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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jul 1959, p. 8

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Oe"RONO WEEKLY TIMES Founder. R. A.X rrse Pubjisher Rý. CFerresterai PRiN3rZE P-HiLP AND SPORTS The Dukeç of Edînborough, who is a noted sportsmnan and competii, i a recent address pointed to Ca5nada-:'s positionan staninig in the 1world of sports. Hee noted that it in the Olympi)cs3 Canajda was fan down on. the list. This, he feit, could and shoýuld be corrected for anada had the abilty in) iman- power and thie rmeanis for at btter showing Lhi the tworld i fsports. Canadas high standard ôf living vus referred to wf-hh s a factAtIpoints out that thdmeans i15 aabe. Eowever ilis standard ofliving whih to-dayin Canada is packèd cwih a nul- ttude of luïxuries could be a factor causing thie 19w sadigÀ Caniada in lte Olympics, In Canada too miany tbings are expected to be rovided lte easy way- and there is noe doubt that it basis effel in t1he sports field. The Prince stressedHe need for, aigreater eoIIscd-usnesà Lin- thié feld and turned toA ie Colleges and UCniversities ,-,ho- he f elt, wM1d be ging and playing a langer parnt in fostering a new awar- ness in this field in Canada. i[lhe United -Stateýs mnyColleges stress Athiete Scholarshlps and provide the liesI coaches available Canadais fat-behnd Mbismark but ià àsgratifying C, see he posi- tion impmoe on occasions. RED CROSS WORK CÔMÎMENDAIBLE The Rted Cross Swimmning Classes again titis year are prov- iag a popular fealure for the children cof the area. Thýe imaportance of water sa-fety, we feel cannot be overstrecssed nor can lite art of swirrmiing. The knowlJedge of bolli could meani the diffperce be- lweelu Ee or death. Thte Orono Red Cross bas now fori goodly n 01be ,aiyears,, organized and financed lte program niaIthe local park with lte resùl that hundreds of chilren havýe learn týo swim and practicec water safety ta, a much greater degree titan would tteýy have other- Wise. We wauld like to point out thiat il, the work- is not done ?'t lte swîmi-ig tank for even Ihlis would not Ibe possible if il were flot for' a gr-Uof ai wome whoI-0 make up tlite nonoRedCros1an who work and organize campaigns and programus for thec better- rment aoflte commi-utity andi area. This work is cerlainly to-bbe commiended. fNo$tceTe fCreditors.I OLASSIFI!D 8ECTIlON'% INý TEESTATE 0FLFE OR SALEFO AL H1ARK1NES'S LITTLE laIe oafVtheý Vlae0 Oono L-in te Co)utYof Onie BellPiano. Apply Mn, 1, W. A boat and bx+alr good tir-es. Durha, ReiredFane, deeased Winer, reno a-pPrice$5.O th state 0 f the sa;'id frd Hr-NOTICE . eÏ Ltte, w7odiedon r about Thie Eeti"Store *SHE EPI ' i h 6hdýay o Mach1'959 r rooxibecoejurn h ov stetine- 0 hv ouri derignd Eecuorsor her Slic a- ~ai-,phoe rono ý,1732. tl Au~'st 959 hei naes ad a- i WANTED TO RE-NT dais nd the n- aturýe of the secur- hsionCrIwod"lo raotHuei rn ih3o e. itdes (if any) held by the j.vulythe 6th day of May 19ý59, are herebyi tOIfS.a-p Immediatelyafter the. saidFi-txcursotI iSoitoono_________________ dayofAugst195 te sses f te xei nme an adrese an fi]AUCTION SALE sai deeas~3wil beditriute a paticlar# f teirdams nd heThe un wdersigned has receie in- nmng tepnsn ntte heeonaueo tescuiis(if anyv s-ructi!ons froi i ector S. Bowen, haïvý'i re- nyotedim f edb hr il rfe by stat- Lot 33, Con. 4, Claurke Township, whic th -xe ýuons rdte trnder.ýI,- I toy ecartin.10seli hy public an.ction bis entir- j sîned 'uPctor '. al thn hae ,stock ofcate poultry, impliements, nbtie. Ifeýed, grain -and frlture. Sale wÈll Immedî Cayofatly ate tu sid itstbeheld on SaturdJay, July 25th a Date atOnao t~s nd ay~f1dy 0 Aust 959theassts i j1:00 clok.Terî csh, no reseýrve&j jubi95. -sad d Jase w]l e istibte R.E. O CATHA31,, imong te eno s ntldthruretoTdJac)n ucine R.R 1,Or0:on On --aig rgt ol othe daims JOHN W. TNb which the xector or the un- R.R. ort, rono,' ont. dersigned Solicitor salthen hv ix!uCr ntÎCe. R. V ADE COrono RbUg IOIC ont-, Scito'.1r frthe 1Executors Di,,[(,(' rno hh 2nd day of il -_ ___-----__ __ _ __ __ july 1959. Notice fI CriteULVI R.R. 1, Newcasîle, Ont. WESLEY IARD WOOD, IN THE ESTATE OF EPE' ~ RR 1, Orno nt, THMAIO CRTSlate of te xecutor-.s Village of Oronoin bieCout0 Alpersons bvig aims agalin oiitrfrte xctr or remodeýinq g ourpren e Phone 2191 Orono Foundationî and 5eptic Tanks poured. Frerms available fi a~iIt.ns Isur auc Servi yceo PHONEé 1471 ORONGý- DR. R J. TAGGART VETR-_rpIARY SUJRGEON Phoneê 10616 Orene, ont. Bariiter and SoIi>citor Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 W. KUY LCTT, .A. MAIN ST.,ORN Friday 7 p..- 0 .nm f Satud*-y 9 a.în. Ueeplujne 1,38 Orono j JACK !,kEID Auc-tioueer and Valuator Speciaiun Far-n ýand Furntui4Sales Conift nie 1for terras and dates Phon 5 r18 Orn Aucionerand Valuator CondctsAucion~Sals c ail silqm Cornmunig caît with hPmaPrt Pervy, Ortrlobre his Clerk<, A. SL The Most For Your Money - Visit Your Local Aiuthor IN UTS FIELD tellillth3 fidenat ýfot SDock C-Advafnce toron' Aksi4étî,, C 32i9C Chevrofet Dealer! OO~J RTIOE Cliiltrei, andA ife, Accient and slranoe Pang, Glass, Liability,F.E 1er, Wind, Polo, Ore, onti' Uitv Bonds etc. PýN NÏ Rl FIR~ MO' ~ ;~LOANS The RUTTER GRANITE CO>MPANY phono TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 PotHoe,...Ont. "Suy Direct &rd Save Commissions' Monuments, Gravestoues, Engravlng, (GoldIeafing MACHINES 329 Simcoe St. S. Phono RA 812>11 Let mus erect a lsendame, dîg.~ nified monument ever th*, rest- 1t'q oct oxpensive. And seelng you comfort. Orono Electric PHONE 12:) CONTRAGT7ORS FOR FARM and HOTJSE WIRING Free Eýtkmates APïi-,LIANCE SALES Pro, ' and Guarabitoed Rerair" taI~i' .ads cofRiortrîcM a i4~w.m¶at aod Appliances 1v. ~', os.Water -L .~.v1 s Sto»et a as OVER AMY R 0 Y W. iN 10 H 0 LIS

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