Volume ,2,2,1 Number - Thursday, Jufly 6h 1959, Orono, Onta-rio S-ubscription $1.50 100 Lodges Parade At Cobourg JuIy l2thl Thousalidns o! members cf the LOyal Oranige Or-der and paradle vis-1 itors crowdedl Cobourg on Saturdiayý to see one 0f the largest July 12ý Lose And Wini 'walks' in somne years, One Ibuadcred DuigtepstwkteOon bads pfrom thýýie disieet an 50 JuniorGirls' Softball teýam played baus arkiatdjnth een. het-we gameLus ilawhich beth vwere play- parade look almrost twvo heýurs te ed in Orono. The first gamne was pass. jplayed tura rigagainst P.ort Hlopecwicl saw the vistors, Saturdayb (Orange Lodge celebra- edge a wi nby a score of 11-10. The1 tien marks tue 270t1 aiiniversaryjl-oc2algil helci the leactin l te gamei of the Battle of the Beoyne. At thýiS for the first two framnes but drop-. baltte in 1689 the forces of William e back five ia the tird_ v4heni of Orange, Willtim HIl of Enýjglan-d, P iort fo-pe scored six ruas. were victorieu4s over, the Catholie c roodrv lin ora both in, soliliery of Jamies iL.Subsequent tesxh n eenb u wr n 'evntsestblihed theprotestantI short la tieing the gamne t4 th-e end! ,,3cessioln to the -British crown. I 4 the seventb. Tlhese happeningsth 1s clleti 'Glorious Revelution", r>e-ulted n_ Sharon Wlllis pitdhed the game the permanent foundation o! thelfor Grono wvith, Barbara Keast be- Orange Order, althougl an eryh~ the- plate. Troy Taggart and Iorn of the organization had beenal Wiil is shared the hitting bion- formed in 1686, La Canada early1 ours for, the Orioe aine, headquarters of the Order were es-' tablished la Brockville but in -183) On Mofnday a-ening the Juniiorý the DSnminion offices remnoved to girls sa ite Necastle Juniors go)ý Teoronte. î,i is-estrated that mni- eut lai front 4-1 ïn the first -ninlg bership i the Oranîge Order at but were able !e overcomie thls leadi aad vwin . by a score o! 19-18 i six present is 2C«000 in Can-ada. land a hl -iiiiinigs. Sharon Wli w-a.s thie ,iwir.ig pitdher wlth F Cabourg lodges partîcpatlag Nicolson ccmpleting 1tIc Oro)no wVere LOL 127, LOBA 351, eaebtey Boys 79, and the Heleni Navia Mýenii-! oriilLodge. Port Hlope lodges Ia thet Troy Tgat Barbara Keast and parade were LOL 309, LOBA 516, îay Nchlson wvere best atL batfo Juveaile Boys 1416. The mard wsOrn as ail feached, fir-st 1base fourý led by the tradîtional 'King Billy' eut c)f five týries, 'an a white herse, David Quîgley,! The grame was clshur . i Mîarshial cf the Cobourg Ledge. Or. furst five frames. At thee Ad ftic coBanîd was present leaintg tesxl rn e 9t 5 ecsl Pontypool LOL and LOBA Lodges. cpame up wtl tre sors heto Keadal lFifeadDu adldtec i eet u ec~Lle e lieadai Lodge.'Play naie ad jbe ere t h wbaicd o cn g rua. la Oronio SatL.-,day mcrnag werc' iey lad played andparaded. ro0 lnep iao n V , pli-S Saturday torîg emes ren1,cQyfou stbaseu qyTaggart sàr tbe Cobourg loçlges laid -a ratqodbase, Janïc caackn thrd oný th noap l ,borg TeyCiritîn >-Maarut,ýenýsi sho rt st op, B ar- were accempaaied by the 26 COD aaKasLng yri adCr ci Gibaak, alternates were Jean1 Tamb,-lyn andarenSimpson, The parade mnoved off fromi Vic-ý toria Park at 2 p 1.mi, proceeded wesf ffl UniversitY Avenue, down On-! tario Street te King and tIen east N on King te re-enter Victeljia ?a-ri.1 TlMiglý trafflc was efflc-eint], re-. routed by Cebourg police anic je delay to passing rnotorists w-as re-1 duced te a Ilniaimuin consideringi t'ne theusanda c cars ialvolved. 