Quirks Thot kifl On Tite I4ýghways <ontin-ued frami Last Issue) Personal wýorries-uLsualJy con- rerning the 'driver's family or bis job -- are the commonest psycbological cause of traffie accidents, Sucb emiotional prob- leins may be temporary or long- standing, trivial or seriaus. The inan who bas just had a quarrel witb bis wife, the woman whose, inother just died -- suicb people as these are likeiy prospects for the emergeney ward - or the morgue - if thecy attempt ta drive. One niglit a matorist smmPashedî into the rear of Dr. Lovett-Doust's car. Traffie was light and visibility gaod. "The police questianed himn, and 1 couldin't resist doing a lit- fie psychiatrie researcli," says Dr. Lov-ett-Dou-st. "I fouind that lhe was a great famiiy man. HIis faraily vwas stili in Italy. He w7as ehronically ionely, homesick and emnotionally uinbalaaiced. This condition dîstracted the man from b is driving, ' and caused $400 dam-tage." Psychologicai causes are often mnuch more obviaus and immedi- &te. One day last year the gen- erai sales nmanager of a firm in eastern Canada bad a raw with Une Of lis salesmen, Stormiag Out of the office, he clim-bed îate bis car and began speeding flirougl ithe rush-hour traific. T'e died instantly when his car amasheti into a telephone -pole at 90 miles an bour. Even the least irritation ean sometines trigger a tense driver into a disastrous act. Dr. Lovett- Doust telis af a salesman who, began driving homne one evening whiie stili keyed Up fram the tension of coa1pletiag a big business deal. Part way home, he was passed by an older man Ïn an aider, less expensive car than his awn. Seething witb rage at this humiliation, the saiesman frarnped the gas pedal te the floor, passed, bit a truck that was camning Out of a side road and demalished bis car. Meticulou s, seemingiy respect- able people can be. deceptively dangerous as drivers. Their out- wa-rd appearance of miId pro- priety may mask an almost un- controllable inner tonsion. They dote on aceuraey, punctuality Rnd Sedially acceptable behiav- for. But 1,ften they are inflex- ible: tbey cannot adjust ta aa zudden threat or an unexpected change, and their inner tensions maY explode wîth shattering ze- n-uits. A certain Taranto account- ant .always ieft home at 8.2,5 end arrived at the office at 8.45. One morning the street lie al. ways travelled was under re- pair. He took a side street. The traffic piled up. He tried an- ,ther street. It was worse. He panieked. Trying ta make a U iurn, be bit the sidewallç, skid- ded into the ancomning traffie and epent the day in bospital. Such was the fate of the Ed- '0nonttin busihessman who -- af- 1r 30 years withaut an accident SLEEP SEDICIN tbeatknaerlgt do m *,i; l oféet.wey te Indtie. acp SDICIN$.o.4* 1.1 ST rcOI' - set out on hîs first holiday in decadces andi bis first long- drive in fiv7e years, An biour later lie was dead. With perfect visibiiity and an automobile in top con- dition, he slimmed inta a loco- motive at a level crossing. Psy- chiatristi who studied the case concluded that the mnan's elation over the prospect ci' the long- postponed holiday 1i t er al11y blinided him.n Accident investigators have, much less sympathy for anather type of driver, whom they biame for 50 percent of ail accidents. He's the mnan wvho knows be's driving recklessiy but just does't care. One police officer pÏictures hlm this w,,ay: "The guy la on bis way ta n!2ke a big deal. Thousands af buckýs are in