LN Volumie 212, Number 23 Thursday, JuIy 23rd'9, Ono, OntartiO EC l Subscription $1.50 Potlice Trustees To Present Submission' For Ororio Municipal Water SupplyOe- Thé. Crono) Police Trustees at a ter supply. It was pointed out tirat -pediài meeting- on Tuesday even- once theelli iS eStabishied tire wa- ing passed a resolution which in ter miains can, be extended 10 any effect gives suppor te creatlng ai part o! tire Village. tage f 0rno. Te r for tire mVil1 eTireTustees Ibis year intend 10 lae o! OH. M. he readsluon, d bylay2800 feet f .incli.wkter main. Se< By uh.Mercerd and crred un At thre saine lime thre proper f ire S.B .Rhhefod, nd arred n-hYdants will be installed along anirmously, requests thre Townshrip wvitir necessary !ittings, at-complote Corineil tte pass tire neeessary by-law job along tire 2800 feet. Tire total in which a submission will be made cost o!ftis is estimated at $17,484117 to, the Ontario Water Resources Conmmission to construct, finance Tire cost o! tire total project tire and operate a water systein for tire first year is to amount te $47,566.97. Village o! Orono. Tire present eut- Tins amonunt is te be financed by line is part of a systematic plan tire Ontario Wator Resources Com- 'wiiei will îeventually include tire mssion for a tirmr-ty year peri--Od at entire Villagje. 51/ percent. It is estmriated by t(ire Tire Orono Trustees haive now re- fin-anwe pblcworks pr'ojecîs, to a-n ~ceived them preliminary plans for aon !$3,0 e$5,0.Ti a water system in Orono !rom hir is in-, accord ith tire Otn Mn- enigineers ot Marshrall, Macula, cpal Board Moneglian Ltt, lDon MlVisU. Tire!irst stag-e ef developinent -i"s te- talke place in tire souitir of tire. Village where tieh eli s te be lo-i cýharg-e ai-Cia rtaeass on thie new ,street,, Division ret,1AS the entire Vilaeist be r- which under p,-resent conditions w cmmede as a wvater area'it's pumnp Weillover 1500 gallons an cnsdredttail properdteswhi Ixour. The einÉeers hbeleive -thatta re hud upr1tecn struiction and developmnent of thel A proper well in tis area could be well and p! uping Station wihi developed t0 plump 9000 gallons a-ocs (_iae1 $00280 hsa hour which is sufficient to supy nt 'carried overthty 'as the whole oi. the Village. This a n ntepeetassmn rnount, bhowever would not gvethe wul neceSsitaý_te 5.2 mili ne~ requiremejnts necessary for fuil fire a sse;Sed rpet i.roo protection. according to the Fire Underwritersý The cost o! tire cdistribu)tion sys- tem would be retired over tit Frein tire tes dr Ulngte cni yason a per f)oot konta'ge basis. tion of tlre wtris Satsfactory for Ths wold-ony bechargd1aginst It is thSitetin fth Plie nsimae - e175cnts pe foot Trustees tohaeapoeweidITh manaraean oeatn eýJThe total nulpymn o h wlîereil woud delier enogh Wa-firststage wh*1"ihis hpdwudh whiM . i nth n ere h ~ etie ig. ree cvst o! Cntu-cmpee hs yer 1oud1rnuj ting Gueh awelvihumotfto$,390Thsa it udr- -a Iccosreeptphusatietedbanoert h ytm 900 gallon preSsure tankandwth Te niersav sttd ht cotc ienn esi sratdxihn enstener couId bel bamount t $0,8280 cle fr lte ! in-ugs,Thpln for the system hbave been comipleýted lintthe Engin-eers rVotw'-,as aso! alng wvith thiepu instioad adra4t D a completeditbrtnis equîpment. for tire South of tihe Village, Il is not These plans, oDf course, must first thre intention of, the Tr7ustees toïbe approveeJ hbyt'neOnao Water complete tire entîre south end, h EesucsCommiîssioni. Also thre f in- first