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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1959, p. 2

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= ANNE I4IRST "Decar Anne IFirst: 1 need somecbodyý to steady me before 1 do something ýfoolis'h. I datled a boy 1I thoughit was perfect, until 1I.iearned lie was datingm-y best friend too; lie took lier tLo new places SQ ;they wouldn't mneot me, Froil, then on I le-t them nbo)tli -very muýcli alone,... "Now liýelias cone baCk to me a-nd cals or sees me every n1-ilit as e sed to -- but wliener wve -make a reai date to go out he doosnr't sliow up! Hoe sayvslie loe je ut do you cal'tliat love? if ho w'ere dIý I'd miarry hinm tomorrow. He- is even spreading tlie newýs tliat %ve'r e enýigaged - wh!-en ho riasn't eveni proposed! wliat Caniyou do ithb a o iethat? If 1 didn't tink Stork-Time Style r <r r r- <r r r r <r r -r r-- <r -r -r 'r <r -r <r -r i <r -~ - t. ~- -.~ <'~ ~Ž - -~ - ISSUE Z6 - 1959 1'd soe 1hlm-1 tdmrrow 1 d1on,'i kniow watIshouild 'do! COUINT HM OUT * The ifirst trait dmn et0 *any friend is hnsy-andc * low can you caîl thîs nhlon- *est? IHo doubie-Crossed You *with yýour best friend; shie wasý *as guilty, but that doos nlot *lessen lis deceit. Ho wer * is love, thon when ho-lan *to tLa ke you- any-where lie *doesnr't show Up. Hoe spre-ads *the story aof your coming mar- * naige, and ho hasn't even asked7 *The enrotbons you arouse in *ù hm ae sujerficai, or li * would se00 you evory chance ho had, taking you out, show- *ing youI off, building uir that *confi-ldenceý whicli every girl *needs C, feel for the boy she *loves.1 eHolas no regard for *i 1he' deer quni-Laliït ies, n *thouglit For anything but 1to- * dy' plasrowhen liecAn on- * joy your friendshlip and your1 *love. You couildaf Live wi-th *hulm for long, you kinow; you * eraily could not expect *i hlo celîiand protect you *ma a good iuband slould. * Wthi a year you probably * iol d ibe sa isiilusione:d yau *would wv'ish youlifa4 nover mel-lt *You' only escape fromn tis >* painfuil situation is f0 sound hlmr *away for good. Yeu deser-ve a *man finer flaun lie is. lIfy0o *will list aill the ,qiualifies that * aea good liusbanrd, you *will se0 thaf lie lcsams *evei'y one. *Wake upt, 1bof ore you wate Sany more finie and stop off theý *deep end. SUMM1,1E R PROBLEMA "Dear Anne Ilirst: Our sum- mers arie loveiy out liero, and I love Io gar-don. We have ibeen maj^rned njeariýj7y a e aad myý husband will not aliow mae ta wear sbhorts - yet lie ca't pass a, girl who dos wfoufurning bis bead. for a second look. 4I shoulda't lot this little habit infuriate mei, but 1 can hariy keeop stili about if. 0f course, lie just laughus! ANGRY NOW" * bMon are just about as in- * consstnt as they say wornen *are. Somne prohribit their wives *from usinmake-up, cutting *their hair orwerg reveaiing ~clothes;, but the sanie mon can't *keep eyes front wlien other * xomon makestce most Of *their cliarns. * Wh?Ecuse tliey donti ke *their wivs o attract oflier *maies. *Wliy dignify the subojeet by *commefýnt? Lot your 'husband 'loci ni-ay be ïn love, but if your boy fiend is neot Tkeeping you happy there ss ehngwn. Remake your rifles before YOu assume thie doormat raleieta speils dslu Ion. tme of cont- fauio, -write ta Anne 1Hirst at Box 1, 123 Egtot St., New Toronto, ont. Obey te trafisgris - thley are piaced there for y 0 U R SAF FU* 71U1 RESEMABLANCE IS NOTED - Jamesi Cagnley, left, wholi pla-y Ihe partof Adm Wlliam F. NOISey Jre, ight, ina fortco'ming