Thundèr Sedred Colt Into Winn:ngl One thing that makes the Eng- lish Derby so populaýr is that, aloialways it produces ïa elosýely-run1 race in which ox- citemont is kept alive u4ntil the rT-cnners roach tho post. Thie vast mPlajoritY of the "renew'ai1s o! eho D6$rby Stakes" are wvon by « leiiÊ,h or less, wicindiate ho'w -1ose is the standard o! the leafdiig cl4assie colts ea1ch ya 0' course, thoe are exce ptions -1; 1>e Hard Rýiddeni's wi a year atand in a yoar- when thiere is it )ariulFrly ouitstan)ding itorse $ich is made a hot favounito e;is defoat is a sensation in itself, ,o mattor how small the miargin. I that respect alone the Derby «! 1904 %vas sonisational enough, 'or it brought abouit the com-. plote oclipso of the favourite, a F'rench horse uam-ed Gouver-. n.ant, whichi finishied last but 'One in a field of eight. But that is only pa-rt -of tll< âàtory. The. winrier, by the very ~omforable argin of three lengths, was a 5-1 shot caiiled St. Amant. N-rothing particulariy sensationial in that, you might think, partieulariy as St. Amant, Startîng as f a vouEi t e, had U"walk-ed away" with the 2,000 Guiineas by four iengths. But what does make this one ef the strangest o! ail Derby ttories is that St. Amrant, for al bis a1ility, probabiy owed his victory to a thunderstormn. A resounding dmap o! thunder just As the. race was starting so scaired 1dmr that h. leaped out ahead of the field and was neyer caughit! From the weather point of vïiew7, it waa certainly one of the wiorst Derby dtays on record. It wvalseS wet that Queon Alexan-. dra, who had announced lier i- tention o! being present, decided to s5tay in London qfter ail, and gt,ady raini that had persisted ail thc morning developed into a downipour o! almnost tropical in- genslty as thie runners began ta parade. on. crîtife noted that e.Amant looked as cool as a eUelambar - an Oddiy signifi- *anrt remnark ile iw of what y.e fto haPpen a kfew minuites letor. Bet*auls. of the aalineSS of the. Sdtii. pro-rae preparations Î not take long and there waa Ë1ý nepariy huif an hour to the. ûffLe$the groater part of whioh weopent parading around t1he jpgddock befor, an ever-diin- ý%9atudience, moet off thi* *,iowd pre!errlng tht shelter of the stands, BO far, although ominous-look- ing9 eiouds were hanging over the course, thon, wsslilttle gign of the. tflunderstorin that was &'bout te~ brea.k so sudcienly and dirmaticmhly. St. Amiant, brav- fing tii. rainstili iooked uncon- eterned as thie runners made their way to the. start. It vwms now thatthe dramna of the Derby began. Rumbies o! tlunldor were heard in the. dis- tance, and St. Arnant's demeani- ouMr ehmnged immediately. Ai- thougbho had dnawn No. 3, h-lt Jockey, Kemlpton Cannon, was jgiven permission ta move over te the. outside. Tusi, was not so rmuch a con- eÇOssio11 t the Guineas winner as a mneasure o! safety for some o! the. other horses, notably John O'Gmunt, St. Amanitýnoighiboun. Because o!hils restiveness the stant, whîch had promiseçi to b. on tinte, was deiayed, and al thie whilc, witl the. thunder get- tîng înoaren, St, Amant wvas get- ting more fidgety. At iast there cmne :a brie! mo- mrent Mien thie horses wereai lo-vel and facing the samne way. 