yearLP, buit rather te extendtie ncn must be approved by the Oni-i mains to areas mnore in need of wa- tai1o AMuniîcipal Boarci. IHôstinBrersHd Oven irro unno atede tr Durirain Couty HîstnAssqcia lion Twi-lgtýLlefr Mof ani Ms Rs BesI, Dan- lhngton Townsip. Tireanual anu! populan meeting washeu n Thius- day evenfing oet asv(wek vwheýn botir yeung and oldenedtire jud'gîng o! 1oàISteins antied yd ieee ing's extertainrient Tire first part -fO! tire osing was takon ump wt everyone judging Iwo c1anses _)! hoistzfiis. Tireclasses were oe g roup o! tour 3-year-olds and -a ~opo!' four mature cýows. Tirose- ,fudging tire tweclasses reg- Listered er deuisions on tire plnc- ing witfir soine even beintg asked to commaent on tlie ueasons for tireir placings. Tire score cards were tab- ulatod and wlinners deciaroti in tire -tirree groups o! mon, ladies and Juni;ors. Mn, Jerry NeLson, fieldImnn fer, tins area, roported tlire judges dec- cýisions onIrle two classes et ilol stoinis and i 1se gave tlire roasens for tirirpla"Icings.- ii tire judglng cenoj-test tirýe !ollow- "ig ere top sor S: JIN . ribank; 2. Fran- H.Jose;5 o era! .Sa Reeds'; 7. WV.Bo' a;8Brc Tink WOMEN 1Mrsi -rancîs Jose; Isa;4. Mus. E. & yer a., 5. Mns"', 7. Mvary Taiblyni. JUNIORS-i.E adSte'piren; 2. Ken Kisoüx;3, ouaBrme blyn G. eugJese,; 7. T_)on Wlsh lý)1 st recev1d.. prfzs hi c wea 1ets bIrses f -oJi, feed an- spay shed tfor aprtoramof nterain rner. M.IionTmlnpe Irg. A brass quartette of Carlos Tam-' blyn,ý, iis two sons Bill and Paul andi Roy Forr*ester played four selec- * tions. Following tire musical numn- 1bers M4r. Russel Best briefly spoke Îword(s of welcomne As did Mr, Geo. Mcf(Laughlin of Ontario Counity and other presidents eA other ,ouinties. Mr. Carlos Tamhlyn itoue - ieguest speaker for" lt"reevjig - Mr Ro Barerof Woodbridge, a c)!on a recent tnp Eglnd commentded ion)the sensiaih MiNr,fROssSteS snthne r sie.Mr.Hwad onept psietof h Duhm osti Asocaio reýsented ï-the h'osts of Tiheenigwha silver tea ser- vice. with tir be ser'n fcke c a ndi coffee or chocoble milk. 62 P..0f Clarke Took T.B. Test Tire recenit Tubxeculin Tesi anmd Gray sponsonod by tire Northrumber- landi Dunran Tuberculosis Associa- lion was supporteti by 62.8 percent e! tIrle entire population O! thirG County e! Duranm. Tie Town ef Port Hope saw 84.9 ponrcent of its population out for,,tire test, tIns ein-,g tire largest pe-rcent. age ut ire urban area, Clarke Trownsip, whicir included Newcasîle, îead tire rural areas wîIli a perceenîtage o! 68S.3 percent. Hope Township had tire poonest r- cord o! nywitir 42 percent. Dan- linglon dropped te 47T5 per-cent. Ia tire Cïaiane Towni-sirip area ti-ree Clnies werr setup Onno Newton- ville~~ ~ an'ewat ,CA oal e! 3,346M vieetested eout o! a ,possible -4.900 O! hhesethrnee clils Onnosaw tireý grealest numben, tested 138 Newcastle !oizowNed wý,itir 1,294 andc Newtonviile Whi 734. la Onono 41 taîled te rotura te have tirirtests rend witir 44 rene-(-ging in, Newcastle- and 7 in Nwovle A l1etton froas tire Executive Sec] Tire Orono Bantans Basebailiî team entereni tire Lbague padwso Mronday ,veniing and tnaveiled te Port Hope wieetire I ll oy ut rern lPr ope toai i114-9 vic tor'y. )f !7re gane senies. 