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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Aug 1959, p. 7

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Ottawc, Payroll Keeps Growing In the submission off the Exe- cutive Council to the Senate Finatnce Committee with respec t to the Threat off Inflation refer-' 'ýnce was made to the f act that the Federal Government had 195,390 on the publie payroll in 1958, a jump of 10,000 over 1957. In the tne years since 1948 the number off people on the'Ottawa payroll increased by 82,000 or nearly 53%. In the twenty years since 1938 the increase has been 16,000 or 309%. This compares with our population gr0w t h siný 1938 off 55%. During the last twenty years, in peace and war, godc times and bad, Ottawa lias added to the public payroll an average of 6,800 every year. Mr. Fox, the President off the St. Lawrence Corporation Limit- ed, put these figures tagether fo)r his address ta the Annual Meet- Ing off Shareholders last Spring. It is worth mentioning that al these figures are for ordinary governiment departments only. Trhey do not in'ciude armed serv- fces, government agencies or Crown corporations such as C.B.C. In 1958 C.B.C. alone had 6,3000 emnployees and took $41 million out off taxes for its capi- ta] costs and operating deficit. The July 4th issue off Maclean's Magazine comments that the three levels off government in Canada today employed 618,000 men and women - more than three tin-es the size off the la- bour force in the entire iron and steel products idustry, the coun- try's largest mnanufacturing igroup. This represents more than 10% off the total labor force in Canada. The cost off this machin- ery, acecording ta the article fin question, is $200 million u month. The fact that our Civil Service is growing nt such an astonishing rate Is a matter for very serlous consideration. Every added cent off bureaucratie cost adds that snuch to the cost off production. We in Canada, because off Our considerable dependence on fore- ign trade, miust be particularly eost conscious. Canadian growth depends upon aur ability to de- velop larger dornestic and fore- Igan markets. - From The Cana- dian Chamber off Commerce, News Letter. No Illusions About Dangers Janet Gaynor, IHollywood's girst Academny A w a r d Winner fin 1928), iseon di ngtny years of virtual retireen O work in a new medium - the stage. The 52-yeur-old actress, ehose role as the Montmartre treet urchin in the silent movie kSeventh Heaven" flot only esrued be r the Oscar but also made foinous the romantic mo- vie team off Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell 1, will maIre her S4tage debu± this fall in the Uroadway production off Joseph Kayes' newè play, "The Midnight Sun." She will portray the mo- Oler off a wanderlust youth who qturns to the Midwest to re- 4stablish hie rmots. What are >he' chances «I & amovie star ânaking a laie comeback on thie etage7 "«It's no more dangerous gn going on the Hollywood îrruway,'l Miss Gaynor sald. "CAN>T HEAR A WORD, UMP" - An ltchy ear concerns littie Jimmy Maizone, 3, more thon pre-game instruction-, being giv- en by home plat. umpire John Stevens. Daddy is OBoston Red ,Sox' third baseman, Frank Maizone. Dangerous job For Amateurs Much off the early progress lu rOcketry came frorn inspired amateurs who sometimes blew themselves up - alang with an aoccasionial bystender - in the intareets off science. But now the professional descendants off the pioneers