Thursday, June 2t Orono Onitario ,---,, 4 Subscription l$1.50 ron ented the OronoCamber of Ceryn- SecondColt RuaeW1Commea,- merec olt cr ropy teaMr.!lawrence a" we ySeePtroe RoeeY, 0w ner of the colt "Agate" 02.-'ast iiteroessaiby Thompsoa, Colt Demy. Aat"drn by BiY; Ownedboy BehorBroS.. e lleoey. onb te rps setting a Brook, awnes by E, Cebourg. tiein the f ir lwhat of 2.15 /5 -'len Todd" an-, Uxbidge herse, ThirdColt Race L Lyn Brook, oned by Bretho, took secýond one yI Baty,îarda ili. 2. honours la thýe Colt Derby with 'Snday May Gratan omwd by Samons of Cobeurg, third. aua,0wed b urioCobo)urg A two-year-oD.ot,"aryDi i Sienna'Girlow'ncd by BonePot lard" owned by A. Ferrest -efi Lind- Hope. say set the faýstest tinie of th',e day covering the Orono itrack La thie con- CotCapnsi Rce solaton race in 2.14 '2/5. In ts first î. Aat ne y L. Hooey, Orovno. race of the day Larnry ,ilr rail- -2. GenTOdd owned"- byBrtor ed the fid after ýbre-aking its hobý)- Sbide . Sunday Mvay Grattan, O.H.S Sudentc To>ur Ottawa by onne Tyrri The; na ihShe n co0mImenceId last Suniday evening as thîrty' vsenior students of O.H.S. boJýrded their special ceachl Bow-, rnanville. At 1:15 a.m, the C.P.R [coach departed enroute teOtaa .Mic. Watt, _Mi. Ford aand Miss locbbs were the accompanyviag teachers. Aýccommiyodations h'ad been reser- ved at the Lord Elgin Hotel se stu-. dents deposited their ingagel te assîgnted rom before breakfast. Both Idays were dlvided 'se stu- dcents ,weu1d hssemble la the, hoteîl Orumo SCO-tiog The ey SoutCroup Coimîttee arbalfor, kindlydnaîg h iew eckrchifs e-te îst Orono Don't fer e e eeting 1te-nighl la the iMuicip)al Building at 8:3( oui, bey sScuigatvtewllb addessd b Mr A.L. Jacksn Provicial ield Commiissioner. Pl1ae->r 0oat tend. Mlr. Les Asiet and the boys dis- plaýyed, finle slesmaaýtsipj- at the Or- eneo colt Derby hast Saturday mhen t'heycempet.Y sel'd eut the Pro- Mr. Johanston ai-d Mi-. AsletlW-1 tend takin-g the beys c2amping 0on longWeekendsthîssummeir, i eupetis available. Dieed by - amons,1Cbourg.1. Mart at certain heurs te bcave for guîded j The proceeds f romn the Paper The day., rm the view point of Miteewndb hmsa ecy or oehr Drive on Saturday the l3th June,! lan ad aceheseewers __via geon. On Mlonday this iacluded a visît1amnouited te $13.00, We would iikel acclaimed a success. Attendance numnbered close te seven huadredt h .ii!i uecii h o-ee"_ýi ile ih wvhich is onle f the best attended Cociolatioa otRae .Lryning and a complete tour of hePa- hîs projeet. races la the aîea se far tis Da. illard, oweIyFret îda.liament Buildngs and Grounds af- Manyhavestatd tht te GI2. Ky Brok onedbyIe, CeJt lunch.fl lI__i D-erby was oe f the best odc-bur.3 an Lee Gattn oned H'ere studeats viewed thie Speýak O r NI ed ~ ~ ~ ~ n rae.Tecasoîtet-w yHe, Cobourg. 4. Fairey Rddehl, er's Paadeaa104teed-es mItn «lots was excellent Wth keen cerow ndb .Rî,Orn.itrsigdeaecnena hec ation races wr first uao[ffwithR upt n te Freg AHMnisters Confer- F r tw,,elve colts quahifyin g for the final Eatry Fees........$2.0ec fromn the visitors galery an the e t v chamipionshiip ds.The rmîigGt eeps.......0.5House 0of-Commonls. Eeyoeread- Th-ie ene-actPl.Fetivlte be ,en rap l n slatomAn race mwhh Prmmes......... ...... 