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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jul 1959, p. 7

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N. N. N., s - N By %ARPD CANINEL NEA StaffCorpndt New Orleans (NA - Conitrary tû what we have ID"een told ,ofiicially ni nmeaningleiss words like "n-ervouts breakdown small stIrokýe . . . heart con- dition . . oiverwork," Louisi- ana's Gev. Earl Long is actually: 1. Driven frantîc by the tow- ering anigers a;nd fears that ofien bese-t memibers cf a diynasty. 2, Mentally cdamaged te a conisiderable extent - with fur- ther damage likely at any mo- 3.Physically on the edge cf death. lin short, thse elected executive of "Sportsman's Paradise" is «almost Cempletely eut cf cen- tral -- and cure is virtually im- possible." Tl'bs la the real diagnosis ef Long,' made after examinatians ii three hespita'ls by scores cf docters and teclinicians and e,ç- plained te me by prof essienal ,e ople whe could lase their jobs ýtheir n.ames were attaehed to the truth. Seme of them wil ef ire--d C0V. EARL LONG:. enough of the. a n yv a y simnply because ne nnames appear here. But as one vationally-known Louisiana dcc- tor told me: "It's a real relief te get this atory off iny chest. If the gev- ernor wants te bide fram the tacts, that's one tbing. But the people of ibis siate have the right ta know."> 'Uls henesty - and thnt -cf lis coleagues' - is net shared vvide- Iy in the state. Many scholars who have intimate understand- ng -cf this faniastic case play it safe by refusing to tal1k., "Ycu can uinderstand mny pe- 2!tiùn,ý1 you hear again Èýnd again. Fo'iin this state, the haif-liglit of hait - reason is accepted~ as "the wny things are." Long himy- self is accepted as both the ilaw Ri-id its defiance. And more otten titan flot, the shrug has replaced shame and rigliteous indignation, Strangely, psychiatrists teil me, Long hiad been diagnosing hinaseif in publie ever since bis dlramatic outbursts ithe legýis- lature in early May. What lkind of politician, the dociors ask, exposes the 'unisap- -py truth about the way his rela- tives were kMled, or hew lie manipulates churcli groupa or what extremnes hé wouldd use te lv' governer? What kind ef officiai rewr-ites the laiws cf rmental heaith and claims he's not sick - and then Cafl in psychiatrists ta treat bim * W'lat kind of tmiddle age is it thbat finds itseîf preccupied with children - any chiidren- and suddenly after 27 years de assIn i '95. "is lano longeranpolitician, ont' doctor said. "And ne10 eg er an: ffiiaIor imature mi "This ila a isumaýn indi\vidual who lias ladc enougis cf the pr-, Sures an hlm. HîIls body and mmnd Simply cannai or will net sItandi thýtisaian ymoe "11e las lad enougis cf tise rigors cfoffice.1He lias islad e-neuis cjif tise f cars of sterîlity and île pressurer cof beieg tise childiesa brandis cf a dyeasty. "Mle is telling everybodly hli l in trul.11e la forcing hlm- self te be treated ed cically,." But in trouble, under treai- ment, under pressure - eveni f lie were jailed or deadl - you isear tisai Louisianai wouid re- eleci Long if he waeted ta runi agai n. Aiedhanas te. He las te -'in spite of nmedical predic- lions ilat lie cauld net survive another campaign. For- dynas- tes are very demanding, cape- -cially in Louisiana: Gevernor Huey; Congresmian G eoarg e; Senter Russell ..andi new lcbldless, Goyernor Earl. hmnindividual who has haid pressures on hilm." Night At Operag Was Her Swamn Song From th[le first the strangest secrets of passion centred arouind the birth of lovely Julie de Les- pinasse-. The official entry of hier birth. ini 1732 gave as parents the namies of two people who neyer existed. Only the midWife knew that she was the daugliter of the noble Comtesse