think the day off the amateur 'is over, are appai- led eat the risky stunts off rocket- bufffs from 16 to 60. Sa serious is the situation that the Ameni- cen Racket Saciety has issued a 76-page booklet cataloguiug the dangers andi advising the amateur ta stop. Sain A.R.S.: "Ail practical meaus muet be taken ta prevent the manufac- ture oi' propeilants or rackets by amnateurs.» Rockets' geL their zip by mnenus off a restrained explo- sion; the rapidly burning pro- peilant muet generete hot gases ut precisely the -ight 'pressure. If the pressure is toc low, the racket does not fly; too high, aud iL burets like a bomb. Very slight defects or miscelculations can raise the pressure to the dlanger point. 'The rocket cen expiode if the nozzla is a few thousandths off au inch taa smail. A soliti prapeleant may crack, sharply increasiugý the' buruing rate. Unburned propel- lent cau block the uozzle, or fiame cen buru a bole in the thin casiug. As any Cape Cana-' veral man kuaws, not even the pros cen anticipate al possible waye for the rocket's restrairt- ed explosion ta becomne unre- straineti. Their motta: l"Alwayx assumne that a racket wiil ex- piode." Mixing prppellants from drug- store or agriculturel chemicals is just as perilous. A.R.S. en- trusts its.rmembers with a long list off dangerous combinatione, urges that the list be kept se- cret sa thet youthful amateurs4 wlll fot get auy uew ldeas. TaURE RIGHT - Your paper is-n't upside down. Capt. Leray G. Cooper, ie-ft, andi another man experionce a weightless flight ci Wright Air Development Center. Cooper is one of the aîstro- nauts tralning for manned orbital flight. Partieularly touchy are propel- lents that must be mixed hot. Anather bad ectar, already well kunown to most kzids: ordin-iry hausehold match heads, which are apt ta explode disastrously while being crammed into R makeshift racket chamnber. At f irst, A.R.S. h-oped 'to make hobby rocketry safe by expert siupervision, asked scientiste and military men to help the ama- teurs. But now it thinks rackets are best left alone altogether,. The game has grown too big and tac dangerous. Ail t a 1 cl, says A.R.S., sorne 10,000 ama- teurs are ffiddling arounid with rackets today. During a sain- ple six - week period, 1C~ off them were seriously injure4. At thet rate, a teen-age racket- eer hes one chance in seven off getting hurt each year. Guns Con Be Fun -Ais. Doudly! Vacationists can have a lot eff fun and improve their shotgun marksinanship, taa, with a hand- trap, a carton off "dlay" tergets, e coupe off boxes off eils and the favourite shotgun. Wîth this outfit every type of gamne can be simulated. Here &gain, as alwayg In shooting, be sure off your back- grounid. There may be a picnick- ing party on the other aide f the hlll. No mnatter what type off shoot- Iiug ironi you. taire along on your vacation this year, bear in immd these firearmn safety regulations. They are simple easy-to-follow and right to the point. Treat every gun with the res-, pect -due a laaded gun. Carry ýonly unloaded guns into your automaobile, boat, camp or homne, Always, carry your gun sa that you eau control the direction off the muzzle, even if you stumble, Be sure off your target before you pull tb. trigger. Neyer point a -gun at anything you do not Want too shoot. Never leave your gun un- attendod uffless you unload it first. Neyer cllmb a tret oi: fonce with a loaded gun. Neyer shoot at a flat; hard sur- face or the surface off water. Swollen