd ;spim tbe çýelf-i-de by ec Jail facinig te probl7er, uSi-ngj oos houjsewo rkcome betw'een ~yo7u -and yourîf1amily? DoL yuoften find yourself worknohar1d fr -yOur family you haàve ittle Lyme to pend w itemn? Thinik of' the miost drueary h-ousehold chores and chances are lil of th-em can, be do-ne better and mz;ore eaýi'ly vwith the hel-p of lecrci With the help of safé, cdean, modJer electrie appliances you get thrfough yourhoswr faster .* . have more time to spend with youLr family. And its always 'a happy economty to choose electric appliances because electricity is so inexpen-rsive. You gýt more out of life whenj you get the most out of electricity. LIVESETTER ELECTRICALLY Local Bail games for I is %wTeei< a~eas flos Pee Wees - June 19, OooatCo hr,1,2 rayT~inine SgrhnoL Julle23, (Dr- L c iâ a c o>io at Port Hope. Junie 2-1, 0Oroo ' V ai. Newcastle. Pïuninfg lo-ur Inteu ateas at Park, Tuesday, June 23rd. Xmas Tree.CNow Bantatas - June 24, Kna at Or- ono1 Du ring late June and early JulY Girls n Fridlay, june 26tb. each yeùar Christaras tree growers Jueils-June 123,. Blackýst(ck at throuighout naroare evotin Orono. their eniergies to tree shapîng. This _________________________is a pruning mand sfiearing treat- cpmmn snse nd ndertaningment, whihcontroat the shape andi ,%- the main jingredients. The p N-es of evergreen t.rees. têncy of thre powder ofnedoter- Sctc; ed, Austrian and Wh'Iite nîines tcho effectivenecss of the ata- Pines are ail shaýped, bu[ Scotchre- r~rniton. spndsbesti to this tr-eatitint. It is, asmstpopular as a Christmias - ftruc because it holds its neeies, I wel. Spuce nd blsat f ir arus- alyshaped du'jrg the faîl andct 1Tree shaping is a highly skilled art, WÏiI t ach grow e rusinig bis own tricks of the tradCe to produce a dis-ý t!tnctive tree. Cbristma5 trees can 1 be growin in m-aay shapes, sizes a-ndC colours, but the rmt popular is stil tedeep green v,;ariety witb thei conîcal forai of the spruce tree. Tne Cista tree ,industry i big business in naro and pro- i andis. in 1957 Ontario marketed 2.21 million trees, wirb a value of $1,- 784,00,0. Much of this revenue i pro- duced on mar.,rginal soils, best sû1it-! eto growjing- re Queen To Be On .::î. TV From Port HopeI *The six-weeka cross-Cïraaaand Durhama14-H Potato Club Joint tour oýf tQu-een Eiaehand Prine m eeting. Philip from Nwoud andt the' July 14l~ Du-hrrt 4-H i13e-ef Caif Yukon Terrcitory vwil bce oered ex-!I Cub wmeig. tensivey by CBC teeisinand! J ul 15, 7:30 p-i.--- Durham 4r-H radio. ýPoulIîtry Club meeting, Dept. Agri- CompleIono temicrowave rnet- cltre 3owmianville. work ta oNwfounland wHi enable, July 15. 2:1Xp..) Ganaraska teleisin viwer ai acros the Authorîity meeting, Couanty Forest. country to w,.Iiness thie royal partY's July 16G - Durham CountiIy Hol- afrîval at Torb-;ay irprtwen steini TwIlighit Meeting, Farta o-f actually occurs on June 18. Mn suand Mrs. uel BetstHapton Coverage of tu vnswillbe 7:30 pM, -Durata4-H Dairy livei wh~ rpsil.This cvr UCî lub metin ,,est fa-rta, age will be supple-mented by films1lampton. andtaed igllgt ommernSries Jl 8- ÙneDititjunior for rudptlvso and radio FrierFil Day, Peterborougbl [programis enitled Royal VîsitRe-Pai Grunds. viewv. Daily nw reports aiso vvi'l be carried on rai and TV. 1 later on the dyWl fficiate at tce Ir Ost elaorate covçrage of unveniingofth Otaa emra anyevet illbethat accorded t to eComne fatha irien-irces the ofiiiopnn f the St. Law-1w c coii lo be broadcast: reeSeaway by tie Queen and In addhiin, IBC7 radio xii cover PeietENinower on June 26., h Qens 1ftt ieSrafr rA ewpraebttr-prtdShaklp ~an Festival o» July 2, rdîo-frequency cramera has bén andacuc evcea otle puchse b CCto spimntO on July 2. 