ORON~~%LY ~rw~e 'TâtW~U~kY, AUQU&T Otb~, 19~ Ileadquarters For -'amFresh FRUITS AND VEGE~TABLES Large Juicy Sweet Clusters RED MALAGAý GRAPES2Ibt5 PERFECT FOR JUICE OR SALADS - GOO,-D SIZE Sunkisi Oranges 3 doz $ 1.00v And a Tempting Assrtment of al Vour Favourite Fruits andi Vegetables nowv Avail- able- Fresh DaïIy! GRAPLE &.De*RINK save 4c Welchade 32 oz botte 290 SAICOOAgES oSAVE 6c CON PLAIN or PIMENTO PCHATEAU CI-EESE oz gk; 4 R IROSEYE FROZEN F~EAVAS! TeaBaspkg o 109c SAVE 6c ONIGASNY OCR pie Crust i Mi 18 oz 29C SAVE 10c Sar.s Wrap 25 ft roll 29c 12c OFF REG_ PRICE - GIANT SIZE Ajax Cleanser 2 for 43C 10c OFFF REG. PRICE Ce Liquid Detergent 12 eZ'36cr 12c OFFF REG. PRICE - REG. N Vel Liquid Detergent 2 fer 78c 12o OFF REG. PRICE super tFab giant size 73c g IGA TABLERITE o BL ADE Reo:e or SHORT RIB g E s sexFla v o urtite o t Do g W e'nr b ybg79c CHECK VOUR liGA SPRING and SU!lMMER CATALOGUE SUPPLEMENT For Sdhimertime Needs Homne For Aged Ai Cobourg i Nea.ring Completion The long expeeted wing of Cie United Counties Home for the Agedi iel getting nearer te Jbeing completedi as firnishings are xnoved in and facUtities lastalled. The n.ew wing isa far cal)i from the dingey, out-dated building that has been ini use since the buildingi jwas coniverýted fromn a prison, to aic- commodate the homeless aged of Sthe United Ceunities. In a splendid effort to keep pacel iwith progressive ideals In caring for the a-ged. fbe United Counties ,Council ecmmittees have drawn a complete contrast between the old and the new. -Ultra-modemrî in every way even f0 refrigerated garbage, and sani- tized containers, the new w.,ing 15 of a generation of togtwhich a tribute to the ef-fort a-cnd panning bas tune ts back oný "The H71ousei of -Refu:ge" atitude towardt the aged th t], d u t] f: Y~ !~f5, The new furnishings, ,facilities and cornforts are the Counities Coun- cil reply to outraged citizens whoý, Irtetdalonig with several grand 1i jury inspections against the cojld in- difference toward the less fortunate who had to look to their mnunicipal- ity for sh elter- and protecýtionj. Airy bedroomas with good lookingt drapes on, the windows, a dressing table of mnetal wvith drawers for the occupant to keep small personal pos- j sessions, a comfortable chair, and aý proper bed not a cot, are part oif the furnishings int a single room. Gone, is the ugly grey instlitutional, prison- ]ike blanket with a stripe down the miiddle, A iice white bedspread isý on each bed and above ail the inat- tresses are of good quality and cern- fortable. A very ÉommrerwJable feature Isi a hand rail along the wall for the more f eeble to grasp and steady his walkin-g, or the partly blind to guide hits way along an i nfamiliar hall. Small sitting rooms with cern- fortable chairs and Iôw tables are provided for both rnen and womnen and the colours are bright and at- tractive in the modern schernes of rosezc and turquoise. browns an(d beige, with here and there a green effeect. For those who -cannot go' downi a small private dining room for tthe main dining room, there is mn and for women, but separate, heesix7teen or, twenty may be seated f our at eachtable. bed ridden. Their meals are taKen The top floor is reserved for the b34 elevator to their floor in a spec- !li serving cabinet on wheels where he food is kept at the required heat, kept hot or cold as required until it bas been served, These patients receive their tray direct from the cabinet, at the door of 'heir room. IThe large dining room. is a o to the eye. Large windows wbere Whytehaven (Continued from page 1) was issued by a justice of the peace for Nortbum.4berland and Durhamn Coutfis, The order, under the Cbild Wel- f are Act of 1954 said in part:, Wbereas, on information laid be- fore the oatb it appears to m there is reasonable cause to su1ppose that an unkn,,own numbe-4-r of chlldren -hs ames are unkznown are re- sîin a Wytebavn - - - are ne- gecteud =nd ou are therefore autb1-- u td t ~ei 1 futho- sad child- ren, to eterW.hytebavrien and tk themn and d'etain temin a place, of safety wi'th the exceýption of any, natural hl e fM-r.s. Bertha 1Whyte_." WelLi oressidcidrnfo wardat Wytehvensuspect d G taken by helpa ents plan toý1Uï trc-aeteo h hlren would sole otin ad 1r-icze Mr. 'ciLu efsas 0vîsitWy'e baven and juidge' conditions for- I "Tey souldhave seen the &,on- diinof the children when they were brought here first, not nowN," she said. '/ he suni cornes in te brighten the. vbole large dining ýLrea are dressec vitb adjustable drapes. Thc. tablea- ie geod looking -finisfied In dark )eople. The room bhas a definitely ralnut Rach table provides for 4I ipacious appearance, and gîves one se feeling it is being readied for iBeard of Tr-ade convenition din- .er. The dining rom seats about 140 people. The kitchen is as modem as Loorrow with every facility for ýerving mnore than two hundredl meals three times a day. Automatic- dishwashers and dish warmners, f ood. warmàers. toasters. Every conven- ience for efficiency. Two large com- mercial sized electric stoves and el- ectric ovens of the baker's type. AU. equipment Is of stainless steel-. )ishe-s have floral design,. Refrig-er- tors of the walk in, type keep foedi 'rznor semi-frozen- and there is, be cold -oomn for vegetabl-es and fruit. Mucbl work is yet to -be done. Ther heating system is partly îistalled, the air-conditioning is incomplete. SNot ali lthe furniturce is unpjacked. Stock room shelves are bein!g grad- ually fîlled. The contrast between the old and the niew is- start4ng. The presently I save 7c Mandram il oztfns 2for 35e LUNCHEOtN MEIAT KAM save 6c 12 oz tin. 59 MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing SaveIr1 SO VOLUM No.12NO ONSL IjOMEMAKERS ENCYCLOPEDIA PREVIOUS EDITIONS STILL AVAILABLE SI 'I Grcs all us! &Lumber ~ Phone 14816 <