OR Memoricd Hospitcd The extension to the MNemorial Hospital in Bowmanville has now beeni haniging f ire for some time. Clarke To1wnshiip flas been saý,ddled with the holdup in the fact that they have net gîveni thi entative approval to issue a debenture for some_$86,000ýo0). lin this- growThg aea theire is a need for m~ore Jhospital ac- výommodatio)n as there is a need for other publie services. To What S extent the.expansion shl1d be coulti be diseiissed at some lengthi eeýýt îthe one tact stiili 'emtains thiat there must be further hospital 4> ccounodation'ri for this area. Thp rea includies Darlitgto.1, Clarke -~ Bomanileand - Newcastle., larke Township is expecteti an- ---,--shol e expectel to carry tneir fair share of the capital ,çpendli- 7~ture. It is a responsibiiity that the Township mus.t carry for the ïake of its own people. Hospital accommodation Ynust be provideti for thie sicl< and in this Clarke wiIl have to share. In the present setup the Township of Clarke lias beenas- ed to support the addition to an extent of $8,6,O00 which is baseti on Clarke's percentage of the total actual area assessment. Thisý percentage works out to 20.3 percent. The unfortunate part. of th 'is plan is that Clarke Townxship has one of the highest assessmient per apita of the four munieipalities thius creating a greater bur- tien on Clarke taxpa-yers. Thle Countycoundil after years of work have set ttp a Counties equalizeti assessment for ail municipalities. This basis brîngs ipito Une mucli better the assessment per capita ai)an" s useti when leving the Counties rate, the Higli School rate anti othiers where varlous municipalities iii the area are sup- porin a roeet I ths qualizeti assessment was set up and is u1sed fo-r this purpose then why not use il for financing the atidi. litýjy o thie Hospital If it were used Clarke's 'shai4e *would lie less- ,eneti by eighit thousanti dollars. Anothner featuire te lbe consideret i i the fav-t 0that themui cipalities are being asked to support the buibling pormo fixe, tïi um asetermineci by present day cniin.Thcee)overth ~ext few yeas could chiange con)siderablyk Tle Hospital Boar -state theadto is pianneti to take care oýf future neetis. If thiýs ils so then the financing of- the building shoulti consider the future ronditions andi relat1i-oishiips o)f the four ceéntres. To do0 this a yearly adi ustment would have te lie, madie. This procedure is c-arrieti cout in the Higli School0 Area shm andi works very weil. r. shoulti ibe io raonwyit hit not also Work foir the hospital adIdition:. The percapita basis coulti also be uised in a'] otting the ýpor- tion,,s of the capitol costs to t-pe muiipa-lities and thi-ý we also fceej is a fair basis anti wle ;agatin whidh Clarlie woubl save arouti ,$8,tiCî.00. The a)cttual a3isessmeiit as presently beinc promOtedila beer, outtiated i anti shouli not lie considereti as a basis to share theý ~of Lo! he new addition.,, larkze'TQwnship bas ine alternîative 'but :to pay fr-their share of the hospital but it nust be On -an equitable basis. Usinrg the ajctual assessment cfthle foutr runicipalities, li'u iiil s rnot une of e q ualiKty- day, wing o tCeenate g lw;ll be clos july 251 August '10. er of Park treet nd Church st. - OR .O TENNIS CLUB Anyone wislinig to be e -a member f the Orono T nis Club shQuld c'o tact th folio ing: Doug- las Lycet , Peter -Maar _nse or Nan- cy Wall, e. Fees fo 19509 season are $5.6 Junjo mebhe, (includes 1Eïigh School tuden $2.00. a" Tea and ake Sale at ne hiof Miss Cat erine Stew- .t, Sixtà Line on1 Aug -t 5 fro to 5 p.mi. Ad- P-roce r renvationof fthe