7T'ire ntory )yn -nn ives thin a sligirt edge Tcr~ Crietonwas on tire nound lus cntru waveng ad as a nesulcî ssud leen als.Tir-ese however, weeweill sand iougirout tire game.Aisteirs rcodwason TheOu e~oboys eoh&td ieo Mr, ar havet lovel-y ing, Ji ideal thre r- seated wirich and pl îsiring Fý'or T] :LndmnenGuestsýGanaraska 4uth'ority To 0f R. Mortonl' Expand MoIE e'r 20) rmbers of the Oronio accmpaiedby l~i - nteestngsectionis of thre Dur- comipetition. Ther, 1 ar eojyabl eveinlad te, hain and Ganarasira Forest areas foir junior farn an njyaleevein a trewere visited by mý.embers of tire for- the evenýt is tio o!ther h~t nd ostssGanlarasa River Conjservation Au- nd MIrs. Richard Morton to thlority recent1y. Tire tour was con- A eqmnrenicatî( their. regular practice aItiroeir ducted by Durham Forest Caretaker the Agricultural yfarin home on Tuesday even- E. Youngmian andi Dalton Lindsay, Comm)ittee o! thre ruly 21st. Tire weatirer was Zonje Forester. Points o! lnterest in is Club. Tre lette with a fuill moon lighting up the tour in0luded walks tirrougifor a proposai tc oliglawngi. Tire band was Whrite and Scotch pine plantations; below Corbets '1 d on tiroir spacious veranda, investigation o! peorcupine damage bow treut and et hwas b,,illiantly, i.llumninated, dlone 10 youing f jr trees anid a climb able to jumpni the played a variety program f in- 10i the top o! Tower Hill, onice re- ýupper reacires of g ithHomie on tire Range, 1puIted to be tire higirest elevation be- idea has ùLie a pp ~hyare Jolly Good Fellows, tween tis area and Montreal. aska Fisfi and G. Auld Lag yne and Abide Witir Me Asupiu lunch was served by Mrs. oronatter whichl a vote o! thani-ks was maede te Mr. and Ms Morton by AMr.Carl Tamrblyn and approvedi in tire usual mnanner.. Ail!members et tr Band are re- qu(estel t10 be peetat 8:30 ýp.m. on Mr, and Mr.1M. J.Tabywie 'ITucsday, July 28th attrW oeo tre cgi am wl etp eodd Tire ladiesarepcalyivtd retary oet treAsocatonstates Htira tie resuits were very securaging! even tirougir thýere wer smewak spot la sonieditit."rees CH a large job te do,.sie states for ire remrainig 37.2 percent mnust fl __ m.EIM ~ r,.. - Memibers of the authority held!at present being cniee ythe ,the July meeting before the tour .Pot opCuni.aa sc A. Plas bin futhredtoconvert thor'ity' added their approval of thre the JMolson Pond area into parik-iproiect, ]andff. This86ar tract close toý )ot ope an extendling northwardj A report fr-om the Mnstrof o nj bojth banks of the Ganaraska Lands and Forests wYas read re- frmHgwy401, hias no public qetgtà rcan ndbgt ac"'ess ronýdsý. Negotiations are being qetn htpormadbde caniedolt wtlith ýi7lgiiiý-" esti-cmates for1960 be ade avail- carie ot ~t te igwa - able by COctob)er15, 1959,. The De- partment to securLight of May in. partment request is tnonatble pro- to the proposed park. TIs Project lienCI authorities to prepare a long has,2 been appïqro-ved by the M1it, ùfth Departmnent oA Lads and, range expenciue ac -aion. Gani- araska River Valley Autho%rnt emr- Foress. bes wil conider he mtter fully. Auho itmembers v Ltdàagrant ofl $50Wfor theDrham Couny Land FoliowÀing the imeetin-g a too Ciudgng Cmpetition which is be-!the Durhamn Forest be aethods îng held in A,î.uguWt Th i inaugrallof plýantJing and pruning tihe pîne contest involves the judgng of 'sou pantationsý were e-xplainedý1,- by For- vauluessn dfeetaio n o'etrDalton Lîn.dsany. The pile Wo grades Yn the f arimtei he stands in the loose sandy soi! has Woodis -0u1N1p1l îil of!tire Port HopeI pitchier cediI aL gird total ! fiten alk s. l Onono foundthnsevs uiln coiunt. Orono 'sili aiied Iov ýWo rus attenre tirid but ent ahad iri the 1ourir by cein Msx IuS Tâese were !!) ouffilitrre 4.'aiks uAda Port Hope rrr o irere in Orono was un fronrt. son Parks Lrs. fleadquarters and Conservaion Port hope XlKwart- rsol'ited upr ideepel thie)ârea Dani so ihat rain- Hier gaine fisir are dam and gain tire tire river. Tis ýOval o!