it for him. Why,, should be worry about other people or a $50 fine? We're always glad ta give him a chance ta think it ail oavez for a whie -in àil." Much af the valuable psycho- logica] information s0 far corn- pïied about drivers lias camie out of the -Detroit clinie, whidh ex- amines and tests l1arge num-bers o f traffie ýoffenders, including many who have riot aetuaiiy caused,accidents. Offenders are given stanldardl intelligence tests and tests for visual abiiity. Then tbey it down behind a dummy steeriaig wheel and operate floar pedais %wblie a reactograph rec- ords their reactian timnes. Later they are questionied about tra ffie signs an-d regulations and about their personal lives: fam-ily back- grounid, physical alimenelts, jobs, friendsbips, marriages, Plkes, dis- likes and prejudlices. Af ter that, a psychiatrist con- duets a full exaipination ta di s- caver eacb persan's mental and emationa] status. From ail this data a report is compiled and turned over ta the traffie court judge, wha may offer thedriver a ehoice of a jil terma or proba- tion and a psychiatrie course. Most choose the course which is designed ta improve their driving by belpiag themn under- standaad contrai their emotions. SMucli of the same sort of data ls compiled regulariy in Ontario, but on a smailer scale. The most extensive' investigations ar e usually limited ta drivers who bave been in accidents. Most of the information is gathered by trained investiga tors, rathér than psychiatrists. T h e investigator begfins by studyýing the police re- port on the acc'id-ent. Then h. conduets a series af interviews ta learnalal he ana about the mo- torist's habits andi personality. If the motorist is still alive, the interview begins wîtb him andi usuaily takes place in bis own home. "The questions I ask and the answers I get are canfideatiai,"1 expiains anc investigator, Walter Heasiip. "We wanit the motorist ta undezstanti we are nat trying ta get him for anather rap. We are trying ta Iohelp others, through When lie bas abtaiied i al pas- sible clues fromi the driver hlmn- self, the investigator interview* the man's relatives, andi friends. If the driver is dead, frientis and relatives are asked ta provide ail the data they ean, lu the interests af saviug other lives. Wben ail information is gath- ered, psydhiatrists study it, af- ten addling another faulty habit or persanality quirk ta their ever-growing list of accident causes. Somne day, weutley know more about these causes, they hope to ativise autho*rities on how to distinguish -between a poten- tially good driver and a paten- a a on CLASSIFIED AGENTS WANTED EARN Cash in your Spare Timne. Juet show yaur friends our Chrstmàsasad All-Oceaon Greeting Cards (Includ1ug Religious) Stationery, Glfts, Write for samiples. Colonial <ard L.td 489-B Queen East. Toronto 2 E~XTRA Mail-Order Dealers wanted. Work dosne atilhome, by mail only. l{lgh percentage. Carry no s;tock. Apply, ;tal, ngage. G. Frenette. iil-Order lieuse. Box 181, Sorel, Que. ARIIÇCLES FOR SALÉE JOKE CARDS SEND 25$ In Coin for your package of 12 assorted cards. Moore Prbnting. 133 Me- Intosh St., Toronto 13, Ont. BABY CHICKS BRAY Startecl Pullets, Cockerels, end mlxed Chieks, prompt shipment. 