179.30 Ypicked eutthe1U Speaker >,f the I held la Orono on rdySptme race set the fntestte of the day. MidWav..........209. ouLs»ne e onourabl Mr. Mkin- -!CI lth and SaturdnLy, Sepjtembýer l-2th j Twooterclssfid ecswee rad tad.............11.3 ' rme Minister 1ljktenbakcer ad, asegt nres h a ts ld with H1areld Heeey's"ustcLarofteO siiaLetretysOswa tIeTara Scett" wnaingthe rond crace, 61/2 ,oso~l.d......269 .Pasa ieadtlneig-tp, 1qe Iay ..2A .Ad.te rma.d.rof the day waswil e irctd b M. eson fourlngs aMdc"anschBell" of aiote0ol e im vryeyet Oshawa. iWlbro harLig tîue top honeurs doniguo his taste. her is aow a psiiiyo od la the 22/4 I cxpnitrs ny heade for a Splash party ing an extra meenîg et the Festi- The wcather vwas ýperet Mfor thesocliton Fees......$11.00,a heCat-1Luieotes-evaSetmbrlthanIltheadul withail aaoncer.............1M0 te At GaHler'Y, the shopping di-cater, Mr,. James Dean, of Toroatoý daier a n colorews ý aded tý1.. ....... ric-tthe rme0vies and acress the Iîs een npproached te giveant- dorves beiag esse a polstheSatîgGte........50 rvr t eveniag fer thîs purpo-se. It s ~bose wee aild e he os by'Rcig Purses.......717.50 the bugle ca3liancd the. fields wrcAivrtsmetAt any rate check-î intre fuev.X oe aithpycabectc- paradeil befece the grandstaad, led Mlerchandîse-.................. 2ý3. 34e a was m ridnîght. ffowever it- ted and that WOL', aio or 3 by Mrs. Bar-low and her duhe.Mselao~........21 may be not everyoae wns seý ex- evenînga with 3 plays inci 1ýonieonSei si(,rle orss, ot 1nuraw, ....... ....... .haustd frmthe scanty suep net M .Dean sh ighly expeened ,wereae on thin sadle hrse. o Isr ane...........3500mi-ethan an heur) on thetrain in estival adj.jdication and is a ha~bits. -$243,6 -m1Y were deld nsleep long before £eunding9 mbr f 4thî Eramal Bandmus$ wn plaed urin ,pu ripa'. AjdcaesGuil. establshed for! Bandindc wa phye durig, :Bright ad arly Tuesday mora- thle piurpose aof standardizing adjudi-~ the day over the public address1 Total recepts anad goods Ii mg ecryonle boarded a ,sighl-seecing cation procedure throughout Car- system. Further there wvas a siaHl on hand............... $1329.35 bus for a tour of, the cýity. A vr ada. rida for the kiddes aad games cf Expens",es..................... $243.65,peuersna l rver made the trip Tfhe OrenoElayers held their skill for the adults. An ice crea ms ua-u and extremely inter- fi-ýst casting meeting last ,veek! booth ýýias in operatioa aleag with Balance ............ 857 (Coatinued page 41 when Mliss MadeHine Teeley heard the main ooth. Imany hopefufls read for lier play.i dap-moted by theOooi~I ~ ~ ~ She has chose. ta cdo 'May Eve' by Chamber of Comm-erce. netted a "« 911& 111001" cD .7l O r.iSLQflUs irrn n Cee -dan 1a-prs o eron. . aima ï,ay, owr Park Swi Aneectv metn ono Red Cross was hleld l eninig at the home cf th-e Mrs. Wr. Armnstrea)Ig, wil bers present, Water Safepty ,Chaira, Don Staples g-aveà her rý queLjstiag thýt 1t'he Red Cre9 som onet be preset ai id for ýt Fal-. t- 19 thI. To HoId Sohool Areci Together wemennn9- mca. 1The comipiete' cat i heanaonued shortly, Re- hersis wll bgia- soo)n aad we Ca look for'wa d tei a fine entry frem The Bordme a Mîîrokgivea