d'A.Ibon and the dîissolute Marquis de Vinchy- Chamrond. Julie grew up unaWare cf the undercurrent of w1hispers and in-, trigue that bier birth had pro- voked. Sbe was brought up as the Comtesse's adopted daughter, side by side with the daughter cf full blood, the spa-iled, wilful Di- ane d'Albon. When the Marquis de Vichy- Chamirond married Diane, ne one daýred to hint at the illicit tangle that thus ensued. He~ a in reality both Julie's father - 1and her brother-in-law. To te new hovsehold Julie went as governess, Ler, salary agreed at apittance, for chili charity gov- erned a famnily's poor relations. Julie littie knewv that the grirn- faced Marquis was hier father, She litile guessed that his abrupt n-oods of sullen malignancy se often sprang from-i sad and bit- ter rzeînor!ces. The old castlse of Chamnrond 1 ad sunny' family roomns over- looking. the gar3.dens. But Julie's ceil1-like apartment wjas in the 1dnmp stone bastion near the miont. Sometime-s as she iay shivering, in bed she would hear the rats gnawing at the old tim- bers cf the drnwbridge. Whien tle- castje was festive and gay witb guests, Julie was baïnished te lier "dungeon," like a Cinderella. The Vichy-Cham- ronds would all-w lier ne part in thue revels. "They treated me like tigers," Julie sadlly wrote, long afterwards. "I suffered atrocities at bands whicb should have given me tendernessY Yet the day came w%ýhen an oldf aqunt of the Chamronds, MÎVadamne dui Deffand, spotted her plight and suggested that Julie should corne and live with ber. The old ladly occupied Only a set of spa>rsely furnished chambers in a convent, Julie, however, vastly Th-1e Reza Sad State. 0Of Louis4unw s a e prefetrred the cloisier te île c-ruel realities cf Cisnmrend. She leapt ai tle apportunity of eszcap-and se 9zet in motion dis- tantf orceýs that \were te unleck tise goldIen doora cf life and lave. Julie was in iýer tw,entie-s be- fore île cxlaehd Clamrond for tise convent of St. Josephs in Paris. For ten years old Madamcqre Deffnd îexorbly eld lier ln jealous band'age. lii tle old days Iaap a been a) wit cf reneown anýd social- ies stili iste ler te he-ar those pearis cf shrewvd rmalice for w Sicscwa fmd.Btttise yeuflger se't fouind Julie icomi- parably better comnpany. In tisai literary, letter-wvriting world, Jülie die Lespinasse seen 'gained some cebrîty cf lier a-ws. Fricnds contrived a smalli Court allowance, suifficient teo establias her in 1er own r1 Cld- and-gol aparient. Imp iat ientIly Julie fo.-un"d serseýIf dreamring of a maraetisati bving ber happiness and social e1ncse. TIen sise met tic. handsome, dark-eyed !MJarquis de Mo -a. Surely le iwns île nan! He wstic scidier son et tic Spanisi amrbassador, rids, ïaria- tecratic - anal lis tirst acquiaintc- ance -witl Juli.e deepened within weeks ie pssetelove. For Julie, toc, île adoration of tise pale, remuantic Spaniard unfolded a new world of car-esses and wondernient. Yet le was a mere boy cf only twenty-ihree and alie Às i raya wmaturing wmn c neariy thirty-feur. Julie loniged te know tise secret tînt burned- beneatis lis glittering eyes. Net long ago, aIe learned, lis girl- wif e lad died in bis arnus -,,hile giving hlm a son. This was f'ie tragedy tisai 1er love lad pow- er te allay. Wbile Paris lumm-ed round them beyand tise red curtains, lie- begged lier to0 marry hlm. Teel- dlerly Julie assented . . . but at tise mere whisper et an en- gagement lis entire family was up in arma. Wlat, tise marriage of the Marquis de Mora, scion cf one et the greatest ieuses ot Spain, te a womnan of doubiful birili, ten ycars lis senior, socîally non- existent! It was unthinkable. Whien old handa bold tise purse-siringa, yeung love car be check.edl. The ambassador feund it simple te arrange orders for bis son te rejoin ils regimeni. Mlora wns packed back to Spai. But thec young man himself bad bis carda to play. One nigbt iwlien Julie wlas scribbiing ber ardeur for Iiim in a letier, sbe beard bis veice. He was ai lihe door -. , . he had returned. shé was in bis arms!