Cllurch, sulated. _H dwo and tiledfor. Miltn a ynPhone 22299 Or- oflo. ïng imA lus. ~~"' ligyour Pros Do. f j ~contacti hiole 2191 rono Foun afions and iç< Tanks as did Rlamih.nis Sadie amjilton * .EverY dass f nsr an Cle is represented 111 Our offïce.. The follow- in aé onèo-f th-e Autwîobie, LfoAccjeént and Sicnçs, PateGla3S, Liabilt, Pie, BuirgtFy, H os~iai~in ORONO ,P-.NE l1R16 FÎRST MOWR¶' ý LOANS ~SECTION AUQTION SALE, The untder ,ýgned bas 1rece »etiin- structions fi m !Eector S. Bowen, Lot- 33, Con 4, Cla1rke' ownship, tog sell by p ic auc-tion nis entire stc fcatfe, poultr y.,*plemnents, feed, grain nd furnlitu e, Sale will lie "held o aturday, uly 25th at 1:00l o'lc.ermns c là.no reserve ed Jac on,ý, Auctioneer The RU ER GRANITE COMPANY phone TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 Port Hope, Ont. »Suy Direct and Save Commissions' Monuments, Gravestones, Etigraving, Goldleafing Have You Enough InsluranceQ prctertýiyoul 'and yU fa MIlY aajns tosby havIng 'f1 nceý. Discus's your r'equire- j renlsvts 4p BES pouo POR~C ~T4 A. Y--2 2:00 to 4:00 p.mn. PIlONE 1471 EZIE, Mb. 1andi SURGEON :e Hoursi 7:00 to 8:00 P4Ifl. DR. R. J. TAGGART- VETERINARY SORGEOM Phone 10676 Oro.,o, ore. Iawrmoe C. aie, Là. garrister and Solicitor 8OWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. office MA 3-%m88Home. MA 355 B aurister -Solicitor Iiiu the Offices of g R. R- Waddelil Q.C. AMN ST,, ORONO, P riday 7 Pn- 1 an TÏelephone 138 Orono AC K 1 1D Auctione-er 'and ilaluator SPeCiali-ze ini Farmn and Furniture'ý Sales COÏffllt me for terrus and ý dates Phone5'r18 TED jACK-î-'SON AtiOner yanti Valuator C-onclits Auction 'isales of-' ýtsU x and a.? reasonabio rate>S Commn i~tewith ïim. aC POetPerrr, Onajor Se ýhii clerk,A. . Mcoiton a OQoro for date, - Every Chevrolet Truck is buit withi your profits the extra strengt Cherolt ngieerngin rmid... and engineered to keep tbem coming. ble framnes. Ch Extra--spacious load comipartments bring you an sprýIngs. YOu'lls brngyo agrat~extra maeasure of profit. And Chievrolet's, extra- coast to) coast d brig oua ret ew ef ficient engines mean you save more every trip. Yesafwmn l i g h i n cfe pe n cfa bili Shoi t-stroke, high-comipressio)n design miakes every show you why Chevrolet engiine an expert at squeiezing more miles downtimie is a and a new, widier margin foneeyglo fgs a good time to Vstyour Chevrolet dealer's today and look over visit. !,ose no tîi Of Profit. the truck, for your job. Look under it, too! Check today! ----- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- See your local authorized Chevrolet decaler today!--- 3OWj%êMANVIL.LE COCJRTIC&z ILIFE INSURANCE Peao~ PIars, Eduration,î IPolicesi Protection and, Savlngs Plans for chiMraen -and Aduts; Mir gaq.le I surance Plans, -F. E. LY-GETT Oro o nt. - phone 11716 Tywitr emingtoo Portables 4Mdl.Fr.. denontfratlesi. At $1.00 down and $1.00 a We*. Up t. 20%1, off or demonstratoro OS WABU31NESS MACH4INES 329 Swmcoe SK. S. Plione RA 81211 £<veings 59748 STAFFORD BROS. liMmnmentai !rks Phone Whîtby 552 VS8 Dundas St. E-, Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANO .MARKERS Let fis erct a-handsoni., dlg Inhfiesd motumet ver the r.st- imo place of jrour lovod mno. Wu mot expensie. And so.lne this last tribute will pive v<' endless cqmfort. Orono Electric CONTRACTORS FOR FAR-NIand 110118E WIJRING APF-PLIANCiE SALES Pro -', and Guaranteed'lRerai.- te aI~i' KAds of Elêctricai Equi4-mfflt and Applanices S v : iors .Water ýeaters i. . .t' esStevs - le dî Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointmejtts only mmw ORONO Oront ROY wm 0 LS