- thle anar- 'ae Club and tire r~~~j ï-,ir i- u u_? o rr ar B iece un, d-augirter eof 1Hlam(Lt n, Mntreal, who sang I rs. Laurence Lumin and tirh ae e ","i Love You 'Trul-y" and ram Lunn becamie tirebrideoet -Tire Lod'sPrayer' duingtire À.hJ W ood fe Hamilon ila 2 u - lg ri ~ ~ r Q O u S ~ u. y 1~ I s ~ yg c re~n 01m ediaelyfollo wihng atiere n- ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____Un- c<-tion in ire î.Oo F. allreceiv- - decorated1j1'1g wtr1eBidiPrty was Myrs. Port HopeCounil o on dàayil nhîfeit tiraI CSoutir Cavan ýwas gigwil.paep nrscýe d, o uiy un eai a gew e!of Dieýr blue 1 oeedl aver et two nec High iag te grow. A irgh Seou! UId-the eleventi, e. Basiý*l Long offL- slwiheloacesrsgxdo- ed e mke ny enton t --irid Tire reeve added: "Ijaess We are. Given in mairniage by hec unce woc a of t lowered chiffon laa car'etully phlraseui resoluton, Preparný e ebe nir otes o!fMiii- Perce Luïatire bride wore a gow wirbige accessories andi. corsage ceucilexpesed avo fe afle brokand Cavan it seith"erWiseiof imponted silk erganza apiude aimnrosese hig seol a I ington or BOW- impossible te have tire siolpr-wtrSiss medallions over illus-1 T.îiý re nde's Table was la-id vwiti mannvilleand sa second at Mîlibrroirgram passeds"niu stn with !fiýtte d bdcawsî u-mrtirdlnncoi but taile te make any menction o! a inIclt third aIî Oro on ewcastie. Qluestioned, ire sait, 'Ut is less short pufted sleeves and a Cirapel j cetereé d wihtirtietiered vedding Tire acton madePort Ho e r wrng te build a scirool at MilI- train caught et tireback witir-a pp aesrone ypnrsot tird Du)rmDistrict Higir Scirool brook tut say te wost (Darlg- luinl designed by lier &othon. loer ireart roses and stepir.anetis flanked Board memb ruipaîity te- ap-!ton and BewManvillel"NOu can1shoulden lenglh veil foîl frein a cor- ttd !tie 'have ne scirooL"' onet o! lily e! tire vailey. Sire car-1 by tal p inki taponcs. Delieuols plates proe w-ns o h oards !o! cold mneats and salads were fol- building prograni. CucilrEverson asked "Wisy1 ried a basket e! snowdni!t -murnis, op i ierathtadin- doesn' thte Uited uties do soe-,Olc.pink carnations and stephanotis: ,lowed ihir cae, coean, te rate- Earlier in lytire board resoived tiig"wiicirsire lator pnesentod toe"ire, te wvrite al meniber municipalities "Tireeight mncpalisare now Mtrarn oirn r.Rb uchwr evdb embrso as-king inirmediate final approval o! Mcwo o Hl h L-tIrRbkhLd deciding their own fate" answeredca !CeHl.tr ete eearLde tire bDoard's tire scirool prograinî ttnatAisShe g, FotfiroOtw, Faiure tosai reues, lhe eev. îmaido! imronrand iss Pirylls Montreal and the Laurentians, ti caoid ak may ad îmemrbers "Danlingten and. Bom anville Jackson et KtendaL, bidesm-aid, bride chose an original wirite glazed coql wblged te resign. won'ýt eithtirir scirool if Miibreooiwore xwaltz lengtir turquoise sik ottn ii atv ndred accessor- Boti New asteadBwanie doesni't." said N1ayor Moore. 1 sheathes voltil tuli. ove-sirtrs ef les and a éýorsatge o!f red carnations. nad votadila favor et tire two-scirol "I iraite te say tiat la front o! tire 1sur orgyanza,;, crowns o! yeîîow lily I pln0D,,glncoai has n e res said Reeve Budge, wiro iroad- e!oftire ve and tirey carnied cas-! Upon tirer rotu rn tirey wi11 reide met, -%Hie MUiibrok, Cavae , Hpe ed a c'ounties coucilUcernittee cades o! yeliow daisy cirrysantire- la t1ir newo home in Lakeview an lrehave supported tire 3 viWhi nvestigated tire pi-oblem. 