TonLht,~W ~ w r next wieek, you may b to 'îblamu.e for a trafflc accident. il, So, the odds are four to onle that' the cause will be a quirk of your personal- 1ty. It rnay be only a brief mental lapse that would be perfectly harmless in seine other situation. .ut while you're behind the wheel of a car that quirk can zlow your reaction, hamper your judgment or blind you to the dangers of the road. This is no ile conjecture on the part o! some armehair psy- ehologîst, but a fact wý,hieh bas been established by patient teams of the traffic authorities and psychiatrists, woxring to- gether in Ontario and some parts of the United States to uncover the basic causes o! traffie acci- dents. Ontario's investig-ators esti- mïate that as many as 80 percent of ail automobile accidents - which, ail told, 1<111 more than 3,000 Canadians 'annually - re- zuit from motorists' psychologi- cal quirks. Some of these are rmore than mere 4'quirls". In Chicago, authorities of the Psy- ehiatric Institute of the munici- pal court found that 40 percent of the city's traffic violators have ynental conditions serious enough to require psychiatric treaimlent. But it la net just the, serious mental cases that. these authori- tics are trying te detect and ether cure or rule off the road. Tht>' stress that each cf us L vtlnerable te miner mental up- sets which, on today's busy. high- ways, can be fatal. "'The worst guY of the lt," says Inspecter Albert Witts of the Ontario attorney-.aeneral'a department, "is the man whoý tel~ls hmselit es Rgood driver and has no quirks. Thi8 in the ver'> attitude whlch ma>' eventu- ally cause an accident" Dr. J. W. Lovett-Doust of! the Toronto Psye1hatric Hospital says itre la lno need ta feel ashamed et the occasional irritational act: "It mcrely proves you are a hu- man belng." But whcn even the inost inerstnblo mental lapse 13 likely to cause trouble or dah- as it 3 when yau &ST driving - "the Imnportant thing is to recognize it and try te do ë.omething &bout it." TIhugh tht>' art alreudy ton- vdnce4 that ther is a close con- Decton betwéen psycholo.-ical disturbances ,and 4 divn habit, p&yci*tri~s andpsy'cho- tits aurai t tat a, trendoui fration oftheai£s,,:rs cht3î seeklng, «'I will take years te bulld urecords ta prôve evr ae," gays Col. Walter RecynolsO- tario'o commissioner, of higbh*ay satety, " but what practical esvi- dence we have -tât present is' damn*y>g enough" Suçh tvidence was found [n London, Ont., wher Dr. William Tfrllman studied 76 taxi drivers te sec f the accldent-prone cnes had common personalit> traits. Theyhad. While drivers with ac- iident-free records scored welU on personulity tests, twe-thirds of the bad drivers showed up. on the tests as anti-social, and all drivers with bad records were impulsive &nd immature. "Unrecoghized feelings cf ln- feriority or hostility may be comn- pensated for by a heavwy foot on the aceclerator," says Dr. E. J. Kellehér, director of Chicago's Psychiatrie Institute', which sub- jected trafic violators to exam*ý mnations simflar to, Dr. Tillm-an's London tests. Dr. Kelleher be- lieves that miotorists w,,ho drive recklessly and "violate traffic laws just for the thrill or sai- faction o! break-ing thcm" are often trying ta relie_em2î-otional tension A in nt al Violations are casdby ordinaýry quirks. De- iroit's Traffic Safety Clinie - asort of psych-iatrie court - found a hýigh proportion of men- tai misfits among 832 traffic vio- laasit examined. 0f these, oly 79 were people w,.ith no serions psychological problemrs. NinetY, othiers were feeble-mi nded or bordeý_rline; 154 were of lower than average intelligence; and atil the rernaining 509 were sul- ft'ring frorn such s;erlous mental afflictions as psyých oxeu rosis, senility, alcoholîssm, paranola, 'listurbed personality or schizo- phrenia. Thýe most aamn aspect o!f such findings is that there are presumably thousands uf people zcross CitaaWho are permit-. ted ta drive while tl eir poten- tially dangerous afflictioxni go undetected. "Some daýy" saiy>iCol. Ry noMds, ~"we hope to be able tô spot thet accident-prone- man when he applies for his lcense and take steps tLo improve his- tdriving." Ontario lias aiready maqde somne progress in this directién. Both the 4àpplicant for a license knd the troffic violator can be recquired te submnit a dectar's certificate attesting ta lis physi- (,al or mental health whenever hi-,abilit>' to drive la questioned b>' the llcensing authorities. These certif icates, alaxig vith the iman'!s drîving record (if an>'), aqre studied by a medical board whose members include a psychtatrist, at psychoIogist and a gener-al practitioner. The board -inay reccmmend the withhold- in.