"Dear Anne Hirst: Maybe that distracted wife who wrete yeu about her wayward husband wvho had got himself inte a m.ess, can use the tactics 1 did ini similar circumstances. A year ago I h e ard mine was dashing about v; i t h a pretty girl who was boasting she in- tenided te marry hlmn. I decided that Il she needed was a good scare. I gave it te lier!ý "She was a young thing who had been sneaking eut te meet hirm. 1 called her and told her if she ever saw mny husband again 1 weuld tell her mother. She burst into tears and hung Up -- but she neyer met hima again. Later, my husband àd- Mitted he hiad it ceming te hlmn, and ever since he has been wonderful. "Th-es-e single girls may net be aware of the trouble tliey cause, but why don't they real- ize that what they are doing îa downright dishonest? Wait ~till tliey get married - what nags they will turn eut te be, hew suspicieus! "If yeu married women wanit te hold on te your men andi put these young gadabouts in their place, tell, your hiusband y ou absolutely refuse te divorce him., and stick te i t- as yeu yourself, Anne Hirst, have ad.- vised. "Remember the first years of yeur marriage, and keep yeur- self as dainty and attractive; give yeur husband ail the at- tenition and flattery and articu- late a1fectien yeu di.d then. Go out wîit .hi hlm whenever and wherever lie asks you te, be h is gay companion, and for heaven's sake hold on te yeur enrse cf humour. "In other werds, be HIS GIRL. Then he'll neyer leave you. HAPPY AGAIN" *No mani who is satisfied at *home searches elsewhere for' *e meti on ai adventures. IHe * may succuMb to a momentary * Infatuation, but it e ni d s as * swiftly as it began, and the Sew-Very-EaSY A cool curve cof ncckline for igun or Star- tijme - cever-up bolero fer your biisy day lil!e. Z'asy-to-sew - waist lu nlcely plipped above breezy, 4-gorc *sklrt. Printed Pattemn 4681, Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 erea's requires 5Y4 ya r ds 33- lnch fabrie; bolero IU/4Yards. Printed directions ocri cd patterni part. Easier, accurate. Sceiid FIFTY CENTS (50e) (stamps cannet lic acccpted, vuse postal note for safety) for is pitterin. Pîcase prinit plain- >, SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, 51TYLE NUM1BER. Send ôrder te ANNE ADAMS, Brox 1. 123 Eighteenbh St., NeIw TXoronito, Ont. ISSUE 8*-1959 *smart *ife files the escapade * away with ether insignificant * faults. She knows her h us - * band loves lier', and she w'làl * net dignify an occasienial flir- * tatien by m.,aking lbt an issue. * Meantimne, shie proves every- * day te lier man that she re- * gards him as the liead cf the * house around whom aIl lier * hopes and affections orient. * She mrakes herseif tlie center ' of his existence. He knows 'lit, and relaxes. *Every wife lias the ebliga.- *tien'te "stny as sweet as she *is" te 'the man she married. *As you express it, te "lie lis *girl," eonsistently and Intelli.. *gentiy. Se she hleds himn in *a content tee sntisfying te * isk, *The thrill of clandestine' * meetings oten appeals, teaa *remantic adolescent, but she * l stupid indecd if -she dees *net sec the ;situation as the >* dangerous temiptation it, is. * You ncted promptly, and teld * thc g ir]1 off in words she * couid understand. You quen- * hed thc afiair before it blaz- *ed in to flarnc. Congratula- *tions! ADOLESCENT FROBLEM "Dear Anne Hlirst: I arn a young mian 19, and for a long time I'vc liked a g irli tliree yeas yungr.Our friends kid us ail the time and she neyer denies anything, but I know ît mnakes lier scîf-conscieus. 1 just have te guess liow much she ikes me. "I date a few oblier girls just 50 our friends will net guess that I like lier liest, Wliat i3 the bes;t thing te do until she shows how she feels about me? - Thank you for your columnn. 1 knew- yeu've kept mre eut cf trouble more- than once J0E" * Your girl is yeung and sti.l * oDj thc shy side, se you ýare *wise net te rush lier. Show * lier that you, tee, can laugli * off yeur friends' teasing; it *will lessen lier embarrass- *ment. ~'Stay with the group fer a *whle longer, uritil slien- *tures and gains more cenfi- *dence. ** Thousands of readers look upon Anne Hirst as their Mo- îther Confesser. Yeun'can con- fide your problem to ber and know she will honour it, and give ,you bher understandlng sympathy and sanle guidance- Address Arne Hlrst at Boxc 1, 13Eighteenth St., New Tor- onto, Ont. l'ils Nibs Needs A Check-Out Regîster The aging Imam of Yemen, afterthrec montlis' treatment at an Italian clinie, loaded his tIrêe wives and 26 concubines abo ard a plane last montli and took off for li's led Sea king dom. Once alof t, said the italian press, the Imain began ceunting neses, - or whntever one counts in a baremn--and discovred that his favorite, the only girl wlho could makehi take tlie bitter mcedi-. cine bis dectors prescribe, was mnissing. The plane returncd. The girl, called Saud