IHead Us A SerlousMalady Was this the top-ratedamara- teur tennis player in the wrd Playing a listless gae fram the baseline and continually double faulting, Wimbleton champion Alex Olmedo weut down tcaa straight-set defeat at the hands off lesser-ranking Abe Segal off South Africa in the national çlay-court tennis tournement iu Chicago. As the Davis Ctlp champion s ta 1lke d from t hpe court, the fans 'booed and tour- narnent officiais banned h 1îni from participating in the up- coming daubles matches ;,in the interest off btter tennis." Olmie- 'do said laeor thet ho had beenr "4mentally tired" but, admitted: "I1 dld nat play -as herd as 1 could. Next week I will apola- gize, ta Segal personally and in public." But, he added augrily: "It' le human ta make mistakes but the officiais had no right ta boo. The officiais themseives were rýunning by the court boa- ing. That made mie oire nmad.". s S S AGENTSi WANTI EARN Cash in your Spare Piine, Just show yeur friands our Christmaa and Ail-Occasion Greeting CarcIs (incluting Religlous) Stationery Gifts Write for saniples Colonial tard Ltd 489-B Qiuern Eat. Toronto 2 ARJICLES FOR SALL SPECIAL 25 Everyday Cards, 'Ass.orteti Birthtay. Get Weil, Syinpathy. et. for conly$1.00. Ed Ilutcher, 221 Jameson Ave., Apt. 5, Taratot,_Ont. JOKE CARDS SEtND 25e in coin for your package aS 12 assortet cardaMore PrIntlng. 133 Mc. lntosh St., Toronto 13, Ont. NEW "FLING" CAR SHAMPOO DO away wlth hours of rubbing anti polilhIng get your car dlean and shining IN 10 MINUTES WITH "FLING" Quickest over, cheapest ever wash-n- wax. The shaxnpaa wltlsthse emulslfleti waxes. Guaranteet harmless. for ail bodiy inishes. Wsxes as ht washes anti shines as it tries. Approveti by British goat hausekeeping Institute, Satisfac. tion or refunt. Six car shines $1.39 pari paît. Money orter or C.O.D. Mail your order today ta: National Ditributora- of Canada Reg'd., Box 262, Station "M" Mantreal, Que. BABY CHICKS BRIAY $tartet Puilets, Cockerels, anti minet Cicks, prompt shipment. 10. weeks oldte t laying Aines Puilets. Day- oids to orter. Broilers, berit varietes ready now. See local agent or write B)ray Matceien, 120 John North, Hemit- ton, Ont. STARTEI3 chick bargains subject ta prior sale. Pullets one week att, Light Sussex, Barreti Rock, Calumbian Rock Jersey White Giants, Light Sussex 1? Rikote Island Ret - W83.95 per'huntred. Rhode tlantdlRed. X Barret Rock, .Bhire Island Re X Lght Sussex - !$Z.95. Assortet Heavy Breets - *23.95. White Leghorn X Rhsode tlantd Red, Califarnia Gray X White Leghorn (lay white shelat eggs> Rhsode tlant Reti X White~ Leghsorn - $29.95. Assorted eetilun Breets - $27.95. Cociterels - Light Sussex X Rhode Islan' Rat, Rthode Island Red X Barrit Rock - ~$6,93. Assortet lieavy Breets - $6.0. Tcw wek olti atti2e per chickt iree week o14d, aP4e4; four week 41t, att 8ej, Sîve Wieek oIt atitiBe. Kimber put- lits. one week olti, 47e cach. 'Two woek Oit, ett 4e; three week oIt, add go. Started turkeys. Catalogue. TWEDJ3LJICIUCIC ATCIIERES LTD. FER0115ONTSARIO' FAMOUS LITTLEB LUE BOKS caver cvery subJect. 