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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1959, p. 3

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On. hundircd yasago on Sundaý'y, MaTy 81s, London'a Big, Beni boomted out for the firatL Lime. The centeniary was 10 Lte marked by an exhibition lanthe Westmiinster Jawel Tawar an by other caiebrains, inc1iuding! a1 caremonylan New Palace Yard. Big Ben's voica la known la moat 6fofIthe woriit, but probabIy' - few peopfla are aw,ýare of the unique circumistances la whicb th. famious bell got ils name. One day la 185C thara was e, spirited dacl eaelathea House of Commil-ons over Ibe naming of tle bal]Iliat liait been casl, for the dlock lowar linliae acantly re- builtît ouses oï Plarliament. Sic Benjamin Hall, M..,iba- ChiaI Comîissionjer of Works, animes figure of a -n wit a aepboorniing vaice, virluas of the bell, which lie_ decscribed as Ibe nj'obletsl and fia- est la the worlIt. Wlien aI lasI hiý oration w,ýas over hie sat down, mropping nis brow ad i a wagisb m ember callait out loudfly: "Why nol nanme Ilie bell Big Ban anit bave done witb il?" Amudit oarcs ornai har i HIouse aitcoptecd this suiggcstion, anit Big Bani lias kaýpÈthIbt namre evar siaca. Before ils original, waig-hing 151,2tons, wa1s casflic ,.b largeal bell la Englaýnit was the ana aIt York Mvinster we-i-,iging l04tons. People expresseit amazemaent whan lbhey lea,ýrnl Ibat the "king of belîs" for the "Great Clock aI Westminster" wvas ta be f ive tons beavier. Ha-,vinig been cas i a foundry la Norton, near .Slocklon-oin- Tees, lb. bell was shippeit as deck cargo aboard a smali coaster. But a liaavy gale was encouniteneit off Flamborougli Headt, ait for thnee itays thie litIle vassal tumblait and tosseit in lieavy seas, whîle ail banida prayeit thal the great bell would not break aitrift fnom ils lasb- igs andt sink the ship. When aI last lb. Nore lightship was reaclei, everyoae. breathait a ,,igliof vrelief. But af er a !ew moablis cft use ' la lb.,belfry aI Westminster the bell cracked. A second on.- was therefore ordereit froni Messrs, George Mears, of White- chapel, who hait been making belis since lb. middle of lb. ixteenth century. On October 8th, 1858, the task af! hoistiag il andithlb.four &maller belîs whieh chie lb. quaters was bagua. This took gevenal days. When eventually hoisted la position, 1h. second Big Bon waaslung la an oak beam, two feet square anit rein- foreit by imon plates, lo prevent damage. The bell was not quit. ouI 'o1 its troubles yet, howeVen, for on the. day il xvas du«l ta ring ou,~ over London for the firattlim-e thl. dock refusai t bwork. The waiting tlirong below roared it îs derision, and a week later 'Punch' came out with a carý- taon depicing the incident. However, the mnechanical de- eted was put iglil andt on May 3lst, 1859, tlie new Big Benl, which weigbs thîrteen-ada-al tons, -andt cost $200,000, began% its long and failliful service. ONE FOR THE ROAD? Carrying out the xiishaa of lier publican busband, bis widow, wbo lived in Saadbridge, had a t;tone beer mug set up on bis grave. FACIAL BAROMETER - Casey Stengel's mobile mug mirrors the- misery thc&î went with ihe proud Yankees' recent cool- chute descenito 0the cellar cof the America.n League. Worse, it was the first lime thai the Yonks hit bottomn during the years of Casey'sý tutelage. FgIut Was Short But FUrous! It wa a istakce f0-christen the Firpo baby Luis Angel, for- lie grew Uip to be anything but anigelic -- in the prolÏessional1 senise anywaY. Luis became a boxer, and a veygood one. But angelic? Eveni in 'hi native Argentina, where they are not noted f or angelic dispositions, Luis became known as the "Wiid Bull of the Pampas," and this was a mucli better titie. He was , bul-like iii nearly every sense: a giant of a man weighing 215 pounds, thick'ý-neck- ed, with massive shouiders avid forearmns powerful enougli 10 fell an ox. Thougli he had only a fieetingý glimpse of wor!