g g g g g u o g g g g g g g g g g le v cli I U1-- 0 1'K j Ii.StZ1 Al r Ilt r X Mra SD TCH LUN C C i A I 1h5lbSW9 I do, CatherIeI lson. VI i FJrami Gr. VI ta Gr. I-oga $WiFT'S- PREMiUiM 3SMOFKED READY TO EAT îaaon~utoHrl en iPIC 108 b fully ooke b 49c'osn From- Gr, V ta Gr. V-abr witsPrem L-uncheon M a 2oz ti n 3 9,%, , s13An e Bil laura urey Siwift's Lunch Ton gue 12oz tin 5 OHa G.IVt 5cVMaiy Ô FrmGr. III ta Gr-. IV barry AI- lin, lSua l Ecedd,'un Swit'sChopped Be ef'0 2 oz tin 4 5c ÔJcsn Ô "Iol .ilLto Gr. 1 -eer *ts h ppedley,2 oMenno5 f Rienstra, Lynn.Ste- ALLEN'S - 48 oz. TitiRES EE - oz, Tin G'rape Drin k 2 for 57c Lemron Juice 4 for 35e igh SeChool ALLEN'S - Sý oz. Till STA-FLO LiQUID - 3c off offer(Po pageý 1)1 Orangye Drink 2 for 57c Starc'h 32 oz b e21c CUTRITE BRAND J EW VE L Gw~ Wax Paper I1OO ft roil 27c Shor-ttening l pkg 29c Ô He1-10said thiPi- mmbers had warkedi o lii mnioulyand hatrep)resent- GOLD SEAL FA-NCY SOCKEYE SWiiFT'S PARD - it ef Gravy - 15 oz. to h or rmubnac Salmot 1 s fon $1l.35 xsog Food 6 for65 1 udestndngait: ove-i rb RED ROS E- -lOeo ff B /RLUMPQ Te a EBas 8 kgof 6063c Carcoal 5 îb kg 49c Me suggst- ha i te edistrict GAGSTLFF' M GG mar expe0t1Ditur.Bs transporta-. Strawbeiry Jm -4oz 43 rPopl,3pii _gC-rn I b 1 7e o han col:,mr asî ecaadn GIoafetVu sclolgatJtutr Stie stre,,ss:ec the critical SATIN B'RANýD Fu'I of Jice SuAnkist poty bag "Our building program- isda- rci n e s 5 I ý 5 - jQlacked," lie said. "e r bc /11 O where we were ini 19417 andi tepo O ranges ) lb 5Q blemn is seriaus. Lack off spaïce, in aur Freh ndCruch -No.i are1 scllools is gaing ta ht us liardCin th e Cucurnbers 3 f or .29c B poicdf ig- i Swee andTendr Qdents we wont know wa to do! Swee anwithle There will be no sclio o Cornx-on-the-Cob 5 for 3c Q ther toa attend. Safon leh Ii may have ta go on shift at Cantaloupes each i19c 3* "Wnalead1aàes-v he Qtalked ta are dismayedl at the idea." Fresh arrivais daily - Ontario grown*. n Arrangements have been m .ace to, Straberes Swet Cerres sendpuista a scliool ý1in Oshawa, Strawerris - weetCheries ses* uch fl he saici. That was because a selcol 1- 1 -s and Lettu e 28 h,'( been blt beynd its presentj Gree cQ '.nion an-.-------.---- Qrequirements. About 100 pupilsý ______________________________________ ~from Bow-manville will1 attend thei - co ~ ~Oshawa sclioal, but Iherte will be nio - ~place forth anticipated 3809 addit- flSUionail pupils expected to enllo r o, I.