325yeas's offering bli- V trireading value. None over 12e ecd. ailî 254 StW catalogua. Save many dti jars. W. Burgess, Boz 231. Station ~" Toronto 17. Ontario. BUSINESS OPOXTUNIIS AtED couple aeiltng Rlgluway, ViUMeg Ganoral Store, complotai y ,c4iipped, stock,.living apt. , al fer -21.000, £aod' t etr m s, turnover *3,000.00 monthly, mostly cash, Prosperous fartas area. Wm Pearce, Reaitor, ilxeter. TOBACCO delivery routes open sny- where Iii Ontarlafa? forellable men with car and *1,600 cash for stock andi equipinent, with aur repurchase agre, ment. ghIneS iiorne for part turne. Sf. time If tesiret. For Interview write ta Postal Station Q, Box 247, Toronto, 9iving naine.aidress. and phone aura- BUSINESS PROFERTIES FOR SALI FORt sale Groccry tore catrylng Sull line. Living quartera. Cities Servie gai station. One acre corner lot In the beat tobacco. Write for particulars ta P. Feere R.R. No, 2, Port Burwell. Ont. CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR IALI AND RENTAL ONE minute ta set up, tan Ibs. ta pull, sîcepas ive, large iug.gage conWart- mient. The itical camnping unit, Heilo Camping Trailers, A. B. C. Sales & RentaIs. 21 Highway, Strathroy. Phiono 1117W How Can I? By Anne Ashiey Q. ow can 1 prevent the pictuares on ýmy wa.fls from slip- ping to crooked positions? A. When you are henging pictures, hang themn face ta the wall. Then twist them a&round, making n cross lu the wire. Q. flow can 1 best wash a flour steve? 1A. Don't wash the flour sieve In soepy water. Insteed, use bi- carbonate oYI sodla lu the water, ince soda does not stick to the fine meshes as eaap does. Q. Slow can I remnove sonie white rintgs left on furniture tops by giasses or dishes? A. Here's one often-effect- Ive cure: Sprinkle' the stains with sait, then rub geutly with a cloth dipped iuta vegetable shartening. Wheni the stain is remioved, wash the surface i- mediately -and rewax, Q. When iaying an asphait tiet floor, how cenik 1mnke the individael ie squares flatte ' out into fflace more easily? *FOR Sale 15" White Cutting Box wlth Pipes for 40' Silo, also McCormilck Deering Corn Binder andi Loader. Al in excellent condition. Kenneth B«, R. R. 5, London. General 4-8920, #IELM WANTUD MALE MEN WANTID JET - GAS TURBINE ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS JET SPACE AGEIS15 ERE Co>mplet, Program wîth f k eedellt School Training an~d Job Placement. No nee4 to quit your pregent jeb untli Yeu are trained. W. help finance you. Inquire now. JET-ELECTRONIC TRA1NIM* BOX 415, OAKVILLUE, ONT. Nae i. ............... .... Addrosa . .................... >................. C"t or TmWn................... Phoneo.......................Ag.... INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkoeplng.ý SaleesMan. Phlp, Shorthand, Typewrlting, etc. Les. sons s04. Ask foi frec circular No. 83. Canadien Correspondence CIouraes3 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. MEOICAL NERVOUS TENSION, SLEIIPLESSNSSS? T1RY Swlss Nerve Tonic PASSIT madi exelusively of lherbaI extracts. hotIes 1L15, 200, special prIce for glant riz* 18 OMS. 3.60 postpald. Swiss H e b a Rernedtes. 479' Queen St. W.. Toronto Ont, READ THIS - EVERY SUFFEItElt0F RHIUMAIC PIAINS OR J4IURITIS SHOULO TRY DIXONIS REMODY. MUtROI RIJG $ToRts 033 ELGIN OTTAWA. $1.25 Express C61etc POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH thtlo taent o2 dry eczema trashes and weeping alin trouble.. Post's Ex-ýems Saalve will noet duappoit Fou. [tching scaling znd burning ecze. Mna. acne. 4;igwojrmpnplec snd foot eczema will tespon1d readly te the îitatnleeb' otaries elntment regar<ilee of how et.ubboçinor bopelesn they geem, Sent post Fres en Recelpt et prire PRICII e1U PER JAR POSTIS REMEIESr 2843~ St Clair Avenue lest TORONTO MERCHAt4DISE FOR SAt.