-l fame, Firpo is still rememberýed as the man wlio knocked Jack Dempsey out of the ring ini a world heavy,- weigcht tîtie fîglit. Ut las ta be added that if only lie had not behaved s50 mucli like a WîLdt bull lie would have become champion himself. His brie! clutch at thetie liappened in Septemrber, 1923, after lie had beaten Jess Wil- lard, i former champion. Dempsey liai just been takeni fifteen rounds by Tomrmy Gib- bons -- the first time for five years mny of bis figlits had gone the dfistance -- andt the questionà was whetlier lie was slipping. The arrivai of Firpo, hailed as champion of lis country, gave promioter T e x Rickard the chance to show w7%hethier Demnp- sey was on the slde. Firpo had tremendo0u à strength and the ability to throw wicked riglit hooks and swings. If Dempsey, strong as lie waý,s, shouid get in the way of one o! these biows lie could very easily meet the samie fate as Willard. Dempse'y's own strength, of course, was well known, but much was moade of the ferocious- ness of the "Wild Bull" in t1he pre-figlit pu.blicity. Probably flot even Rickard,is instigator, kinew what lic a stirring Up. But lie was perf-ctlY Satisfied when over 85,000 people poureit int tbe stadium where the figlit was t ake place. The takings reacheit one andt a quarter mil- Lion dollars. And in three mnin- utes, fitly-onle seconds of actual f iglting it was ail over. The UNEXPECTED VISITOR - Policemen Millard Waddell (lefi) anid Nelson Atenl are crouched over lhe body of a large block bear they shot and killed in the center oJ Baltimore. No one knew where the 'animal had come from, but about 100 policemen in 40 squad ccrs w,ýere used in pursuil of if. Wîld Bulil o-,'Ilie Pampas iad been llirown axed tlnmed. Yet none Cf .the fans grudged a cent of the mnoney. They -iad witniessed mioîe acion an.d sen- sation anit ups and downs - la, every sense -- than they coulit normally expect to sec nla laf a dozen figlits. Reporters counted -no fewver than eleven knockdownTis, thougli somne were so short Ibal tIle timnekeeper wvas unable ta begin, countinig. Dempsey himseif went down tw-,ice; the firs tlime was on. of thie moat spctiacular anIt' most famnous kniock-dowýns Ibal the sport lias recorded. Juat how seriousi1y Demn-psey took ail the wild publicity tonies about bis opponent la liard ta Ïudtgp, bu~t ringaiders noticeit that he seemnei unusuallynev andt exciled during 1he. prelii- Firpo hiai a wveighlt advantagec of about 25 poundawc, allei bo bis great strengîi andt quite a lurn of speed, was enougli 10ý give even so bougli a warrior a.s Demopsey sornething ta thînk about. Andt the Argentinian certain!,, mneant business. With almnoat the first blow oi the figlit, a lerrific piie-dniving riglit, lie alowed Iliat the toies of bis sîrengîli ilad nol been exaggeraled. But Dempseywa in superbù condition anit neyer flincheit. - deed, the biowa bis opportent landeit oniy roused him ta ainges. The "ManassaMue,' fameit for bis scientific fighting, threw science ta tlb.windIs andt lofe iibtobis opponent. Firpo coulit flot. take punialiment as weal as hie couid handit i out, anit ha sank ta the fioor. -H.e beat thie caunt e2asily enougli. But scarcely liad the timekeeper ce-aseitcàiigthanl lie wýas downî once more. Then againî h. was felieit, and again. Twice lie went ta bis knees. but regained a fighting posture,. be- fore tbe count coulit begin. The., end seemied near, andt Dempsey, scorning defence, gave hlm na respile as lie adivanced. thnowing punches with bolli handa. -Firp a liitbeen down seven limes in blinI final round before the. real sensation liappeieit. Dempsey, rus-hing in for 1h. kill, made no effort 10 gel out of the w7ay of a Iremendous riglit swin-g whicli bis Challenger aimait aIt bis chin. The blow crasheit homne with Eickenîng force. Dempsey, stop- peit in bis tnacks, overbalanceit, andt pluniged straîglit Ilrougli the ropes on 10 the Press table. Re.