wMovie, talks aver a scene with the retfired admirai. Picture's locaýle ond story wýilIdea-ýi witlh Haisey'scomn on Guadcll- canaI in 19421 The mren aeshowrn h-iHollywood. RALLY 'ROUND, BOYS - 'he Fiesta of the F*ive -Flags in Pe- saDccla, âets under woy cos the city celebratýes ifs quadraicenten- niial, Flagbearers are, , Io right, Ann Morse- with Spanlishi fla-gê Dottie Culvert Ccnýederate; Shirley Wise, lJnitci States; Sylvi Martin, British, an,, Ferrel Wehner, Fr ench. Fiesta commemloratles years cf rule under eaach ag 0f 'course everybodly knows the bluebnid is an omnen of hai- piness, and last week, you rnay r eembor, we had a bluebir o OUr acre lot. Weili, flhit littile bird mnust surely have got lis ignais crossed becauso lest week w a sn't exaýctly the hapies we've kno-wn. And al',on, IC- count c-,' biackflîes. When we wo-rL up at Ginger Farml threei ,,eeks ago Partnier gotafe bites on bis fJorehead. They wer i o ut -no worse flan itos u1sually areý. Two weeks later a big lird ump came UP h front of one, ear. The seln spread into Partner's neck and up tn one oye. The theýr sidt of bis face was ls,-o gefting -9stFff anti num-b. A visit to the édoc- ton was definiteiy indicafed. Di- agnosis . . . secondary infcect'i fnomy the bites. Treatmnent1. jdaily injections of penicillin andJ vaflous drugs by mouth. I'm tellinig yu, Pantnor- looked a menss. However, Ïthe treatmenLCt soon beg-an to take ePfecIf and as the sweliig subsided the in- fection becamne localîzed ta t two original bites and they ho- gan to lok ýsonetIhing like a hou.Howeerthere is stU enogl swlingta giVe par- nerI'S noseaque ooîgsir The nasei starts outrunni(i noth and soufli but Sthe tî pointîng east or west, aC-ccring to which way he's iooking. ýWIIule atnrwa hainghis,,it0i bout \itli infection I dt,,eetped a rotncl osltsan'd sunmoncolds sceornta ho quite p)roe-lent just nw Other events last wýeek wr of a -1a1ppier nature. One day we l-ad caliens -nilbuswe wve wore at Ginger Fanm. They came to warn us WCoMwEre going ta ho neiglioursagai. Nigs bouns", Ioci1ed whtdo you man""Jusýt Vwlat I sid. 'Ne have sold aur fsan and bave houglit a bouse in that subdi vision 'Just ecross the-2 road froui you." Weil, that was a surpr'ise. 0M course wo lnad ta go aýnd seeU tIe house - !inthe Mucl publi- sized Credif Wo-odle-nds. If is a wonderful hbuse, bout not quifo finishod. Split level, four-piec-e main bathroom, fwa-piece wasli- n.ooni. off the masterberan sbower and wasliroomn in She basomnt and a sink in the roc-- reation rooni. Tim-e was wlien, ive were glad ta have nA bth- roume-t ail. Now a ano-baflIirooi bouse is completely out of date. 0,' course thig lovely hbuýse was on thie 7S u1sal -li lot and wvhel) we ailmamebacli home I fboullit I de~cfe a oo envy in ar i neigibars'eyes as wve le around our spacýoius lot. Hw ever, it aI] depends on whata persan 1 ss.Iguess wo ove c rathe-r bho a s=a11 toad in a bic, puddle flan a big taoad u) smnall puddle. Our friends rmay lave quite a different reason forlctigwliere they lave. Incidenit ally the fact that aur former neiglibouns have solci thieir f emm moýanstfha t ouo:ý f aithful old PRusty must le adopr- cd by yet annotlier famiiy. Thene are several fa1rmens wlio wawt hlm 501ILglueshoLewill alwayýs bo sure- of a gaod home. AnotHen event fbIs week 'wvas a siga aof botter thing-s ta came for thîis district. Trucksý. and a township cre-ne camre Long ýthoe road ulioadling pipes in pnep- arto for tle installation Of a to-wniship wa-to-r syser sni- timo thilis yoar. It