10- weeks oîd to laylng Aines Puilets. Day- nids to order, Broilers, best varieties ready now. Sec local agent or write Bray Mat<liery, 120 John North, l4amII. ton, Ont. STA1RTED chick bargalis %Wile theyr iast. One week old pullets - Lighit Sus- sex, Barred Rocks, Columblan Rock, Jersey White Giants, Light Sussex X Rhode Island Ried $28,95. lihode Island Red X Barred Rock, Rhode Island lRed X Llght Siiasex $2695. AÉsorted heavy breeds $2395. White Leghorn N lRhode Island Red, California Gray X Whte Leghorn (laya a white shelled egg,), Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn $2995. Assorted miedjuni breeds $27.95. Cockerels - Light SussecX Rhode Ia- land Red, Rhode Island Red, X Barred Rock *-6.95. Assorted heavy breeds $5,95. 2 week old add 2e par chick, C wýeeký oldadd 4< 4 week old add 6<. 5 week chiduMdh8<. Rimbar pullets -' one week aid 47<ý each, 2 week old add 4e, 3 week old ad l8<. Started turkeyS. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICE HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTAýRIO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AGED couple sellng Hlghway Village General Store, com-pletely equlpped, stock, living apt., ahl for $21,000, good t e r ni s, turnover $2,ü00.0 monthly, mostiy cash. Prosperous farin ares. Wm Pearce, Rlealtor, Exeter. BARBER shop for rent. in village wlth good surraundlng district. No opposi- lion. Modern heated bachalor' apart-' nient attached, or will] sell' building, with spaclous living quartera with' shop lncluded: Clarence Stroag. Spring field, Ont. Phone 13-w. TOBACCO -delivery routes open any- where in Ontarlo, for reliable mien wt ear and $1,600 cash for stock andl equipment, with our repurchase agree- ment. igh income for part tiinie, full tume If desired. For interview wriTte to Postal Station Q, Box,, 247, Toronto. glving naine. address. and] phone nuin- ber. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR s ale Gracery Store carr.ving full Une. Living quartera. Citles Service gas station. Oae acre corner lot in th~e best tobacco. Write for particulars ta F. Feera, R.R. No. 2, Port Bu4v;dl, Ont. GENERAL STORE WITH cold storage lockers-excepti on« 811y good building with living quarte rs. Sacre of land, on highwiay. TJernir te be irranged. CONTACT George L. Haoggs, Box 28s, Sheîbourne. phone C2; Arthur Il. Due- fin, Broker. tially dangerous one before lie- enses are issued. Authorities mnay be' able to help unfit driv- ers fmprove their attitudes and hence, their driving habits, so that they can take ta the road In safety. And -- perhaps most important of ail - they may make every driver aware that he is the poteatial victim rof his own personality traits. "The rnost important step for ail of us," says Inspector Witts, "is to realize w-e are al sub- ject ta psychiatrie ciuirks. "When even 50 percent of drivers admit ta, themselves that they are not perfect, the traff le accident rate will faîl off f'aster than we can caunt". Ey Michael Jacot in Imperial Oui RevieW. Q. How eau 1 discourage house fies f romn gatherlng wn the sereens of my windows and doors? A. Rub the screens with z e 0thdampened in kerosene. Files dlslike the oclour and willl 50011 leave. CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR S$AL@ AND RENTAI. ZONE minute ta set utan ibs. ta pull, gleeps five, large lug4gage casnpart. ment. The ideal camping unit,' Herlite Camping Trallera, A. B. C. Sales & 1 Rentals, 81 1-ighway, Strathroy, Phane, 1117W FARMS FOR SALI WE hava the farm, large or anmal, and wlth location ta suit you. Possession when yeu want it. Price and terms to fit your requiremeats, Be aura to ahop where the selaction Is the greatest. K. 0. FERGUSON Realtor - Woodsto<k 459 Weîllngton N. - LE. ?