ORONO WEE-:KLY TlIMES THURSDAVY, JUL'( 2nd, 1959 L. Thomas Foster Retires As Bank Managerý tired as of June 8, Mr, Foster plans L. Thomnas Poster, for 47 years a ta enter the real estate business banker, and manager of the Barrie with Rogers and Conneil, Barrie. branch of the Caniadian Bank of Commerce for the past Il years, re-1 Mix Foster, who ]ives at 60 Ml Orono Fuel & Immber Extends BEST WISHES to FOUND'S BILLARDS, and BARBER SHOPPE on the Officia] Openîng iMonday, JuiTy 6th, 1959 Orm. Fuel & Lu.bci LiMited Orono, Ail Bulding Supplies Pho*ne 14816 rase avenue, said vf bis decision to fDITAPJlhrliIJ Carievale United Church on May 263 go into real -estate: "I dan't want toi AIVU ARNOLD UI.U ILUDUfl it Rev. G. Whidden o)f!iciating.1 N C'T IÇC E go home and sil down - 1 wanted 1initermrent wamade lai Carievalej samethýing ta do. I've always had, a Robert ArnoldGiad passed! Cem-etery wt Eyers F'unerai O UNE WMS A hankering for, real estate anyhowv. away suddenly at his farm lhome H1ome in cýýharge of. arrangements. GARDE N PARTY MEETING on Friday, M0ay 22, 1959, Arnold was 1 Ofiiiretirin age from th'eiborai Octobér 2. 1908 ini Cantevale, 1 Thie imany floral tributes bore On Tuesday, July 7, the Womnan's bank is 60, but Mr. Foster Was ask H eeie i euaio r, testirmony of the esteem held for A'ssociatîin and Womeni's Mission- i-(o civdhseuato hramy Soecty will unite a Gardoen ed ta extenýd his for thmee years. ýafter whice, to pfmig the deceased by the iammniïty and PryMetn on te îvy lis bank ,.management position wîll! l oku amn. the relatives. Prtyunds of MmsonW. e lovranla be taken, over by R. Earle Littieý In 1932 he was united lan marriage TePh err eeRse 2:30 p.m. Group 4 is in charge of who was manager at Welland. Mr.ilta Helen W. Gilm-er of CarýievitAle. TePl err eeRse the devational, Mris. Harold Allen, Foster is continuing at the bank un- To this union two children wvere iCowan, Alex Hienderson, E. J. lien- the President of W.A., will be the ti M. îtieasums hageealyborn, one daughter Gertrude anddesn AturFfeCanc speager and other interesting feat in July. one son) Beverley. e Fuller and Jamnes Firth. ures are beîng- planned. Dishes wl» Mm.Foser tared t te Sand j î-nld esied t teirpreent Fboerbearers weme Ken Taylor, tw supplied but please bring food, Mr. Poster s arted at the Sta..-i AAchiedRei. Tam Fimth. Ftank Tgt- Al ladies are cordially iavited. ara jan .t, on njiýaniay- jivmet I II*7Â eA~ ~A. iSî Lme yas, i eigleîJyearL ed there for two years, and a! ter Wîth the exception of three winters, serving mnany smiall branches o! two spent in Carievale and one in thoe Standard, he was sent to Bed- Ontario. His main interest was lu ford Park Road, Toronto, as mrana- his home in whichi he was ever- stri- ger, when Standard was taken over -vîgta impravec. He had led a more by The Canadian Bank o! Com- quiet lite a!ter suffering a heart merce.1 attackç three yeams ago. He was onfly 27 years o! age wheri he gained his first managerial po- sition. Since that time he hias been man- ager at numnemous small places as well as at Wiarton, Bradford and Barrie, where he took over fromn C. C. Parsons in 1948. "I'm just going ta play aroundli with real estate," h-e told a Barrie! Examiner reporterý, "I shal be ableý to v!sýit the office when 1 like."