-i ~ OR&ONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSODAY,. JULY 23rd, 1959 Derby in Ori Lawrence H( fbine on Tues wned by Mr. at the Wood- s week lead- i-ng the field in îts class, It was driven by Bill Hooey, PAINTING ~FREE ESTIMATES u ROSS CARLETON0 love that elocirlo M M waîer fleater« An automatie electric water heater is,, effi',cienit anid econotnical. 1It pro vides plen ty of hot water when you need it . ,. fromi Dad's m-orning -,have . ., to dally baths anld showers . from washdays' to the dozens of other hou sekeeping jobs that caliI -for hot water. flot water is on, tap auitomratically with an eetric water heater to help you Live Better Eleerically.. thie safe, clean, modem -way. For information ocHd o's WCSt Renta lanJvhïc5 inrPkides free installation anr'zDpcpeenaintena nce ntt E. DENT, MâANAGEâ'êR ORONO HYDRO ELECTR[lIeC COMMISSION PU@NE 1551 ORONO, ONTARJR Plans Autumn Work InPanning for the autun'swrD iv rA et walhe order of the dlay we h executive memnbers of the B-ay ofSeio s Acien Quinte eConference of the Womans 1Association -of theU inited Church ofý Canada met for their umerex.- Qiktinigctepr f ecutive meceting on VWednesday. JuytasotdieVcorI.Mr- 151:1t1 in BideStreet UnitedChrhiar,39o22GegesetBl- Iparleurs, B1eiI~the resdnvle Moayatroo aetd j Mrs. G. E. Dobbs in the chair. min!t co have ben a Uragic traf- 0f f irst imorane as cepla n- Teicietaeurdabu 0 ning for lhe Fail 1alyIo be heldyrs atc teCR uwy in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Trnt ntdChrh ee-cmmoy caîed "the hoe in the 28th-, with Cal to Worshi;p at 9 :30,,' ?~ ecate amYI was planed t tu irn te rocedng es in a Bl-acýk's of imorning sersson aver tu tJe Con- Bellevile tractor-trailr loaded wil-, advantage of the wellplanned fac- jfupte hwheei (the peplatepnic ilites of Tinity Church Hall t1 uplles the trailer to the iractor îods Withshe varpous riated ere'havl;adnvhi - o the southî taries of Presbyteries andi Local!dith, wher e ril]er overturned, Womn'sAssciaionfo give pra and he tacorcme to rest agains tical asisitance and inpiatio Mna clunp of cedar trees. the (carying out of thleir ork for the awupnmonthsand Atodiscuss Mïaldescaped injury, bt.ap- their problemns-Ail groups Nwould roimtey $00damrage \wascas then report back to the generai as- ed tco th.e tasot semby o thir dscusios. itnesses described Mýarsland's Mrs. Ralp ipll , Prýogramme lan- drivig accomplhment as "wonder- ning SeC-,retary, was abKed toco- ul, miagnif-cent, a cr edit toan duect a programme plain1g session, die. They saîi e maoeuvered uising a skit as a deionclstration- of the vehicle to to the south ditch, and live programmi-e. Mrs. Hli urges ail Lavoided strkin a epartment 0 f; W..sto use the new study packet Jhfihways truck lpro2cedinig west, at th-eir imeetings, especiz!aily cin-and twooter cars travelling just, menting oia the use of thC f rnt of hlm. gams"InsideNotenRd- Sm" nd " omenin ïChaging f-1~ P iO S. gru uch ee'ns wou V.'Ld beS ho preparation forthenncwrwomane iway oji JaBmi:ness iIncr1962 Mr.J. L. 1Halpenny , apast pre-si- dent of the Domrinýio n Councî,adý now Secretary ocf the Senior Aduit, Comi',ttee of the DBoard of Chris-, flan Edctoff the United Churci to be the special gucest ispea-ker for! thte -Ral1y. 0f great interest was thle careIfl review of Mrs. A. A. Crowle of the evaluiation sheets froii membersat tending the leadership trainingi course al Five Oaks. Com-mentsQ Iranged froin, "*A mxountafin top ex- Iperienee", to the urging for morel practîcai