'rhe starter acted quickiy. As ho sent the field mwmy there was a Sudden tremendous peai o! tUndr mmdatel 'Y overhead. Gouvernant, the falvounite, was ltup ,i41by _he-ois,mf_;' n- MàizY , À404$1Ri SI4ADOW 0%'-THEi LAW -A nightmoare sh:adowv for toi-e criminal is thot of this paitrol- mon, writing his report rat a mnurder scene in Boston. life and start hirm off on what was already ai hopeless chase. With St. Amant, however, the effeet was reversed. Had thait peal corne a second carlier h. mlght have jumped into the. tapes and become dangerousIy elnmeshed. As it was, he saw the ope-n coi;rse In front of hlmn, and ieaped away as thoughi stunig by a many-talled whip. In ne time h. wae clear (if th* field, and the. gap steadily wld- ened. For q time it ieemed thut Coxsainthe.1001 outsideir, ,would bhiu n;gearest ehalleniger, but wiith a mile to go St. Ara- ,nt's lead waa two Iengths, with Laeashire,,another outtider, and John O'Gaunt nexti inthe fed More thunder, 110w accom- pani2d by vlvld flashes of light- ning, helped to give St. Amant any incentive h e eded to get away from hbis rivaie, and comi- iing up to Tattenham Corner het was already thre, lengthsa ahead and the raceý wau obviou6ly over, Ail real excitement lhad now vanished. but although only a few people were aware of it, another Derby Day drama waRs belng played out fartiier along the course. A policeman had been keeping an eye on a book- maker who hand been üfferin19 ýar more &ttractive prices than his rîvais. He turned awg.y to watch the race, gnd when h. looked back the bookie and his clerk were a couple of hundred yards away and running fast. The constable immiediately be- gan theý chase and, with th,- crowd taking up the cry of "Welshier," scores joined i h hunt. The clerk was caugh when hie stum-bled, and when he faceed the miagistrates next day was sent to jail for a m-onth. But the welsiniig book-make!,Pr, like St. Amranit, was neyer eau-ghit. Whîle afl thîs was going on, iCannon, St. Amant's jockey, wa- having an easy ride homie, h'is chief task being to prevent his mount boiting when the thunderk rolled and the liightning fiashedi. H-e was content to mnaintain his three-lengthis lead over John o' 4GRunt, who'in turn finishied six liitlths iii front of St.* Denis. Ironically, the storni'passecl as quickly as it had brokeni. There was a last roil, as though to give encouragement, as St. Amnat noerd the piost. Thoen, mi----- lously, the rain ceased, and. by the time the horses retur ned to thi paddock thp Fun was shining. St, Ant"s eusy victory tira one of the Yrare occasions on which the winhg jockey hias not hiad to Use his whip. It "'as, in fact, oniy the second time a Derby colt had led frein start to finiszh. And it is a not-very-lorig- Odds bot that itwa the first timef thunder and lightning had aýcted1 as a spur to9 the winner. An old-timecr is a feilow who rcrn1eMbors whon mstfamiili*es mdetheir ownl root beer. Rode Crocodil e Like a Bronco Thýe famous explorer v.antod to find out oxactly how poison lef t a snake's fangs. So ho de- cîded on a danig oxperimnent. Ho flound a snake, an eight- foo(Ltr, in the jungle, seized il by the nieck so ti'ghtly that 1 couild't bite himr, heId a piece of stick again-st the Up co! ils anaand wache , facinated, as tue Cdeadly vernm ooxod out, asho dleserbecl it, "th ick and yellow like chamnomiie toma." Even to-day lrgfaea 1o tropical South America are lti knrowni to the white main, and 3'0 years mgo ouly th.e coastal fig es hiad beeni explored. That ex- plorer - Charles Waterton - was one of the first w.hite mon to pentrate into !fie heanit o! the steamijng Soýuth Amenican jungl1 1e. From uhs earliesýt yeýars nratural historyI had been an absorbing paýssion, and his on. ambition was ho be able to, explore some iittle-known part o!' the world ini order to find Iout somoething abfDout ita animai and plant if e. In 1812 ho achieved his amn- bition, whiinho sot sali for Brit- ish Guisna at the. mgeofo thîrty. Not