ý He wiil be selling ail types of real1 estate and said that it would be a! rieft be away fromi the tenisioni of the ban,,k. F'oster wîýll alsa be! spending se-me of is time at hisý favoerite hobby-fishînlie. A niew home ani Meirose avenue and a positioni-,i nmany sections ofý Baressocial life wi take up anyI tîmn-e tthý-t remains for M'r. Foster, ýwhIo intends ta emnain in Barrie. Married in 1922, tu the formrer, Eva Mf. McC[llan o! Calgam,they I hav eone dau-ghter, Mrs. John Triat, halives in Toronto. B-esides his business activities, Mr.ý Fosfer was madle, in 1.949, a diector! Besides hk is le and two ehî1dren hie laVes to mnourn his mother, Mrs. Cavrne Gililand, two sisters, Mrs. fferb Emrick (Bella) cf Camrnduff, Mr.Dave Johnstone (Ada) andion brother, Arýthur, o! Carievale. Ris father predeceased iLmini 1939. The service was conducted in o!u the C'drnsAid Socîet-y of Simcoe Coun-ty foiýr 10 yas has al-i sa beeni treasurer, vice-president, anld president twa years. 01ther ac!tivities in-clude treasurer, lof R:,ed ShleldCapintrsur o! Barrie branch of the cancer So- ci> ety; tes ce f the Chamber ofl CommerCfrtwo years; member o! th-e Lici-z-sClb a! Barrie, andý vic-pesdet f the samne (club îla; Bradford,. Over tLhe last il years, said Mm Foster, hielhas seen baycangesý in bnng-for isane la he use of computers. WhýPen he' cameý ta Barrie in 1948 the staff (consisted' o! 12 or 13 peaýple, nowT there are 25 at th-Ie ba and in 1953 the build- ing was elre and renovated. j GRA MONDAY, JULY 6 FOULND'S BILLIARDS AND BARBER, SHOPPE ÇOO1?orenS XCE, FREESOFT DRINKS Caiada Dry - ?ure Springs - Sevem-IJp o 20 P.C. Discount on DRY CLEANINO Founds are agents fQr S1BBY'S CLEANERS and for the first two weeks are offering 20%, discount on ai l cfaning. C;ongra--tulations f roui; v. McMUL.LEN CARPENTER - GENERAL. CONTRACTOR - Bowmanvilie, Ottaio 4 SANDY1 WATSON Oronoe, Ontario CHAPMAN BROS. BILL'IARD SUPPLIES Toronto, Ontarie SUPERIOR PROPANE Ltd. CON DIT;ONING Peterborough, Ontaric mi lor, Ken Cqon,. Everett HIuil, Jack1 MýuldQoon, Jack Cinitamon, liarry Burke, Stewart Darmoch, Kýeith Rae and Fredl Cowvan. Those attending from a dis-ance. were Mm. and Mms. Harvey Cameron andJ Mr. Hiarry Beilamy of Winni-i peg, -Mm. and Mms. Gamnet MacTag- gant and Mrs. Lucy Scott of Regina, iMrs. Charles Gibson and John H-ath-1 How swveet to sleep wheme ail is peace, Whlere sormow cannot reach the breast. Where al li!e's idie thrabbings (cease Andpai islulled tarest. junior Girls Sofball Schedule! Thie fo"llawýving -is- the Junidor ir SotalSchedule: JU(JLY: 2-rooat Bowmnanýville 2Port Hlope at Newcýastle 6 - Newcast1laBo anil 6- Port Hope at Orojno 8 -Bwavlea ecsi 8S- Oronio at PorîHpe 13 - Newcastle at Oro 13 -Bwavlea Po-rt 1Hope 15- Oronlo at Nýewcastle 15- Port Hope at Bowmraniville 20- Newcastle at Bawmra.nville 2 0 - Port Hlope at Orao 2I.2 - B(jwmai- il11le at Newc2astle 22 - - Oaoat Port Ho,,pe AUGUST. 