Bint, was descrilied as a present te the Imarri 1rom tIc King of Saudi Arabla, and - curxrently - a refugee in a Roman Cathelie cenvent. This week, she stiili was. missing, anid the Imiai was re- ported hiring private detectives. N'obody knew for sure whetber tîcir mission was te retrieveý Saud Bint- or fînd a replace- ment. Fellow we know says that bis wife is 'a uman dynamo: she charges every thing. LOVE IN A SHELIR - Mr. and Mrs. Melvin M. Mininson ar@ the U.S. nationi's first bomb-shelter honeymooners. Mininson, 28, and his bride, Maria Rodriquez, 27, of Tamopa. Fla., peer into the hatch of their 14x8x7.foot steel and cencrete bower. in Miomi. They hope to spend two weeks in, it to publicize shelters and civil defense. If tbeystick ii' out, they get a second honeymoon In Jamaica f rom sponsors of the stunt. Every womnan loves te change decided an ordinary low tabrle things areund in ber home once would axswer my purpese for in aivhile. Every man likes things typing if only 1 could keep the Ieft just the way they alhvalyî self-l'oeking desk arawers. Part- have been. Se, if any changes are ner investigated; feund the desk tebe limade the womnan lias te b. well-mnade with screws a n d vcry diplemnatie, mnking the wooden pegs and se was ea-iliy operation as painleas as possible taken aparb, leaving bhc drawers te bhc man of the lieuse. We h-ve intact. just cemne through sudh a peried Well, whab witl books, paper, - ,wth very satisfactory resuits. fln aie n te hns When we firat noved iInto our plus cleaning ' - lb bock us a present home Pnrtner and I teck whele, day te make the move. the fi-ont bedroorn for ourselves. And now even Parbncr thinks it The second liedr3oomi was our wns a good idea. A.s a guest rc'em gucat ron. For it we beuglit we like the sinnîler roorn better honey-maple twin lieds. Thc reoin cosy and -more compact. The was liglit and airy and looked den is spacieous, with oietter very comfortable. The thîrd reorn Iighting and can double as a wns mostIy den, with a roll-away sgleeping arcak for male visiters. cet fer convenience. It is gen- And do you know, the change- craiiy cnlled "mother's reon" lie- over was made witliout a singcie cause I make the most use cf it swear-word fron Partner. As for -'for 'typing, scwing and read- me I was se tired I couldn't ing. sleep that niglit. Comiments frin Our first visitons lere were mny other interested parties - "I sister andi len aduit son. Se there wondcr you didn't tink 0,of it we were with twe goçd lieds but before!" only one gucat romi. We made That, as 1 I have saidi, teck place up a lied for Kiemi in the base-, on Wednesdaýy. Thursday the funâ ment. Other visitons folio-wcd - began-ouitside, Tôwnship ejuip- sometimes a husliand and wvife, 'ment movcd in for laying water or a mother wtl chldren, or mains. Shovels, graders, pipE- soinetimes a single guest. Our lifters-and a gang of mon werc gucat roon semred quite nde- soon noisily at work. Our crive- quabe, 1 didn't realize we weIre way. was, excava ted and a piece acbualîy short cf accommodation cf noad tomn up in front of it se - not until this spning when ve pipes coVIid be angled acroas te wcre agnin faced witbh motheýr the otlier aide. Just as bIc job and son cemplications, wersc than had necced the stage, of slubting the first time as we lad given us in a picce cf equipmcnt broke away cur basemient lied and the down and' work, was postponcd roll-away cet: was tee nnrrew' frr until next day. But sorndlow I adult confort. had to get out to takze a neighbouir What te do, that was the and lier chuld te the cýlini. T~Ieir question. I wouild lic awvake at driveway was clear se ate niglit pondering the situation I fiIled in the diteli between our finally cane up with an answ;,er. two properties and 1 drove acros It ýWas then, and net 'ti then, botli lawns and on, te the rond. that I liroadhed bbc sulijeeý,tcte You couidn't sec whoe1I ad Parbncr. Intbeory the solution been tIc gnounid was se bard and was quite simple but involved dry. unwelcene changesannd a lo)t cf Fniday, while p1pe-la ' ing coan-. unneceasary work - that la, frorr- struction was stili dcafenlingly a mani's point cf view. After cex- in progresa in front of us, a gas pounding on the Idea for about a station at tlie lack of us. fa-c!ng wcek I finally got Partner te the Dundas Highwny, stngcd ant sec the ligît. S ... last Wcdncuý- official tweý,c-day opening witli, day was noving day. fou d-spcakcr music blaring away We bumnced the siaîïl room into fromi ten in the morning untiï a spare roemn witli enly one lied. fine at nighit. It was tcrrific. plus the roli-awny cet. The mid- Sunday was reiatively quie, die ron liceame the den in exccpt for an occasional lawn which wc left orle of thc twv;n mowcr, Wlere anyone could find beds. Sounds simplie, doesn't it? grass te eut 1 wouldn't know. But you don'b know wha la iin Wc still havcn'b liad nny ram te ,tlat