for eleven yenrems was hoe to returu ho lhis native land, and during tuis timie hetrold enormous distances and penetrat- ed deoply into, the inhospitable interior o! the vrat and ah that time little-kýnowýn continent. For three yoears after bis re- hurn ho w.orked on the. notes lhe iiad made djuring hs long ab- sence, !inliy produciug in 1826 one ofthie first classics o! nat- unal history exploration, "Wan,- derings In Souith America." Waterton was gi!ted withgra courage and a cool nerve. Ho was, hoo, a shrewd observer o! the ways o! wijld creatures. How truc were his observations on bow tho avoid danger in a land tceemin-ig with dangerous animiais! "Tmîe and e-xpoerience," hoe wrohe "ha-ve convinced me that there ig not mnuci danger in nov- lng amiongat anakes and wiid beastz providled only tliah you have tel!-comnmaud, You must neyer approach them abruptly! If 20, you are sure to psy for your rashness, because tii. Idea- of seif-defence lis predomninant ln *very animal, and thus the 2onake, always ready o efud himnselt, from what h. considers an attack upon hl.m, makes tiie Inrdnfeel tii. deadly e!fech o? hîs poisonous fangs, "'The jaguar f1ilesnt you and Icnocks you seniseless with z otroke (>f ils paw, whereas, if yoir bad net corne upon him toc> âuddenly, it is ton to one but that b.e had retined in lieu of disput- in.- the path with you." Durlng liis long shay lri South Amnica, Waterton experîonced miany adventures, none more remarkable. than the. capture o! afull gro-wn, or croco- dile, wltii bis ba-r. banda. fis nartive servants izad caugbt a specimen neariy eleven fooet long on aPlarge rmeat-baited hook on tii. end o! a long nope. Tue crocodile was erociousiy angry and the terrified niatives wne to kil! it. But Waherhon was anx- Mus to take it alive. He wlkedi up and down i-i.e sand for some hlme, wondoring- how tuis couid be don.. Finally, he u-rt upon a plan. Taking the. maist out o! a canoe he wrapped & sali round one end o! it. "1h ap- peared crear to mîe," lhe wrote a!- terwards, "that if 1 went down upon on. knee and heid the. mast in the saine position as the. sol- dlier holds his bayonet, I coulid force it down the. caimian's tiiromt should ho corne open-mnou-thed «at me." Plunging into the. water, lie ordered hua helpers to pull the, camntowands the shore whiie he wýent down on ono knee ho steady iimsel! against the pos- sible onsiaugut. AGENTS WANTED EAIIN Cash ln your Spare 'rme. Juïst show your friends Our Chnistmnas and Ail-Occasion Greeting Carda (including Religlous). Stationery Gits. Write for samples. Colonial <lard Ltd 489-B Queen Fast, Toronto 2 EXTRA MVail-Onder Dealers wanted, Work done at home, by mail only. 11gb Parcenitage. Carry no stock. Apply, stat- Ing age. G. Prenette, Mal-Order Viouse, DON 181, sorel, Que. AR ICLES FOR SALE "~DESTROYER" for use in iêutdoor toil- etEats down to the *artb, saveu cleanlng. Directions. Thousands etf sersCoasat to Coast, Price $1.00 per can, p1osipaid. Log Cabîn Producta 322 York Roiad, Guelph, Ontario. Pocket Book Exclianoc SEND three pocket books and 25 cenits.3 Recelve three differenit. The Book Room, 7 St. Clir West. Toronto. BîABY CKICKS STARTED chieks, one, two snd tisret weokt .h-sold. Non-sexed, pullets, cocker- ela at axceptionally 10w prices. $end for price list. TWEDDLE CfICK IIATCUElIIES LTD. FIEGUS ONTARIO DON'T delay,-ordler Bray July-August brollers nowv. Pomtslpment dual purpose cockerels. DuIal purpose and Aruecs dayolds, prompt shlpmnent. stant- ed Leghorns dual purpose pullets and cokres sk for ilst ready-to-lay Ames. See2 local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 