ORC" ioWIFEKLY A GOOD NEIGHBOUR A GOOD FRIENO Four local IGA Foodi Store is owned by a man in your neighbour- hooi. 1He supplies his own capital. he pays local taxes. . lie emnploysý local people. He is dedicate t t bringing yot. fine puality footis at corn- petitilre prices. He is proud of his itidepencence. He is prouti toco f his association with more than 7,000 local businiessmien in Canada anti the Unitedi States who are memnbers of the IGA Family. Above alI, he prides himself in his personal relatianship with bis frientis and neighbours .eager te help build the community in which you and he both ýLie. CHEF B0V-AR-DEE ITALIAN F000 FESTIVAL WITH MEAT BALLS <shetti 152' farOni I15'. oz tin oz tin 2 for 49c ,2for 49c kvioli 15'2oz tin 29c 1 pint 0r Ck FÎKE ,19IGA'RoyaiGold 1CE C1%1REA Pîneapple Lemo>n With the Purctiast f On 1-ex. Pkg. Pilisbur Sc,~. AngelFoodl Cake m"ix5 FEEI 1ha ôffresh N ew Cabbage Wth theý,Purchase of One 12-z. Jar Pfieffers -Coie SIaw Dlressing 39ec, FIE! B16 Oz pkg Plsbmry1 uttrinlkor Buckwh ,t Pancake Mix Wth the PurchaSe 0o, One Lb. Pkg. Tablee'ite Smea Llnk Fuie Poîk Sausage 59c- CLUSTERS 0F JUIýCY FLAVOUR NO. 1 GRADE SEEDLs IPGRApE s -A TREAT FOR YOUNG & OLD - NO. i1 GRADE IMPORTED BwA RT LeÏT T PEAR S 6 4-I F R EE! 1 pkg Sherriff's Lushus With the pu ase of Crie 22 oz. lin Delmonte Fancy / JUST THREE OF OJR MANY MEATrY HALF OR WHOI2E LAMB WHOLE FLAN K ON Loin O'1 Lanib lb 29"c Lamb in9hgeti lb 19c 0 FROZEN F000 FEATJJRE 6 ozils OR AN1GE JUIC OId South 6'ztins A 7 tins 'ny poly bag on]iy .00 2 LBS 33c size i 50s 29c or l35's >DAIRY FEATURE KRAFT ALL FLAVORS Han di Snacks 8oz pkg 2 7c VOLUME 10- NWONS A LE HOMEMAKERS ENCYCLOPELIA Volumes 1 to,9 are still available At Your Local IGA Store! _________________________ I 65 Famers Take wart- p» Il ------I.' JF Durham Sunrise Tour' On Friday, July 17tK rat 9:30 T u~"u, amr. approxirnately 65 farmers met o E p n athe farm of Mr. Lloyd Kelloggoi Welcome adto dthe various ol ofl Parkc farms in Hope ¶ownship. Mr, AI-___ fred Allun, 1President of thle Soil & solved the land erosion problem an' Crop Improvemren; Association reconverted barren land into decor- greeted the farmers and expressed ativýe and useful cart.h. Pulp Wood pleasure at the good turnout. Mr. is cut and marketed as the stands Doug Logsdail, Soils Specialist f r- requiire thinning. This yield pro.- Lindsay was on band to an.sw vides incomne for the for-est and questions regarding soils and farmy gives emiýploymient to many workers.- planning along wvith Mr.~ Ken Fallis, Fieldrnan for the Field Crops. Tewer Hill, in Clarlie Towns-ip, Branch in Toronto, who spoke brief- an] elevation 1275 feet abo've sea.- ly oun weed control and oat and .for- level was visited. FÉirm here the age varieties on test at the varlous rolling hbis, heavily wooded, stretchi fam.Farmrs included ini this tour for miles in ail directions. It was,. were those of Mr. Lloyd Kellogg, believed that this was the highest !Welcome, Mr. Fred Lowrey, Canton,. point in Durham but recent surveyF Mr. Roy Philp, Port Hope, Edwin show that an adjacent hill to the , ilfôrdWi,EGae Hil andSouth is 25 feet higher. On this hill ~Mr a tdWie liaehil. fire towýer wil be built in the next Some features of the tour were few months. the inspection of drill width oat plots with varlous rates o! seeding In -September of 1948 a tragedy and fertîluzation; Plots, of Empire occurired at the foo_,t of