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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1959, p. 1

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Volume22Nmer4 Thrusday, ýîJuly 30th, 1959, Orono, Ontario Subseription $1.50 Lttie uiesFor OronoPlceTute Police Trustees miet14HS neCu ,an Monday ngtwith S. B 4ute-11ENïi la ford absent.Theecas U litt usn ess tA conduet, Vst am A letterws received frvom Dr. ___ Berr3T of h Otarlo -W'ater Re- On oda evnn, ul 7h sources Commýnissio)n in whiich themmbrofte uha 4-Swn ~writer sought informiatîon on the ,Iii p , tý -ry f Mr-lnd $25AOO Away are haviug dificlyl iigau a Ire 'gi.t aI$2,0 i csh. For tiputxwesthe $2500ba bee avilalebut as ytn n Tris Orn'o busnessrceatly Sent 1Ouf advertisiug biis on wb.ich wVasj printed lucky numbers. If a coIr-' responiding number appeared bu tria store window lu Ora(no trie$50 Thsldis ft riov y criuîdren who bave been tku swimming bsos pnoe yti Orono Re,io n vuutdby Tie tssilrisuevedand rpro- I motions uwardjed by anifficial aI ktrie Canaduan Red Crýoss WaterSa- S -omeafri- igin took etrieu tests laS7 vweek with some being L -Crossi__gRoardAt Kirhy HI'T A 5ye-odK ndaian, Jamnes ~4J L~JL~.&Swurî ,vwas kii itny 011 HIghwuy 35 a, Kîrby Saturdayr !Speeds Proc-ess ngithre astetpped juta the _____pafh af a car travelling- norfhi on t Naonemar nicoudfioer cn tie bigirway. on- ý ndc()dý'i( an If is undei'stood Swavbrick was daiman xcluiveon ukin qucricrossing trio highiway framn west tfQ dryiugtop-qutitbout. 11 i rn i. nà Sgtrei b i- Han. L. Coecle, .OntariiIsor epl f o cosdrdae ia of Welfare asked Prat r ie pnmbor ld'n Mf childfren under uve t Whytc- "e'egoin-ýg ta spee tis thinig hayon be reduced. tirougrif îî wedon't afwe'Hl re Mr. Ceesaid ho!hu as ked trijamed foi anytrig eise wbich AIttoney-GeuIeral'sdeprtoru liý '-miitn( cr. rat e t deu a perm-ission t prsecte nder aewatmgi hpe faire sboul Chuild VWelfare Af.Threhs ben u uk ufwiri uci vevrode fia staement aséta whther tis - (udton. ufïission buýis beenotaed Mam hyt preîctd'Wie rpri Hosaid a department officiaise- sais against auy gavorp euchapvtdtra.toWryehvn tf her"rliias I'edn.sur Y d hyo MWrO isAemployd sus. tre ovrrar-geniera's sceaytm at a JOb iu nmavlll an tusauy ctionugainaf her would eldoy man, unue fealeattedant rie M i trougb trie leugtriadh charge of 33 ?aiisa ouple orat I' Canada." waiting for their chul t1cover Snce juat wce~~~ýýik, when Dr. Clar-fn! eattsada eaiea lat rer, MGH lai'Durham uuaivýs.Wryts Northumerland ouuýities, visited v ou si raIti eat tr,ý iehome 'As a esof a an oufbreak meut bad nfi nteio 0nIclosig i Sfinfcus' hepatitisthere bas tbehe bae,' bWu wied(ta sebtter bee,ýn a series aI inspections by aI Il-caudiias. Tris cauld rne a1ccom- Aais o otathe riodepurt ment aI plisbed by rmïoving nm faItrie eantiad trie departniio I ealtri crilîdren, pucssib)ly ail btt40. and welîufre. These culmînated la a Mrs. Wbyte lias eudevoured tc stafemieut by trie miuîlter ai wel- uppea Lo