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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1959, p. 6

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...... "Dear Anne Hirst- Like Un- apy'Imarried, a Manmia's boy and he, too, was anl fy chîid. For 21 ycars we lived wuith 1m'y husbanýd's mteand in bier hiome 1 bore our five chul- dren I 1want ifa feu 1'Unhiappy' thaf , foa, feit like Sh-e d, oes 'q anyVIajtime. "Btthen ag in, my, mother- in -lv tooký care of fthe chidren wl 1evrIwanited fa o oout. Sa darned thleir socks, nursed them wlin they werc sick, an~d in a tlousand ways she made things-, ligchter for, me. Yet often 1 feit I juist MUST have rmy awn "Sewas iii for a year, with> canceri, and 1 fooli entire charge of 1) - . Since she lias ,one, there .;sa, a ondcrful feeling of peace. eievýe me, Anne -Uirst, thiougli 1 i al the liard work, 1I re- erbrlier in a hutndred wvays fttelittie thiings she cdid for"S,'Iinhýappy-,' when yoti are oldt ou will1not regret stay- Thefeeingthat you miadle an idevoman's Mle easier wllbe "AT PEACE NOW"V DIJTY RWRE * i tragie th1at ma-ist of us oina appreciate ouir bless- *inga wiie we ave them. Off- *! en hey seemi a burden in- * fa;you, wlic) so longed for * oeof youir own, dlid not *rlielio-w mucli your ma- W ler--in-law mieant' to you un- * tii h passed awàýay. Then ail Il the "littie things" she 'had * ocfor You and tlie chidren *ýý sxung into place, a1nd you have * isdher as You would nmiss yayour riglif hand. *She sm1ootlied your patli in ~ oesof kindly ways, lcft *you! free ta corne and go as- * yau pleased; sie stepped in * wiervershe sa*,silie was *needîed, and unobfrusively as- *surmed responsibilitfies t ha t * nigit have proved too mucli *o fQr ou alone. il hi.s seemed *nurlta ycou, as you tok hc lirmtore and m-ore for graint- * owflat ;she la ga)ne, you 9'ae t penice with yourself. Applciuded by Ail Ail 1flic fashion %worledhalls flic wide, wide sailor cailar flot ',capes"ý your shouldersa abave a reak of aý sheafli. Divine shape for iunior figures - front band- ji.g suggesf s Empïire unbe. Pinfcd Pattern 4700: fr. Misa Sizes 9, il, 13, '15, 17. Size 13 takea 3%i yajrdIs 35-indh. Scnd FORTY CENTS (40e) (stampa cannot bDe acceptcd, use- postal note ýfor sfefty) sfOr flua pa-ttcr-n. Please print plainly SIZE, N A ME, A1)DDaREs S, send order tao ANNE ADAMS, BOx 1, '123 Elîfeentil Sf., Newi Tâ'onto, nt * This peacce is born of the * knowledge that whcn she * needied youi, 'you stood by and *made ber last das more com - *fortable withi youir unccasing *care and your increasing affec- *tien. * That thouglit soothes you now, as it should. It I la nd of you fa tell "Un- *happy" of your experience. Let *us bath hope, she reads your *letter tdy and lias enough *imagination and hioncsty ta ap- *preciate lier own mother-in- *law while there la s silil time. "REFPRESHIÇG!" "Dear Anne Hliraf: Your piece about the eligible but bashful baclielor is flic firat ncwspaper article fIat lias impresscd me sufýficiently ,ta comment. Thc mani's attitudýe is refreshing! If la comnforting ,,ta know there are stitli.î men amýong us who hope for that fast-fading goal, a wîfe and Ïfamily Vt0 lov7e and cherish. "I cert ainly hope this reader - low our counse] and finds the cmain hiple deserves. ANOTHER READER" Uï Fo nc sucli probleIr 1re- *ceive, 1 am sure there are * many, miany oflier men who * hraugihriýcenc-ice or habit are *inarticulate in flic presence of *girs and suifýer aganizing cm- barrasarnent heýfarc they can *be af home with anc wio lias *the gift of puitting fliemn at C hi asýe. * Slf-consciousness is univer- sal, and if f akes a great deal *of wviii pùiwcr ta subdue our- selves and realize fliat flic *other persan is probably juat as confused. Drawing others out ta talk about fhcmrsclves lsaa *talent that cornes naturai to some, but any intelligent per- *son can cultivaf c if. "if 'd only knýoivn!"' is the cry of many of us whlen we lose a real friend, To appreeiate thens while th?