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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1959, p. 8

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OROO EEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, .IOLY 9th, 1959 ORONO WEEKLIY TIMES Founcler. R. A. ore rPublisher R. C., Forretr Relcttions.At Low Ebb Thie Durham Dî-istr'ic't 1igil cho Bar t a nmeetng las't week r1eaffirmed their stndin the Higli School delemýpa and passedi a motion askinigth eiglit mun'ici;pal- it;ies to gi-ve approval 10o build the thre1e new Schools. Aise) incluIded in the m-otionl is a sectionpontngout that a numh1 f neber s f the Bear[li are intending to resiýgn if approval is net forth ceing. The Town of Bowmianville lia-s aray adits decis in and lias refused to, go a1ing, with theuldn of three sehools. They have liowvever. conýsented te buIiding twvo, o)ne in Darýlinigton and ore ln Milibrook leaving., out the one lai Clarke Township. It is ex-;pected thatotiliers wilI follow suit. Menibers of t-he Sehool Board can hardly be blamed for their intentionl to resiga for outside interferenice lias made their job impossible. On tlie other hanid the bs of the members to the Board will be regreýtbli or theý 'Board as it exista la a good Board, The r-ea-ppo)intmen2it oi other members will furtlier the chance of the ubjec2tng municipalities te interfere with the placîng of the 3chýools. In hi area in-ter-ixncipýal relations are dropping to alo ebb and the resuits of this wiIl ne doubt be f elt for years. Ail are endowed with the desi re to grab and chaos seemis the onfly resuit. The educationl of our chiren la beiag affected, along with hospital services and no doubt it cant! spread to other phaises as timie gees on. T nsi l at a point weeita almeast cesler the ely way to accompLisil anyïthIîng is to go it alone.t But thîs weuld no doubt bc, cestly and in somec cases impr)'laçtcal. oee the enld resuit nmay be that Clarke would fare rmuch bietter on a,,go-it-alonje policy. Summzer Activities SumrbiJgs for the chidIreýn of Oronno and dis trict a time for play and sucli othier activities. During the monte of July the miniigs are takenq up wti tlei Recreation pregram anwd tie afternoon w-%itli the RedCrs swimm.1-inlg lessons.Bohpgrm are being well suppoff- ed ln atteadance and eageriy foilowed. Furtlier lie this, niest of the cude in tlie Vill age are mrembers of one of the five bail teanris which iardlîy a niglit gCes by with- ouif one of tiem payngsom-,ewlaere., What a farf cry from gone-by days ;,hen. the yo-ung- er set, found their own( recreation and travelled to a creek somnewhere la the country to awim. Any old pond or bend in the stream was sutable providing it waa deep enough, Learning tû swim, whCh Of course came mruch lateýr in lîUe, was somrewhat a matter of sUrvival. The bail and such gamnes did exist but we don't believe on lte scale that it does to-ay especially la the childrens -division. The Orono teàims of 'Itoday compete wilh neiîghbourinig centres on a setup schédule, It would appear, taking everythiri n bc onsider- ation., that the good-old days pass ,ut that better days do coeaboag. Bicycle Safety Stickers and other forma of ,safety pubIicity carry the arreating slogan: "Watcli that biýke." People wlie watch bicycles wilI atteat te the need for the slogan to be adopted by pedestrians as well as motorists. It should also be heeded by cycliasts. Some bike ridera bake te tlie sidewalk, and at a speed ta makes tiemn a liazard to pedestrians. With sehool eut m-ore bikesýw'ill appear aad greater caution la needed by alil p,,Uies. la tis cnnecion afet exprtsfrom a 9sur"vyhv DURïAM COUNTY CGIUTUA ,ALENDCAR C A SFE S C I Thursda-y, lul 9t - 7:3ý0 p.-m, Joit H ran nd4--IPoat CubAIJOTIO SALE SHER EPARýP meeting at the -,faïrmof Lesli; Wl Th 'leunesg d asrcv in No ist tin hve r and Sons, îBowmanville1'ýý,. A vî--iiosrcin rm H orS wn h eardCali O -onoSho e- thle Welsli boys' 4-H oao niot3,Con-. 4, Cak'TJshpPiphn Ooo 32. tf grain clb plots an1d Vwiiîtatheoemlwst O xi c? oco fo heOtaj Dprtet fAg- Tedak~ rîcul.