Ê 100 SPOOLS of sewing thread, asserted colore for $1.W. Send cheque or moiiey oader to: Rios, P.O. Bon 202ô, New Providence, Tenn. NURSES WANTEC 'fltll GLENBORO MED1%CAL NURSING Unit No. 16B, locate4 100 toiles West or Winnipeg, and 50 mile8'east o1 Brandon tees of two RN sSt tin alaty recreational and social faclluties avait. îtbie. Write or telephone 14r. C. A. RïaIl, Sec.-Treas., Glenboro, Ydan. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 8E A HAIRDRESSR JOIN CANADAS LIADINS 9IHOO Great Opportunlty Learn lfairdresElng Fleasant, dlgnifled profession; good weges, Thousants ofs maci;Jsfu Marvel Gradueten America'13 <itet fystem niustad catalogue rie MARVII. MXRDRESSIN. SCHCiOL 853 Ileor st. W.. TereuIte Bramehe: 44 King St. Wý' c4iItoU 72 fideau Street. Ottawa PEReONAL ADULTS! Personàd Rubbar Gootsà. 90 assortient for $2.00, Finest quaity, tested, guaranteed. 1,alIed In plain reaiet packRge plus free Birthi Control booklet andi catalogue of suppliel Western Ditributors, BOX I4TM Regîna, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE I SAVE i SAVE I 12 mana 00*loedz 2 magna priats In album 600 Reprints 5e ecd KODACOLOR Develaping roil $1.00 ýnot Inciudins prints). Colair prints 350 saoh extra. Aniscoeand Ektachrwnmc335rmm. 20 en. posures mouteti Glides *1.25 ColoF pints trm alites350 eaceh. Money refunded In full for uniprnted ne. tiVesý FARMERS» CAMERA CLUB BOX 31. GALT. ONT. SAES eN ANTED SALESMEN DUE ta expansion Ini our sales volume we raquire salesinen to cal an livestock feeders andi tairy farmers. Selling ex. perlence not neceaaary but knowledgc of livestock essanitial. Tralning by oui, represantatives in the field. Group M15e însurance and A M.S. plus Bllue Cross te supplement Ontario Hospital Plan. Write ta J, L. Heninessy Sales Manager Inter. national Stock Food Ca.. Ltd.. Toronto. STAMPS AND coins s _ mu, Two Fîrst Class Experienced Teachers RUIEQ UIR m FOR TNRII.-ROC14 SCI400L.,TY* IACIt GRADES 1 .2 AND 3-S. AVERAGE enrohuent 28 per ela s8yooi SalarY *3,800.00pet ennura, w1th *100.0 Increments for experience up e5 AMPLY, stating a&goe, experlence an" ?uaiffication and tho naie cf the lI Inspector ta: DOUGLAS MacLMLLAN MUC.-TREA$ S.S. NO. 1 CONNILL PIC KLE CROW, ONT4ARIO Separate Sehool Board REQUIRES QIJALIFIEO TEACHIERS FOR SEPTENSER. SALARY schedule In effecI. Minimnun W250. Experience $10 par yeae <up Mi aix 1years). Annual Incremant $200, AI- lowances for speclal qualiicationz. APPL'Y, stating name of at tnspec*or cknt qualifications to: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR AND SEVRETARY.TREACuAR loi JOHNSON STREUT, KINGSTON, ONTARIO THE COUNTY 0F WARNER <SOUTM. %RN ALBERTA) REQUIRES 8ENIOM NIGN SCItOOL TEAC$IIRS FOR THO FOLLOWING POSITIONSa MiIk River a TErACHIRS eQ.RU 1. English7 2. Social Studies' 3. Science, Mathemafics Masinasin 2 TE1ACHERS REQUIRMO 1. Principal TOTEACII *RADEO 10-11 2. Grades 7-9 Teacher Warner 1. Vice-Principal, Science SALARY SCHEDULE APPLICANTS should inclute phaneb humber, Inspector'a report and Ijifor Anation rcgarding axperience and train- ADORESU pplications tû J. B. Bell $JFBRINYUNDZNT OF SCI400LS 'Ucool must be out - Liai one'a baited with a miarshma- Good Reading for the Whole Fcimily *News *Facts *Faiy Features The Christ ian ScienceMoir One Norway St., Boston 15, Mo's. Send y*ur newspaper for the tin checked. Enclosed find my 'check or money order. 1 year $20 ql 6 months $10 Q3monthl-, ,5J it One St(cd CLASSIFIE-D_-ABVERTISINOý rED FARM MACNINERY FOR ALS TEACk s'- s" s' s' - - - . - -.. .... . ......

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