'Port Hope lodges miarclied te ticý Wvest Unîty Band freun Toronto, l'edj b-y a blue-elid dua-oajrefte- 'whose baton swinging was oie of fihe features of t VIe parade. The Can- udian Legion Band 1,33 freninCe.' ibeiirg provided stirriag martial rinuslc fer the Cobourg lodges.Te traditionai fife and drumn bands of the 'Oloiious Tweilf th' werc mucAi in evidence as weli as the skirl o! the bag-pipes as Itic kilties nmarched * by. Memb>ers o! the parade commit- Itee were Worshipful Master FEd .Jenkins, assisted by A. E. Naist, Joe Ancrew.s, Dave Quigley and Clar- 4-iee Hie. A jlidges-staad was set up ici t-Vont of!'the town hall to &ward prizes for the best ibodges la tihe ~parade. Th~e judges were His Woýr-1 slhip M~'ayor J. D. Burnet, tle Hon. W 7A Mi iste- f ,,- Orono n Takes Boy's Lie 1 A1in a atin. 14 year o1d S')ýon Mm. and Mrs. Clame Mvaria ! Le kard, was killed lateWeesaaf terneon ,When -a tracteortu d and pinned hlm .tote icgouad. The. fragic accidient occured wvest of Les.-ý kard on the Lce fan, om-y ko'ovm as île Davey farnm. AIma leng lth Den.ný*ýs 1op son and Ronnie Ba,'-,,wene nssisting lan drawlng îla hay whcn fe~ dent occulred. Roanie Bah,~ son of !Mn. and Roy Bal,ý was drlving îtic 'tracer onwhicý-h Tboil eniad rAlln wre ase idfiag, Roi1Pie, Bai ýwas faken toe Memonlal Hospi'tal,! Bornnlisuffering soreme 'njur. ies. Dennis Thompson escaped wàhfu only a feow scratches. Guests 0f 1ftraserville four Centres Reaffirm Building 3 JHI*gk Schoý On July 8th about twenty ladies ,f teW. MS. ofFraserville ,Church nS top or s Fi ~net t the homne of MrF. and NMrs. or s Fie ~Wm. Robinson te bild their July~ mieetin gwt ten ladies of Zonze two Onitarie Lands and Forests De-1 ('fOrn W.MS. as their guests. atin forest P(oteeionl of.ifîcersl reor hat eeeSss sokers con- Thei, President, Mvrs. Clarke cr-allïedý tinue te be ai forest lire hazard Cis' on arîusmembrners of her gioup Suminer. WalterKtt forest pro-1 1whe led In a short worshlp servic tectien superviser in the Linld-l anid clesinig w*ihpayr Ms in-isay District, for inistance, says n ~y c Frservllegave a splendid cearelesýs smocker çaused a firel Lipe o te CarriNbeans, this was Harvey Tewný,ýship that b)urIed~ over foJ -îd ya 'shoartbuieseson twe acres bIeferle bei-ng broughit uni- Themeeingclesed with prayer erce)inrol by forest rangers fromn by tH rsdnte Apsley heasquarters. Ah Fraeiluslcaserve dicb "Reduction of for-est-fir-es is pos- the ra5~vile laies nd heirsîb eli SaIy-', "by forming th1e îostss ad averyplesantheu habit of using several simple rules was spent witl eld aüad new ac- orst qu inaces. c h oet Mr. Bevrley Bown a narby -1, Do net tlirow smoking mtra Mr. eve-I'y Bowna narb f rom cr at aa'y tinne. Use your asiý neigîibour rusetiefl the'Scee Carke. r myTann.aspl-'r the accident wtlis own utacter igtewgn oddwitl baled and righted fh ertunmachine liay %when lis tracter, vrure. 2. Do net smnoke wvhule wvalking la whlcIhlad Aia pinned. 