progranmming leadershipl time to be given to Bible study, training, \Worship. Mi-S. W. C. Ives was appoin'ted toý consuit with Rev, Beverl1y Oaten1 withi a view to arranging courses: for thie eastern and western sectionis of the Conference Bra-nch this ,oni-( ing year , of three days' duration rathier tha-n two, in order 1o accom- modale more of those desiiring to' avail Îhemseives of the course for thieir ar-ea, and tobran the pro-i gramme. Local NeIwsI 11i,.and TMris. Percéy Hyad Bowmnvile sentSudy itMr and Mrs. Raye West. Mr. Ambecrson Gerýry b-as rtre homne from Snvro optl Co îertvs in Canada i a'e wit'h the tta vlue 01unint $î,24,55,00-an ncrese f $92 mrillioni over t-he previouisyar Thswsreveaied in a report by th cnmc iino th ide Can-J ada Departmient of Agriculture, wvhose officiais tabulated figuresý submitted bY 2,882 co-oPeratives acro'ss the nltiont. Co-operatives marketed about 33 >per cent of ail agricultural products ertering commercial trade in Can- ýada last year--the highest propor-ý Itio)n since 1953, An overail increseý in the sales volume of co-operati"-el merchandise, farm supplies and commodities was reported in 1958. A significant developinent is the fact that marketing co-operatives did a $895 million business, the 'high- est on record and $77.7 million more than in 1957. Ail provinces shared in this increase. The previous highý wvas in 15,whein a carr-y-over from-n the ï152 whea L crop was market ed. 'Repor tng to the EcoýnomcsDi- fisermn'sand eJcec-pia Sevc ooerativOes 'Inc!Lude: housig, rral eectrficaton, edi- creation faciliýties, telep,-hon-e, customi gidnSeedclenigrestaurants, Royal Couple To ViW Dturhamn Thi s weekend. Dunhani County is at bis s-ummer homne, Etew~ being hoeioired with a visit of the 1-luse, north of Weicome. Royal couple, Queen Elizabeth and Prince PhiLp. The couple arrive in On Sunday the Royal Party ;aytý Port Hope on Saturday, Juiy 25th oaln DineSrce i and wiIl spend the weekend s as toattes n givin Serce a S gues;I;3of the Hli. Vincent' Massey M4H s AnliapCe.h ? to. Therýe arefiernsc-oe- tivesrin Ailrovinces meeptAiberta lMrs.NilPorter and Miss AudrO-y wetgoig a r ciefih Biilings eft tcoa, Tursayy fo emnsc pnhs nmb ar Aylmer to' penda feFaswt nntriigbsns nte Ren- Mr.È ant 1d TMrs. Cha.Ko:n r.hTh e ooe-tv holesa les: Emma uanviiedte omrs rpr n nCnd atyear-n daughter jane at Lîameot Lodge PoPl'rte 0a _aiWoSi31millio m oreah! thîs wveek. attl t$5Smlin i aes of, arnucé itsppies accounted for $138 Jo r Sa ~ ~ POn milon mmor feed Wndfertlier or 5madè up 37 per(cent of the sales, wt asu,00 1aaut omilsi up-1 S 1 s eond plaoue in importance. T1,cendin wiii be recîe bUn d 12miinotuceseo 1 unde-sifîedSolcito Upto 1.00milloncver tihe 19ý57 figure,.h okkç4oon on Frday, the 3sNaretitm anldwre lve day f 4ly159 oriire PUrcase stockmardilivestoak products (r0% othop'f y off ) thle Mr. Ailn ar rout 3% fred HL LUA mion emeasisde Of M~nStreet,Orn, -mvmns Cndcabetcd This ýpr perty is a framce bouse, 8 back to 1789. in that year,agricul-_ rooms, itvjh smil-I1i-i br ngre.trl scieties Wthsom-ec-ora Terms! 10% of pvice l- t ender; iOve featyres wure oranizemd i balanýE tlo be paid ics nco-wa are now Novýa Sco)tiaandQue(- ing; sin datet bearraned. FJt~es o anyt dï- nt neessa-1 he Economics Division bas been ily cce ed. ompiingannual statistes sincei RP_ WADLL QC., Credît Unions, a.nother type of co- Oroo, nt.operative of which there are about Solicitor for. the Vendons. 4,500, are flot included in tihis re- c-c POP. 17 1