-"14 MELP WANTED MALE DIE MÂKERS FIRST CLASS REQUIREO for permanent positions la Kingston Ontario. Top wvagea, health plan, fringe banefits. Good houslng and achools. AFP LT: VIICOM LIMITED F.O. BOX 472 KINGSTON INSTRUCTION £ARN moüral Bookkaeping, Saleanian- ship, Sherthand, Typewritinig, etc. Las- sons 50e. Ask for f ree cireular Ne. 32. Canadian Correspondance Courses. 1290 Bay Street, Tarante. MAC14INERY FOR SALE ONE Dion Thresher nearly niew ani ruibber, shreddcr, grain thrower, pricad reasonably. Used privatair. Apply Ted Tannant, Faverahani. Phone 23 R 13. MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEDY FOR NEURITIS AND RI4EUMATIC PAINS, THOUSANOS SATISPIBO. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 33S ELGIN OTTAWA. $1 .25 Express CoIIect NERVOUS TENSION, SLEEPLESSNESS? TRY Swiss Nerva Toic PASSIT, made axclusively of herbal extracta. Bottlea 1.15. 2.00, spaclail price for gilant sise 18 ozs. 3.60 postpad. Swlss Ml a r h a 1 Remaedies. 479 Qluten St. W.. Taranto. ont. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment ef dry scerin rashes and weaping skin troublas. Post's Ecrania Salve will not cdisappoint you Itchlng, scaling and burmlng ce- mna, acne. rngworma. pimplas and foot eczema wUi respoad readily ta the stainlesn odorles aintinent regardiase of how &.Pïbborn or hopel cas they Sent Post Frac an Recelpi t fnrc PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 st Clair Avenue Eat TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS THINK! ira alarm nfor home $7.95. Tire extilguiseara $5.95. Stock 2.0 year guar- antea. C. B. f111. non-damagtng-refili- abla. Gaston Rousseau, 1883 Cartier, ta- flache, Qucbec. 09-PORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANDO WOMEN IREA KAIRDRESSER Great OpportinitY Learn Hairdressin.8 Pieasant, dignified profession; goid wvages Thousands of auccesaful Marval Graduatas Amarica's Greatest Systemn Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Cal MARVEL MAiRDRESSING SCHOOL M5e loor st W., Toronto Branchas: 44 Kng St., W., Hamltoli 72 Rideau Street. Ottawaý PERSONAL ADULTSI Personal gubbcr Goalla. 36 assortmant for $2.00. Fineat quallty, teated, guarantecd. Mailed la plain sealcd package plus frac Birtis Control bookiat and catalogzue of supplies. Western Distrîbutors, BOX 24Tfl Regina, Sask. PI-OTOGRAPHY SAVEISAVE! SAVE! Films dcvaloped and 12 magna prints in album 600 2 maigna prints in album 40e Reprints 5e each KODACOLOR Developing rail $1.00 mnot inelcldinai printal. Color prints 354 cach extra. Ansca end Ektachrome 35 mmn. 20 e«- posuras maunitad la slides $11.25 Color prlats frorn gildes 3Uaach. 9Maney rafuadad ïla sal '00%r unpminted nega- tiVas. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX Si, rGAjLT, ONT. C«,icutt -Lvtc£ l8 1- 0- n»t ortatLc '&5xt s<cra vacaàton'i 2 7jPoun4te frce ba%9'aqte W&,w " 'ce Sbze C t &R D TO EUROPE 'f The whole way is a holiday, with spacioius accommodation, menus ta îempt al'tastes; movies, dancing, parties; aîabilizer.s b 1ensure mooîh sailing; sand ample free baggage aliowaace ta take care' of your business, or vacation wardrobe. - -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- ST. LAWRENCE SAILINGS - From Montreal & QuebecI IVERNIA AUGUST 7TH HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON SAXONIA AUGUST 1 4TH HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON CARINTHIA AUGUST 21 ST GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL *IVERNIA, AUGUST 28TH HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON *SyYLV.flA SEPTEMBER 4TH GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL I - I SAXONIA SEPTEMBER 4TH HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON I *Thrlft Season Sailingi IALSO FAST, FREQUENT SAILINGS PROM NEW YORK - ----------------------------------- SSee Your Local Agent- ih No On, Con Serve You botter CU NR f/ o oy & Wellington Ofiesohf *JU. 11 Li11 VD ~~Toronto, Ont. 4MU* Ofcst otei-Hlfx11njh ze:EMie2-91Quebec - Teo-onto * Winnipeg * dmonton - aneùe ~* Teh E~)Jmpci Q2911 ~Âl2v fV~jc5~4Q4$»fi 2~V~P~UL4StT11 &ALISMEN WANTID SALESMEN DUTE ta expansion la our sales volume lVA -aquire salesmaen tu cal] on liveatock feaders and dalry farmers. SelUng ex- perience not naecesaary but knowledgie «f livaatock assential. Trainlng l>y aur epsattivea In thie field. G9p1f Inuace ad A.M.S, plus? Blue Cross te aupplement OntArio Hlospital Plan, Write t. J. L,. enneaay, Sales Manager-Inter. national Stock Faod Ca0., Ltd., Toronto. SITUATIONS VACANT MALE OR àFEMALE EARN $600 or more at "homne hlaspare tima reprasentlng Canada's finest ChIlgrea's Camip and Ranch. Establlah. V d25 years. Information! "WIldwood"' Vaudreuil, Quebec. STAMPS ANID COINS 80 CHINA Five Cents. Appravals gent. Çhawean, 319 Princes, Saint John, New Brunswick. Canadian Stampi; wanted,- NEW 1959 U.S. Canada catalogue now r eady; gend 200 ta caver coat. Ngew a&y Stamp, Lawrence 16, -Mass. A DRSAM RAINSOW FOR YOUR ALBUM A beuutiful collection, sports. flowers, animals, etc., more than M8 different gtamps. Satisfaction for everybody. Ail that for anly 251. flth aur beauttful âtamps en aP T aro Staimp Co.. Dept. W., Soneham Ca.. Quebec. (A.S.D.A. -P.T.S.) SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE LA«, front lots for sala. Govemament approved subdiviîsion, hydra, water on pressure, well wooded lots with wide private sandy beach. Drive ta al iots. Eleven miles north af Goderich. Apply Cedar Grave Beachi, Harald Adamaýn. R.R. Na, 3, Godarich Ontaria. MUIKOKA VESORT 94 MILES froin Tarontoean paved road. A real OPPortuity for a persan who Ls Interested ia taklng aver a successful ladge operating et capacity. Accomma.o dates 85 Guests. Central lodga plus tan cottag-es. Most rooma, louages, etc., lit knotty pine. Ilot and cold ruaning water. 70 acres of land wlth haîf mile of watar frontage provida exceptional apotnty for- expansion and sub. Zdidlng. Completely equipped, hasts etc. Owners' ather Intereit forc'es sale at sacrifice price only $49,900,00, Con. tact aur Oriluia Office, 52 Mississaga St.. W. Phone FA. 4-6251. W. J. Seansfard - Realtor 248 Ouien St. B. - Brampton, Ont. Phane Butler 6-3581, TEACHERS WANTEO KI NGSION Sepa rate, School Board REQUIRES QUALIFISO TEACI4ERS FOR SE PTEMBE R. SALA RY achedule ila effect. Minimum $2,500. Experence $100 per yaar (up ta six years). Annuial Incrernent $200-. AI- iowancas for spacial qualifications. APPLY, stating namre of Iat inspector and qualifications to: tusinUIs ADMIPIJSTRATOR AND SEC RETARY.TREASURIR 301 JOHNSON STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO a M QUALIFIED teacher holding cithet lui ? r2nd alas certUflcate for Cockbuui& sland Schoal areaý No. L. Salary *9,f00 fer Rnnsun. Duties te commence Sept 9. R. MoLEOSIC.-TREAS. Coakburn lêIand, Ont. Kent County JUNIOR ROOM TEACHER REQUIRIEO FOR SEPTEMBER GRADES 1-4 33 pupils. Modern. 