éy live is a rewarding grace . , Write Aime Hirst your problens, at Box 1, 123 Eigh- teentb St., New Toronto, Out, Powder-Puff Air Derby This la tIc way of woman- or at leat af 100 womnen - in thie aviation a-le. Once each year, flicy shed their liQusehold duties, cýlirnib into tiny aîrcrafft and, with uniadylîke abandon, race fram nc necoat of flic U.S. otae flic thr. They zoom-in and ouf 0'f obscure airporfa, scrcamn at attendants ta .f ii up flicir gaz tanks, and roar flirougli frea- clierouis rainsforma. iSince this annuai femiale acrial rnadness be- gani in 1947, it- has becomne known as the Powdcr PufI Derby. Lat rnonti, 'as flic fhîrtccnth Powder Puff fligît cndcd in Spokane, Wasli. (affer a' 2,470-, rmile trip fromLawrcncc, Mass.), flic new champions wcrc two .San Diego housewives- sharing a Cesana: Aileen Saunders, 32, who hias 900 flying hours and lad finisîcd 23rd2 in flic 1958 Derby, and Jerelyn Cnsseli, 27, a student pilot wxith'only 35 hours flying time. Under Powidcr Puff ruies the womnen hav e f Qûr and a hall days ta complefe flic transcon- tinental fliglit. The waman with flic higýicast average spccd in re- lation fa flic par specd (bascd on horscpowcr and model) af lier plane is the winner. Only flin ime la counted in comn- pu)ting flic average speed. Along fhe rutthere are specified airporta .ýwîi-ýc flic girls con clieck in, reaýt for flic niglit (they f]y oniy in daytigplit,) and chcck, ouf.Beaueai lfime betwcen clicckning ouf and liccking in caunts as flin ime, there is a popular fîeary thiat flic race in acfuall1y won on flic ground. Wlioever îrna fic fasteatftram QUEEN MEETS CHIEF- Queen Elzabeth chats with an Indion chief at Calgary. N . RM 6-rq-&dotir,,.e P. Ct=tke Riglit now 1 don't knaw tram what point in Ont aria fhls cal- un will be mnailed. We came up f0 the cottage at Stoney, Lake Saturday morning witli Bob, Joy and the twao babies - fa gýet away from flic, heat - sa we thouglit. But wc didn't - we found if waiting for us even bjy the loke. I don't know whaf flie temperafure lins been but itfibas cerfainly been folot -and bu- mnid for conf art. Now Joy and 1 are debating whctlier fa stay here uintil Wednesdny witiflic boys. If wc do Partner and B obL -wilt -go home oniglit and camne back for us Tucsday, v.sfaying uin- LI tfli foitawing day. Last niglitflnc of us got m-ucb - stcep because of flic heat -- and if if was hot bere we are wani- deri'ng- whaf if wouid be like nt home. There was rain anld a thunderstormn five minutes affer wc got licre, Wc watchied flic storm bahping if was alsa raining over thec farma, lnwns and gair- dens af home - and in other parts of Ontario. We visited in wîdely separaf cd points last week end and in each district drouglit conditions pre- vaiied. Onevisif was ta a lovcly home a fcw miles from Cledon Eat, complet e with swimming pool and, set nmong flic green- est cedar trees I ever saw. If was nat juaf a summer-cottage - It lad been buiit as a permanent home. But liow flic people have flic courage 1fa ,live fliere al flice year around I can'f imagine. No close rneiglibours and flic op- proadli ta flic property is a for- row, winding lane tram a rough road wlicre construction wark la in pragresa. Mr. and Mms., arc a etiréd couple and fîey ,,s ,y they juat love if flieme in flic wintem. Persanally, I would ra- tIer live in a bi-uLp commun,ï- lty. during flic winter - in sumn- mier fao, for tbf mtter, wifh occasional visita faý a lake cot- tage, mast as we are daing now. If la fascinafing wofdbing flic varlous activities op flic lake; speed boots crcating a swell on flue woter, some, of 'tlem wit h bifrcpid water-skiers in tow. There are aiso row- boots anid fýshing rawlers, and sw-'imrners Icre and fliee bdbingaoInd 7n flic watcr. Wc have uaf îome lu1! tramn a row on f-- lke wc couldni't stay -ouf f00 l ong -be- cause flchercte- un %was bea-ý ing donon Cour defenceless heAda and