hepoerteprc1edw the ac ocaî iop> IV.U51 i uTooey l'sIîgn- ers cDf the Jun:!,17,E15 it wlv ebesmbroitem sccdredfS su- y .experiencdbtîsa crs anship and present. tme .wrkatPot'hoeigh Sor l-addirec-tor, - and the .Orone Play- The Committcc 18 te_ is boin eris are foituanýte te hiave ecurpd Th mnuesefth rguarm-t- iliepooa o a Parking- Lot at ate, owae og f May 20th andi(, et the meetn otHperayfrthjuyme ort Hope.s-j 7soni, Bev n 8hwr prvdission te,0cil for- tendfers on dec- rI ed F. and ThePopry omitewercer'J'ing. ianil p-prL, Tj.uberculin Test mitcwns givea) appreval te pur- Close te 1400 Tuberculin needie îQ L a% U rs cl'lchast a clihmnern eofassnytownrds o Tests were givea la rone on Thurs catine il .al Coreteteamut ay and eda f hast week under rri 'î ineg C u sete esal Cusheatoth! n Liint 01! 1$3,800. 1teSoiosi f11 otu br ona rie Taiîn id-D rday ueiý!si soi' T1hu r ., u y n i Acouitste he mout of $5,250. tien and the Ontario Departmnent of Thürs wcre1 passe2dn for l" pleyment Health. On Thursdlay 791 werc lad- report ministered the test wvith 595 receiv-1 P r og m w s r s e d a d t e i ag I t e e s t o n F r i d a y . of -ýi0 bVestîgate the Board dccf bv--(iedlnt te pro-eedt fus-! This wcck on Mondlay and Tues-1 f ~ ~ I thWrpibîîy~ ~î~er at presea1t. da, hese people returetehv tonda ev- ag Oe kpt pernaentîy in Or- 1A discýussion onla 1possiblsnt nth4tss ed a idpstieori President, eno. oveset clasfage te hve oanf h -1 mcmn- Mrs. Don Staples uid Mrs. AMc-1 Advanced TcrlalEeigclas! -. rfryyaso aet 1v r Keazie arc te approach the Orono 0ses tOolaceandthie Sccrctary X'--ray. Cver 800i) x-i-nys wei'c taken. Prk Board te rcquest more thor- 1waasskdte purlsu'e thle mai'tte turi-cher and reuport ai nximeeting. nar, Mrý. oujgh lcaigof ItheswmigP k ert; --po. r.Sale ortd u olTorsationls weireredad dP Lr r-o an )s p)rovide drvtepo otmbcm,r aianacceptcd «4th regret - A. B. Key ad o egn uI Jthe poobctwhich hd'enwt .Johiansea, bothBofiPort Hope L U r oe t i v e r ei s5 I r a t i o n i c e s , mUl." a1. r L II 1 ae t t (1U IU p e (U 0 tc ti , p o " , smnelcsc be preseat te check bottomr couid netI be found by swiîm and keep attendance. iss i-y j mlg pupils woweete find thîsi Ana AýJrm,-strong %was î-r)d te teachI objee(t by wmmnvudi-a1 simmpia n aCte Orono Park iswt their eyes cIosedI. Ml. Sta-plesl year, startIia'g Tusdy'Juy 2d en igures showm'ing hew im-pori- registraion ce -ins "-Oc,'lThe t aea 1e-a1,iespn er programm--ýe is t ýhr In at non ech-hiag thileugh lim e andImud was w {1i day -with ie ýcSen'ior gou tmelst lanlitesyig and mcnine until approximntelyI Atnniirpotb r. 3 pm. la rderte g ý'e( intuo Kee- shweda alnc e aprx teanau clsses. iimately $700.00 after making a fdo- A resusciator "-sicnilu 'in banatio eheadquarters. te Bwmn ".