'but nun.[ogis sav hýgor ~chioi pla. ira' y t!imnkinig." muins.HegirîseOiaw wher1 eepgrom irlc eev aso'ai th pissnt Robert Woods, Hamilton, brotherisan enen wir Bell Tenephe Chiepokes -MaPort iHope Tr reelieofaî ir ree te egroom, was Best Mans ir C.and tr rd iltai ntr counicil Mlonday nigirt was Reeve board seemed different freintire usions wene âMarvin ai, br"other Dýr. Cannon Scirool. Read Budge, wro led oppositio a boar d ire d served witi a few o! tire bride and Stanley Fisirer of{ Guests were present frons Cee lTie reeve ex-pneýssed tire opii ave cirý'aned, . Mrs. W. E. C. WVorkm-an pae ienr ait n ontrea], Osir- ary. heurs interview with tire board. tirh e ê, aned tire solîst, n. Frak Newasane He said ire md heoen bold by -New- comml,ýitîce ha larnd noting. f raste ieremers e! council ithetireTire beardthought and acted unaa-________________________________ villge mas quitteirappy witir tire mous!y As indiviuals, ie said, sil- Wigir standard e! education now, be- or-al penasnhie talked te md dit- a trll- e lN p ci ng obtained at Bowrwanville scirool. flent opinions. 'I'm so)rry te Lsee _________________ pHs suggestion tirat a CMarke tire board inla rsposion. E' ssorrY 1cnu,, weari g a b)lue filen-ina lenglir ewnlsiip higir scireel migi Wnt etesetireboard try te) tel, tire Tire marriage of yanice oae rsse ffo nlo nd cnyn recessany was !followýed by Coun.lpeille tioy insist on doing it tiroir Neal, daugirter of Mn and Mrs. Ken- mue ?aÙè white carnans, and Bob Everson, wiro asked if a MNII-way, negardless. noIr Neal and Chanles GeorgeGrCe, Brucexearfing a yilow bal- brook scirool was aise necossan,. 'iesignations won,'t hielp tire Francis Quantnili, son o! Mr. and lenina lengîls dress of chiffon nylon Reeve Budge said tiraI MiJ1lîbro:r board" ire concluded. iMrs. Evan Quantrill, was soiemn- ,l - --euCd yn eiw iewt a- ized~il on SaturaygJulÉl8hh an59,whnteatcar- tire Orono United Cirurcir with tire M. a Qunnitrii acted as est Reverenci Basil Longofiain. Iai.TrusrsweeWlamM- Tire Churcir was eortd ii white es :1an d ed rses on ireý pews. The weddling miusic was play- 'niby rs.Ennesf Bryson. Tire, soi-1 ()ist was Mns. Everiýt Brown, au knt o! tire bridle, ie gbr vie asivinmaniageo lengir gwn ith tinger p sîceves miî a bodfice (embnoidered wV',ith se- ujins and ens.Tr gw eatur- 4 wrie lceanýd ntvrtw atteta. k hartslape crwno! pe anis irl'rew ige-i veil and sire car- ried rýd roses and whrite antos ('hale~Heutoped o ono Ttire bride wvas attended b)y hon :Xter Wti to ts and uhI-esso neeNa sMi tHn walks. Tenny ý'Carletonaggedl..ee unhongown was a thrteequre it's witir sinigieýs teGran renl"girpn alnn ! hfo wood, Gary MMcin on iny yo ittîwit cescie in Lanry Miiler, RaprKtney n ' ane Iritt carnaion.Tire- ~.zy iiener.f ~daaaiIswreMailyn Quarit fiiat) d Jack-l Neal1. A rcepionwas irelt aItirhe Odd- te 1w' all, wirie the bnide's erwas Ms unnl enn ibue -iIesý xitC\IiI icesne .and a ýpink nnd wirte crae Iwith lwo a-o o raneet ladconahtdwihedroes turni, tire happy couple ~h eiel MsQntnir; waýs hnouned wih a mscllaeos shovtir be-forýelber marnuJiage, at thirhomne 0o! Ms. Ev- Orono Baritams Victors In First Playoff Game With Port Hope mm ý Fiâ-ora-do-"Fi-s'h'-an-d-