wan t Leo fo soan for sonme aur neiglibours as quite a number of wells wn dr1y lait yoar. COur wel !astedl out ail nigî1jt bult we shal put fle water lanji t 1e same - mgtas well wben we lialil',7o taxedi a cer tain amnouat fori, i unyway-i. Hawoverci, we lape ta wor ot saine kn of a schem,ý swecan kee,ýp aur weil-water for the gardon. -Won't it ho aq flinili ta throwv wator anound shauld walor restrictions be im-- pased by fIe tawnship! We certainly need ta tin about wýater for the gardon as we seeni f0 o in a dry boit eround here. Offen wlien flore is rain everywuýhene else e are leff sittingP higl ianid dry. That was, partictilarly true last weeku - ain lafbs of places but ntt enough f0 go arounid so we got just a sprinkle. Hîowever, the Pickîing up an1axe, euiu far'm worercept selhl a warmds theý midle-aestwr of fIe estate wherýe 1lievwasitom- Hohtdthe stew-ard.Twc, had ireprimanded lhm for ak li so mpuli tha ie otr m m t illieLii steward a t tho fiirsct oporilVnity. ýtC[1 foun-d hîim du nri ng t heuidda i iiy break stigwith hiis 1-er old dagIm21te,.little knowving' tliat a Young man wiîth mre in, l i-3 hiea rt, was ceein ip behind himl Whe:n 'the youn 21man 9go witliin str-ikinhg is-tance, lie glanced round to rmake sure he was unobservedi, tinaimied 'd blowý, at tlie stewardl's hcad. 1But exanctly at that moment the stewanr d's littie daugliter lifted up lier face for a kiss. Her father lient forward to kiss ber- and tlie axe missed his liead by inclies. A child's kiss hiad saved a mani's life. Dumfoundd, the old-b(e k'iller fled, Ho waS arrested al, TheLre are scores ofstng and senainisories connleot- ed wi-tiis ,sing. For eape a, Cnnecticut hliusan ws gatda divorce bjecause lis wifeliad been "cruel" ini kiss- ing hlm aflter slie had beeni kiss- ing lier pet mice! Marie, ýa beauty born 'of noble Russian parenits, enjoyed kissinig and encouragePd mon wno attracted ber to kîss lier pro- fusoly. As slie grewv to woman- hood, she acquiredI more anid mrore,- loyers, but quLickly Tiîr ed of tliem. Thon slie met a young mnan whio told her, passionateiy. t 1 't hier kisses were "like rarie w i nnd mucli morenintoxicat- in1 She eloped with linl, oiy to begin an intrïigue, shortly aftrwrd wtli his brother, wosooni ended lis own lifo in despaijr whlen lie f ound her fai- ing to respond to lis kissos, Nexýt, uniknowni to lier hius- band, wýho hadi persuadod hlier to retuirn to hlm, slie eith ed wvith her kidsse a handiÀso-rne guardls officer. A wok ate- gardon is growing, in spite ofcd Yesterday 'Partner put ýin to-maI, plaýnts and next vweok lie %wJl likely put in a second sowing l o vyhn, Tue slirubs -.we- bouglit are doing ;fine. i arn par- ticulariy pleased wL-th my"Pr sian Lilac". Leaves m-uch srnallar tlian tlie common liiac wvith flwrspikes- a iovely Jeep, rici1 mauve. We also put in a cherryý tree and a liarvest apple. BIt ohi dear, what a lonig time Èt takes to get a treo establislied and realiy start growing. Tre ýs we put in last year sceemliardlyî to have moved at ail. But stilli ii theo 'lng ru-Iliwe shalllikely bho farther alieadi than onie of oujr nieiglibours and liswieAnou for qick resuits they d'ig i )p and br-ing home - from d1-ear knowýs vwhere - treos 1and, shrubI), mutcilibigg-er than cany we av got. They hnave the poor things7 plnte1tCd inside of f ive rminu7tes and la about two vweek1s thoy arecý dead, Last f aliltlioy moved six, liealthy evergreens frorn one sidie of the gardon to the othour. They alildied. Even î il t suvives i,, soems tlo me e-very time it is mîoved a year's got is lost. 