'gue Iliéro TIME T INI . IHowad UWa&lsh on Wed I Second Place'ogauairst Iý1a run, a three bagger and a sing .le. Ernie Ransberry on the bü Ralp Kenedy hoever t peddaughter in the Memorial :E Ralp J~enndyhowver topedBowmaniville (in Tuesday, Ju Chai-les' batting record With al double and threesingles in four trips to bat. Gamey Lycett, Michael The Orono PeeWee Basebl Fagan, WVayne Miller and Terryiopen theiiý league playo4ff sel Graham al went for two hits with niglit in the Orono Park %ÀhE Allan Heron collecting a single. 1 face Bowmnanville. Corne oi Agai Sïiurdv menin theOr-support 'the local boys. ono1 boys outscored Newcastle 11-5. Ralph Kennedy pitched this gamre withi Charles Reid two single, for Orono and gave up a mere four1 ry Grahami and Danie Rogers( hits but on the other hand offerediNwent for, two hits and Michat the Niewcastle plaY.ers fourtleen an a single. I walks. Grant Yeo returned to play im the O numo 0f cl infield anid sparked his team i wh a' rm hns 4, for 5 record at bat, Raiphlien- iTigae hes iiedy collected a triple and a single ý gv h I LADIES DRESSE GREATLY REDUC LAD IES' DRESSES We stili have a few ladies' dress es which we have greatly reduced for quick sale. 22 ÜRESSES'regular value up te $24.50 SALE PRICE...... $12.95, LADIES' BLOUSES- Sleeveless Blouses ini fancy stripes and a few plain shades. Sizes 10 to 16 years. Regular price $2.95 SALE PRICE ... ........ $15 LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES Various styles. including. Per- 13 DRESSES regular values up to manetnly pleated skirts with mat- $1295 for Only.......6% Ching blouses. * zs4M"2 nd 3. SA LE 4[CE $2.69 H1OUSEDRESSES ÜTLTLE BOYS' SUITS Good quality prit dresses, SeN- Good quality 2-piece Suits' itavy eral styles and- coIg 'rs, sizes 16te brown and red pants with contras. 44. Reguar _$3.25, Your thoice $2,.,39 ting shirts. Siz, s 3 to 6 years. SALE PRICE.... .$17 G1RL'S BATH so LADIES' SHO ES ,Lastexc faille, Gn and nylon Broken size in leather and Can- R eu3lter6values to$79 or$2.25vas shoes. Brown, uavy, beige and Reguar-Valus t$ 795 fr $25 hite. SALE PRICE....$1,9ý5 GIRLS' 2-PIECE SHORT SETS Shorts and sýleeveless Blouses to matchin turquoise, navy and yel- low. Sizes 10 and 12 years. Regular price was $2.95 ON SALE -. $1.79 Store Arm rday s -m MENS' SHIRTS T-Shirts of white c«ttoni ierry with blue trim also a few sport shirts with short siceves. Size S, M and L. Your Choice...... $1.25 t r onOpen Ail Day Oronô ,PeleW The Orono Pee Wees ended their league scheçïule on Saturday and foiund theniselves in second place being lead only by,' Cobourg Pee Wees who headedt the league. Orono -Wfll now enter the league Play- downs; for tlhe Ontarlo "D" group. During the past week the Orono Pee Wees played home and home garines with Newcastle and rang up two victories. The first game was playý-ed in Newcastle on TJhursday nlght with the local boys taking the win by a w,ýide margin of 14-4. Charles Reid pitced the game for Oro0no giving up only. four. bits and colected ten strike outs. When at bat Charles <rovè out a homne Afr. and Mrs. Don Goode andi 'family'are hoýlidayiing atflHalls Lake. M 4r. and. Mrs. A. McGilj and H-eather', Mi'. an-d Mrs. A. McLarený and famnily, Mr. and Mrs. H. Duvafl and, family arte touring Northern, OMtr. adMlrs. Carman Cornish [fand 'fam-ily are on holidays. Terry Graham aud AËrnold Wal- lace are ispenidiiiga !ew days this 'week with Michael Fa«an, Mark- Jiani. ,Twenty-one Cubs-, with their Jead- ers spent the weekend at Camp Samnac and report a gôcci time. The Orono )Band attended the Church Serviýe 'held at Waltona Park, Newcastle on Sunday eveniing Rev. aB. Long was the,,$gpaker. Mr. and Mrs. IIiiiax4' Gifford of Oshawa fhave purchase4 the -Milton Tamblyn farmi. .Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chapmnan an-d Clair attended the funeral on July 8th at Burford, o! lis aunit, Mrs. Cora Rutherford, who passed away July 6 in Brantford General HIOSPItal. Mr. an-d Mrs: Orley Cbapmian and Mrs., Bradshaw lef by train Satur day xnornting for Alberta and the Coast. Mrhs. Jerry MlcMahon and children, of Gaît visited lier ster >MNrs. Floyd Nicholson, Mr. Nichiolson, and famý- ily this week. CA RD 0F THANKS We ,wul keto ep or ap- pe'Att Ju re and rneigh- bours for, t e mnany ts o! kindness, cards and lowvers ent at the tLnime of the deZah of s. Gertrude A-u- stin. 1lsopec Ithanks to Rev. BasilLo Mrs. Rowe a an and family a-p IN MEMOlRIAM ~SEYMOUR -ln lovîng memnory a dear husband ila EwrSey- mnour wh740o -Ssed awvay J1 y 24Lh. 1957. Those who wle lov,-e g outl of sighit But neyer out ot m",d. Thyare c erished always in týhe A O H R woy of 'cor, rne off. .. i wih oe o ~ 0fthose lhey avebehind. - Always ri, i b ered by his wif e. off i~s wdeliciofsik, - a-p M'.d aci BWe L BOWMAN VILLE ( IN M EMO RIAMÎ RUTHERFORDM lvn mmr of a dear hsanad ahrW. Rutherford wopassed !awaýy July 27th, 1958. 1l A beautiful cnr f one,)0ear We cershtl1wih oencr Aday tha s ihsa ge And onie e t wewil ve for <get. In memrory we, sec- mjuste same , 1/ As lon~g as we liv wewllcers his nam StURiin our le s le !S living yet,- For we lvdhlm to dearly t ever forget. Sadly missed by hiis wfSd Mgary an-d family. a-p UNITED CHUflN OronhPatraril M in i a SLJNDAY, JULY :' ~ter [I i 26t1 Kirby 9:- Orono - - 11:( Leskard . - 2l SUNDAY 8C440L. £ng h :45 a.m. :00 am. :00 p.m. :00 LI». I SAI*S AUB~VUEKYIcE s We ýr , res- i of Miss he wed- ardt jin igs andf led the SLake- 'ey wasj ,ed lier nd Mr. rie SÂ-oWUMMERf'%TIME OANDY Sumamertime Candy, assorted, èôcoanut crisp butterscotch cuits, cocanut crispies, peppermint puffs, assorted pound ...... ......... 39C *Iedal P-ushbýr. &t, Childrens 2pi(e"Ce, assort-, ed colors. Size 3 to 6x, 1ýegular $1.65 Clearing at 98e Jumbo or Beach o(wels. Juyrk-izeé 30 x, 60 inches. Priced each/...............$1.49 Tee Shifts), Ladies' corduroy cotton, as,-sorted eclors, size small, medium or large Reg. $1.98 for, q8 Briefs,, Ladies printed ' mesh rayon, 0 S, color pink. Regular 79c for ...........591C' Wash Clo'ehs nice size, Plain colors or stripes SSpecial pice 2 for .................... 19t. -peî]Boys DressPntsl beit. Sizes 296 tîo 3.Clors~ grey or brown. Pair...........,. $2.95 INoxema 5k.-inCrea iemýdicate-d greaseless for any irritation of tzskin, "feel it heal OGiant lO-oz, bottle...........$2 V Tumblers lO-oz. P il!ytheuhraable) 4 in a bag for...............3ke S Speciail! Rain Shampoo. 2 large bottles.leg o$1.50 -value for............. .......... 99C SAVE TIME SERVTE YOIJRSELF O'RONO 5c. TO $000 STGR%"M 0 ORON TINSHO0pi ALI SHE ETJ- AND Pluanblng Supplies BRANDRAMïe-HENDERSON ý-iPAINTS 1 FOR AIL PURPOSES OPEN DAILY 8:00 a.mn. te 5.30 p.mn iCLOSED WEP-C. PM. Open Fr. tc S prm. RLE LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 oronlo, Ont.. . <A 1 Used Carsg Our ceniplete service guararitees year round drivi g Iseasure OARV TH~R 'hore 3251 X Newastle, Ontari turned1 ârs. P. irgeoi cie and; Ir. and d Mrs. .amily, thber ýooper Sand <with 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N