Jolin North, Harnïlton, Ont. BOATS FOR SiALE JOHiNSON Boat Works have fo1 yu boating pleasume 15 sud 16 oot cda Laptrake boats wlith prices to meet y our budget. Johnson Boant Wrk St. Villiamaý, Ont. Phono 3P03J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITV LEARN Auctioneering. Terra soon. Frceacatalogue. IRelscbi Auction Col. le, .1Mason City. Iowa, Amreica. DAiR'? EQUIPMENT PIERFECTION mnilkers with tandrard or automnatic control, floor suspenided or pipe line types, bave lead the way for over 40 years, Installation suid serv- ice anyvisere lu Western Ontario. Our pices are always interestlug,. Annerican Separator Sales, Phono Carlow 2821, Godericli, Ont. DOME9TIV HELP WANTED 11IOUSEK.IEEPER ,required ln Septýember for a modern well.equIppeci ome.s Ouaïplng, Ontario - a iuew comimunty of 1000 population located 30 mniles nontb-west of Sudbury. Appllcants sisould be self-a;ufficient, rc- liable sud capable of taklhg domxplete Charge of the home and set as suotiser t(q four chlldren - tisree boys siged 14 Il snd 4 year.e snnd.ooe gIi aged 4 ears. Fsthen's job takes 3hlm way fomn home for tbree days eacbi week. This le an ideal opportuutty for a( lady who likes eilidren sud Is Interested lBi a permanent home. A lady with one or two cbldren of her own would bc, wýelcme. SularY $1i00.0, per mntIt for Wgile person3, $.00 'witisone chIld, $60.00 wilth two eblldren. Applicants should w rit e to Harold. Bonidett, On;splng, Ontairlo aud an Inter- view wifr b. srnged. Rtefereuces wil be requlred froin your minîsten or pnlsh priest. Perturbation. 1 instantly dropped the mast, sprung up, and jumnped on uis back, turning haif round as I vauited, so that I gained mny seat with my face in the riglit position. I immýediàtely seizod his forelegs,~ and by main force twistod them on his back; thus they served me for a bridie. "He now seomed to have re- covored from u hs surprise, and hostile company he began ta plunge f uriously, and lashed the sand with his long and pôwerful tai!. I was out o! reach of the strokes of it by being near his hoad. He continued to plunge ind strike and made ilmy seat very uncomfortable. It must have been a fine sight for ain un- occupied spoctator. "The' people roaýred out in triumnph, .and weme so vociferous that it wvas somne timie beforo they heard mne tell thoni to pull Me and mny beast o!flrnrdon on to the shore.,1I was apprehensive the rope might break, and thon there would have bceen eveiry chance of going dlown to the regions un- d7er wýater with the caimnan.'" Evenituali-y, Waterton and his captive woere safeiy landod. "It Y-ns the first and last time 1 a evor on a caiman's back. Shouldý it be asked how 1i-.managed to kýeep my seat, I wouild ase hutnted somne years with Lord Daýriington'sfo ou s. A feîw years a;ftcr Wate-rtou's roýtuirn froni SoLith America the ossibility of furtiier explora- t'ions was brought to an abrupt -etd when his father died, leav- FAIIM FOIR SALE -SIMCOE COUNTY A FARMER'S FARM 1,46 ACRES of -gpod clay boai, fiowïlng wel, large blp roof barn, ties 60 head. 140 acres tillable. Comiortable honme wltb modemj convenlnices. Located one mile fromn paved highway. Carnles a 4% miortgagle. Priecd for quick qale at $29,500, ÎTOUTT AGENCIES LTD., REALTORS 211 Vonge st. S. Aurro 8Collier SP. Barrie Aurore FPA. Y-42YO Barrie FA. t-5901 FOR SALE WORLI.IWIDE Gv-Aa!Carton 1IN double-edge blue blades $5.00 value, onily 1.5 Or send 25(l for packagýe. CE.WalonBox. 