'The bey Ne neas intwued la fhe accden t. tewos fyums mkso was, ho)weveýr, already dýeaci. IlTe tracter, a aIew dIiesel, purE- add e Wedaesday afternoonwmas aieciascd nly a few, niontîrs ago1byj 3 uxtiguibsmokingnmaterial sqot ted wth anoather tracter accel- Mr L. Hooey lad its meotor buurned freconrtLnuiag oni your jouraey. t detwhich hapýpenIed onrt Ée Mc- tOut a--s If waimpossible te tura h14. Break your match ln twe be-ý Kelvey farnonthe WA Unlie o ofCf after ift lad rolled Ctove forediscardlng it. r.D 5ID tilghs lires f'or eooking1 whe neôt ncsay Carry a lunch r Six xlear %Ici Boy D'rowxns a. at herme,,s At Sylvan Glen. oivake sure your camnp iire jsl n-ý OnGaaa.k Jcopetl eut before leaving in un_________ The Durbani District Hi2ý thielr apç plan whiý af firmed. Bo Pmli- have turned tliree c olpa down and rec( mendefd tit enly twio sciools Hlope Township at their JT notta ncnmoveci that -a iitoýr Bel any. At the present tirme Oro-no stands on top cf the Second place. The pa-cfsare ne,far roff and in these enly four 'teains will cern- pete. Ojne cf the f ive teamis wil na.ve te -drop e ut befor e 1t-ic en d -eo Jar-lie Binsxya-l o< ridetb r ereAs ndfl ek ti nesedthat Or- Mr. aad rs.James 'P'bi-arclrmnutl930pm vt-O on il n cous assured itself cf a piayoff erly o!Bedly w;as cwed la - eut rsuts.Mr ed ils wh Pa e irl the GnrsaRvrat yvnle erbas md eeral at- . k o u.Thitae naedesaynih G 4n 4 mles tî ortfe Port !Hope, tpts tk)~vrficyugtrswa tr è Oroo by a1 Score Th radfmiyldbe ýcrle ntc er'rpr îe o tn nscn pIalacein the Fretrwerc ,ýtiebig scorers for Mr.a adhAd îaked-ie Pr udymrin h eriwsruI.Miboklas taýken a firmir-yAdele Myles adMayJane - HPe tehu' aslefr)i car as esume RvScused-s býýy P.glpo isipaebuthseodFud Ic tan-k was ie-pty. jJaie aslstDogasu DstriCt SCout- seen wearin1g batbing irunka hrt- e t 1Z2;3P. pDavil -trong e s ly afte'r tour Cl'clack. Wh el, ýV. firsiçls'vee the bod[y undera unZil Tour Planned For Dur"a~~ BradrefuLrn-ed ai six 'c!iock le rc enalthe bridge about fiftyý tonduswlean lmlysercig ars ruati amep. as IinFarmers To View Farm Plannin for~ a Jui, phoned tihe(XOJ? aainefeet o!faerl patically I Cobe)Iurgp. tic- same .fý pot where a ygun-g Drggngopra~os er cr-wman w\,as reperfed te lhave alm-ost Feiday Jidy 17t, 9-.05a., Mr. Ken, Falls, Field.mant for tie dro-wned seveiaIj weeks ago, Bill Stai.ting at t'le- fam of Lloyd Kel-i Fïeld Crops BraÏich. TorontLo will be Jacobs -and B3ih. W',ickluind assIistd Iogg, WeIeome 1alo--ng tte-answer any questions re- David Strong la recovering the PROGRAM1 garding Weed Coutrol by ChemicaIs ~ ew costtebd.DvdadlilWcln r 9:05 a.m.--Lloyd Kellogg's Farm DOOR PRIZE .Rove-r Scouts. Tïrn nornth ,at first sgdi- ,)id emfi 'Phf-rý ,-MI11, h- qArxuf. - Juvs. In Pitchilng Battie i Necsl on. Frïday nighttestieOuts. L'il!the sixth the roof Newcastle and O)ron-,oJuvenile bal fel il, for Orono when Newcastle teams met to witnessa pitching soe their seven runs after 'tw. duel for. five inninga9. In the sixth were coiutd out. Don gave upo fivel tue bebble liurst for Orono and its and his teaim majtes cemmittedi NeNVcastle sc:oreï seven ruas t inatoa of fou felin errors in this by a 7-1 m--ark. Orone h 1eldthedera . utlthe last of the sixth with a, E.. Rowe was thlie winning pitcher' single counter lai the ýsecond whlen for NeWcasti1e taking eight strike bon Roughlley scored after going OUts atid giving up onlly four h1its. to first on a walk anidad-vciiciig onTh1sp wer e f~lits which went an error and a hit by Cliff Long,. to the folilïwi-ng Orono batters: Pete MarteseJohn Gleniney, Don