OOOWEELKLY TIMIE8THUR8DAY(, AUCUST th, îg5g BANTMS EADOCKE botomhalfOrono tIhen added two strong added a further coent LocaltNew (Coninue frm pae 1) mor -inthetop of the fourth but second as did Gall Cooper la the L c lN w Iran into troube. la the bottom of the third, Gall and Enîid againr both ý', and John lenney scoredi after same frame when Bowmanville bat- ed iin the seventh and were Oroxio's Mir. and Mrs. Harold Sacli, Bob-1 reaching f irst on wls Ralph Ken - ted homne eight ruas whch put Bow- top batters for the game. by and Danny, Mrs. George Graharni nedy bit to drive in two runs. mnanville ahead 9-6. Orono in thetie and Kenrleth of Toronto and Mrs.I Orono scored five ruas in the se- top of the fifth wvent out in front H orn for figed C a Gamsby spent the holiday! conid to lead the game 7-0,.In this 10-9, Bowmanville howev er drove in weekend at'Oshawa Beach. rafly Oronocle(cted three hits by two in the bottom hbaf for the vie- (Conitinued froni page 4) Terry CarIeton,ý Ralph K,-enn.ediyan to.GryM ai andTer sdHm fo the Aged wa' en"' vI. M3hn Patton and Mr. and MOrs and Lary Miler. Tose ~Careton shared the pitching duties 'he outis prison, erected ia 1830. '~Ptnvstd h Weeda this framne were Buzz Mercýer, Char- fo rno i'asrpredybe iehm ' r. ereWianÈ', Coldwater. les Reid, Gary McMackia n d Johin Do't forget that the Orono boys the- aged for more than 60 years. Peri n ryWinrtre lenney. Bowmanvilie drove ia 3 played a close fought bail gamne in lin 1935 a fire destroyed a good part i) the PaIttons and are visitîng runs in the third and one ia the c____________ f the building, but it was renovated wre" l Oooad edl fourth. i-and rebuilt. 9fing jOon n 'edl Terry Carleton scored Orono,'sý TWO GAMES Up _e regrettable incidence here ,sý last count ia the seventh whea he (Continued froni page 1 that the new wing is being fitted, 1r. John Patton ýis homye again weatto irs ona wlk nd amefor the senile and th~e bed riddeni,1 {lter . being hosplitalized having home on a hit by Larry Miller, tebstreooffe. who cannot enjoy inuch of its spar- mlnfo ahawgnanbra RaphKnnd ad aryMllr June Armstrong pitched the Vie- iouîsness. Aliletother residents wl re- j ing a aumbel of -ibs. were the best hitters of the game. toyfrrooadcm upwta a-ithodbilngectfo Bowmyanville's- vic 1tory was in stirliag gamne. The victory Went tu use of the dan room, craftro-cms ÏMrs. George Graham and <en- Bowmanville last Thursday aight Orono 6-3. and repading room. neth, Toroato are s-periding this when they came from behia-d - o Bethany. scored their thrGe ruas Alhouh tis older building Is Nwjok with 1,rs. K. Gamnsby and! scoe te vctli.n the sixth. again to be 'rejuvenated, lepaired LDoug. The first scorng came in the top Ooohttebadi h first and rdecoated, it w'ill stilill of the thir d whea Orono scoretd four frame when Gail Coop)er aýd Enid far shruf te4eegancýe of the new \r.adMsWmFodansn ruas to one f or Bowm na nville ina the Tennnr ohscr [ue r-wa.DaIne spent last >weekýend viting iwith Mr. and Mrs, Dane Fou<wîr1I A vote on a proposed Ontario Apple Growers' Marketing Plan will be held on Friday, August 21st, 1959. Voting hourra will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (local tirne>. Preliniinary Voters' Lists were posted at the office of the Agricultural Representative in each apple producing County -' by July 28th, 1959. 6Growers are reminded that their naines mauot b.on the. Votera' List ini order to vote. Copies of the. proposed plan 4ill be maîled to ail naines on the Preliniinary Voter.' Lst and will be available at the offices of ail Revising Officers, the offices of the. Agricultural Repre- sentatives in each apple producing county, or at'tiie office of the O-ntario Farin Products Marketing Board., Any grower whoae naine does not appear on the Prelixinary Voter.' List can get on the. Votera' List by appearing in person before thie Revising Officer prior to Auguat 2list, 1959 or the, Deputy Returning Officer on Auguet 218t, 1959 for ii. Couiity in whicii he resides. Corporations, partnerships anid joint owners of apple orchard. miust designa te a person who will vote on their behaîf.l Appeals froin Revising Officers' decisions niay be made in person or in writing to the Ontario