theri Go-vexýuoi' Genieral, fare Mouiday lu whicri re said that lion.Vncn-ase, Premnier Wriytehaven wmas overcrowded andFrpsto and aýven Her Mjsytrie undevstaffed. Over trie weekend, ie Queen.,AIL ta ncfravaiL by fumnsbug Ua dehigh'tful eeiu.cardan br i'r. Ken.nelli Graham -af Treie lawvn and evadar rbil1 Euuisille and while lunch was;i liatl iiumnad.Tie Baud tayi - srve ou rielawu by trie ldis Icd u etetaniig and!varibd pro-Mvn GrAhum plyedbuck triepro grain aI marches, overtures and Su-gram wichwas hseudta with roams aI Youth and Beautifusi e Baud thauked tre bost and hast- GarenaIi ae r , a Eup';hon--ium oas for a , :ývery 'ven ýjoýyab ,-leo eve n i îg, I solofae M.Donah!ld ammn. TrieBaud ha uccptednlopu- ne Tre rgram Xvas augmuted bSi icagemeunt ta play lu Brigri n on1 m nembevaaI tr i BudCre Don Civie Holidaýy ioaing tr ioihum- Stapleus vocalqareterceerngiplan Paade nIA47 floasat their triur beautifl sarred numbojr "owCoe nl,ýiai.j eVO110o1:Ban 11am3 Enter Leuag fi FinalsWithBomnil - I anm îom furti ay w rthe lvered reeo. Trie final bcre nI b[ague ptpeulwns. Tris wvas trieltrie game as seventale for trieAc ISecond victory for Orona. over Partilocal baya. IHpardth-us put tbem ouf. Orano 1(rloaýea -fih 1i, sHnon, ietw mavlefor tie Ooocietda oa Icgi býeague hapinsipIhits lui trie gamevith TvyCre le Trie victory oci Wednesday w.s fan; leading trie grou.p witi fWO.7 j pitcbed by TorrY Car leton who gave- -- (Confinued page 4) T' uvarD't.'c igh School mnending that on,', one sehool be BordonWenedaright was built a nd that to be býult Jin Bow- force to mke a econdappease- manville. The voteonte med ~nen b> he iacing 0ýf sehools in ment went to, a lie andrcel ade hc aea t tie tn h e Board ciding vote, from the cha-ru;man ir app'we te biLdngof two schools Allun Strike. of B!jnvle, The one~~~~~ 1nDrigo ndoel ii hairman voted againsît the one brok sholfoi, Clarke Town- sehool in Bowmanville, and ti-us shp asfot considered and will the amendmnent was lost. Theë vote not apea;n the 'building program was then taken on the motion to i build the two sehools which carried The Biîlding Comrmittee recom-' with a majority. mended to t' he Boardî that only 21 schioo1s be bulît, as a, resit of a In the approval of the thre meing lu Oronoon .-Monday night.Lshool plan four municipalities had H-owevçr prior to) votinig on thisIgiven their approval chile four dis- recômmndation as a motion an a- approved and gave approval for a r4lendminpt was jropoDsed 'recoi-, Ito-schioo1 plan.- 1 il m ewic nuuut -Li p.iii. aiiu bteppeu uik I 4U liet. 41. ile lail ' Oli-11% r-u"-a gift was free for the ït . .) rootdtotieJuir rae lise Atlas ntbyOtajoDpat-Ion t sutlouc cr decision of the Vilage in regards Stinson, No. 2, Janetvilie at 8:00 two weeks 'a new numlber iAotd ise h essol~aWU eofagrýi1 0iletabu Dlatns.oAtteofig aavad te ouh ta starting a munlicipal water sup- Pselwomse jý ýsso ýî4a fýgJuWýtbltoi.Atmtn oeaetesuh ply. The secretary Ywas asked to p..Mr. Sitn-son shwed hem