17 - Bjowmanv,,7iie atOon FOR RENT In as N-htea leted rmodem ap- artmnent. $50,00 monthly. JPhone 35589, Bowmanville. a-e INotice T. Crediters IN THE ESTATE 0F ALFRED UARKNESS LITTLE late of the Village of Orono in the Ceunty cl Durham, Retired Farmer, deoeased: Ail persons having caims against the Estate of the said Alfred Hark4- ness Little, who died on or about thýe 16th day of March, 1959, are. hereby natif ied ta send ta the un- dersigýned Executors or their Solic- itor on or bef are the FiPrst day of A,,ugust 1959 their namies and ad- dýresses anid full particulars of theiýr aisand thie nature )f the secur- ites (if any) helî by them ul veîiýfied by sautr/de(lration. Immdiaelyafter thie said First day of Au gu1st 195'-9 1te assets of the sa'id dceased ill beï-ist,,ibuted a- mpong thde persanýs enitled thereto hain rgadonly taute laims -o! whlich the Executors or the ndèr7- signied JqIicitor- shaïl then have notice. Dated at Orono this 2nd day o!î J-uly 1959. R.R. 1, Orono, C'nt., JOHIN W. STOINE, R.R. Narth, Orono, Ont, g. . ADDELL, Q.C.,'Orono, Ont., Si:ýcitar for- the E-xecuto-rs NoticeTo Cre i r 17 Nwcatl atPat Hpe IN THE ESTATE 0FEFI 19-Orona atBom vie 19 -Por Hoe a Newaste TOMAIONCURTIS late o! the 24 - ort ope t Bomanvle illae Cf O n in the County o!ý Durham-, Widowv, deceased: 24 -Newcst()atOonoAIl perosanshaving cdaims against, 27 -Bawanvhleat Par-t Hope Eo ~ te, Estate o! the said Ettie Thomei- 27 -Oran atNewcstl j aionCurtis, who died an or, about the 6th day o! May 1L959, are- hereby,,, noiidta send It theundersignied Wy 12 Celebration, Executors or their Solicitor. on or _____befare the First day o! August 1952,9 Ove 80LOB ad LL mmbes heir namnes anid addresses and ful &ý7c K LBA ad LO Ynebersparticularis of their ciainis and the assembled SudyatteHihnture o! the securities (if any)l Schaai g-roundsisla Bowmanville and lheldî by themr duly veiied by stat- paraded ta the town hall for the an- 1tm eirt<' nual Orange pre-l2th o! Juljy church uîmm ediaeyatem hesidFis parae. -day o! August 1959 the assets c! Led by the Bowmanviile rif e and the said deceased will be distributed Drumr Band, women o!f ine Ridge among the persans entitled themeto the Purpie Guards LOL 2384 , the o! which the Executors on thie uni- prtne arched up Terrperance -'t.I dersigned Solicitor shall then have ta ', e town hall j notice. At te hll, apt Nor4n ale Dated at Orano this 2nd day o!l Ai ' he hal, Cat. Juiyin1959. ofc camanding the Bowman-1 CARFýAND"TiEW .CLENN ville Salvation Aýrmry citadel, con- RE.R. 1, ýNewcastle, Onti. ducted sýr-ices. WVESLEY RICHARD WOOD, R. 1, Orono, Ont T-h'e anjnual Oangeman's waik Eeutr wil be held la Co-(bourg, Saturday, R .7Rý. ' W1ýAIDDP7TL C) ono nt._ Juy1Dj'oiîarfràe xctr CONGRATULATIONS TO Found's Blliîards and Barber Shoppec ON THEIR NEW MQDERN STO¶RE H(iN OON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, BY OROUNO E"LECTR IC Oro, Ontario Telephone 129 5; MAlTS BARBEÏ SHOPPE 16 years of Experlence Umm