- lentlessiy, the timekeeper tolled off the seconds as the champion, itazeit and hurt, pawed at the ropes la an effort to pull himself back labo tb. figiht. Somehow, lie got back, but lie lookeit a patbetic siglit, bleeiing from az number of cuts, bis ans hianging dowa and jaw unpro- tecteit. Firpo lunged la. On. solit punch on that open jawA, eaitlil woulit all b. over. Firpo advanceit on bis heip- leas opponent. Blow aften blowý rippeditobDempsey's body, andt lie sagge to10 is knees, but re- gainpit bis balance before the cou.nt could stant. He> could scarceiy pusi out a glove mn an attempt to stop bis opponent, aidt1he question was whelhier lie coulit survive iiilb.theendt rf the round. It was here blinI tle WilitBll cf the pampas liveit up tobis name - tragically so frornibis point of view. H. puacheit away with ainoat ymaniacai frenzy aI Demnpsey's body, a tanget whiCh miglit haveý been a hunk oif steel for ail the effect th. biows had. That unprotectedi chia, on which a chance blow liait lancldtot cause so mucli damage, leie lf alone. This msaecoat Firpo the championshîpo. Dempsey somiehow inanageit 10 stay on 'is feet 111 bhe enit o" lbe final round, anit wbaa lie came ouI p-for thQsecnd iring£- * a g a AGENTS VWANTED EARN Casýh i your Spare 1inie. Jubt sw your friends Our Christimas and Ail-Occasiont Greeting Cards (inceluidlng Religlou1s). StationeQry, Gifta. Write for samplea. Colonial Card Ltd 4w9-B1 Queen East, Toronto ,2 ARTICLES FOR SALE FIllE Alarms, souinds tond alan whe ire la amal, every home should be protecteti, bang anywhere, na installa. tion cost, gu.aranteeti. $7.95 prepaid. re. sale offer. A. Hlare, Bath Ontario. WORLDWIDE Gve-Away! Carton 100 ldouible-etige biue blades $500 vaueo, 'offly $l.25. Or send 25ý for package. C. . Wallon, Box 1154,fn, Texas. Pockcet Book Exchange SEND three pockýet booksa ad 25 cents. Receive three different. The Book bhoo, 7 St. Clair West, Toronto. BABY CNCKS BRAY has Ames, duajl purpose and Leg- borns, daýyold and started, promipt ahlp- ment. List available. July-August broul- er s should bie ordered now. Dual pur- pose cockerels, prompt slpmeint. See local ageLnt - or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BOYS' AND GIRLS' CAMPS BOYS 7-16; borsebacit niding, awim-. Ming, brimes, etc. Goot i mals. Wýrite. Circie Bar Dude Rianch RLR 1 Cale- don, or phon-ie 57R13. CAMP CENTENNIAL for girls 6 to 14 years. 50 iles froni Toronto. Estali- liahied 30 years. Vaieti actîvities Ex- pert leadership. Brochure on request. Direclor Mrs. V H-iclngbotlom, Island Grave, P.O. iLakýe Slmcae) Ontario. In Toranito phone Mrs. Woolard or Mirs. Horst ME 3-3772. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LEARN Auctloneeing. Terni soon. Free catalogue. Reiscb Auetios Col. lege, Mason Cty,. Iawa, Amrerica. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE HARDWARE Store and / or Heatlng, Pluning, Tinsmithing Business lnin i- dustrial town. Reasonable. Apply Box 367, Perth, Ontario. GENERAL country store in linger Lakes area. 12 miles Watklns Gien, NA.; 6 roomas, bath, 2 acres. Grass $50,000, Grocenies, gaa, cil, beer. tirage, drygoods. Owner golng soutli. $23,000 complete. WiUl finance. Ivan Carnet. Dundee, N.Y, R No. 2. Call 456XI. FOR SALE MEATING anti plumbîng businesa. Fully equipped, gooti opportunlty fer aggres- sive persani. HERCO SALES COMIPANýY, GODERICV OAIRY EQUIPMENT PERFECTION militera wth standard or automnatie cqptrol, floor suspended or pipe line types, have leati the wpay for over 40 years. Installation and' serv- Ice anywhere tin Western Ontario. Our prices are always Interesting. American SepArator Sales. Plione Carlaw 2821, Gotiericli, Ont. FARM BQUIMMENT FOR SALE FARMERS CONDI-TION~ your ha the Brady way- cuts vuring time ln 61f andi conserves, tlie feeding vale. Get fuill tietails 'bout the Bradiy Iaymnfker from H. L. Turner Liiteti. Bleniheini and Lsto, wel.- PARMS FOR SALE FARMC for; sale - 200 acresý, good uday loarn, new banit barn. miuit ontract. trout river througli farin. 7 rooni bouse, hytiro,~ sprlng water. Close te churcli, schoal, touit laites, $5000 down. Leslie Plewis, Gravenhurst. Ont, $1,500 DOWN IMMUDIATE POSSESSION TJITIS top rnotcli 100acre fari- la now ofleret i wtb sprlng crop san. -Mati- ern atone lieuse ias bathrooyn, hot water beat, hytira, cupboarta, etc. .Larga banit barn hlas ltter carrier, water bowls, cernent stabig, water on pressure. Large drive shedi and double garage. 25 acres sprlng crop sown, running waler at rear of farmi, good bardwoad bush, schoal acrasa the roati Sece jhs farn is iýweeitend. Full price $15,00. R. W. Holiday Real Es- tate, Mounit Forest 540. HELP WANTEO EXCELLENT monthly guarantee for part.tlmre delivery jewelry contracta tlirougbout Ontario. Must lie reliable, have car. Refundable cash deposit ré- quirlet. Inquire about yaur localfty. naie or, female. Name, atidre!sa, tele. phone. Write to Box 188 123lti Street. -New Toronto, Ontanlo. I4ELP WANTED-MALE WANTED, imarrieti lorserman for hunt- er stable on f arn near Newrý,narket. Gooti wages ani cottage. WA. 1-3101 or write 497 Davenport Rd., Taronto. INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeplnig, Salesmnn ab.ip, Shorthanti, Typewriting, Pe. Les. sons 50e. Ask foi free ci-rcular No. 33. Caniadian Correspondiene, Courses 121,0 Bay Street. Toronto._ _ INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE A goati yesr round Incarne properly ini town of iHuntsville. City conivenieni- ces, excellent location, owner's apart- mient avallable. Sell or consîder bouse as dawn paynient. Apply PO. Box f2. unvllOnt, LIVESTOCK McLEAN Fane. Slirorllir bulle. Serv- lceable age. Cliff & Joe MýcLeani, R.R.2, Kerwood. -Phone - Kerwood. MEOICAI. g e s g m Lâ MEOICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISE ithe torment 0f dry eczema rashes and weeping skiai troubles. Post's Eczenia Salve will flt disaippoint you. Itching, scallng and i-burning ecze- nia, acne, rlngworni. pmmpfles ani foot eczema wll respontci readfly ta the stainleas odorles oinnenit negardiles of fbow tulboraior hopelesa thev Sent Pos1 Freeo n Recelpt ct Prîce' PICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMAEDIES 2.865 S*. Clair Avenuc-Eanes TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN UNLITMITED anoney boans to, city aad f arn fol1k. Money for, ý)nylbng and aywhere. Dlalling ïInve-stmients Ltd.. 380B Bloor Street West. Toronto. WA 2-2442. MERCHANDISE NYLONS Worlds' Lowest Pnices! First quality full fashioned-$7.00 doz. Sllgbt- ly lmperfect-$6.00 doz. Irregulars $3.50 doz, Men's stncech top.)qutality-$5.*00 doz. Sligýhlly liperfect-$4.00 doz. Or- de, rfnm ad. Postage extra. Pla Prati- utiot, 1004-6tb Street, S. VI., Canton 11, ODhia, U.S.A. NURSES WANTED ENJOI' the abmosphere «f s fnlendly 640-beti Downi-Town ïjbospital. THE TORONTO WESTERN HOSPITAL 399 Bathurst Street Toronto lias vaýcancles for GENERAL STAFF 'NURSES $255,ü00lier mionili ai present wtb an. n-ual lncrexients ta $2à5.00. 