ORONO WEEKLY r1~PEfi THIRSOAY, JULY 2ncl, 1959 LOCAL NEWS skýie cf the St. LwrncIo Mont- trelCndALrughEWScotBrock- à11 n Ganonique wh_,ere th-ey vis- Mr. nd rs.Walace 55O~ ~ ýedcousins. Thecyb-pse King Sault Ste. Marieweentwnls nan eeileotoCbug week. arrivlrl7jg home Fia vnn af- Mrs, Roy atnejydamtraymsas trip to Newv Brunswick They left on Mran Mrs. Raywe CanIet'on, Mî.î thie evening cf Juine 7tcrssdandMr.RosCaeonvsie w over into the States at dtheIv Lee M.adMs atrCntno Bridge into New Yoàr1 State, Theyl Colibornie over the week-end. saw the big boats going -Up a%'ay est ceebated his seventhl down in the Eisenhower-, lock on the! .Amrerîcani side then on down t'îheý Raye West. son cif Mr- and Mrs. States of Vermont, New Hapshir birthday, with a. party on T uesdlay into Maine to a paecalled Bangor. atron They had dinner in Orono, Maine, The Wom-an's Asoitinc heI on Saturday, June 2Oth t hen wenit Orono United Church'held a veryi on to Fredericton, and arniving at successful supper on Wednesday ev- Sussex Saturday evening.Sssxi ening of last week. near the place whiere they wvene to. Approximately 250 ,.esons wvere. visit Mrs. Roy ýýPatton's parents and served a dellious m-ea1 of coid dres- other m embers of the faily. They sedi ponk, potato salad, tossed saiad, left on Wednesday for home by jjeflîed saiads, relishes and roils wihth Moncton. Thiey sýaw thýe Mg :i strawbennie-s and crea-m a, vani-1 Hill. then on thouh ew 13run.s-! ety o_ f calkes for dessert. wikto Qulebe anjd Up the soýuth Maniyi corýnplimneu-tany rmak ,vere heand la conniectlionl with týhe supper w2hich t 'ook the place cf the L c lN w 1,7 euKý - vj 1 . . W1att had her toa-'Sssre- Newcstl wa dronedla cnek Lrrymoe last wveekend te thei in ýesuh of the Village 'Monïday ne oel h oetydst ct ateno.The creýek is ea-)st c!f the M.and Mrs. Ros s Tyra-d' Counity noad at the CNR tracks, aml,,Ottawa visîted wt his va- The boy is stated to have been ins n.adMs.Ca. alr swimmlinng with 24 other boyvs ati Mn. and Mrs. Alberttchell an the imne Cf the tnagedy. Thocmas family are spending holidays at! Cuffe wifle swimminig (unde3rwaten thei!r cot tage at Picton. touc-hed the body and pulfled it froùm jMn. and Mnîs. Neïl Raincy aad the creek. Gary MClog app- faMily visited on Sunday wvithMn lied antificial respiration and w'as.and Mns. Inwin RFa!iney and Mr.iaadf reieived when Dr. Meiklosanve.Ms Wm. Hoan. T'he nesusctator was us;ed !nn-an at- tempt to gave the boy's lifé. EHe was pnonouniced dlead at theBwmn ville ospvtl-were dcostried to SUMYIMROCOTTON SALE',! We are c!earigal our CotnDrse.,hs are Ail goo-,,d stlsand ua ity. Mk sure ithat youdont mss outeon this Priczed as 10w as................ ...... $55to$79 COTTON SKIIITS reducedt Pleated ofr straighit, r-egular price $6.25 now for $1-75 R-eg. $4.95 fo..........$3D2 Ail our COTTON BLOUSES. Your choice for...... $2.75 We have a good selection of CILDMREN'-. SWISU ITS. Priced from.................. $3125 to$75 WOMEN'S SWIM SUITS in pleated cott n knit or eate Priced frpm ...................$8.95 to 109 GIRL'S COTTON DRESSES different styles whle they last at IIALF FPRICE MEN'S TERRY CLOTII JERSEY S, bine trim olia n( pocket, lace feront. Regu1ar $3.G0 nGor-aon...........'. $1.50) Summner BCýeads an~d Earrings to mac fr .... 49ech SUMIMR RS 3îECSALE Wflhîte Leathe-r Pips and S dal VPth iglh 1heels, Regular Price was $7,50 now ,cut to .$4 9 Canvas Shoes, strap) or Ox>,ford sty1e, coloursnanvyï, red sagd or brown. Priced at ý. ý. ................ ý...... 1... tûre Open LW' ay tilr.nèay Armstrong's $ân>2&.9 5 Evenings Priday & Satu2rday Opens Ail Day Wednq3d/-eýý 66,. .and don't forget to pick up a carton Made and Bottlod by ... 50 WMAN VILLE lJam-les T. Brow,Reeve of Clan-ke To rvn i 5z 2 j~aL in Ji Ut Jp awa (GenenalHopti Mr. S. E. Ali and daughten , Mns. NomnWiniter cf0f Osawa vwere la.. Or Ono on Saturday. o Mr.S. B. RtefrJ n Clir s hn edaîl odno J M. ad M-s Te Saue spat 3 Bg-iteBulskeep 'bugs awa,60 Watt, 2 for 57c. the vkedlAgouiPak farily Rihmod Hli pea th ~ untn Ltio Noema a lI ous tan wthotu WekedwihMn iadMs. Les. Mc bir. Bottie s for............., to $1"75 M --adMS. %Vance Cooýreran I~ ~ ~ ~~~ý fîmlOhw iie nOooo IJ Calomnine Lotion for treatment Sunburn, Poison uanad tteaîded the Cooperi M Ivy etc. Bottle for only . . . . .29c. picaic at theOroPak The Orono Park on Sunýday waý7s ~ ~ Rplet uefr....2 crowMdd to capacity wit the îrg- QI1T s fr -Rpletuefr2c est c"rowd so fan- this ear. Th-e U i wlimnina ttnk n,>vti-i oit nn.< r 2[ spo fo th chldrnwh attim sSport ýLSfts, Men's long sleeves, 2 wvay collar-, h1ad to sekcut lar ptfor i dip. - attractivje pattermis in a wide r-ange of' colors Mrdnir.EmrMdlto ie Yalmdn or large. Eaclh for .. $2.98 Suaay.Or.J NyonsB'SL<100 p Streptch i ts sizes 9 to 101/ . Bob Leis taking his place as Ir. Athon ., . chrm l f yon, adesfui sioe, 51 gugî,e,30 denie later , Ahemavi1" vi'sit wt lnkýets ao n yo atnbud ooso Mrs.JimRickby astel 'bl, y 0"wpî Thusdv or olrao her M, 784inhe. utSta ndCIinrg value.....$4.9a ao thirnev om arha lst~ Pedal P'ushers Set, Childre' 2-pý,ee Asoite Norman Rickaby 7and JhnTri--os'sze 3to6x ach D-for . ....$i6 blnare wonk'-'ing in TnnoforlthIl summer at theMplLefaiyn j ha cty GDiamond S Batteries, Stlandard size, heavy duty 15c. ha&ve reu1rned frnm th1ein holidjay in 1 ue t wthMn.anaMsWEEK-END SPECIIAL - Dish Cloths. _red, blueý I Ioflad Caýrl o and Tennan DeoainSaa eemliclr~hc ........_...3 for419e Mn. and MnIs. L. Darch and chîi-dnýen SAET E Toronto and M.a nd Mlrs. j. Hzat-e!Y 1;'17 D SERVE YOURSELF and chiidnen, 1Boxvmranvilie.o Sunday visitons vwith Mn. aýndMs Heben ouh Mrs. Harny Bailey 0 5 and famiiy weNe Ms. C. A Cm ORO -u 1""u 'eUL IU mîing and gadsaBobCumnf Toronto, Mn. and Ms R. P. Rieka by ' MrJis. J. W. Jeel Miss Mary Jeweii Mns. M. J. WîIght, Bowmanviile, Mn. and Mrs. Cari iiigOronoe. ________ Mrs. Alex Watson and her sst1en ------ Miss Ferguson Cf ohse iie B3etty Anna aad La ýry,Waew VISITS3 K INST ON The puplis an-d parents c3f Y and Enterprnize Sch_ýoois w JO Kingston on June ii1959.Thy visîted Trenton Air Pont,;went o the ferry from Pi-cn toDseno Lz aýnd toured Oid Fr er.Te aiso saw where Lk nal iw Into the St. Lweo ie.oey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ne UNITED 0CHURCN chaw 11v asllng Services atKîyan Lskr are wtdanfor SnaJn 28th, la favour c f the Dcrto Day Sricste be h-eld in Orono! Cemnetery. SOrono 1O:~Q am. PVlunibing Supplies BRANORAM-HNDRSNPAINTS FOR AIL PURPOSES OPEN DAIL.Y 8ý0 a'.m. to 5.30 P.mn CLOSED W/ED. P.M. open Fr1. to 9 p.m.,, R.'E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 118-16 orono, Ont.. jA A1IUsed Carse Ou~r complete service guarantees ýYear round driving plea8ure- 6AJiVETH MOTO PS * l>une 251Newcastle, Ontario Il I 's 's 's 's 's -t 's -i ttt, '-t -t- '--t- -'--t --t -t-t -t- -t- -t--t -'-t * -t-t' t-- 't- -s t---. '-t- -'-'-t --s '-t- --t- --t '-t- <--t --s-t --t- ---'-t 't-' --t -s -s t-t- -t-t -s t--' 's -'t- -t- -s '-t- -s -t -t- ---t 7--t ~t-t 's -- -s -t- --t-t -t 's '-t * -t 's -t -"t --'t t-t' -t-t --t -s -t-t 4' -'-t -t-t-t -t-t 's -'t 4' --t 4' 's t-t' t lui.