ýture from -Lindsay. A FsOR cia,, Duha -H SiepClbprpra lt ,cou. ,Uaa Tir ,j 1/S2 tion ~ ~ ~ - metn ttefarm on É dmieswet f>',l sIÈ; x ; 1 O Ayecapo.y.Ar wî.gv i uto t 3, xi',,,- JVy 3 AnIish t"er kdog in tLhe Kirby on 1M ociok vinol ive~ viinty. Anisw"ers to the ie of lambforZh~ ~ho rin. Trins N3 erv. ýiowe 11R12, Orono. We-dnesdayJl 5h 80 ..!eU ý,Aci e;_________________ Duhm4-H Po)ultry,1 Club mi-eetinig ORAE ln thý,e Departmient o giutr, ~ NEDTwo compltegavt a1 Bord Ror ,) Boman!t vile.'TeJ okand1c pipes foir coal or cony-rsiofl toi guest speaker wifl be M.R. M-Cpalt ÀJiWJ o oul Both ari nearly ne yand in ex- Carent, Sales Representativ forafeboagd a]grgd MnI cellent condition. Pri d reasonable Mase es . i.Subject: Poltyay to Fdy fo am. to 5:30foqucsaeOoFeIndu- Feeds and disease conîtrol. lit bery 2phone 1,,1816. a-c; D rim 11 he ClbAchiieve-- ter 5:30 p.m. --a-p ' "'"~ mîent Day la the Agrvîcuiltural Build- I ing t Oono airGronds. Judge-I of~~~~ Ah are0amsad lomaFR T A N1K 3S of iremak-e 1inÉsCAci ;oFmn-kiIàëg A liuse? s-hp ill e .1 . Byd Are, amp- certallapeit vry~n ton.rf p iness which was done fo m4tre, suc r o îigyurpesrt e asof frit, po, fwelcrs, nad To rmy jýýligy*r rset'ü Wedniesd5ay, Juily l5th - 2:00 p.m. 1aofvisit, p t, lweir a )n gftscontact Ganraaka Conservation Auth-ority lYectOrs andl Nurstes efAMemoia meig.Duriam Counity [Forest. Hoapita, ,aispecial t 1)nk ou I L.,: Tliursday, July lGtli, 7:00 ýP.-I Durham 4-Hï Dairy Caîf Club mernet.. ing, lacnjntinwihthe Dur-r liam County iloilstein ClubTwlgt menuat the f!arm t use Set, * I Nýew7 judgfing M.J. M. .Fraser a-neTedsA ai-bl AgrcutualCellege. The ahn Frid!ay, July 15--Su11rîse Tour, A wil a ïssatresearcher's instnatn tour of farms la the ceuntýy will be;sou esuecoiiin a ifrn spenaeDred by Durhiam CeunySou I parts of On ari n vnuiyw and ý'Crep IpeeetAscainhelp bhem -.forecast ,wlnat coswl -in c-epOeraïtion il he Etninho tlie best frse-edil acrti Brniof îthe OntarieDpatet er ef~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~S ArclueViis ilbe ad Sesaid Professer teý ia n lathe past-ure compezîitionRcadHa fertýiîy plots, a f arm pndand h ofteSeilla Depart 'tat tcO.A.I or penso neet aciyu .wietligte farmrs attend papr fr 'etalsregrdig Ùe ng the oenigof tlie aew miin 1n pacsdollar sella building. He epand "Steel tubes are f ira-t tdrive r)lao Satrda, ulylSh -10:0 .m.1 he rend aaid tie soil remový*ed1 Qu-e Dstrict junior Farmrnek fominSide thre tubin.Win thleI Day, hMerorial Centre, Peterbor:o. I moisturo conrtent la requ'r d, a poeis lowered downisi3de the!I MdaJuly 20th - 8:00 p m_- _iube. This probe contains î.a-Radium-n Joint meeting- Durhiam 4-h Beef Berylliumr source wîheiafast Calf club with beef caîf mmesnurn.Threso, fast riontrons when fromi Ontario County at the ,, ari et ia collision witli the hydrogenl at- Malco)lm Baily, Uxaridge. Mr. Baily orna of tie soul water ar.e slowedi lias ono of the noted Aberdeen An- and scattered back te the probe gus herds !in Ontario and this wil, The numrber of slow neutrons which award the Durhiamf County junliorsljgel back to thle probe vory with th1eý an -opportunity te see that hord. tsoiî Inoisture conten -t."i Menday, July 251h - 7:30 p.m.-I Progfessor Richards also miention Durham Counby -4-H Swine Club dil uat the Dopartmaent has radio-1 mreeting. Place te 'be annouiiced. 'active tracersanad gioger-.counling equtipmeit for "sttLdyin- the effect1 Wed-nesday, July 29thi - 7:30 p.m... et placemnent of fortïlizor on nut-j Final -meeting for Durham 4-H rient absorption by plants, the la- i Beef Cýaî1f Club. Demnontratiei ns f braction c-of soil Lemperature andi propa(rations for the show and ow ferti1izer placem:ent, ani the chemni-J manaip! will be givon. Final quiz cal transformation Of plant n.ti Wb answered. Place to hoanoucelen-ta la the soil. By 'aoln"fr tilizer ýwith rdiacimaterial, the; Final meeting for Hope 4-HlCîfsi and labo the plant can be tracedi Club. Domonstrabtion on preparalionlmwithi a Giegor Couater without do-l for thie show and showans lp. troying theo growing planita. ThIa» Finl qiz e b anwerd. lac te wrk wi1 help f armrs in fertiizr be anouaed.placement." - j Richards