Danciiuk was on the mûound1Cifford Long, and Ralph Kennedy. for' Orono anld in the first five in- The e was a real classic with nings gave up only four scattereýd1 the exceptiOn of th.e one bad î nning hits, five WalKS and took sevenifor the local boys. ParL ope e fema t OmoB-9T culture, atid J.. B. Ewart, Town Tlhe PortifHope aIntermedia fbrme. Port fHope burthcred their ýClerl<. Awards were won 'h by îeBsealClub on 'Tusday uigbt de.lead il a i fi fibytw;o njomeand ý3enîor IMen's Lxodgle, Fmaserv-Il1e; fctc Orono at fie local park by aîfinalize'd tf lrScerVing in flic sev-ý the Ladies'Lodge- brom Omremee; score cf 9 te 2. Gord Sellers w,'as the caf ht wifl two offË ef four bits, one fie Junior -Men's Ledge frein- Osli -losinig pitcicr for Oroio whIÈle Lec a home rua,a anot a tiire awva and tle pife and Drumn Band 1won tle ,victory for Port Hiope, 1 bagger. Sellers on île Omen);o mound lremi Tymene. Gon-d Sellers pitclied n l- ws iIhrus f me nuiacg inte Following the presentaîlon tu e -cnings for Orono giviag up c]cvea trouble, prize-winaing lodges af tle band lt thfe Port Hlope 'baffers wvitl or Sellers ptOrono on fI shel i Viora Frkbrif peeý2 onme by Watts beiag a home rua. score board berï one rua)ni ,e fi ti sielila Vctora Par, bnI spech- DMercer 1was brougif la te picli wlien he beltd eut a single wbicl ewcre made by visiting dignatar- C)i Oono but after faclag tihre Bieaton followedf wif h a fntherý les. Morgan Brow..n, Grand Matrb thfe gamne was caled by f sintgle teoreSler.Cc scoredý cf Mle Onfane odgaes, Ontari umpire due te darkness. Le,ý on thOe Oroao's ciier rua wien l-ie siagled' East, outlined the progress o! tIc other liand, pitching for Port Hlope,laadscoed wen eorge Jonces liti Orange Ordher lareceat years. He gave up sixhlUs tticOrneplay-a double. statcd fiat tle Order would ueer, 1 rs Don Ba ncoihlecied two ingei suipport a Canadiaii biag that eid"nut Por!TyHpe sbtnid off by sernghus itl hne rsrnCc inicludeý in Ifs desi a Union Jackfîre la the fWirt ianing off iwe G"eo)rgýe Jo'ncs and GordiSellers col- Ben Tlo-mpson MP, 'ogauatdsnlsand flree Qonne ons. - lctin)g snge alies,- tie lodges onflein fumou aad 1on'ono raisefaced etCler errors la tic;jN. Wky and BonardosArned mait iangthc Canadian Way o! 'second and third w1ihaise all owed!ifor Fort Hope àafie lifting depari- life. one rua f0 cross fie plate la cadli ment. Mr. Briand, Who is 32 years o!, age, reinted a home la BeWdley be- fore -moving te Port Arth1ir. There weýre seven cilidrep n thlcf amniyý ranigiý, n la ae frein 18 mnontîs te aie year, and Mrs. Briaad is ex- ~pectilig an)other child. Tley wvere ca9mpîin'gai SSylvan Gien wllle look-, ing for a lieuse te rent. The- remaining six ch-lidren were' fakeaIt care by tic bldep Aid1 Society ia Port Hope on Satur- day niight. TPic Salvation Army loeked ua!oite icparenîts. Jamie liad just liad lis sixthI birthlay on île trip frein Port Ar- thur and tle family were planningý te celebrate if when they were set- tled. The fanufly dog. Spud, aidcd> la the seamrci for Jamnie. Constables Tom Parker and RalpiTremilis of CoJbour§g OPP' in- vestlyated. Oirono Girls LoseTo Bethan-y TFice Bethaaiy Girlsý' Sofflaial telirn held supireme eveér ftle Oro-no SeniorI girls a bydla Infemaffieloa par o Friday veLnîaIg by a score! cf 12t! of Welcorne. A visit to Drill Width flots of Climnax Timeothy and Viking Oat-i Plots with various rates - of B-irdslfoot Trefoil stlfficient to seed Seedirig and Fertilization. Aiso see1 two -acres cach in 1960. Empt-ire Birdsfoot Trefoil. NT S9:30 a.m.