- There fôllowed inontha etftrap- -tureus happinesa. As time length- ened Julii&s beari secmed empty whenever he was absent. But in ils arms ber lite wa richly fui- filied. Yet sorwetimes Mora wa g strangciy f'uhed, racked by a i earing ceugli. TIhe criais cf lve Idrew near. He fell iii and the 1doctors diagýnosed tuberculosis.s Only bis iinmedlate r'etirn te tle sunshine of Spain, tley urged, could save bis life. Family pressure ensuredl tint ~Julie dial net accorzpany him souti. Separniion, the family stili ieped, weuld efface bier im-age. Freezied were the letiers tisai passed beýtween the iwo levers.- "Every cireumatance, e v e r y avent is Pgainst rme," Julie moped. But, ai tle leigit et love, ia it passible te love afreali? Thougit aie scarcely knew it, Julie was already losing liber hearite oani- other man! Six weeks before Mora left Paris aie meitthe Coam te Jacques de Guibert ai a garder, party. He, tee, waa ten years ber junior. Me lad writtcn apla.y and cherished a hope that se efit'Juie's theatrical trienda migit be able te ielp hlm witb the MEDICAL EARN Cash ln your Spare l'ime. Just ýý,bow\ your frienais oaur Chr1stinýas an 411-OCCasion rccting Card, (tncludlJng Religiousl Stationery. ift,W rit ro uampies Colonial Card Lid 45B Quceen East, Toronto 2 EXTRA MaIil-Order Dealers wvanted. Worik cdonc at home, Dy mail oniy. f1gb percentage. Ca.rry n ro stock. Apply, t- ing age. G. Frenlette, lvIaii.rder flouse B30x 181. SoreL, Que. ____ FRaLE OR SALe Pocket Bock( Exchenire SE t ires pockct books andl 25 cents. Rleceive three different The l3oo1 Rioni. 7 St. ClairWct Toronto. "DESTROYER" f'or use ln outdcol or l- ais. Eisaclown to thaearlith, saves cleaning. Directions. Thouisands cf usera, Coast to coast. Price $1 001 Per can, potpaid. Log Cabin Producta 22 York Roal. Guelph, Ontario. BýABY CKICKS BRAY Summeiir Spcecials. Requcat 11sf reaidy-to-lay Ames. Dual ptlarpo5e and. Amsdayolda, prompt shipnt i(Stant- ed Lcgboirfs, dulal purpose pullets andt cocieel. -dr July-August brotierrs - now. Prompt shipment dutal purpo0se Cockcercls. Sec, local agent or write Bray I4atchery, 120 John North, Hemil- ton, Ont. STARTED chiel bargains wile tkey last. One weck olci Lighit SuIsscx, libde island, Redl X Bared Rock,.(Co1lumbian Rock X Rhode Ysland Redl,Cou ia Rock - $2-8'5. Caliifornia Gray X 'Whitc Lagborn, Whitte lagbon X Itholle ta- landl Real - $29.95. Rhode laanil Redl X Lîght Sussex, Rhode Islandl Red X Barrcd Rock ,'$2,.5.Asorted Bed - $23.95 C)ckerels, Columbann RckX New ll1anmp. Rbode talanal Redl XBrra Rock, Coluiiibian Rýck- $11 ,5. As- sonteal Breeds - $8.95 per biindred. Two week old nadl2,,l per chick, 'three weck olal add 4ý ipar cbick. Cataloqis- Also starteal Kimbier pullets. TWEDDLE CIIT !A'rCPERIE'S L"D. FERGU1TS NAI BýUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FR le Gýroccry Str carrying flpll linw. Living quartera. Cities ServiCe, gas station. One aýcre corner lot ini the baut tobacco. Write for particuflars ta F. Feere, R.R, No. 2, Port Burw,11t, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN more! Boalakeapinr, Salesm-fan-ý ship, Sliortband, 'Fypewitlng. ec.Le sons 54 AsIa for frac circuler No jý32 Caniadian Correspondanice Coui.rss,9 Blay Street. Toronto MACNINERY FOR SALE ONE Dion Tirasher naarly naw an rubber, sbredaler, grain tbrowar, priceal reasonably. Used privatsly. Apply Ted Teninant, Faverafr . Phone 23 R 13 WANTED: Expantienced Stope Rncs Tinermen anal Mucking M4achine Op- areiors. Rate $186 par