40-bour 5-day wvork w,ýeek WRITE glvlng fuli dectails 10o: flrector of Nursing Service. Hospitail Superinitendent REGISTE-RED niurse for 1-beti moderni biospîtal, stanting July 1, 1959. Furish- ed 3-rooni apanimnent provideti. Reply. tatlng prevlous experience anisalary expectedte 10 Mrs R. E. Linton, Secre- tary Englehart andi Distict Hospital Board. Box 609 Englehaert, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN $35 A WEEK Spare Time Assureti, worklng in your home. Write for- Par- ticulars. UBS, 2901 011e Street N.E, Washington 18, D,' C. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOiN CANADAS LEAGING SCI-OOL Great Opportunity Learo Hairdresslng Illeasant, dignifieti profession; goati wages. Thousands of successful Mlarvel Graduates Aýmerlca's Greatest Syïteni fllustrateti Catalogue Free, Write or Cali MARVEL HAIRDRESSING BCHOOLý 358 ber St. W., Torente Branches: 44 Kig St., W., Ilariïîlton» 72 Ri1deau Street, Ottawa PURSONAL. FOSTER. Parentls Wainled te car., for boys. Country home, expenses furii- ed plus ellowance. Apply Box 189, 123- 181h Street, New Toronito, Ont. .STOP aicobolis= .Simple, harinless home remedy. Founti et ail drugstores. Inexpensive. Resuits guaranteeti, or money refuntieti. Complete information $51. Davenport Sales, 5007 Capitol, Dal- las 6, Taxas. FAT anti Disgusteti? Lose weigit sure- ly, but slowly. This healthful item may leienl your own kitchen rigbt nowl Senti 250 ta: Acee, P.O. Box l196, New York 4, New York. CHRISTIAN CHAIN RECORD 0F THE MONTH CLUB CLUB memibers buy recorda at e sav- ings anti makenioney selling ta allier club inember.5. Write for Informiation: Sacreti Record Supy Centre, Box 200. HartlaniNB. PHOTiOGRAPIIY SAVE!I SAVE!I SAVE!I Filmns ievelopeti anti 12 magna prints i album 0 2 magna prints Ina lbiuni 40( Reprints 5*c adi KODACOLOR iDevelopig rat] $1.00 fnot lnciuding pints). Calor prints 354 eacb extra. Anscoa anti Etachroine 35 mnin. 20 ex- posures mountet in hialdes $1.25 Ca)lor prints froni aIdes 354 cadi. Sfoney nef untiedinh full for unî>inlcd nega. tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX Si., GALT. ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE' 100 ACRES, tilei, nmodern 8-roanim brick borne, large tobacco barn, tobacca acre- age. ther buildings. Chane Pfabler. R.R. 1, Waodslee. 50 ACRES of tumber- .15 acres wltb fliree bouses, large barn. pressure systerni, bath roomn Johin H. Parka. Eannockburn. ON 27 bigbway, 1 mile narîli of lb. clty of Barrie; approximiately 80 acres, 75 of wbicb le wvorkable; -rooni bouse wlth large barri, ides] garden land or vould. be mosl aùttabie for sbiiin Gnaytion Kohl Real Etiate Broker, 113 Dunlop St. E. Barrie, Ont. PA. 8-4232, tisys or evgs, CATALOGUE evailable ,on fan ani suburban praperty. ORces in Bnarrp- ton, Orangeville, Georgctown anti Guelph, Upon rettuest we will fonward ta you a catalogue covening, the type tif property you suggest you mayý be in- terested ln. G. A- Huýtchiison. Realtor. 29 Queai St., E., Brampton. STAMPS AND COINS NEW 1959 U.S. Canadacalou ready; senti 20w ta caver oa. Way Slarnp, Lawrence 16, Mass. SITUATIONS VACANT MALE OR FEMALE E N$60or miore at hom-e lIn es lime represenling Canada3'* fh91= Chlldran's Caimp anti Ranch. EstabUSU. eti 25 years. InformratIon: "itwo" Vaudreuil, Qulebec. SPORTIN~G GOODS FIBREGLASS CANOES, -"SENECA" 3e f1. 55 is. Wiienness Tasteti. SentiEe Inca Catalogue of Spanllng Good;iý Algoma Sports Shop, 'A4 GuasAvé.