den! My drep-]eaf typewrite-r speak of. Lasb Monday wc wPre table, fer instance. Solid oak sCo in Dufferin counity. Ib was rain- big and awkward it lad to ;be ing on the way p etherwisecec,- taken apnrt te lie movedi at ail ditiors wereý just as dry as here, Anid bIen thc table-tep %wa t- D(ec andher boys aq re en ' o inlg wide te 'go nround corners it9 th- im-vs-,(1 I hop) at fthe cet- the middle rooin. lb was tluenri Z a .Art -gýeS U') ck-n Modern Etiquette by Roberta Let Q.When approachlng a re- volving door with a wmn dues the mian enter flrst so as to push the dor fer lber, or should she precede hlm? A. Hie allews the womian to go ahead of hlm and, in f act, lic is better abile tei coptrol the rcvolving- door if, she dees g first. Q. Whien one is at a banquet- and doesn't care te drink cof- fee, la It preper to turu one's cup over as a signal te the walter? A. No. It is better te mndi-: ente the faet liy a slighb of your Iead and a "No, you" te the waiter as about te serve you. Safety Measures For the Home shake bliank lie is If homes, were as- safety-cen- "cieuýs as industrial plants hun- dreds cf serieus accidents could be prevented eacb year, accord- ing te Dr. L. C. Haslamn. Children, especially, are often exposed te far worse hazards than these normally encountered by a worker in a modern plant, lie claims. Curiosity can be a child'ý werst enemy,'especially wlien it tempts hlm imb cabinets undeýr kitchen sïnk, which often hold diangerous chemnicals. Such cjean- ing nids as selvents. washing soda, lye, spot remnover, javel water, silver poisb and liquid floor wax sliould be taboo Wi these lewer supboards. Another housekeeping a i d whiclh should be kept away frei smal] chldren is very thin plas- tic sheeting, Dry cleaners are niw returning cleaning in plastic bags which cari be saved te serve as garmnent covers in clothes closets. However, these should not be used te cever a mattress on a child's bed or given te lim as a plaything. The ve-ry thin plastie miglitcling te a sinall child's fa;'e. covering nis mouth and nosýe and srnothering hum. Matches and poisons cause hun- dreds cf serieus accidents te chl- dren eaeli year. There are many safety precautions that can lie taken te prevent these tragedies. Medicine cabinets, for instance, should have lecks which smnall chiWden are unabie te open. And ail drugs should be kept in this cabinet and not on 1,edside tables or kitchen shelves within the reach of smaii children, For generai famlly protection, label aIl medicines carefully. Neyer store other materials lie- sides'drugs in, the mnedicine cab- inet, warns Dr. Hasiam, for peo- ple have died as a resuit cf takc- ing spot remnover instend of travelling miostly a t niglit. One Sunday therewas a terrifie storin --hydre off three hours. Supper was cooked on the Qu*Pbee heater. Ram so e ivy you couidn't see the~ lake -- only tif- ty yards awny. They didnr't need the ramn but liow we wouid have welcomed it! Yesterday Bob, Jey and Lhoys were liere, Today ail is quiet on the home front. We arentrotsorry. cough Medicine.-. No matter how careful people try to be in remnoving articles dangýerous to children, there mnay be something overlooked which the youï-ng fry are bound te find. lt's best te know what te do im- xnediately if a ch.ild is suspected of swvallowing somrething thiat might be poisonous, Hlere's whaI Dr. Haslanm sugg-ests: Try to pro- moteý vomiting and then cal] a doctor right away. Diluting thet contents of the stomnach will de- lay absorption of the poison se encourage the child to drink as mucli milli or water as possible. However, neyer attemhpt -te give fluids to an unconscious patient, advises Dr. Haslam. Some poisons paralyze thea breathingý mechanism. ArtiticWa respiration must be started ait once if breathing stops. And fin- ally, if you live in or near a ,city, rushthe child to the hos~- pital.. Easy 'n' Dramatic Newý,, unusual! Sec lcw bli'- tifully thîs peacock spreads ils bail te prcbecb your chair. Use pcaccck celours toe em- liroider hcnd, body - pineappi, design crochet for graceful tail. A superli slowpiece. Pat- tern 703: embreidery transfer; directions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (sbamps cannot lie aeeepted. use -pestai note for safety) foz this pattern te Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eiglitcenth' St., New' Toronto,, Ont. Pnint plainly PATTERN NUMBER, yenir NAME and ADDRESS. Send for a c o py of 195i Laura W h c c 1 e r Neediecraft Bock-Tt lias Ilevely designs te order: enmlibr oi d ery. croche%, knittîng, weavîig, quilting, boys. In the'book a special surprise te make a littie girl happy - a eut-eut doil, clothes te colour. Send,,25 cents for bIla lbook. MODEL KITCHEN - Doris. Johinson makes sure everything is, a pple pie order -in the model kitchen at the U.S. exhibit Moscew. Doris is oeaof the 83 Russian-spea king guides thea show in Moscow's Sokolinikî Park,