hoigr plu s bonus. Mel,ýicai anal nstrance Plan. Ro a nan board $2,50 par day. Limitea l ilusing availabla iln ares. Appl-y 9ging f ull details, experienca, anda referenics te: Canadian Ilyno Minag Limiteal. R.II. No. 3. Bancroft, Ontarie, berinig coach, thirough the meuhi- tains fromn Madrid, he seribbled letters to ber at every stage of the îourney. But weeks passed before the news arrived. At Bordeaux he eoiild travel nie farther. A fatal haernorrha$ge oc- curred, Frem bis fingelr th~to a ring Julie liad gi'ven him. Il was just ten days after t!i night of betrayal at the opera. Julie threw herself %rntieally into the love affair wth de Gui- bert, but the inevitable Nemesis was l1ear. Within a few 4nonths the Comte morrid nother woman, andJulie *urned to o pi- ui nte 4mother regrets she could î never -hope te shted. Slie died stili cIasping Mora's wri.tten ~frorn Bordeàuoc exactly a year< befere. a i ou STAMPS AND COINS 0000 RESIJLTS - EVERY SUFFERER FROM RK4UMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY IXON'S REMEDY. MîUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Express Collect POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE SANISH the tonment oi driv eczemra rashes andl weeping skhn troubles. Post's Eczema Salr v ill fot dlsap*point you. ItchMng, scaling and burning ecze- mia, acne, ringworcnî. pIaples and foot eczema .willrespond l eFil7yto the stainless odorles olntnlent regardless of h0w stubhiorn or aels the" -seemn. Sent post Free en Receept of price FRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 st Clair Avenue East TORONTO NERVOUS TENSION, SLEEPLESSNESS? TRY Swiss INerve Tonie PASSIT, miade exeluisively of herbai extracts. Bottces 1.15, 2.00, apecial price for giant ize 18 ozs. 3.60 postpaid. Sw,,iss H e r ba 1Remedies, 479 fQueen St. W., Toronto. Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ME,ýN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRORESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADINQ OCHOOL Greaqt Opportunlty Learn Hsirdressing Pleasant, dignied profeýssion; good« -wages Thousan)ds of succa,-ssfui Marvel Graduatea Anertca's Greatest Svstemn Illustrateal' Catalogue Frac Write or Call MARVI. AIRDRESSIN~G SCHOOL 356 Bioor Sti W., Toranto Branches: 4-1 King St., W.', Ramilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa PET STOCK A wonderful opportunity to secur, some outatandlng ENGLISH Lj1..LD0G PUPS SIRtD DY OUR IMPORTEP STUDS YOtIi may visit our kennels wiihout obligation any day of the weak as te are open to the public. KAMEL KENNELS (REG'D) AURIC FARMS 285 CENTRE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. 400 YDS. WEST 0F YONGÉ ST. AT STOPLIGRTS PtIOTOGRAPHY SAVE I SAVE I SAVE!I Filrns developed andl 12 magna prints Ldbum 60t 2 magna prints inlbumr 40e Raprints 50 each K(ODACOLOR Developing rofli$1.00 (flot încluding prints). Color prinits 304 eucb extra, ,Ansco and Ektachrom.e 35 mmi. 20 u.ix posures mounteal in lides 8.5Clor prints £rom, sldes 354 each. Moncy refuncied in ffli]for ubprlnteal inegg. tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONTf. PROPERTILS WANTED , S LAND WANTED I A few teut gev*r bus'h lots, ebaioned farmse, acreae ,wltf or without wa. ter frontolye Stete bet castt prIe.,I lot No., conceesslol, townehip, in f iret letter. Sox 701, #ravenhurst, Ont.j 4ALESMEN WANTUOD SAESMEN DUE toe xpansion ini aur sales volumef we require cali on )ivestocla fêeeers and dairy farmers, Seliiig 2eX' perience not naoessary but ktaowledg* of lvestacit essential. Training by our TO 1INGHT representatives in the4field. Graup life Insurance and A.M.S. 111115 Bue Cross te aupplement Ontaria Ho -Ptal Plan. Write RLEERRO118 to J. L. Hennessv, Saes anaager-later.T~On national Stock foodCo, ltd., Torontor>. gITUAkTIONs V$.CANIT $EDICM vktebatcn eccordlnig f .MAUÈ-OR FMALE 4:t«toneà C. CI4 wy t10 iIndue, sîeep "ARN *W00 or Moro st home t pr 4ee-h .