but as yet n)o analhas bagh nhave an o ppotunityof trying agal fI othtre crimperand cus -rtypes bound ve !ie e apparently stap- write Dr. Berry stating tatth through is !mg barns arnd QI -»1 the corsodnÉubr hisý Fridasy were studied. and although hay con- ped into the pah of a northbnounid Trsteswil e ppoahig hePian', is Mndi ad fedng ste 0e ssii. duicjned by a crusher (smooth roî- car driv.,en by Vernon Leroy Agnpawý Township Cauncil to pass the nec- prograrn. He nrarkets over 500 laogs Mr. PartHer state there is ütill a Those b taapoles re being6gîven er essary resolution oit August eth-, eachjear Ater touririg the barns liate ie ohefe if uihfrtsstoa hsa a-dsc-: driied bs-ewhaifaser than hayF38 as 36Hallam aenuerodis-o the mmesplaced a cîass 0a ima- i sntcaimed shortly the $25.00 cesfui simmenrs witl rmo-ve upto cniioe y a cimpr(ar-H a honacnieal i lacneto it odwrR.dwl egvn oteOaoAmtu einrs ae oe)tyý,pe cdf mach-ine --tance into the ditch oin the eàc sida- C.Forrester stated that he felt the; n tue oofsw ad eof ve Athei soito."hedfeec antsgifcn. ftehg y onadf0 theefarmgaIdMrondoward Mal- The num-,ber c,, ispathis weeki The en-oment Uinlte wîing 0Dr. J. A. NcArthur, oonrfroi roads we in good1 coLýrndi ývq tio in om fJntile rcolonlmu is 298.clsssths attaled 127 and a "Cusher types perhaps don't Backstock attendedc.ponucg tha te radprgra ws sil mrkets Eaund S8n00 a991 hogs per good ditunout has been regips- gve s unitOrmm uhing as htevitmdaathesn. progresig. Thereasst10 soern yarad showed us through fris es- trd ' itcit ihb;cigb "'hip stanig* o oÉtheCemtey abesmetr'- PeeTes. ipsng tpeus, and somte people2--- and sanie graveil uItontwo sde )ro LCIAwrd wP e wimes hifot f hesmot rllrs"as-e Then Chîma ugetd asthee cMp y aworthy aI note '4 ~was stili some money lu therbudget eaugoust n whe a s im ormne i-geeý rin xesinSeilit n1F o .B that a start be mdeto inastaî ail btwen 60 and 6510 grade A hogs, T1he Oristo PceeWeesf ellat thebehdutteroool.eno curris on th-e sîde of the road start- hile teconyavrgei ul auso te wmanville 1eeWees Isimr îldmutaevfas ds Ciprtp ahns igat iM VinW. AMaiule.Ha sug- 35%.heyf eelthat the marketing oe the week-end when Bowaman- sye u frain.geneaily opMeae u rhrspes NtonyiilzbthI r maingeiiat. rooi over Ii Y"Pu -les topage thcan the crusher Qeuseis 11-, Uthe world'1s great- gested thtite job )could beoe of Ihogs ut the corecuwighla the vile îiiae rooi he tp ahn.Th', crimper tpere- est caree'r wma, hich wý,as prov- with: "a i"0.M.Mre1e-,nwrt hi lhrprenaeo ae eisb 2t on, Relea e on q rs3 o iH. udtecuher enuecetwily wheu she stepped inta ommendd thatthe Trustlees -istgrde', siceai tei1hgsThe Orono boys wonu the Irttye:to1 P aimm orýse_ Rupert's Land ta olet the ren lt look ovrNi'te project býl are any ýaremrktd eweuthe weigbts game of the series but'a telat b eo g ,aceL.pvereureet vary sonoewat ha wa defroma enntwh w of 188 and 190 lbs. two by narrowi margins. In fact the' U;ý]i' i action was taken. second game was iu the bag