0overageOf tour events by mai Mn mr vents o te rva ard ~ ~ ~ J caeaturWl ecvered byv CBC tele- anuds.a a aarsntdh nto roaOa-goa]bss Ma' at noon y raio andTV, and Dairyng On O[ aageseAri Caadas wilbe rmlde ur- ngthe moth;f Juune ta h dar nd'ustri7ý'S stili One of tiren- tn'slagest, ms mport,,antand most ýCompexbin esses. Over tLhe, yenrs cdairyinIg, i aIil ismaiet ations, basbcoeh1ihly Offigi'entI beginn-ing wîtkn h the prVodu-ction Of! mruR and carrying through to the delivery of Cthfiished product to the consumer. Forinstance, it muight be assun-red that Ile dairy cow- popultionoulîd be incr-easing with ltir nrae l milk pr-oduc- tion wic last ear topped 1'bl lion- pounids. eotire num-ber of daýiry cv owýs in Canada b as not variedisignicantly for aay yearsl rema,ïiaing at a level sIîlihtly bov thiree mlinanmi.Steacily in- ciaingmlk poutowiein- fhuenýed conr a Sasonal basis byý w~aherconitinscanbe drcl tra'ed t hed cilig ad beeding progratas which have resuted i hers ds fmor ih rdutv divided into two min classes: the specity diyfata wir7er-e Fail the incomo isdrve frota the sale of muRl and dairy cattle, aaid (2) the general dahry farta where tihe da iry boerd an d its przoducets a re onljy a part 0f the fartai business. Thre specialtty dair-y fartaM ost likely wvill bc, producýIng fiuid muR foer a nearby city or toDwn and sm br eingstok mabe oidif berd I mebe ar ofgood enough qu a. ityto e ndemnd.Thegenleral of alterntives. Th mi ay be eartdand tý he c-eajm -narketed ie esk-,im m-Wi iskept at home Ssf eedf-1lor hogs or poultry. Here t ihese0fbein stock from he herd from îtime 'to)time rnay be ai nimportanit part of the lar arimers ofteni have some1 cash rainor othe)(r crop to sel!inii adIoto the milK \hich may go to con1-cetrated muRpIank cr cheese factories- is importlant to remnember that muR.1 is niot the mnly prod)cuct of the rnd I he proce(ss of manage- evitcal s a w1 a ows have o be culled in the interýests of herd mproemet, hic inturn is m spnil or thie ipc,(rea<sed ml proûctonmenitionied above. This uing proces is the source of con- --derbl diry incomone it is esti- natd tat 60 per cent of the beef and( 40 per cent of the veal ~n sued 'n Canada cornes from-i dairy~- herds. !in a country whichi somne- tmsbecomés preoccupied with the importance of wheat it is wrth remembering that ia a given, year the farni value of the produets of lCanadian dairy herds exoeeds thfxt ofany other single farm , rodoctt. ýwncluding wheat. Use silver pohish to remove StUbborn stains from iron sofeplate. Neyer scrape or use harsh abrasives. Judgin of te Durham eCounty taking plawe. The judging started Mo1cnday anýd conitinuted thr1oughi Tuesdaýy mand Wednesdlay. The quart- erlî y meeting of thie county hog pro. ducwers as took place MNondicav at Yelertnwhile \Wednýesdaýy 'dhe county Shorthorn Club is holding iîýS first twi1ight mein )f -the year at Gloriadale Farin. Port Houpe Other prJicpal fartaeensare listed: in the calindarwhc fo- JunIe 18,':30 p.m. - shMaaFair Juior ýection Mýeetiing, Brooklin Hall, Brooklin. Junie 2L - Durhaiî Juior Farta- lei Bus T6ur', çirectors foriur' e June 22, 7:3M P-1..-Dra - Shbeep Club Imeetin)g at the f artaG Boyd Ayre, Hampton, Junle 28, :00 ..- Durhamt 4-H1 Swine Club meetÎing at the f arm' of Glen Larmer, Blackstock. June 24, 8:00 p.m. - Durhain -H- Beef Calf Club meetinig atO()IOr chard Park Y'armi, M1iibrooR. June 26, 8:00 p.m. -- Durhama 4-M' Dairy CaIl Cluùb and Hope 4-H Caif Clubib eeting ai the farm of EÈdwin Wilson, Garden Hili. 1June 27 -- Dirhain Counity Junior June 29, 80>pr..-- Duirham 4-H1 Tractor Clu,)b meeting, Ontario De- partment of -Agriculture, Bowman- v3ie, Sublject: Olis and Lubi cation Jualy 9 -DuIrham 4-H-1Grain Clýub-