1154, Lufkln, Texas. INSTRUCTION PAR1iN ;more! rBookkieeping, Salesmar, ebip, Shiortband, Typewriting, etc. Les. sona Askfor free circular No. 23. ÇealnCrrespondIence Courses !29C Day Street;. Toronto. PNCOMAE PROPERTY FOR SALE A good year rounýd Incomre properxty In ùown 0f 'IHuntsville. City convenien- ees , excellent location, ownier's spart. m.enýt avallable. Sel? or consider blouse as dIown Paymient. Apply P.0. Box G2, IlnailOnt. MACHINERY FOR SAILEI ONE Dion Thrcehler nearly new or' rubber, shi-cdder, grain throwcr, pniced reasonably. Used privately. Apply Ted TEnnanlt, Fevershau. Phone 22 r, 1l. MONFY TO LOAN UNIrIE onley boans to city sinc farm ifol1k. Money for anythl ng "Il anywhere. DiaLlýing Investment-s Jtà.. 380E loor Streeýt West, Toronto. WA. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAINISII the tormenit 0f drv eczeffa lashes J'nd weeplng skhn troublee. Post*3 Eczeîma SalIve wii flot disappoint you. tCItcbin scallng and burnlng ecze, ma, acne, rnwrpimples &and foot cesem.-a will respond readily to the stailese odorles olntînent regarclles of how sý-tu-bborn or hopeless ther %effi Poat Frec cii Reept et @Price FRIC! $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2115t. CilirAvenue lest TORONTO MEDICAL I'IGHLY RECOMMENDED - EVERY SUFFERER OF RI4EUMATIC PAIN% OR NEURITIS SHOULh 7E DIXON'S REMEDY. MAUNRO'S DRUG STRE 931 [LOIN ep u CletOTTAWA NuRSE$WANTI Registered Nurses Required Operatirng Room 40.MHOUR VWEEK 0000 PeRSONNEL.FOL1CIES CLOtIE TO TORONTO APPLY P#RUCTOR OF NURSES York CoUnty Hospital Newmarket 01PPORTUNITIES -DO, IT, YOURSELF- YOI> ciindo It. Thse jack systemi, no iorms needed. Workz for profit. Land- scpnc-nney block, home, cottage, fouidaýtion maiýterlals. M.ýake- your own, Iu summer or wlnter. 'Ny photos and instructions on setup andb mlx wll save you grief und mioney. Notbiug expen- sive lnvolved. Simple and proven prac- tical on aPl materials. Send 1 dollar. ILet a, hobby get you there. Gerard L YMornieatu, 81l lth Ave. Fast, Owen Souind, Ontaýrlo. OFPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN EE A HAIRDRESSER £0196 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Greý,at Opportunlty Learnflirdressing Pesudigiied profession1; g waLges Thousands of succesaful Mar-vel Graduates America's Greateat Systern lfluatirated Catalogue Ireo Wite or Cal? MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358Blor St. W., Torônto Bran1ches: ï4 Ingst, W, flamiilton 72 Rideaýu Street. Ottawa,,e P1HOTOGRAPHY SAVE i SAVE! SAVE!I Filmus develope-d and i12manaprints Inialbum 60f 2 magna prlnts ln album 41)e refpints 50 each KODACOLOR Deeopn oils$L00 (not iincluinai pnlnts). Colon, prints 35,ý cucb extra. Ansco sýnd Ektschrome 1nram. 9,0 ter- posures mïoonted lnualide $1.25 Color prints froin tildes 35eý eacli, tWney refunded h i!fr nrntdng tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 3Si GALT ONIl, PEFT STOCK A wrndemful opporultnity to scucre soin. ouoltstanlng) ENGLISH 3ULLDOG PtJPS SIRED MY OUR IMPORTEC STUDS VOU may '.ýlsitaouir kennels witbouit obligation any day of the. week as they *e epeni to the public. KAMEL KENNELS (REG'D) AURIC FARF1MO 2#b CEN4TRE &T. THORNHILL, ONT. 400 VO. WEST OP VO GE ST. AT ST£OPLIGI4TS a a a o PREPARE FOR A NURSING CAREER I4AMiLTON GENERAL HOSPITALS HAMILTON, ONTARiO A twio year study programmie followed by one year lnternjeshîp. No tultion tee. Financial assistance can be arranged Iii ffrst two y(ears. Substantial saltary tii third year, Minimum educational re,ý quiremient - four-option Secondary ,Schùoo Graduation Dîploma ilcldlng science option. Complet. Grade XIII im recommended For Dotails Write tg DIRECTOR 0F NURSING. POtJLTRY AND SWINE £Till K137 Kimiber