~~wsntn. Serpresenting Cana a's fine si yearl, Informatiep: L.i%.WIiN er. sfr NEW 1959 U.S. Canada catalogu8 iýow ready; sencl 20e to cover cost. Iew Wây Stan-p, Lawrence 16, Mgass. A DREAM RAINBOW FOR YOUR ALBUM A beautifutLcollection, sparts, ilowers, animais, etc., more than 318 dffýeren stamps. Satisfaction for everybody. i that for onlly 24 With our beautiýf1 stamips on approval. Faro Stamp Co,, De pt. W., Stoneham Co_, Quebee-, (A.8.DA. -.P.T.S.) SUMIMER RESORTS FDWARDS 1iland Inn, on fainous Plek. e-rel River. ItousekeepinC cottagel., Vdy býaes, fisbing. VWrite Edware iýrs otLoing, Ontario, YOUR HIOLIDAYS AT LE MONTCLAIR MOST outstanding resort at fanied Ste.- .44e1e, Quabec,Swmin Pool, Tenn)is, Rldlng, Golf, Bowling, Movies, 'Dancii ta Orchestra. Fanious for Food, W TEFOR FOLDERý H. R. Couillard, Le Montclair, ste,-Adele, Que. TEACHERS WANTED CATHOLiC ladly teachar rcquired fox, girls' private sechool - chicfly Engliala and History in Grýades IX andl XI. Apply staiing age, experience, qualifications, and salary exýpected. Loretto Acadcmy, Hanýilton, Ont. CATHIOLIC Teachier wanted for S.S No., 15 DOover Township about 12 miles framr Chatiam. Grades l to 3 with enrolîment cf 2.4 Apply stating qualifications to Adelard St, Pierre. Bearline, R.R, No. I.. QXUALIFIED teacher holding -1ther istý or 2nid class certificate for Cockburiî Islandl Sohool area No Li. alary $3,500j per annu. Duties 40 ommene pt. la;t, 19,59. Apply. S. R. MoýLEOD, SEC.-YREAS. Ceckburn lslsnd, On,. TEAC1IER, toI act cas principial for Wy- aming Public Scboûl. Pes state perience, achool tauight and arra, of inspector. Duties to ecqmm-enee fiE tarin. Reply ta G. OLIVER PANGMAN Chairmnr o LEC, FERGUSON, SEC.-TREAS. WVYOMING, ONTARIO. CARNARVON TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA REQUiRES A QUALIFiED TEACHER FOR THEIR NO. 2 SCHOOL (RURAL), 19 PUPILS, GRADES 1 THP OUGI-I 9 Also A QUALIIS TEACHER FOR THEI I NO. 6 TWO.ROOM SCHOOL IN THÉ5 VILLAGE 0F PROVIDENCE BAY, GRADES 5, 6, 7, Z. SEND applications te: A. C. BEAkUDIN PROVIDENCE eAY, ONT. Grîmfl sby Beach PARK SCHQOL REQUIRED 6EP'TEMaElk TBT, 1951 TEACHE R-GRADE ONE MINIMUM SALARY $3,000 ALLOWANCE experience 11 per year ta 5 yaars. P.RIMARY certificate $100 extra. ANNIJAL increase ta 5 years $ý200, t la e n 900 ta presentmamu t5000. APPLY E. GARNHAM, SEC..TREAS. BOX 157 GRIMSBY BEACH4, ONT., 1jý SLEEP' 4. ,...Enjoymticna uniniicd,.thse trip 0l~ lifetime. ., îiat's vwliat's in store for you - narclaxing, efrcshing CUNARD crossing to .~f Europc. Turo cvery business trip inoaa pleasure cruisc. Hfadd b> tise famosas QUEENS -on New York gnîd four great ïister ships fromn CaniAlian port, tise CUNARD flcet offers its patrons -ise unisarpasscd luxury and service boroi if thse world's inost isonoured seafaring tradition. You'i mirvel ar rite superb livinigacomodtins If. ,..,saveur tise outstanding cuisine ..-no superb service andi vaied entertainient. - tsi n ocean setting that vwill prove an unceaig àeligisi. Go to Europe tishe onily trul>' pleasurabi ..... ,the way that vi41 linger ini your lnemory long eftcr tise voyage is ovr.. go CUNARD. See* Your Local Agent-No On. Ccin Serve N' e Befr Cernr Smy 4.Wellnctoa t., Tren-it, Ont. Te:Epi -i2911 Offce e: Mstea *Halas * SaikJha e M 'fonh) eW -ape *Emufiets ,i'. Veacee44r 4., N s- N N N N N --s N N5 N -N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N. N. N N N N. N N N N N N N N N s' N. N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N. N. N N N N N N N N N N. N N 5,4 N. s N s- N N N N 5-s s CLASSUFIED ADVERTISINO

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