2-rooni achool anx lligbway 40. Salary according ta quali- fications and experienca. WRITE, glvlng details and namle of last Inspector, ta JAMES ANDERSON, SEC..TREAS. R.R. 3, WALLACEBURG, ONT, WANTED by Wolf e Island T.S.A., three quallfled teachers, Protestantpeer red, for modern, well-equilpped rural achoals with attendanca abouit 20 pupils. Dutes to commence S epteniber, 1959. Please apply stating qualifica- tions, references and salary expcctcd ta Mrs. Muriel Joslin, Wolf e Island. Two Firsi Class Experienced Teachers REQUI RED FOR THREE.-ROOM SCOLTO TEACH GRADES 1 2 AND 3-5. AVE RAGE enrolment 25 per casom Salary $3,800.00 per annuin, with $10o0A0 Increments for experlance up ta $4,200.00. APPLY, stating age, exparience and qualification and the naiie of the iast Inspectar to: DOUGLAS MacLELL AN, SEC.-TRr:Ag S.S. NO. 1 CONNELL PIC KLE 'CR.OW, ONTARIO ESPANOLA PUBLIC SCHOOL 17-Rooi School in town 45 miles west af Sudbury. Population - 5.0f00.R- quirea oaa Prirmary Teaclier. Minimum.........$,,50 Maxium..........$7,930 Allowance for axperience, Iiicrael*". $200 and $300, Blue Cross aad P.S.., Cum ulative Sick, Leave. Application stating qualifications, experience, ige, religion, marital statua, phone flua. ber, and na'me and address of pri-ent Inspector shouldha addressed to Andrew B. Elila,-Box 24t, Espancli, Ontario. ESPÂ""NOLA HIGH SCHOOL REQUIRES TEACHERS FOR Mathematics Boys' Physical Education CATEGORY 1 $4,700 $8,200 CATUGORY 2 4'm00e,60 CATEGORY 3 5,300 8,800 CATÈEGORY 4 5,600 9,200 ANNUALI ncremant $300. I-XPURIINCE allowanca $250. APPLY TO MRS. I. GAL.BRAITH, SEC RETARY BOARD 0F ]SOUCATIOP8 ÉSPANOLA, ONTARIO ISSUE 31 - 1959 International YearI - s Your Yoarat the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION G reatest erray of worlcl-wlide exhibits ever maçke the 1959 C.NXU. >he perfect holidoy deztination, Ther' fun, excitemient aÀns ent«p. tinmant for everyone et the world's a Ir!est annuel exhibition - bc sure you viit thie boeautifti 350 ocre wonderland thias Ummr,ý GEORGE GOBEL heads the liovish Evenîng Granditansi Spec tacuier ery night at 8:00 p.m. - 400 dancera, singera, entertaine, rmusicives-- ieworid't fineat orray of ortiets on fthc warld'5iorpet nioveaýbia stage - gigantic fireworics dispiay. ffE "CISCO RIO" & "PANCHO" wilI thrii the youngsters in t14 fun-fiiled cafternoon Grandîtand Circus -- 3 rings - 26 acta - children Iseif p>ice - AUG. 28 ta SEPT. 12. NATO HAVIES in the g ratest display of fightinga hipa evart iha Great Lakqs - C.N.E. 'Waterfront AUG. 26 - ai. INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW -- Dazzling aerobotics - by U.S. ond ca!n1idion Air Farce teani1s - SEPT. 11 .,12. OLO MACDONALD'S FARM - ci dispiay of yaung formi animais eapeciaiiy interestinq for chldran. SPORTS QALgiRE - worid-champion aquatic stars, track and fielsi macla, - pJua Canada'# Oiympic Plon In action. Visit the Sports & HJckeýy IHalls of Fama.é NATIONAL HORSE SHOW - ËOLISEUM, AUG. 27, 28, 29, 30- SEPT. 1, 2. WORLD'S LARGEST AGRICIJLTURAL BUILDI NG, withprc-iin lietcdairy prodiicts, paultry, fruit, grain and veqeablas frani - il ever ,Canad,, IIAND CONCERTS doity In the. Bandsheil, featuring the aécloimee Bond of The, Royal Marines of Great Britain. A MILE 0F MIDWAY with new rides, shôws and gamnes: great fun for the youngsters! Ganadian National Exhibitilon TORONTO, CANADA OPENSWEDNESDAY-AUG. 26 - SEPT. 12 HARRY 1. PRICE, HIRAM E. MCCALLUM, Gencrel Maênagoer AD VERTIS IN&G - wY --- - ---- ------