bocks. Last vening Partner and Bob wenf fishing just affer sundown-ý. Ticy didni'f catch ony fish - wliaftheydidi gef wos plenty o mnosquLifo bite s. Funny, what diffemenit nigli!f- noises fliere are in diffecrent is tricts. Lat niglif 1 loy awakc listening ta noises 1 ramciy hear. A bull-frog kepf up a persistent croaking; two liound doga were answering ecdi oflier from ad- jacent properfies. .Somewhecre cisc an owl woas loofing, and fin- ally camne flic buzz of mosquitoca thaf lad fouind fliir wyinta flic cottage. I covcred my ihýead witb flic top abeet fa1 sco p thrmnbut tunfotunafiely I ov crc--d up a masqu7ito fo. I Ua havîng a lvl feasf untit sfapped its fun by using fly spray. Affer fIat 1I\was al tf resf in peace. Anaflier thing I noiced iasf nighf was flic dark- nesa of tIc niglit offer flic bouLse liglits went o uf. Af, home streef liglits make flicbouse liglit enougli fIat anc can go tram room ta room wifbiout fear. of stubbingane's toe, But flot lieme, so a fahliglit is neccssary ta salve flic probicrn. Put on a liglit in a summer cottage and if m nsrausing cvcryone tram fliir slcep ---ond witî fwo babies in flic bouse you think twice aboulttt I should have a camera with me -- Partner is ouf on flie dock paddlîng bis feet in flic wofcr. Bob and Joy lave juat camne bock tram a swim but nieither Ross nor Tafy arc fao sure tbey like flie water. Taffy la mare inter- est cd in flie dog nex_ýt doar and on picking up stroýnge Scents around flic cottage trouis. Tîcre arc wafer hules growing in flic water near flic shore, and nlong flic edge of if wild iris. Tal, massive pinea f ower above tIe- cottage with Icre and tîcre second-grawfh cedar and spruce. Somnetimes birds fake a bath at flic water's edgc white dragon-flics flit bock and forth-. If is ail vcry lovcly - and anc gets flic feeling of wantîng ta ait and do nothing. Whichisl juat fao bad as I arn eqtuippcd witli fypcwriter, reading material and knitting. Joy lias just corne fa fell me we arc staying. Parfnem, Bob anid Taffy will leic et.urnÉing home fa- niglit an~d will came b ack for us as previously arne.Sa naw I must gef flua rougi capy typced sa Bob can mail if on bis way lame. If there la a decd-line ta meet sorndli onc IýaiwysaIoes Herc's hoping fthe weather fumas cooler so Joy and I can make flic moat of aur fime, Nexf weck Dcc and farnily are cam- ing up for fthc summer. In Aug- usf a married cousin and lier family wil bc- e eesa 1Iguesa fthe ýcottage %wil lie tilied tfO capacify uint-lilScpfember, Tlicp it's bock fa scloot for David - ind pro- molnfromkidrrtn ,Alw,ýays k eec p flch tgaand labels from new garmecnts. Maniy af tIe c new fabrics now on flic market give lctperý- lormance wîen wasahcd or. dry cýlcancd according fa flic manu- facfurcr's suggestions. Tlhc iraI fime a gamment needa cleaning ffic tag sliould lic consulted. If special came la called for, pin% a note taeflic garment cd timie if is sent for c!Leaning a- vising flie dry cleaner low fa handle if. "Wliatlias lots o eg's, grceen ycand a yllwbock with blacksris? ýGnoodncS5s I don't kn1,w "I dn't now ifircl, ut I's on fi oko arnc. sen? 7To Ja:I Fer U 3 7n'riRc M C, Some1: womcen are a bit skepti- cal whcn tLhcy rend flic label on a jar of face crcam or a tube of foofli poste. In this age of sci- ence ppople .aren't ta lic taken in by aid wivcs' remedies or cure- PlIl concoctions based on nothing more solid flan superstition But flic fact la bcauty core f0- day is on a scicntîfic basis. Once o laboraory developa and tests n promising formula, living modlela try if fo prove ifs worth - un- dem medical supervisiàn. Then if goca 'ta flicgovernment wliosc higi standards must lic met be- forefthc produet secs, a drug- store shelf. Tingredienta are check- cd fa lic sure flicy are liarmiesa and- will achieve fIe resu ita clnimcd. If moy take years foi that liffle jar of ceam ta rench flicmraket, but'wîen if does yau ny lic sure if con do what f says if con - if