Farin Products M\Iarketing Board at its offices, Roomn 4405, East Block,, Parlia ment Buildings,, Tononto before polling day. The Ontarîo Fa'rm Products Narkeing Bourd G. F. Perkin, Chairman F. K. B. Stewart, Seci'etary Anythiue ...y im Smith Z LENLE PI *ERANG Ï3REO~ r M. and M'jrs, Dave Klarc n famrjily are speniding the week ou dayiOng at Peq'l on. Mîr. an"d Mrs. Roy ýýPower visited jwith Mrs. C. Power - Mr. and MVrs. Anl Wallace aidi family îeturaied Ma aiafer vs- iting with Y M i and Mrs. W. unt- ing and f amily, St.Wilas Miss Cathiy Grady eatertaiaed ai aumber of her frieads to a birthday party last weekwhc was h1-eld at the Orono Pa rk. Mr. and Mrs. Joharston and farn.iiy ýspent the weekend at Presqui'lle Park. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter spent hte weekenid with Mrs. Porýter's -,;mother-, Mrs. E. Oliver, Bobcaygeon. The Orono Band, on Monday took part ia the mammoth parade at Brighton whejp the town held cele- brations ia connection with thêir one huadredth aaaiversary. Miss Audrey Billings and Miss Eileen Gibbs, Oshawa left on Sun- day for a motor trip to Montreal and Cape Cod. Th'le Orono Fair this year iLs to see a number ocf changes and an exten- sion of some of the preseat features These changes are expected te ia- crease the entertaiient value of the annual exhib'itioin held ia Or- ono early in Septemnber. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Fred Vagg, Judy and Elaine spent last week ith re ivesaGananioque. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Carman, Michael and _Marik speat the week- end with the fre' parents in Picton. George Thoimas and Saadiy nit- chie are speading leav,,es j-_iih teir parents in Orono. Mr. and 7Mrs. Archie Wasn Betty Ana and Larry, WVate--do0wa spent the weekend wit h Mi. aad ,1-s. Alex Watsoni.i Miseýs J elliv Swi,v ý:Gwen W'ý,ray and Frances Mâoffatt, teachers in Toronto spent last Tusdywithi Mr. and Mis. Donald Staples and family. Master Murray M\ýcLarea, son of Mrs. and Mrs. A. M.c(Laren wvas takea to the Hlospital for Sick dren last week for- an o.peraýtion oný his leg. Dý,onie spent the w-,eek wt Mr. and IMrs. Jini Rutherfordad Lynda w-ith hen graadpareats, Mrl and Mrs. Chas. Ru-thierford. Mrs. J. H. Lesilie and Susan cf! Peterborough spen the weekenid with Mr. adMrIs. Wm-. Rde Mr. and Mrs. Gro Leamen and family visited nte eka with relatives in Orono. Mr. Bert Eoeikhsacpe a position with aIl'man ,and wil move to Kingto i Setebe t take over is ejb UNITED C~IURCIt Orono Pastoral Charge M h;ster Rev. Basil Long UNTDCI-URCH SERVCCES OCON0 CIRCUI T August 2 -Orn il am. August 9 --Oro011o Il aJ. August 16 - Oronýo Ilm. No ser-vice ia i.î,ý'by or Leskar1-d -August 231,d and 3th there wijll be no service on the charge. September 6th -- Regular Services Kry-9:45 a.m. Oronc - 1l1aa. Leskard -- 2 p.m> Fa-ýu: FO D-ED SEL SALES And SERVICE A 1 Used Carg Our complete -service guaranteet year round clriving plea*ur. CARVETH MOTORS> Phone 3251 Newcastle, Ontario i -. RUBBER- GLOVES Fr ee! an e xtra right hand glove-as a spare pure Latex suction grip. Special complete. Blouses, Ladies' cotton, short sleeves, white and assorted colors. Sizes 32 to 38. -Each .. 59e $1.90 Slips, Ladies Delustra crepe, straight cut, white ùnly. Sizes 32 to 42. Each.......... Pedail Pushers, Childr Sassorted colors. Size 3 ti S Briefs, Misses Rayon' leg. Coloswi ,Pink a C) Tumblers, Plain 9ý/2o-0 fIPlastic Cut.eiry Spoýor fide-al for picnic's etc. Bo. Sei 1Ladlies' Nyloi Re-ular Pair 75e fJ Suntan Lotion, Noxer gCalamine-- Lotion fort rash, suniburni etc. 8 oz. Special! MUM Deodora gSAiV E TIME ORONOu5c, Ti t'o = c= C 0 ren'is Drill, sanforized Lo 6x. Each........ 79 Mesh,,elastie 'aist and ad blue size 8to12 ... ,35e R. Special 1 S for.......25e- ns, forks or kniP.ves, )xofl1Ofor.. e.........15e r i ,on sale for......39e ma. B ottles.. 60c and $1,00 Lreatrnent poison ivy, bottli........29e unt Spray. Reg. 75e for 49e SERVE- YOIJRSELF, "0 $1.1O STORE' I OROND àTINSHOP i, SHEETL FO0,R AIL PURPOSES OPEN DAILY 8:ýý00 tu 5.30 P.m, CLOSED WED. P.,M. open Fr1. ta 9P .M. I R£. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Oronno5 Ont.. 4" 1 1 1 N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N qp&.qyu