- nue, Sault Ste à1anie, Onîtaniq, SUMMER RUSORTS YOUR HIOLIDAYS AT LE'MO NTC LAI R MOST outstaetilng resort et farnet Stt,.. Adele, Quebec. Swinmling Pool, Tennie, Ridlng, Golf, Bowling, Movies, Danc',in ta Orchestra, Faniaus fon Far,-d. WRITE FOR FOLDER: H. R. Couillerd, Le Montc1iIr, ste.-Adele, Que. Nymark's Lodge arid Motel ST.' SAUVER DE MONTS, .Qý ON privale laite; modierrn iog lotige fo.r 150, swlrnniing Pool, dancing nighîly, tennis, sports, owi golf course; riciný-i available. Camnfontable. tnlent.atmaS1- phene. Chaîce menu, Freec golf te weekly guaesta. Falder. Rates $ 17 tp. Low weakly rates. Honeymoen Special - $110Q$"10 Week S5ljMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT BALA Park Island;i; or sale oyrnent, cottage on beaulifui ukaaLaite. Wiii sleep 11, h -Ytio, tap wuter. ele- tir efrigeralor, propane gas £'Or caok- ig, anti rowbo:jat. Apply .AIbe-rt Duna. Si William St.. Deihi, Ont., Phone 678P. SWiNE THE laleat in Site Byeedlng, Blue Spatteti. Slart your bard naw. Register- eti Lantinace gilîs bret Iot Lang.e Blackt boars, asea Inipanteti Large Blachsa. Goose Crecit Fan, Grand Vaiiecy, On- taria. TALENT WANTED Î.eklnq the ail round Canadien girl for the tille of Miss Caniada $6,000 la acholarahipa cauirtesY 0f Papal-Cala Comnpany of Canada Li.miteti Requirements: Age - 18 te 26 years.. Education-2 years high school., Talent entries close JulY 201h. -Write Misel Canada Iieatiquantans, 21 John Street. South, Haniilon,. Ontalo for appli. catian forma andi futhar infiormationÀ. TEAVI4ERS WANTED CATHOLIC Teachar wantetl for S.b. Na. 15 Doyer Township about 12 miles Çrain Challiani. Grades 1 la 3 with erolîm1Tent of 24. Apply slallng qualifications la Adelanti St. Pierre, Bealina, R.R. No. i. TEACHER, sanie expanlance. Average attendance 17, 1958. Scbioal close 10 rallway anti No. Il HliwvaY Stale salary- Appiy ta Mrs. Maffat, Sec., Treas. Public Scbool, Ramione. Ontanla. TEACHER requineti for ru1ral Publie xchool for septemben. 5maI] enroil- mient. APPLY, staling slany expactati Lanti e-xpenienûce,la: John A. MAlLeoti. Sec,- Treas. of Aberdeen-P1umini Tawashil achool ares, Leeburn, Algoiai Ontario. 3 PROTESTANT teachens for townîsliip gchool area of Maya, IHastîngs a Couny. sitarting 1959-60 tern. ONE for one-rooni schaa] (MýcArtliun'r3 Mual). Grades I ta V. Saýary $3.000. ONE fan Principal twè-noom ezchoal (Herman), Grades V ta VIIi Slary ONE for junior noorn. two-raani achocl (flermon]. Grades 1 ta W Salry $2,800. GIVE rnaine anti atdres oflesýt Inspýc- ter anti expanlence te A. W Rn bt tom, Hernmon, Ont. RYDE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD REQUJIRES a qulalfiect teachan. Dutiasi ta comumence ln Seplenibr. 1959. Hydro. Saiany, $3,000, APPLY, stating expenlence, na-n3e anti atitres off iset iîlspecton, ta: MRS. PEARLE PLEWIS, SEC RETARY-TREASURER, R.R. 3, GRAVENHURST, MUSKOKA, ONT. Halton County EXPERIENCEO TEACHER FOR ungradeti achool, enrolîment of 26, hall mile f rani Town anmanigwy salary achedlule in affect.Apyivn namne of laiýt Inspector. la MR. H. E. BATKIN, SEC.-TREAS. ESQUESING TOWNSHIP SCHOO0L AREA BOARD R-R. 1, GEORGETOWN, ONT.ý U.S.A. RESORTS DETROIT, àMich. suburb; 3½ i-iles CeilY frac TV, picic tables. C-entntl,!c l- cateti for tübantal atraictins-. hast c'abine $ S4,00r- for 2 People. Cottage Glrave Court, 27601 Teleg-rapb Rd, <I.(1jS. 24) at Notiweatern fHwv. Blirm-il,-ïinga. Q.How ca9n1I get j'id of chig- gers on the lawn ad 1bUShes? A. Chiggers on1Ilie bu1shes can be destroyed by the -lirlus N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '-k N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'k M N N N N N N N k. N N N 'k N N N s s -N N N N N N >5 N N N N N N N N N 'k N N 'N N N N N N s N N N N N s s s -s. N 'N 'N r. il 1

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