- Fred Lowrey. On- Wel- If yvou can't make ail of the teuw7 coine-Garden Hl roadi north of WAhY rot plan te piclk it Up at one of Canton. See Farm Planning - Strip!thie stops. Plan now to brîng ýa car Ctoppliig. Joad with -you, TXhe tour w1il bc- 10:00 am -Roy Philp. - LOlria- i Cempl!eted illi tirne fuou to e dale Farjn. South of Garden Hill - hom for dinner. mile West. One of the con)testants lin!Sporsor-ed jointly by Durham Durham Pasture Cempetîtion. See ConySnadcop Im-provemnent improved reugli pasture às weiî as j ASSoCiationaand Extension B-ranch, well manag-ed hay pasture program. Oni'tario Dept of Agriculture. 10:30W .m.Edwin and Gýordon Alfred Allia, President,. Dtrliami Wilson - Flrst side read south of Crop) Improvement Assoc. Garden Hill. 1958 Hay Pastuxre Mix- A. O. Daîryrnple(, Ag. Rep., Dur-~ ture. ham County. 11:00 a..MlodWhiie, Eliza-1 Note: There will be a Land Use betihville. Sce Farmn Planning w'ith Jud(giag Competîtion starting at the strip farming, aise Pasture on mn-1Orreno Town Hall at 9:30 a.in. o! provedl low land. This farm is aise Weduesdlay Atîgust 750t. and al eatered la thle Durham Cotuntylfarmrers are urged to attii4 tins Pasture Competition this year. tour. Mr% Deug Logsdail will be in GUESTS icharge of ' ri .orniing programi Mr. Douglas Logsdail, Soils Se-adwiil bring out ilihe thingg Lthlat ialist 'rom vidayvill be on hand are important in soils and during te -anslver any questions re soils and1the afterneoifarmerswill be given paVIng »ASvoon To Start On04OEastOf Ne--ýwccustle Wt te ed of tIe ihird înnîagi Ornoield a 6-4 lesad whidliBel-Paving contmaci f or t lic secondt any f ied ai 6 a inl Me fouii. Boti 1f1ve-mnile siretii loigwa 41made for île strlp from -1Newcastle 1tieains scored singleruaslaifIe 4easf cf Newcasle bas been awarded teHc) wy , ncluding '!inter- fifl wic îd he cor a 7-,1te fimPlp Constuction Co. of changes. The bîrst tfwe have m 0 Bethaaywon îl e ame lat s70lf mapton, PeelConstruction ewns bebwadd oute tic Peel whucn tiey seered five ruas te, Or- aise aw'ardc-d 'tic contra-ct for -lie Consýtruction Ce. cf Brampton. Ten- eu snc two. Nepitier sie scood lanbirsi fie miles streth sevemal ders lave beeni called for pavInig on I ti sevenfl. f wccks ago.- Mr. H. D. Duf!> Districj(t the remainder o! île streicliý freri c June Armstrong pifched flicgam ie ýngineer, sfated tînt fthe paving Mrnsite Port Hope. Tlese speciby forOrnqwt Elva Reidbid specified la fie acw contraci, wiiltînt at least eue twvo-lnn-ue sfrip of tIc bio-ne pl-ate. Marg Baskervhle wi rua frein Necclete Mer- fie lighwAay Vo Port Hope bce coin- tcped ieOroe afers wifh a 'nit rish wil sdt immnediately. Pe-pleted la Novemiber so resideats o! eveny t h e f latýe. ERaidTe-jimnr wonk wili be donc fîrsf. Port Hlope ,an look forwan-d te nan t was close behind liftng four wif b paving startiag on AuIgusi 11). .speedy travel te Toronto la îl te late eut o!f Ive, Altogether three contracis will lie faiL N 'N N N.' N N N. -r N N N. s N N N N N N s N N N N N N 5~4 s s N. w, N -'s w. N r- N N w, N N -i N N 's N N N N 1 1,;Cjuniar Girls ýý 1 %, q