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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jul 1959, p. 6

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DerAnine Hirst: 1 anafraid! 1t shall go to piecas if 1 have to live 'lke this much long-er. My husband and I are stili in our teens and have a young baby, and sinca we miarried two years ago we have lived with his parents. 1 didn't mind at ~first, 1ithought it was only tempotary; but thouglj he and his pacpk 40n't' gai.along very weli, he seerns contented here. 1 believe it is because hae doesn't $ Wat an ~s~n~'ibilities, "'He is the only child and rtrns true,, to form; ha hias a terr4fic tami-per, and thinks hz sbo u id have everything lv wants and at anybody's ex- pansa. ýWa quarrai now almost every day -- about his family (they b,,oth drink and fight so much) and! about' mnoney. Ha- Spends mnost of At on himrself and glivas me just anougb for necessities, not inchiding chothes. Ha tells ime to go out anid buy thamy but ha- doe-sn't say what 1 should use for snoney. Frankly, I air. aimost thireadbare. "Not only that, hae goes whare, and when ha pie ases with sin- gle men he's known for years- 1 arn left at home. He won't let mye have any of ïmy friends in, and wilh have nothing to do with my famnily. I have to slip out ta sea my mother whan he is,-n't home. Ha says she should take care of thie baby, anid ýciE,, t ake Ilier witlh me anid Blouse Bonanza ýPP DPATTERN S$ew,-Easy blouse waýýrdrobe - gý,mart with ïskirts or sak!Takre ýâdvantage o! ail tha ebaautîfui buays in cottons - scoop upD the ~eetprint s, cbacks; solids. Printed Pattarn 4885: Iisses' Si-zes 12, 4,1, 18, 20. 'Size 16, top style l[Ï/a' yards 35--inch; mnid- dia 1% yards; lawer 1%ý yar.ds. .Printad diaections on each pai- ±er1!n part. Easier, accu-rata. Send FIFT Y CENTS ( 50> (stîamnps cannot be accepted, use Jpostal n iota for safety)ý for this 1paftamrr. Please printi platinly SIZE, NAME, AIIDRESS, STYLE Sand order to ANNE ADAMS, D'oxý 1, 123 Eightaenitb St,,New Toronto, Ont. icave lier for a whia.Hajust doesn't want my mothar aroundi. Ha basn't aniy sense!, "! believe if we miovad out ta ourselvas lhe would chainge. Momi doesn't ag-ree; she thinks ha will keep) on hurting or il- noring ima becausa eha bs gôt- fan away w-itb it. She inisists 1 leave bim. But Annie .H-irst, Ir, spite a! al Ibis, wa da laveý aachi othar, and aur baby is very dean ta us bath ...Wbat shahl I do? TERRIBLY TJNHAPPYl' SIsuggast yau and the baby *go ta your motber's for a *wbile. Natbing but youn ab- *sence carn maka youn husband *sc tha facts o! lifa - now *that ha bias a famniiy, and if '*'ha wants ta kep tbanhaiewi *have ta stop baîng a playboy *and grow Up. *Marniaga means mare thanj * Passessing a wife and a cbild, * It mneans takingý on rasponsi- * blities thait normaily change *a Young rmn's whole purpose *in living. No langer is heaa *free, agent; ha is thea bead o!. *a famnily who dapend on himr *not only for sacurity, but for *lova andl kindniess and loyalty. *The freae1omhand adventura of * is bachalon days are gana; 'rihani uis t substitutea abus- *band's pratactive concamni for * is wvifa's cantentirnent, and *a pananit's guidance for bis *chlild'Is future. *Ail Ibis wýilt hanewsta * Iis Young man o! yaurs, Ha * bs some. barcd and pain! ul *tbinking tù do (a habit new 'ota'im.,-) and it le naf going to * ha asy. Whtber ha can *change sa) completaiy dapands * upon bis reaiizing thant bis n manig is at staka. PerbapS *baneaatihbis adolescent ap- *pnoach taP1f e thare lias tha, * moral strengf b ha neads ta- *day. *The ffime for arg-ument is *paýst. Action is,,,fte oniy course *that wil imiiiprèss himc, 1I tbink *you should leava bim, et least *temporaihy, and let hlmr find *out bow nmuch his ranae *means ta hlm-. Alter ali, ha * doas love you and the babDy. *How mjuch, tbhis is bis chanece o taprove. DISCRETION PAYS "Dean Arnna Hirst: Six imonths îega I mat' ani, ntresting mari from another town, anidwabv had a dozen or so dates togethar. I like him, but I arn puzzled. i kno3ýv people in bis home town, anid eskad whicb part ha livad i, -Ha replied that he only gives bis edjdress ta a girl if lie is sari- "Befora 1I-met bim I carad for anothen man who manriad samabody else a faw montbs ago. People say sha made hinmar-ry bar so I couldn't bava him-. I bave kniown b is f amiiy for a long tima, and somehlow feel ha wi comae back.' Whaf do you tb'-ink?