OPONOC WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, AuGusT lS3th, 1959 J-ead:"Botl i rgistered aInd " Reireiyjber that No. 1- seed ofUl ,ecom mnend ]Buying Registered Cer idedhv letg nthleiclasses o-f seed has highe(r germina- oc l UIe v agthat .ndicate their certificates t'on, and i - much smaiier tolerance1 have beeni issued for varietai inden-j for weed sesadseso te Or r erhîfieci vvnter vvLeQL Seea ed n seso te ________________________ ty and purity. At the present timne crops thian Grades No. 2 and No. 3.", i here are 3 grades of registered and! "»Almt ,al pedigreed winter 0On Wednesday eývening a miscel- Ul endrso, screar oftheregonmae sre ou et1ha va -grades cof cerýtified seed. Thierýe wheat is1treat ed for disease. Ail reg- 1laneoup shbwer was held in honaur iaçlan eed rowrs'Msocatin et", ~dvses endrson "Ad t e éalso 3 !rades of comii'iercia1 but yeari s guaranteed free of dwart o Miss Shirley Bathgate of 'Bow- jadanSed roer' ssoiaio eý" avies eides ."Adhe- sneyucnt be sure of the iet itrdseed off ered for sale this rmanviiie. The showeýr was heid ini ks pretty ciosely with winter only positive way yoeu have of iyadprt ugs o u ut"h xlis with Mrsi oneWs en h eat breeders of the Ontario -De- taiingte variety you ask for 15 ed.--(1 ee. 11f yu plan to sced He cýoncludîes: "Ac(cordingtola the home of Mrs. R., C. Forrester Irrent of Agriculture. 'Hl job is tobu pedigreed seed (r-egistered orf- u w oin çkan land, then onlyformation f rom one University, thie hostess for the evenig. take the vaieties that'our re- c-tfid.Ail pedigr-eed cereps hv rd.No. 1 of either registered or cost of seed in producing a ço fjT f rchers pro,ýide, then seil farmners been field înspceted by inspectators crtified seed shoid be prhsd"weat is between 8 and 101/, of the' tlrity-five friends Wer Pesn the fact that quaiity seed pays. (if the PlanitiProduiýct Div7ision oef the you plan te sprayý,? 'Y'ou 11î1gh-t use; total crop production cost. It's sound t shower thie bride,-teý-be wt i researchers are righit behind Canada Department cýf Agicultuire. cnmest uchs h s edprier to hier marriage te Mr.Jac. Williams cf Bwmnie, TI' te determine varietal Purity and! And if yerlïýla';hswed n psil so that theic remraining 0 Ater you select the whieat var- thle other grades of registered or o the crop production învestm'en't's couple foliowing their ,niarriage w:,P1 that is reeoinimended for youridnfcao.»f reside lan Orono. Mrs. Meith Westý and famiiy and boiCayiï,,ý,jng at I a cottage ln the Lînd- Mrs. Junior WNest and fami1y are say diqtrict. I'ss Darle -7 R-I g holidays in BowmratKzille with her grandparents, Jr adMrs. !ércy P{ayward". Mr. and -Mrsý'Ernie LDent and fam- ]y have relurned f%;!m their holi- day in the Bruce Peninsula and J. W. Jewell, M'viss Mr Jewell, 1bc-ow-ranvïî!e, Mrs. _A4 x ýWatson, and rs.and rs:Jim Rickaby were jWisitors con Wednesday \with Mvrs;. Heber Souch itL beling her birth- day. M e -(c ~}Uoe v ~:? ~Y J n PRI VERS H Q IIFY F THE (.i L L TL~ If you are acPef.,rve wh go rcod 7a be ablectosave imporant osey OnCyPC X TeHomIn-surneCme~-LeoL~ ag est-has brought oui a brand new at nuac ln Ths is nta"utdw"coverage - it offerms eey mf the~ poetoansevc fr widh iHom po11ilD afre famous.Yet;iCosta uhls ea ~tscfe dol to preferredrSkAS:kPers, ï cibeauise fc t AnLo .wd theprouetof themotmdmmhicadmeos. Ea~in ~~a:' IY r-T ~ay For! SemYur Homins r. a v Maesur7 odntLI.I»i ebytebs 1l1~ranc 9t~u 1.t 1 ~c~c of The H ~ ~ .oext protection tue SoId and Servilced Q' C LYby HOM Etown Canadian ents FOR_______ SEE THE OESRNE COMPANY AGENT YI 0 YIUR TQWNi ~T-TCY~/FU ~f1fý, OUUAPopry roetinsEc,15 l'1 i h-monidSret West, Toronto, Ontario ORONO AGENT - HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE -POE11 Bi Cati wor whe part or] The etyý for,