Tower Hi1JL IBrsotTrefoil; Two farms which;AUS jet aircraft, taking part in had been planned by the Depart-.la stunting exhibition over,- Roches- ment of Souls, Ontaioà Agrîcultural ter cýrashed there. The aeroplane, on Coliege and were uncler strip crop3- its return trip had beep f 1ying over ping; A Hay Pasture mixture, put the area. Heavy fog is believed îo. tout by the Sofi & Crop lrnPro)ve- lhavecaused the accident., On "the m nent Associationirin1958 as well as site-' o! the crash Forest Caretaker jseveral ýimproved rough pastures-. E. Youngxan has erected a white IF'ollowing the tour o draw was cross. held for three lots o! Climax Tim- üthy and Viking Birdsfot Trefoil, Following the tour Of the fcire8t sufficient to seed two acres eaeh, in members Of the Ganaraska Rilver 1960). Winners of these prizes were. Conservation Authority vislted thde Feon Fc;-xEilis, No. 1, pontypool;' Garden Hill pond area. Work here 'C larenice TïnK, No. 1, Hamipton and. On the control dam is progressirit ýnoss E3ickle, No. 4. Cobourg,~ favourably, When it is cemltda Pond ee<venTng 30) acres and 'lng *Mr. Garnet HRikard, Warden o bY Parklanld will be available to the flue couaty spoke bniefly and ex- public. pressed bis pleasure at t-he large - turnout of the faniners in the Hope lo! drinking water in smail quant- area and their interest in the Cropities and they are intended for the, yimprovemnent Association - né el- use o! householdfrs, schoelss»i pressed hope that this interest mrcta-etuitsadcrprý cwuid continue and that g .meuotaes orii adcape Cr-op Imnprovement Tour ~would bc- moine an annual event, They are simple te use and in-~ structions are enclosed in the kit, 1'hiýs 'tour was under the direction Dr. Horner warned that tiiere mxay ai Representative and Mr. E. B. be dangers assoeinted with drink- of Mr; A. O. Daîrymple, Agricultur- ing water from a source that is not ]I3unsid , Assistant Agricuturai known te be sale by phevious lal- Representative, Durham County. oratory testing. * These free chlorination kits may' ri ip be ebtaîned from anîy o! the Heit1 ,Collect Cones Untfkes Squirrels are workflng for the de-ý partrnent of lands and forests con- sýervation project inDuam District forester Dalton Lindsay told members of the Ganaraska l 0 $oe C'onservaýtiong Auth-onity th-at squir 0 * N rels heip the departmnent init is col- lecton ! witepine cones, IM Tecones are used ,for,. seedung o! niurseries or Plantations. The buite pire st--ands in the Durham J/ Foret Ist yar roduced 900 bu- sIsof -onàes, and thîs year have been skedto pr-oduce 2000. Sýquirels ,orne into the picture iearly f'n t'e collection program Thiey re n can clirnb the resaDpick . the cones from the ends o! the . springy branches, a tricky job for a an. 'Squirrels have a habit o! throw- ing ~elr nesfrorn the troc to the cru, cand istockpiIing thern neatly Orde your frTrl n , fo !urthehawdî nsaid Mr. Lind- say.£ ef- Wint è r's c They le tern round the base of aj hie irieAndover them cod np W hrf l hh, lherlea>sF- M.Lindsay sa'd]atyear he foud oeridC a hitbusel o ail defivery cone arunid the base ofwo trees. Itto m20 y te opiTUpini U ak The stoy fis much the sarne with isî hd.Wei redf pire conyes, he said. The èquir rels nokthern down and ur thm frrows between the rows Eilv e r t y(our conven- o! trees fln the forest. Men wlfn a 1ng the rute haviý,e iittle trou ble fillingý bags with the coneS. iecflCC at low Summer