ý WORIED GIRL" *Don't counti on this ouf-af- *town friand wbo refusas bis * ddress. Ha is- a poor bat aven *as an ascont. *As for the ana, you carad for, * if isn'ýt likaely f1iat a girl could *force ai nian ta marny ban un- *lcss liat family fratndhim- *with disgrace. Ilowevar, hie ý *marrnidnow anq Ouf o! youir *raa-ch. Tbink o! hlm as some- Sbody elsesushand, and close *b tha oor, * m HOronarth do you glini- *volved with such charactars? * Jhope thet bhereaff an you wîll 'c ha ora discreat, ad ncour-i * e only thosa whoseý charactar * and reputatlion yvou can adm-iira. Whan xia 'un irll fl otcer- tain her lova is enough for mnar- niage, sha, should give hersai! a1 i tha Urne she nee>ds. Dating othier young men fou a protec- tion against any hasty deaision. 111 any problemn, irite Amiec Hirst at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Taro)nta, Ont. This is the, most unIisatisfactory season wa hava had in the gar- daen for rniany years, Not enough ramn and too rnany bugs, files anid grubs. Also cuitworms, rab- bits and domestic animais. The insect doing the nmost damnage looks like a cross betwaen a flying ant and a small1 housefly, If sticks to the leavas of trees witbi a fine, gummy string and in less than twenty-fo-ur hours 'Lie youn)g tender ]eaves curl in- wards and look raady fo dia. Thaf is whan I go around iwîtb a special kzind of spray thaf spelîs death for insacts ailther in- sida the house or out. At least it stops. aniy further dainage lby iaaf-eating parasites. 0f ècourse ana hias to be careful nof f0 uise it too freely otharwîse therrm- edy is warsa than the disease. In the vegatable gardenr a lot of seed has ither nof germin- ated or has been blown dear knows wbara by days and days o!-bigh winds. If doasn'f look as f we shahi have any carrots and not teao many beets. Tomatoas are daing1 finle axcapf bere and thara wbara the cutwýorms hava been huisy. Peas and beans look fairly goad - if the pea-pods avar f111 out, The flower bordiers have beeni eqlually disappointingo. Patun- Las, uisuaily th,- aasiast annuals ta g_ýrow, are spind-ley and slow ta grow. Pansies wvilt bafore thae wind. Haüwevar, thare is ana patch of calour; the crisson ramnbler we put in hast yaar b_ jusf a mass of bloom, Another treasure is a sweat scentati hioneysuekle vine - this year.'s planting. It, too, is in bloo)m, Cosmos, nicotinesý, cornifiawers, wallflo arsand bumning. bush 1baook quite aath.Un! oru- nately fbey are thick an-ougb to mnake a goodGa place for Ditto ta b ideý, and thara sha lias in wait until Taffy finds hier. Thený- there is a wild scrambla ba- ',ween cat and dog and if a plant or two -Wsnt ist in the sbami battle i' a miracle. But DIio bias ba2r troubles too. Soma,-- wekFago wiv put a bird-bath in the gcardan and last weak wa installed a bird-freýdïng statio.n on top o! an 8-foot iran pale. The birds saem 'ta know t hay are safe and peýrcb-j on top uî Lthe- faading station vwith Dïitt,o lo- ingl, at tbem from h elow. Poor Ditto - sha is as quick as a flash but I have neyer yat, sean han catch a singlae bird. For- w.hicb I arn very tbankful. Sa fhat's Vtha garten story- excapt that lazst niglit wa had a fainly beavy sh1Owen which Wc hope will park thinigs up a bit1 and aybe was-h a a few of the buggs, Jin tlieoutside wonld thare was planity of exciternent last week. Tha arrivai of our Queen ndPrince Phiiiip amid ahi the ffhlIaaboo aotJyce David- son 'and her unfortuniata t- marksZ on a U.S. felevisian pro- grain. Until recently I ad-minedý ISSUE M9 - 199 Joyce very much. She saned ta ha've w Mhaf if takes and had developed poise and undarstaýnd- 1ing fa a nemrakabie degrea. She wvas fast bacoming afaort an the talevisian screan - par- haps tao rnucb so fan bar ownr good. Moreý than likely she hed becama oven-con-Îident wbhi ch ceused lier ta make indiscruea blundars fIat, a more L,ý,exaianc- cd persan- would hava avoided. Cartainly lban remanks about ffIe Royal visit waere inexcusable and in veny good faste. But yet Ifeal sorny for Joyce. Whený everything was gaing 50 wel ~shbe must be feeling terrible to fbink she spoit ift hersail! - probably for somae tirne fa coae. one, daily paper reised theý question -- "Whio is joyec Ilevidson" And so I feel sonry ber, and also for baer twa lle girls. Cîildnen ca.n ha so 1tbough'itlassly cruel ta each other and I have no doubf the two. girls will ha the but t o! mafiy an unkind cbildishl raank. As for iha teQuean and hat Consort, the welcome tbey are neceiving wberevar thay g o is sufiietrafulafion o! any pubiciad crificism. Anywey, amang soma sections o! society if bas hacorne mare or lass o!f a posa ta flatint sa-called mndi!