forurN- ___ihtecuhn rsueadju a occupid the teOrritory for saime H.1. r Merceýr i) 0cotctM t-an he o ,vn ogasrcevd iy cfte cop." 28 9 years and lu ýTthat timeluas paid Grbm ahaedersclaed Mmbr hauked hebreeders oountil telast othw evoth Ir M p LycUrett worbtone s- Lreý-'( aror thei co-oprationwitb this pro-Th aeAowCnac>-sV2"!s5 w.,eek, Tire merhant wil riere- gram. i (Contînued -page 4) lo mphd been rcre adccvdîOialocniioscudcut W. J. Ksicgovernor o-f the quested a sweepun Iroutof thei lcasedT în m"W', (,nn aycri5iÂelutefield by 30 1ludsou's ByCampany took no qstead ta pletriesepus neem aeFoe xsreodio ri a4% e tinkss mauy farmierschances tihatbi Andlqvd wald, strs-;ý!c wai I.uWletlbladwsr~e e o ol aeadyb utu u a vc h ompany, oï seize is chat- pile for pc p.ou i ve ri is Ueac.peo wesug u ahn hena e qwbntl. IH,,flew lufrom Eglndfor R'. C. Frete e otaf el-!in Pittsburgb. the hay is (ut earîy.c iYvetc acwîg cèrmony atAssin- Rit ManufacturrkugnCa. -werew expect- ed~~~~~~~~ ~n buter ecbiligl Oou ri o nd o!sic Itis 1new ýCots? Thie Engineng pSpcAil î ees re not permîfted a rayai ô sang paarite ogLct P- k Brc rieOn cqested faconsid- tweuymmr Itrie Eve;-- 'uiugn V-ad queia> peet ol: ~w.k0- lh- Cashixr crd , i - f adwaterad cu, nîtig asogekOngto urclubsrg murehî lAUo.~' alau iis' cotagé ou Viec LuAtahobu ft e &Yan d grees n s oWi,~ B puy va' Milb gixsi ox dtoc a.coee0,rs bglk aha tebre ed muggestod 0obtainitreOn0%gOanther yeairîypionisuppor meetingchance J-nI îtîgth itprae 'bmfud t re30ta5% iririg'hueIset-ouftbaie terms for tris jraect.L . MrerddAIt eral hrd gteeïn rel ales aI canditiop.yoIter ~aIf trvent lu1670 iwben be granfed ae support ti getioa mzm n a i Lt Lcasctag eiiu îci revc-riisgay %spir ba gn eth,1fc tw laeswieacharter t'a trie Hudson'-_s 1Bay cc_ tune-e Waalsun i: h moey Aval ansre by takiug up part aI supper af salada, reliabes, cold mr-eat, beWan d tas interetig lics îteed"I aesoetaigrihst h ae.oretrsaetatsucri a!trie s Hda,:. M. Morcer foît that cake tarts, cookies, f ea or freie,-,-a rawi prai oct ~~h would irces orafraerewoiike ta see vwbaf happens was enjoyed.- ti a ou'v rf prar t I ill c00st 15 er an foyer a ompa n ov e upreavicsodayr laOao u sthswud oa ti ite ihtresowbfv Dse aseai noedaîl Ctie !sîcewld firougi Newrl anpu witb 100atousforaI may a ye0( ttavnuduQcudectrie proince a O- asset. any more nI trie walk is removed. around trie lake. Returuing somne of11tyAredrihuanhrtuead$.0afn oamaiwb20triadQeecotinIreLu- TriTi stecs ecommeuded that RC. Forrester saïid re f thMat the trie girls vwent boating with Ross' which hoe-ill Ave a demonatiang fuse Ths ds depreciafian ou entian bis and west aI trie Labra- S. B. Ruth--erfordemake s"Me sug- auiga akiglnscud-eî rorsa re beSipr tersroding made aud wbicb wHi b-rie rie acrie, trcar and lubor. dor baundary, the wbole oaIlMant- gsinfo ere fra Recréa- fa bring boer a usd iieýi ,ydtev parking on trie Main stofadndejy e vîw 1taken ta his PUbliher s ilu Ne wAork Teencds = s canrereduced consid- f