WORrgKLY TIRA&b TWVP ummrertirne Meals En 'oable Usirig VegêtablesFrit aes -e no longer considered syn-ony- ýous, accorçing to fond specialists the Home Economies Service, missiles stieks -- anld ypu., -(le lawn can be. especi- roeif lingers and toos out with thc .lippings; be annoying eseeti 01 yours firing guided niails, pieces oif wire, and t your wife and children Ontario uepartment of Agriulure, Power mowers can bho dangerou., In other words, the temperature 0f avs a~yseilssc h n food isn't nearly as important tarvise arhno scat of th~e On healh a peole sed O tink Their operation should be regrdd as one needful of sound safety prac- You may remember readi-ng about tices. If this is not the case, thixnk the Oslo Breakfast, an experiment it over: A child's linger is a steep tried bec-ause teachers there be- price to pay f-or a new world's mowr- camne greatly concerned over the ïng record. ret,.qlg ,t-,hoGI c.. . . . . APPLES AUCE ilWITH THE PURCHASE 0F 6 15-oz. TINS 87c C HOI1C E PE%àA S WITH TH-E PURCHASE 0F 6 15-ca. Tins 87e GINGERAL E IGA FANCY i c 15 oz tin IGA I 15oz tinc lare I c WITH THE PURCHASE 0F 4 LARGE 60-9TLES 62C PLU S DEPOSIT PEAK wM CUITS nice digestive shortcake FREAN Iu lacararrel crunch 8oz pkg IC WITH TH-E PURCHASE 0F 4 - 8-oz. PKGS. $1.OO jusT TiWoO0F OUR MA NY PROIDUCE FEATURES A HARBVEf-T 0F HEALTH LARGE CRLSP CLU S TEF CARDINAL GRÇAP'ES US. No. 1 CRISP & TENDER FROM BRADFORD LETTUCE 316 c39c 2 large heads i19c JUST TWO 0F OUR MA NY MEAT FEATURES SWIýFT'S LEAN MIL'D CURED C'OTTAGJE R "%OLLS "lb J41ic DEVON BRAND RINDLESS SIDE BACON lb pkg 59C BE SURE TO PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY 0F THE NEW FAMILY PLAN ICA CATALOGUE SUPPLEMIENT containing mnany f.ree- gifts and money saying values ARMSTRONGS ORONO, ONT. Ph. 1651 si ci .&C Speclals FGA SW'EET MIXED Phcles -ifiozI Pear Shaped Ham 1 lb -fMaple Leaf AYLMER COC CEMSTYLE cO0%RIN 15 oz ti, lc With the Purchase Of 6 for 87C FRANCO AME-RIGAN Macaemi15 oz lin 1lc Wththe Purchase cf 5 for 93C Pep, Beef, Lw,ýer or Chieken Dsg 'Food 16 oz fia lc WAith the Purchase of 3 for 38C HEINZ INFANT OR JUNIOR Baby Food 5 oz lin 1le With the Purehase of 9 for 96c NugtBrown, laek or Oxbtood Shoe Poiish tube Ic Walth .the Purchase of 2 for 50c. VO0LUMRIE NO . 9 HOMIEMAKERS ENCYCl"LOPEDIA "Iiorand c, loor adelg nollw each69 F SI 7ere eating. If a child or teenager Here are ten tips to bring the to grow strong and well, the main power mower back to its intended Lelof the day must supply certain place in the famrily ýcircle: aterials -- calcium for bones, pro- Kephnsfetadloeelt. ~iùforgrothtro fo bloding away îrom ail moving parts ci itamins for, health, resistan4ce t.. the mower. isease and growth, and so on. tudies in both Norway and Brîtain Wear sound shoes. Slippers may ii hot lunches and on vwell-balanced be comnfortable, but th.ey off er lit- 1ld lunches proved that the groul, tie resistanoe to whirling blades. ýanedJ 25%/ý more in both height Never Jeave the mower runiîng ,nd weight on the cold luilches, had without1 an attendant. ewer colds an-d inrfections ai-d Know your mac4hine. Be able te~ learer skrs disengage the clutch, at the least notice. Kniow the cutting path of the blades with respect to the- mow- Th1e general patter!) of the cold(- er housing. unch was whole wheat sandwiches Never eUt down) a siope . alwayes ith a nourishing'ý filling such Us sideways. hieese or liver paste, raw v Neget- t Keep people (especially, children) Lbles milk and an apple or car- out of the area to be inow,\ed. -o to cdean Ilhe teeth and stimulate' By the sanie tokeh, kep people he gm~.Flo luche tetedm-tout of range of the grass disharge luded mneat and potatoes, cooked openi'ng. They can be easy targete ,egetable of some sort, wii and for flying stones and other liard lessert, often a suet puddinig. The* ohjects. atter group went wJihout fresh Disconnect the spark plug wbre bel ore working, around the bladle ruit, f resh v;egetables and cheese. (leaninig, sharpening, inspecting). Moeshave been known to re-start. So sop orr3ingabou cod lu-ro occasion frora the very slightest ,h ohtslysmedasturi-iof the blade. 'o soaoute ' e o -a lnds~ Rememyrber that the blades of el. s'o( whoesfitandc ntrti-us, thea U'ectric mowvers take longer to stop, hidwili thrive on it.TLeave Lut t tan blades of hand mnowers. Give theni alittelne r time and ho taichs, ugars anid sof tGrins aidsae l vces yïrfahlia rn h Vo stevOi'e fratast oe tme Vhnit's too ot to cook,ý enjoy thle Don't ho a ±ollower: Run thre -~ ..-.-. owe -*don't lot it; rua you. Onaro-rOflvegetLables and 1j fruits and On -ýtario- produced cheeses an ul ro-vide every requiremeat for a properly balanced, fÀlly n1utri-ý tious diïet t hroughout the summer seasori. Lacked Hits The Orono Ju'ven-iles louad hitsi rather scarce on WVednesday tight, in Cobourg wenal t1hey coul iouse wvas three. Cobourg on the other hand coleytd sib and won t the game 7 te 3. Maskell was the J I winning pitcher frCoo rDo n Lycett and Don Dnhu hae he pîtchi-ng dÀuties for Oono.Lyettý pjiched --it Olte ffth f rame givinýg; up the six hits and taking four strie-ots.Dancuk aveup ne hits in his two innings of pîtching and took to strie-outs Cobourg weat eut in fro3nt ivinteý fis ihtwo r-ues off one-two and thgee walus. Ie the second they ad&- twvo Iaisil the same frame Or-! ono chalked up 3 when j. Glenney j Ros Tmbynand Dve oughley ail walked and CliI Lon,-g drocvete first two homne Gon histie sne 1~t obugagain Itruck je the; fifth îth to further rues off a double,a single and an rono error. 1 Pr oug h 1y s c o rc'd COr cn o's th1 , irdtallyl afe reaching firt onapihes error.lHe advanced on a Cobourg eorand sordon rTer-,ry Carle- ton's, hit. This Orono teami under the leadi-1 ership o-f F E. Lycett and P. M. Luen are playing some good baIl1 and deserve Support at their games. ' FROZEN FEATIJRE YORK NEW PACK POLY c) k A PEAS CdLhu 45e~ IU DAIRY FEATURE SAVE lOc KIGA ROYAL GOLD CHEDDAR CHEESE 1/2 oz cut 39c A'