usedproperly, Hclping. Mother Nature iz a big business today. Clicmisfry, medicînc and industry al have o bond in if. Their aim ia ta pro- duce effective prepamations whi-li are easy tfaluse an~d ntof faacosf- ly fa buy. Womnen who comnplaîn alouf t'e timie and trouble if fakes ta ili- ply modemn beauty-aids sliould try flua speciat cancoction whidi wapapular ln tIc days of Marie Antoinette: Pulverize flic wings and claws ot a pigeon and mix wcll witli lily petals and fresî cggs; add gmaund Mother-of-p cari and camplior distillcd witî musk. Apply liberally. Today, public opinion is behind fluhe rerale qucaf for glamor. In thc 18f1 century Engiond, a toucli of rouge cauld lave sent a waman ta jail! An incredible staftute wns passed by Porliament, rceading in part: "'Ail women af wlatsoevcr ank or degrec flot Èhall seduce or betray int o matri- mony any af bis mogcsfy's sub. jecta liy acenta, pointa, cosmetic waslies, artificial teefli, taIse hair, spali' wool, iron stay s, loopa. high-heelcd shoca andi bolstemed hips, saolI incur flic penalty of fhllw in farce agninsf wif ch- caff and tike dernennora, and ftlé mrrmîogc upon conviction salI stand nuli and void." Science> las modle if easy far any womnan ta imitafe glarnorous modela. A chemlist ,xwith a formu- la hasi itccened tender akin tra-m thec danger of sunburn. Anoflier lias reicascd ao woman's crowniïng- glory tram saieîc oIflieover- liead permanent - wave machine, Synfhefic detergents have infra- duced shampoas whidb. leave loair dlean and shiny in flic lardeat wofer. Natumol benufy lias a val- uablc partncr in fli chcemist b'v Robe.rtn Lee Q. Whiat apology should anc make affer a sudfden sneeze -in publie? A. "Pardon me"' la sufficient. Q. Iknaw it ta nof a "ut but if a girl wishes ta give 'hem fiance an, engagement gif t, what should if be? A.-Usually, some p ie c c of jewelry - cuff links, key dham, tic clasp, cigarette case, or lightf c. Q. When lettuce, parsley or waterress ta ptaced around an item of food as a garnlsh, ta if proper tf atafthis? A. Ccrfainly, if la, if flic gar- niaI la a part of yokr individuat servicýe. But yushiould not mar t hi e appear iance of a serv ing dish i -v ,uckýing out some ýf its grih Q. What can b3 done- when a wedding bas been calied OUf, and the invÂtittions have already been issued ? A. N o t e s or printed carda should be mailed out. There la' noa need for expianation, as it- is nobody e ('s affair. The cards may sayv: "Mi. and Mrs. Albert r. Le_,ýihannounice that the marriage of their dauighter, Grace Anne, ta Mr. Thornas W. Jackson wil] flot take p1acio.' Q. Is it necessary to write anything, besides your naine, on the card that accompanies a' wedding gif t? .A. 'No. Goo'd wishes and con- gratulationsi may be offercld at the reception. Q. W ha t is considered -the b e s t time to tnake a chance cali? A. Sunday afternoon or eve- ning are considered the most popular timies for this type of visit. Lovely Centerpiece Eleganit centerpiece for a'din- ing table!1 A graceful Swan cr0- cheted in -pineappie design - filt it1 wifhi fruit-or flowers., Pattern 581: Use heavy jiffy cotton; starcli stiffly. Crochet di-~ rections for- swan, centerpiece,. body about 12 x 6'inches., Send THIRTY-F1VE CENTS (starnps cannot be accepted, usà postal note for saifety) for tii pattern ta Laura Wheeler, Bo3 1, 123 Eigliteenth St., New To- ronto, Print plainiy PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and AD- DRESS. Send for a copy of 1959 Laura Wlieeler Ncedlecraft Book. It lias'lovely designs ta order: cm- broidery, crochet, knitting, weav- ing, quilting, toys. In flic bok a special surprise ta make a- littie girl bappy -- a eut-ouf doîl, dlothles ta color. Send 25 cents for flua book. ISSUE 31 - 1959 PROFILE 0f A PRINCE - Looking ireacly ta bc stamnped on a coin cf the r-ealm if Princeý Phillip. Striking profile wos itoken agZunst the Montreol sKy. 1 --sý -

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