ara and Most-oaI Saskatche-wn, thie tioal arn intee loderlTht the sre u îo oepsigra'Wheu darkness f aIlail ou-oeMWit. If bis ambition t aie etaieraby by driviug the conditioner sauf hernhall af Alberta adtrie Canommiocirip e set up rand, o cigames, sunts nd coutests M>,h,! eceord lis owu oienutie ýplaff ors. with a P.T.O. attacrimeuf straight1 southat corner cI trie Northwest comene peatig.tre osfosbr caares.i tia" Wei-e Gu :naa HaveLove" was rangi trrougr trie m;ower and drawing ifteî'ritories. ludlcusig ro iduig Itrie Trihe etin-g adjourned. c ottag-e. .b er et. ____ behlnd trie mowei'. Trils eliminates! I refuru, ho stîpulated, trie coin- _____________________________________________ Mildred Ratiney moved a vote -aiDughaeeînrsedu a second trip .o l; triefbld," says pany was ta puy twa aric ndtwo 'musie Dr o ýgiî,,ga! ,blacki beavers wheueveri the reign- thnk t Drafr ivugaiWofoàr a g oodnueetI a0,H bsiîng sovereign set foot ln trie area. Latten ded such'a splendlid cîme. Tris mnade a umber af appearances oni There are semrinricks lu gettiugi Only once belore hud tie -rent e s~~~s e r ~as boartily endorsed by ail. Trie trie local stage siuging witri a quart- tri mo at Y o your conditionor. I cme , anitwsadtbnao tad~stre jureyd om, ujy-ete and on other ocasions wif TieEgieý sg Oststt you: Tht was lu 1939 when trie ate iung iie drive lu tri o monligbt. local musîcians. Gog Icm ote'e-i * Adjut i resure ta trie type 'aKng Gog Icm retri h à n~~e igri h t orif .i es formerly krown as Ruer's -ý m1 agrita make sure1tit týrivoulle , ad, ike Elizabeth toduy, de- _______CLaa. acel uMrs. ±amoiy _____________run wet ratrier tran squeeze ouf aril rnanded puvmecame Whytoraveu, apevatd byMrs.i had ealled onu aet vt rudren neti a d A dL dermitr.II-o otim Dntarioanad nortri- Betra Mo) hyewest of ow- t trio mission toa taketbemaway. *Cndto hywthu2 mnts r uee ndwrCLlcedfo ma v l ,is n w mn dr clse scut-IIHo suggested that those pa r_,e ntAs aI o n g. marxt , 2ýJ - 1 ý_ e ý nrian 9 ,650 skis. e we r iny~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o btrePoiiaDeatmn loddntcplmgrtrepo- bewa irbureau once agawil Great Thou Art", alter wbich trie Mow at higri speed ta, give auni- set ouf au a table and hbebiud tbemn of Hlealtri and ý'Welfare. Ti ~eteue o ele.cneaewbien trie Orono BCaud Band concludedtie program witri or sati.I ere mounted the m-iatching elk conitroversy arase when a goodlyi Mr. Coche sald that the dopart- baudsscod aucairiaA1id with meadSf niehas ah-vna :spread nM 40 nmber oaIlcilîdrnibu tiemisin 4en 1ddna)t want t c rasio lye hirscndoe arbudIAid ih ead aeinti *Dnt '.oniin frexml, uhsfopEkIladPrkl I ptao concert ou Tuesday evýening on the Arms aI Jesus.olr-odto D -ýape'nhs rmEl stl aki l wxere takan il with nwiua sand There bad bee-inona attemip lanaIM' adMs.Mp.eabenieriorm-a laltar aramn). Ifofien shatters the bru th- 11 . - 1. - 1- ape- vo:1 loues . IDescendants aI the Selkir'k set-

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