- fenenca ta the Royal Family. If is mreanit as an assertion o! ina- depandenca and the tbaory thaf al men ana equaI. On tire ofher hand Brifïsi-b)orn people talle an attitude that is bard ta ax- plain. Th-ey respect, and hava affection for tbe Royal Family as a woyat faw "go ouf o!o their way ,,,ta watch for their pub- Birmn~iim-born iui L-und, vi 'zrrsa suil l bar in Tager ' sa srnes~yof seve d.Hiiolrn'àpoah mie, n te had thatitwas c~rnnaned y afort hehdy a chaliTuk Tin, wh,ýlo lavied triiie fomeve-ryone w-nting- t'o cros-s. Týc Cday before they re-ached it, Tuk Tin sent a messengar,,r ta the C-0. saying they couldn't cros ,if 7rUilthey ,had paid 30,000 silvecrrues If they tried to, hal oue dopen fire. The fort, on a hili, was big and solid enough to protect a ,whole populaijon with thair cat- tIc and c Ops vertopped by a turrat. Thaecilmns rtilary couild have bidwvn iltot blazes,~ but Our forces wanted to keap friendiy with avery-one, sa in the end the C.O. setlad for 20,000 rupees. When thiis wvas Prutd, and they'd crossad, Tuk Tir, who spoke pidgin-English, grewv friendly and in-vitad thern into bis fort- a whole villa-ge with orange trees andt hibiscus and roses in fui] bloomr, with planty of wýatar broUght down fromr higher Uip by aquadulcts. He lived in a big stone housa with the turrat, whare ha) had four aid wafer- COOled Gatling gun3 and enaugýh amm-unition, ha- said, to keep them fi1ring continuously fo()r twventy-foutr hours, This Chinùe bosseci several hundred people, mostly 'Shans-. Hae'd arrived thare tan years earlier and jttst "1takan it Lover., And befora tlhat? '1«I was a ste- ward On the Orieýnt Lina," hca nsaid. "Rt out thara in untravel- lic appearanice. It-i101otindif- farence, They araý satisfied to know the Queen les thera, sym bol of a stili greatc Empira, S the, cammon folk go ilhair w way, quiet1y and unobstrusive- !Y, content to let the Royal Famnily lead their ownr lives, in- sofar as th--a4t is possible. If they are in the vicinîty of Bu(ckingi,, hamn Palace whan the Queen rides by, ;10 OnQ could be miore tharilled or pay greater bornage. The upbringing of P r i n c e, Charles and Prince-ssý Anne ;s sametimes criticizedJ but always; ,:ood-naturedly simply because the populace feels 'te Royal Family belongs to) the people. Ramembar after the Coronration o!, tha -lata King George, and during thie Royal tour Of Lon- don's East endl, tbey were con- fronted with huga bannars thatM rcead "Lousy but Loyal' . I, wasn't disrespact - just ona 0f' those, tbiing-s ftat possibly only a Lonidoner could unDderstand. The Kinig wasimasey rn used. lIIed counttry," Lumd co-y)mnen.ted, "a Chinesa holds upa British coumn for 20,000O silver rupeez, 'You wonder how he c-omesý to h. in that outiandlish place, iinning an olci fort ;with antiquated wea- pons. An-d it turnsr out ha wwa the bloke who took cups of tea round to the passengers' cabim, a few years ago!" Proceeding north ta Lu Fang, the coiumn came acro-sa an oid silver mine, anid ail round it the ground was littered with chul- dren's skaletons. The children, bought up i scores, were wvork- cd tili thcyr died, then dumnped therc. Ruipert Croft-Cooke, who bam known Lund f'or three years, tells of hiS previous exploits as law-breaker a nd jailbird in "Smitingc Danined Villain-." Budget-B right Iden Area rugs -- dpecoratar-s' love!j Put calot undaerfoof - idea] for summlier and alil ear. Thnifty te make - use odds 'n' ends. Nine rug's ta crochet, brald, wjeave, hiook! Soma o! squaresý picýkup work. Pattenn 765ý dia- graims,;chants; pafttern pecas. Sand TÀIIIRT'Y-FIVE CENTS (stenrips cannIo be eccepfad, use Pastel -nota fan sa!aty) for fl pet tern taLAURA WHEELEâ, Box 1, 123 Eighltaenth St., New Taranct o Ont. Printi pleiýnly NAME and ADDRESS. Sand for- a capy o! 1,959 Laura Wheir Needlecnaft Book. If lias loveiy dsgsta ondar: ambroid- aryv, crachat, k1nitfing, wcaving, quligîoys i the book, a spa.. cai surprise ta imake a fittle girl happy - a cult-ouf ýdoîl, clothesg f0 co ,lon, Send 25 cents for tis book, STAR BOARDER - Shreve Huggins need do no hoif gainer to ottracct attention on a diving board.

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