'Perhaps that doos flot aIpply if the tree-mnoving job v,, docne b-y experts. As we arie fROt exp)ertLs we transplant trocs whlen tie are smail and thon wait for teni to grow. A slow process, it's true, but it' ss hýear-,tbreaking than. seeing- theniý wvither and dic "Only God' can mnake a tree" but m.-ankind can eranydo a Lbrough job of kilîing tlelï off ulpon occasion.' 4520 2--10G Easy - sOW Wonder Patterni Whip p t his gay, princeis out- fit- la a jlffy. Iranif l ina ajiffY, foo - no fuss on frilîs. Clloose briglit cotton. pn-inlfed Pattera -l45,20: Cliii- dnen's Sizes 2', 4, 6, 8, ý10. Size 3 undres-s takes l1% yards ýý35- inch fabrie;, boiero ¾j yard. Pninfed directions on eaci Paf- torn part. Ensier, accure-to. Send FORTY CENTS (404) (stamnps carot Le acceptOd, use postal n-ote for safety) 'for fIls pafte(ýrn. Please -print piainly SIZE, NAMIE ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send onder ta ANNE ADAIMS, Box 1, 123 Eîghfeenith St., New Toronto, Ont. HE WANTED THE WIIOLE TOWN TO KNOW-No one in Weihersýfield had_-any doubts about why Mrs. Mvýau'hew Rini wenrt to the hospital Nolt'i they happened 4to be skygazing. Mle-tati letters (-.Id the story. The, Rinis have three daughters. tco. Fashion ý,'must" for mother-to- be,. Thls. graceful top is wonder- fuily c,ool for sumrrmer. Pockets to trini with embmoidery. Ptru723; maternity misses' sizes 10-12; 14-16 includedl. Pat- ternupieces, embro-idery fransfer, irtosfor sewî,ng.' Send' THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (st',am-ps cannot ho accepted,' use postl nte for safefy) for this pattenu to LAURA WHIEELE, Bx1, 1123 Elghteenfli St., New Toranto, Ont. Pint plaiiy FAT- TfERN JNUMBER, your NAMWE andDDPVESS. ceid for a copy of 1959 Laura Wheeler Nýeedlecraft Book. It lias lovel-y desiÏns tf0 ondc e broidery, crocheOt, knifting, wecav- lng, quiltinig, toys. LIn fIe book? aÀ speciai sur-prise ta, make a litti1e ggil pp - a eut-ouf dcoli, elothes 1ta color. Send 25 centls 1or hisbook. sh bga trng 0of ancn- ceied a subtie plato id lie- Fof of hlm). fomdher Ihusband weeshe was dining with thîs lti oe and as she heard hhm approacih them, she pruese ler lips pas- sin te tale lvr' oti That kiss had the effoct she desired. Her liusband drew lis revolver and killed lier lover. Eventon this kiss-crazy wo- mnan wsnot content. Fortbe sake of li-er ki'sses, an amoroýus " lawver ebzze is clienits' mjonoy, only to lie discard-d lu i favour of a pince and a count wh3o Iboth found iî er lips irre- sistible. The count wspersuaýded ta insutre li1fe n i er favouÀr for $ý6Q,O0. Tiat isrnoseal[ed lis fate. Thle heartless ai begged th-e prince to shoot the count wvhom, she aleged, lad ill-treated lier, The bargain with the prince was sealed witli lingering kiss and, one more tragedy stood to the account of this "modern vampire," as she- was called last century. K isses lias been known tro cause accidents. Retuirning hiomne one evening, a lovestruck Atlanta business mi-an saw lIis; wif e sitting in n arm-chai rd imnpetulously sat dow,,n on lier lap and kissed lie, rapturously The resuit was disastrous. He found ho liad broken' ler riglit leg. in Scotlanid there's a dharmn- ing young woanwhO Wl t noeverforget whbat hIappened when liersweethema h aleft s;ix-_footer, isedliergood night after tiley lad been to a dajncý. She fainted. The you-ng maýn called a doctor, wlo discoverei that the giml's nos was broken. y, P.

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