> ~lie 1960 Se-ptembner sch.Iool im BUY IGHTH r EuW n i1E1Inpresenlting his committee's r-ce- ________________________________________________________________________ opo)rt Reeve Bidge sutggested there 1-be i-o discussion oIf(the report -at this ~ iU~'B 2Ioltme. While somne question-s were- C mi I5KI'~ aPhonie Or@n@ 1 .'Qaskdand ansegie, [the report- 0 waýS fheldav. i g g o n Public Séhoot Freotoes On0 ajoN eeds 1Therels no char'ge. A NIO1- SHOL (.S 8 Care)More Seed PotatoeS A minimumn of one ANý01r SHOL S.. , lake quired, except we Grade 8 to Grade 9-Mal-y janeI, Ontario needs more seed potato Plantted in tuber u nits. BroughI H; Sandra _Bowins H; Ben- 1l ny Kropatwa H; Grant Yeo grawers! Last ya 0 nal Potatoes other than i,,armers entered 511 fields with Canno11t be plante<J on tn G i Gade ta Gq~de8-Sh rj Tm-,6 acres for insipection, statedth blyn H Gae Lyctt'-.P; Judý-ylField Crops Eranchi, Ontario De-Onycrfidsea iinokN.P. prmetof Agriculture. Total a-atiOnassi legible f, t r age passed was ~1,102 from 4-68! plcto huc G;ad 6 t Grae 7 arryPat-fieldsPercentageý of fields passedl [m Jun -5ho eua terso'n. cdWtares favorablyfol-,,,oe fetue .QDoad ihad second hgietfor Canada ih Table R ead rd oGae5Knet o te rvne, s__________ Y-b,.pS r ent, as compared ta Princee sland ,ith90.3; New Bru-177_; 3 t Grde4 Wyneswck ît 87.4; N'ýova Scotia with M ea s - raghH;C rre CatamIl 79;and Queîbec wý,ith 60.7. forvalH.Ter r celn opportunities TYORJETNPO Grde2 aGraïýe 3 - Kathy Coat- fo gowr to specialize in seed po- 1EERSD arn H R abe t T ay or Il L b n n e tat prod ctioný , esp ecially in n orth - J ~ ~ L , G rdào m r i a o a a s w h i c h a c c ao u n tý P! Il- ta Grade 2-~- Sevie (forsixty thousanýîd acres of crop, i Bac H JanetDuval UI; Marie1 now uy nwseed o ecry ya.T x eoH; Saro Baisto; Suan equires 2,ansider7ably over a million SWIFT'S RMU LCD orsnNP bag-s, but only slightly mnore thanI ï] I.JAIL oz ~ ' kg H onors 5 pe-ý cent of this quanitîty is avail-l ru~Iri 4LI~ ±~. NtPrmote-2ale ro-m Local growers. Lt hJs U1C0U,0UED H A oz ce beeýn prveýn that g-ord seed abe o Mr-s. Lornýa AknTahr rdcdadthat it -ives satisfac-ý 3WFT'S PREMIMM SLICED ASSORTEDCOOKE',D MeATS or esis M a S.S.14c L AïKE,(KI RBY) Se oaoCertificatian Servicel MacandChese ~ Th fllavîn puils6f S. 4. prav'ided by thie Canada Depart- ozG ment ofAgricultureI ich warksi pzi k£ Pkc ar.I Dckî Thie folin,,yg are same ofth Congratulations Found's Billiards anid, arber Shoppe ONTE 0FFIILOPENING AlM>ndêl&, JuIy 6094 199 Plumbing anti Heating Installeti by Parteers Plwnbing -Heating I ORONO -I 11f PHONE 1782 ROYAL Bw-manvile MA. 3-5589 Tbursday t. Satunýrday July %2,Iland 4 SATURDAY MATJNEE AT z p.în. "&The DM Country Starring Gregory Peck and Jean. Simmons Evening Showvs start at 6 and 9 p.m. Next Monday to Wednesday July 6to 8 "The DIob" In colour I "1WIen sto conut( thei crop certifieds ie same ft Of the Fou for ispect be made j, -J 'n u o g g g g g g g g g g g g g 9' e g g, Gi o g r 16 ORONO WEE-KLY TIMES T14'URSDAYi-ýJULY'2nd, 11>59,' r, - -lm Zà