pulle-ts once and we are sure you wiliLbe back every *year for more. In 1957 we hiad one cos- tomner for Kimiber pullets. In 19591 wc have over 600 customners for Kimibel pullets and o f these are repeat eustomnf-is. Klmber pullets commence to lay large eggs earller. They hava good livabillty during the growing per- lod, wlth relatlvely good resistance to Leucosis. Also avallable for i'mmediate delivery - White Leghorn X Rhode Island, Rhode Island Redi, California Gray X White Leghocrn, LiJght sussex X Rhode Island lRed, Rhbode Island Ried - X Liglht Sussex, RIhode 1Island Ried X Barred Riock and other popular breeds. Breller chieks. Turkey poults Swlne - English Large Blackz, Landrace, Blue Spotted hybrida. Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHJIOR 1ATCHERIES LTII. FERGcus ONTARIO SITUATIONS VACANT MAL.E OP FEMAI.C EARN $600 or more at homle. In ;Ipare time representlng Canada's flinest Chlldrený'sý Camp aind Ranch. Establilh- ed 25 years. Information: "ldod Vaudireuil, Quebec. STAMPS AND COINS NEWV 1959 US.. Canada catalogue now iready,; send 20e to cover cost. N&erw Way Stamnp, Lawrence 16,. Mvass._ A DREAM RAINBOW FOR YOUR ALBUM A beautiful collection, sports, fiowers, aii)s, etc, imore than 318 different stamps. Satisfaction for everybody. AR that for only 25ý. Wlth our beautU.ul istamps on approval. Faro Stamrp Co., D)ept. W., Stoneham Co.. Q ue beec, (A.S.D.A. - P.T.S.) SUMMER RESORTS EDWARDS Island Inn, on farnous Pick. erel River. Housekeeplng cottage« mandy beaches, flshlng. Write Edward Sinms, Port LorIng, Ontarlo. YOUR HOLIDAYS AT L E MO NTC LAI1R MOST outstanding resort at famed Ste.- Adele, Quebec. Swimimilig Pool, Tennien, Rldinig, Golf, Bowling, Movies, Danclil# to Orchestra. Famous for Food, WRITE FOR FQLDER: H. Rt. Couillard, Lep Moritclair, 5t.A ,QUI-- loeking th@ ami round Canadien girl for the title of~ MisS Canalda $6,000 ;'n sClislarsbiips~ couirtesy of PepsI-Colaî Comipany oe'anade Lirffted. Re4iuirentitsAg@ - le t@ 2 y cirt'. uducation-I2 yeare igis choet. Talent entries ~close Jully 20th. Writê Miss Clanada lloadquarters, 21 Johsn Street cation formsandsudtrther i' fltniltlOll. 'TEACHERS WANTEb CATHOLIC Teachier wanted fer S-S. No. 15 Doyer TÔlwnisiPabout .12 miles TfrOM Chatham, Grades I1 to3 vwtiseroiiest cf 24. Apply statîig qualifications tu Adelard St. Pierre, Bearline, R.R. No. 1L QUALIFIED teaciser holding cither Ist or 2nd clasa conýtifiecate for' Cockhura Ialnd Sebool ares. No. 1. Salary '$3,300 per anm. ýDrtÎeS.ýtk 'o mne se Spt lat, 1959. ApplW 3. R. Mcl-11b, SEC.-TREAS. Cockburn laînd, Ont. TECIR,1 o t as principal for Wy- oculng Public Scisool. Please state ex-e perience, last rchool taught and namre of inspector. Dies to commetnce faîLl term. Reply to G. OLIVER FANGMAN Chiairman or LEO FERGUSON, SEC.-TREAS. wyoMAING, ONTARIO. CARNARVON TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA REQUIRES -A QUALIFIED TEACI4Ek FOR TiiEIR No. 2 SCHOOL (RURAý,Ll, it PUPILS. GRADES 1 THROUGH 9 A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR TIIEI No, 6 TWO.ROOM SCIjOOL IN THE VILLAGE 0F PROVIDEPNCE MAY, GRADES 5, 6, 7, B. SlND îappliontiows teý: A. C. BEAUCIN PROVIDENCE BAY, ON4T._ 0WI NE- THEE ateaýt ilu Swlne Breeding> BStuc SpoLte.Sgr o herd tnow Rgit odz Ladrace guis bred te Laýr<eBlc boansr loimotdLrg.les Gpose Crpeék Farm. Gýrand Vallev O tario. IT PAYS To USE OUR CLASS[FED COLUMNS SLEEP AND, RELIEVE NEMIPASle Ai -AY T4fI -PIINilteA teccodgo CLASSIFIED ABVERTISINO "'?he Xi.l's playing Copi ~tnd N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N b N N N N 'N N N N N 4 N N N N s N