- of an applicanits licens. or the suspensýion or cancellation of an'existIng lcnsê until the persan'a condition 13 ahown to b. satlsfactory. Ontarlo authori- ties admit that their eystern la far irom thoroufyhîli rouitie e * g Mountains Stili "To the sout'h face of Meunt Mý,eKinle>'!" With a clanlu of beer miugs; the four meuntaincers tossed off a heady toast-. onc night Iast summner and thea sat doen te plan their assault. They had pickcd a formidable foc: the, eontlnent's higlicat iountain, £0,320 it. cf rock, ice and s-wirl-. Ing Enovi that Alasican Indians eall "the Great One." Meci- le>' had been elimbcd 13 tirnes £Ince 1913, but never b>' the iprecipitaus southera route, a fe-at eýonsidered the greatest ploneerlng ecilmb 'remalning In North Anerica. Leadcr of the four was blond, illght Jake Breitenbýach, 24, a guid. at Wyormlng'i.9Ptglt- Exu ,c Sciioo o!Amner'icam Mountaîneerîng. Like Sakè, the GRIM REMINDER - Two emnpty sho.. art grimn remi'nders of un ccildent that kiIted 81-year- old Jseph Paganetta on the steps of his home. Brakes of a neighber's auto faiied, and driver turne-d imb curi, te avold ichool children uta ç rossinp. At hu struck the brick tepe Pctgacneua, stepped ïnto the car's path. 7,000-f t. drop below. The wa ~ther Ptarted ta worsen, -And they decided onr a ganuble: a dash ta the top, rêren though it vin 3,500 k.K Their cdash Made thern look more 1k. drunks ln a- congaa ne. ln thti thia air, ne one could lurch"'more than 15 steps with- out rest. The final 4M0 ft. were up a atar-vertical snovi wall; someho-w t he y madeic t, and there wsthe slender bamboo pale that had been <planted on the surnmit in 11W b>' Bradford Washburn, a mêountgin-climfbii4% geog-rapher. Th r ee men burst isnto te~a rs. "Do you realize," gasped Bucklnghgu, "do you realize w'hat we've donc? Four~ liaolers - we've mnade a greiit zscent, xnaybo. the greatest out- sieffe f' SoufthAmeric i n the world" It was net over. The weather, good gor twelve days, burt v 1t th,, a snowstormn. Al land- imarks.i5appared; et, one point the>' vers near panic at the theu>ght ci starvàtion vihen sonileore' spottï!thteblade of 'an ice &x thât t kehud whitn- zicaîl>' auck beâdi 10 to4cache, a needie point of! -tès eanule& Ing In an ocean ci anovi. On BRITISHI AMERICAN GIL IIAVE modern 8-bny rtatlon to leae ln liger'soil. Iocated on matri n Mgwy to 401. stablUa1ed ganôonage. good fin- ancia retrn- ontâct IL, F. Beach, BriUshAînerlcani 011 Co. Ltd., Wood- stock. âUSINeSS PRPPUETIS8POR MAU For raie .Grocery Bstor sarryMg ful Une.Uvïg ýumr-t" cîue5s e. $46s nttin Orw--gee eoer lt a#t he besttobaeo.Wrtt for>t 5atcu1r t* 1'.Feeý RR. cý , Prt ureilOnt. 1044 CIHEV. C.O. 1% ton wlth lHolmee Wrek.rk twa Boom, new Noter, Caa4a Cs ro nden~c. Courses.12 &TAMI AND COINS NEW 9339 .S. Canada cataloguse n6ov reO, end 204 tocover cst. New Wa ;amnp. Lawrexce 18, Mass Ak ORUAM RAINZOW PO(R TOU ALBJUM At beautiful colleSMoI, aports. sicve mai*ftes, etc. more-t1han 98S1Sf 4ti!ere2# glt*ap s. tisfaetlon for everybodyA1 that for only124. With our eati' otamp o &pral:Füoô fiIp Ce., Dep. .,StaeamýC..Quebe, MWAI R ISORTS EDWARDS kland lnn, on famous Pielb 1"01 River. Iouiwke.pL>ni cottagec 41-14Y beàcles, fisIn. Wrte Ewg ?UAC*4IRS 4WAKT5D A QUALIPU-Dtea4cer la eur t t*tý L 90.1,McKenee Puble zhSe r- tý tahe o 0ini enC*e C*okbvm islný Ot. CÂJNÂRVON TOWNSHIP N x N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N 'N N s N N N N N N N S N k N N N N N N N N N N N N N