-w ý asrte -Mr.C. B'lns'eustdtatl there on Tuesday, nue23rdA 275 bottiesAc cd Liver OH l capsuls niumber from Oraoe ttended this be purchased for distributinnx demoastraton I M 's 1 l 'K' nieis te year. 0ý'1POPolce Lrutt,-s 11te view thc work. Mi-. Ruthierford The ronoPolie Trstee onaise satd hat they -werc te0 try 1» Mondy niht ecided te hoOld fast i patch soute of the walks with a niew te thieir Iast year maiii rate Of 7.5, ýCerent surface desïiaied for suech with H. M. Mvercer and S. . uh.a upoe thererdpnsinga m tot this' R._C. Forres-ter repoi-ted on the effeet. BCoth feit that an-,iacrease1 rend program and outlined where- wn'-s neot necessary but were awnre: they inteiided teo o, c hip stonýe and that the year ed surplus was prne- I gravel lit a f ew smail section1s. it ticaly educd t aohing Th i's aise Proposed te ditch the nortýh 1Trustees Went ever thleir buidget, iskife of Station, Street and -meyve a set Up last Decemhber, ad founjd culvert prier to givjing the street a. that te dat eJ ithn een, adhered te. second ceoatinig of ch'ip-stoaie. He There is a sum of $5)50.00 for en-gini- JaIse statcd that hie wouild get in eering, fees whi4ch it \vas f eit %weuld toiuch with the TSwnship te0 have neot be speait anid the chjairmlanaIse the grass cut alii-n the sides of the Oa f the o1piniion that the rUoad ond s sooni as possible. budget wo)uld aise be und(erýspent,. Thie buring eof bbs behind S. B. Ru'lteford rePOrtedi thatistores atga-ini came up for Cdisocussion $527.7-5 hnd been spent on sidewalk ýand a seconid inistantce of a minrA consructout of thie $1000.W0 tire wvas reported. The Trustees budgt. H-e \was instructed to obtain telt that possibiythscdiot aprice te move the curb back on should be looked inito furthiex' aad a thie west side of the businiess sec- meeting,, was arranged lihte tin as nlready startcd at the north- Fire Chief te discuss the matter on west side. A matter of rnisijng thihrsn light. The secretar'y, I sidewalk on Park Street east was E. Mvihîson,'stteth at quite 'a few discusseci with th.e decisioni that hiad recenitiy paid thleir fee fer fir-. better drainage should first be iii the Townvîshlip and saîd tnblishied on the street, Tite chair- thlat some Viliagers wei'e esking mnan reminded iie Board of the pro.11whiat weuld 1h-appeni if Che fi-e truck pesed Ceb Hill projeet andi S. B. was oni a Towi-shtip- cal a,ýnd n local i.Rutherford statcd Ithat he had yet tire breke enut. It wa',s arc that to get Mr. Totteai, Counity Englaceer, (Continueýd page '2) Overcrowding In High Schools Curt-ails Options At rn The foowing is a letter sent eut te th le sehools la Clar-ke Tewnshiplyend niormaý,-l cpapacity ac~pce byo thec Pincipal of the Orono High iat Bomnvle xt Spebr Scheo].. The childi-c andthrpaes IThet Tea-lces et Grade 8 classes I shou>ld be iaforimd, lowcver, -that The alpoinmn1t of the fioig Oe ffycid-nhave re ýgister- I Scoils Sehool lBoadnatcintdthisannd Tcachex's were confirmed for Sep,-.-cd te take part la the Summner Re- iether 4Ilouserîous,, problemis which would tcnei t Bwavl -Ms rain prgram at the Orono Park da- r r Moly ewtt Miss Natncy Snellingths year wlict is agasn beigspn Wod you indy inform tdoso et aad, lanfact, began almo-st tw'voyas - alitI or Hpe-issAM. IRigsby, D(ei socain oe-eblîdren Wlinh rd 9(4h OooHîhpîcil f"equality c eucî*o C.DrîîwaleJ. S-. Scott, G. S. e1olon epcaing day aMd uo teuý- Shel hîs Spebrththmyoetnt." hthshapp ee t Wake ad .G. \Werner -a Mi- rd mr)epC'ted 'altogetfier. ntbepssbe eprvd te wt t frsghedporam i to brook - Is. lads Armstrog and The program ilicme on: 'lnssslindustprî n rs and Home common kaowledge la the county. Douglas Hodgsorî (Pincipal) a- at nday Juy 6t0 and continue forEenomies. Peaesurtestdet tati Orn -Lmoe itespo Pria- four weeks. ,,The poi'mwiliu cp:li \1ymrigfrom 9 te 12 WCthas- Since theroe igh Schooi stoU-mhsufrtntmiole ntb semly eig a te Oon Muic- dnt hae>een t 4,ngIthee o-sovdat this time, evcry effort thi ptosputoprprie o l hrg fth grm f any- School, overcrowding at :Bomaa- at tecris osbeopruiy sehýool sitla ilbok-teio'oisaeested la assisting withlville must iaevitably effeci tle e-, Youirs vei-y truly (Cuntinued page 2)> me program there n-estree Saungs1operaîve nirangemPent. Clbassesb-W..WatPrnil T s Ellizabethan Age 4Topic At Even. Auxiliary Th1 j-e Eýenin Auxiiary et on t1roýuble. The uee n makes ne.,)de- 0hrdy'einJn 8latecsos and has niegovi-rning )Ï.wer Sunday eho Auditorium of te u is the voice of !he Primie Min- jÉ îOrono United( Churcli. .sterl so is just the symbol of pwr Drtywatt, the president, op-, Prince, Philip's -11e as a consor fi enied the' meeiný'g with a readling wa a difficuit position te be lrand andpraer.Shethe tunedtheMr. Romeril 0te ld whythis %vas. overte rs. ongand ýAdel lîP lianiked 'the speaker meeingand said we ,were ail glad' he coulci Ethl Trrei. lotsay n io te rsLong, Thle hymrîi, We have an Ancher, The business part oIý th~~ eet was sungj, soripture was read byywas theni, dce.l.cneto ThelmaVag Doris Mvoffat gave in1 withithe w '.A. jo)iaing us, a vt was rinterýestiig reading ,oniRspnibt tknas te whiether we staye,7 the ity vand cosdwith a poem "Yeur wy weare utlsuch t me a ed- Mission". A lvl solo was given 'by eraiencoesi L5ý2; or te make- KayChaman accmpaied by m,,eetinigs untîl that time, tobing StlaCarson. Anothier ihy ma, Wa nohrgroup t tedteWA aFriend We, have in Jesusj, was1back what they coýuld e3f the or Jung ithn Mrs. Lonig intlroduiced of the, W.A. Thle vote cridte stay our guest speaker foýr [the eveing, a1s %we are uil federation. A letter Re.PhilipRoei of BlaCJkstock. ,was te be Sent te, the 'W.A. telling ,rii Long !haci heard him speak on011them eïf eur decision. Th Elzbtan Age alt th Canadi- an Cubandhadenjyedit e wîî, A discussionfluedrgdi. shje wihete Auxdiiry ladies t sending a grlte Whit!by, for, a fi;ve herh ijse. it was a very ey day courAse onuedshp It wvas deO- topic as the Queen and Prince Phill- cýided to sponsor a glirl if there was ip arrived in Caniada that day. HeI one interesited In attending. m-entioned thti, wsi Elizabeth 'Dora Morris iaie he ladies 1»ý lst r-eiga tlhat the flag w,,as plante, -er cottage for a pcl in July. atNefondan.He teld h""ou lTe iviato ws-ceped 'ore uenwaS Qucn of thie'vageanprtcas later. ersef nglnd nd s the emblm 1, After the beniediction, lun chwa a" nelaqs osiuns.The ar- sred asysandicsrlhe istocrats 1have net the rpull now that and tea vasenye by alh. Durn g thyue ehv.The English ithe social Lpart of the eCvenýing,. 0'. Ve peupe ae cangng iththstims. i surýprised Dorethy Watt Whathadbeg n aQueen Elizabeth wt w hsnrs _ la thaIý t\we- th stsreg hdchan-ged im- weýre very Soriy teloe u Pres- NoInrese in Truste Miii1 Rl'tate, ÉSeu rplUS Drops r 19 avu N N N N N N N. N. N. N N N N N N. N '~~1 N N N N. N N., s N N N. N N N N N N N. N N 's N s- N N N N '1' " N "s N N N N -4 N N N N N N. N N N