aoted that the nevw soi] 4-11Grajiin Cluband Durliham 4i-H eogite hanille 100,000 soil1 PoaoClub mi-embers will be ex- samples a year. Thisa comfpares te ai pebdte attend bthe Land Use peak of 25,000 that was iaaidled la Judging Copetibion lan the Orono pr!evieus years. dcistrict. This evoat la undcer the di- Frisw- ealt reto f fthe soils Departmcint of 0amrswl e bebget ftheir1 the, Ontario Dopt. of Agiutr frîîe ecomm-,-endablon baeck, !'la co-operation a ith 'the Extension 1withn tweweoks from th lie- Brýanii f the Ontario Dept I. o g Jtiysond lthoirsapl h i r flicr, heCentra 1 Lake Ontario1 ttel Conservation Authorîy -aid far- - rsin ihe district. Ail farm peopleat 1 are iurgi ed te atend thîs eveal, jr A iuust 7, 8, 9-Jno Fa er Coliudrmpge1 BusTnpte iddlesox Cut.Jua.isseisto sujoct te the approval ior. Fairmers; from tlie couiiiisosf of the îMunicipal Board. Thoe approx-1f borlandî and Drn have beonlaacos is estimnated at$000. vi-ted te o gueist of Mddlesex Jun- 'iglrs la thleir hiomes for, this woek-! lb a suggestedl by some board ri elid. Formal for the 'trip mabe îi'n ,i mesta neatee scm telie Ontarlo Dept. ofAgiutrpeeagemnbyle unca.. wtheh bus tare by Saturday, ii ies regLardling th-e buiilding pr'o-1 July 11h. gram ei Munic'ipal Board mïgit n WodnedayAugut î~ J nt aproveof the deb-eatue isue Da, Poerbonrougi Fair Pele-rborol, - Cranboard imemibera f eltbat 1, Ontri. nîplemnentinig the build-ing pro- ivrmm asa now tiecocmplete ro- U Weneda, epom 5r9h -83 aoobilt f Iîthe cuci con- a.mii. Junliqir FaWrmeranld 4",î g-I eno.Thieyfeit that !they i adi ' ing Comipetîtions at thie Canadian donce everythin1g î1h tIfri oe nf Naiýon-al Exhibition, t investigatîn ami selocbing thepro- j TusCaendr akea I;prmeedence poseil sites frsecendalry saýcees teLoi over 1,aly poinsoefor ila soie- re 1tho ne-MS fn thre Iigli achool1 cases chaniges takle place. chldreaiin ýthe area. Phone 2191,0rono poureci. For st available Sadie Hailton -Every Is fJu- Iance is represented in our office. The follow- Iing are some of the miaincoea s we can Offer: IAu;tomobile Life, Accident and Siclcness, Plate Glass, Llability, Pitre, Burg.kary, .4oîpitali7,ation, Lvsm>k, Boier-, Wind, Polie, L ivcFdelity Bonds etc. ORONO _ NE IR16 FIRS MOR%~ ~LOANSj The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone TU 5-5216 P.C. Box 62 Port Hope' Ont. Buy Direct and Save Commissions, Monuments, Gravestones, Engraving, Goldleafing ~refe~s~uuI ~frnàry A. F. M'cKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office Hmurs 2-00 to 4:00,1 p.m. 7:00 fo 8:-00 p.M. Saturdays aud iWlednesdays by appoirtments only PHONE =141 ORON~ DR, R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SEIRGEON Phone 10616 Orono, Ont.' Lawrence C. à sta, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-S53» Daurister - S@licîtor [ i te offices of R. RL Waddell ýQ.C. MAIN ST,. ORONO) Friday 7 p.m. - 14 p.m,. Saýurday 9 a.§Il - j m Telphne 38orono JACK 'REID iAuctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmn and Funtuie Sales Consdt nMe for ternis anidates Phone 5 r 18 - Oron. TED JACKSOIN and &t reasonable rate£ Communicat i hi-îmat Port Perry, Ontario, or- see biýs Clerk, A. S Moit3n ae .Orn~o r date, LIFE INSURANCE Pension Ples;-Educateoeral peIIe* protection and Savings Plans <fS Childi-en fand Adýts; mort1age lu.' surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT Ormo, Ont. hn 11716 Typwriters Remington Poab. 4 Models. Free demonstration. At $1-00 down and $1,00 a woek. Up to 20% off on demonstrators. OSHAWA BU59NESS MACHINES 329 Sîmcoe St. S. Phone RA 81211 Evenings 5?7.48 STAFFORD BROS. Phone Whitby 557 38 Dundas st. E., Whit1by FlNE QUALITY IMONIUMENTS AND MARK 5RS Let us er-ect a handsome, dit. nified monument over the rest- jing place of your loved 0n.s. lt's nof expensive. And soeing this lest tribut. wil give yuendless comfort. Orono Electric CONTR ACTORPS FO0R -FARM and 110115E WIRING Free Estimabes APIFLIANCE SALES Prà - l and Guaraàteed Remair- to ai: sýnds uof Blectrical qi mo and App4ices St;'1., lfcrs .Water -leatêns e

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