Na WAZL LQ FUN F-ORAL I., G*IANT DRI TITEY MUST BE DRESSES ARE (, C 16 Dresses9 k-, egla] ON SALE FOR, 19 Dresses regular ON SALE FOR 18 Dresses, regullai ON SALE FüR 14 Dresses regular ON SALE FOR som)ATT(IfTTD? Local Newe _ _ _ _ _ M-S LOC~1AL NEW S Man.2-ion, s omnAuJa A E n andrs.R. . o an td o M1 sNn egso,0 RceterSnday . anMrsÈ s î~tn hrSster lMrs. Alex Wat- Sa ad am5y lAndgon %istor wih Mr.Jand 3Mrs. MJ. A4ustrh of lga$ ndMrs. IH. Mrs. stale x ad r andrJ' 1Coleik Our complete servfe uarantcees year ro.und MooV.s0ý»e ofi Lindfsay, Mlr. and 1,1n F. Truill pent Ftiesdayd îkgplaue cnd Mrs. Marjorîie Ranfis of Por-t Cai-Ifing and famiily ofOsaa hope. anid Mrs. Ray Chlam-pa,'Cleve- land and 3Mi. and iMrs. Pler cv lay- àdAoîtM0T , ward, Bovvw-anvile wrSuda Mýr.s. Julia Truitt passed away hi Visitors with Mîr. and Mrs. iayes MseaSask., Siunday, June 4th. evst anid fami1Y. Phone 3251 Newcastle, Ontario N jMr. lasShoenrmaker, Yvonne Min. ad Mis. n Baîley, Toron- - evenng b pae for, olland wheetaryaleadfmiy sheplans Io spend holidays vwith MranMs.eiPotMrad Billinigs spent Suda.wth and ~ ~ ,ws. Ja -k B a l an OJoh ,, Êe > ~j M ai-d Mi. Huier ndllfarnlLi àFAE EST TESMr b .l andMs.Nctnletvo f3 txvweeks acatrooun inBruns h M . nd Mi. pe ce Go do f r on u.j3 Ca o m ne Lo ion f or -trle atmll eïl of Sunburn, P oison j is C T yl r nd M r . . ur ayM . nd M r . m. M ile , r. an Q J y e t c. B ttle fo r o n ly . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .2 e risathe cttge t aK Sugg. Sa-ayInect Repelenýt, tube for .. 29e. E S S S A L Mess.W1Rdelane ShcltnatneGadLog1pr hr ens sleeves,2 w-ay collar i h attiRSportrk, To nto, foStw1011 * ,CILiLe 3 A A A 3L J YÂYI,4A )N SALE NOW- r$21.50 to $24.50 ,10 Dresses regular 00.50 to $11. $1795IO AL 0$7. IouCto Boss eua $1 ,9 t $ 3~ 5 ~L 5 NO ON SALE FOR....$ S$795t-19.50 SUMMn-,E-R SKIRTS, regular $5ý $13,95 $6.95. ON SALE FOR $4. SUMMER SHOE SALE 1.95 r.i95 .75 .50 .25ý i50 .75 Ladies Whlte Pumps, high heels sîze 5%j to 8%,/2 Reg. $7.95for $4.50 LADIES CAMMAS SPORT SHOES In Moors of blue, beige and birown, Al sizes f rom 5/2 to 9. Regular price was $4.45 NOW SELLING FOR...... Store Ope!- A' ay Armstrongs Oper> Ail Day W. E. Daveyws a guest of -Mi. and Mis. Clinton -jCav l and Bih at Coe Lake hs ekand repoerts a good time andgod fshng Mi. nd Ms. Jmes ansbery Orono. Mrs. V. tpeo fOhw spent theween ih r n Mrs. Jon Forete ad amhy Congr7Lîat ulains to Mir. and Mis.! H.~ ~~~~, Loe-ouhebrt f aughter1 Mis LonaAtkin's and her stu-ý dents from An-tioch hoenye a trip to Niagar'a Fhiûn Tusday 0fJast -week. UNITED CH URCII ChPar ReV. Basi1Lon SUN DA Y, J UN E 28, 1959 Services atKib and Leskard are withdrawn for. Sundaj,ýy, Jun 28th, in faveur of ti-e Dcorationm Day Services to be hedIn Orono Cemetery. SUNDAY SOHOCOL 1 ' 10 00 1m Orono qpauielriis ya. wîue iange oi colors. Sizes J" l eiu 'o arge. Bacli for .. 98 Nylons BoA's 100 p7.Stretch fits sizes.9 1½ I pair f or only............... .......5e . SNylons, ad es Ul fashioned, 51 gaug , 30 denier s ub st a!rf.............3e 0 lnes ao n NylonSatin- ouand, colorýs of Q~ ~ ~ ~~~c ptebugeeeloorPi,. Popuflar size g 72x84inches.Outistaning ,riýval e......,9 g Pedl PuhersSet, C. ildren's -piýce sore g olrsizes 3 to 63x. ach fýý ........$1.69 gu Diamond S Batteries, t an ard size, heavy duty 15e. gWEEK1ý-END S-,PCIAL -- Dish Cloths. reQý blue g andmltclo checks. ... 3 for 49e gSAVE TIME SERVE YOIJRSELF' i ORNOM 05e TO $100 STORF ALKNDS F BRADRA -ANDRO A I FOR ALL PURPOSES OPEN DAILY 8&00 am. ta 5.30' p.m CLOSED WED. P.M. Openi Fri. ta 9 p.m. LE. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ont., ---fln--- m 0.%TTMMP.P 'i. 'I 'k 4" 1~ 'k '4 4 'k 'k k, '-4 'k k, '1 N k, 'k k, k, k, t, N k' 'k '1 s'y 'k k' 'k, 'k 's N 's '-t ~54 s '4 4-, k, 'k, N Si N s s N 'k N 4-t 'k s 'k k, N k, 4' i-s 'N s' 45 --s 45 N 'k k, N 'k' k, 4 '4 s N S S N -4 'k s 's 'k S N