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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY /fM ES THURSDAVý, AUG~UST 13th, 1959' £5 z BIRTH Mr. n~ rs.A. an den Heuvel are havi~ to anýno ne the birth of thleir "i4 Blak Christopher, on Sunday, -ugust th at the- Memorial Hosita, NOTI CE! Chanige i Milk Delivery start- ing Tues fay, Au--,st 18. M' delivery 1 be approxim ely 6 hours1' ter than it 1has been for the Ist twýo rnonthi Purch e enough oi vondayp, Augusf J7th to las- until the *later elivery on« uesday. Thai king yo for your co- operati n Ce ardale' Dairy Prop. J. C. Taimblyn Local News STREET FAIR FE RE T his coup n and 5 cents entites a child to one ride o the Mlerry. o-Round at tlhe Orono Street air,*Wedn day, August l9th from- 3:00 to :00. Sign thJsc upon or it n'ay be a lucky coupon~ in the ra îfor six prizes. Draw at 6:30 p.m. prior to le Square Dance CG e. titiorn.- Game- S et Dancing, Fun r al. i Wed. gwust 19 Mrs. W. B. Hoar is isiting heri sîster, Mrs. Paul Snodgrass, Roch- oLMr and Mrs. Bruce -Nyles have fl ed to their new horne on Mill s U E Rlglh Street. Clearng ou ~SI1SA L E. and Mrs. J. Canning of Oshawa anMAr. and Mrs. -H. lTerod of Mim- ClaigofalOur Summner Goods Ho Ie also spent several days with 31en cotnShirts in lais, st-ripes or-M ad r.RsStnhuet plan p o 5.5 ale dlft, owfo $.7 ftheir Chinchilla Ranch near Ux- nid.Mr.R Stonehouse t g plin JP t $595 alues h nowfor 3~7 L- ~ brdge Mr Stoehose as reeent M len and Boys Swim Iýrunks, knltted or 1 iy sent several shipments of Chin. elastic material. CoIour red - black - navy Suchila to Engl asme iso to stripe or check. Reg. $2.M' for $1.95 byaou Ara. Alsimnswr GohcBrsire ntto ai yo. K( Mr. and Mrs. M. Brownan Stize 30 -4%>. eulai$n75 or Ci %0 « cToronto.. spet tSunday withl Sie 0-4.Rglr$.5fr 05e ,ir and Mrs. R. Morton anddag 15 Pair Summer Sho I. A r*al bargain. S'na guests with Mr. and Mrs. Size 5 ~8 or 1.5 ;M. H. Staples and familW were Mir. and Mrs. J. Penfound and Mr. and SrpCotnOver BI Use. Size 10 Mrs. Gay of Oshawa and Mr. and yrs. Regular $2.95 for $1. 5 CrladCti. addultr Girls'Chambray Dresses',. Sîze 10 - 2i C- MNr. and Mrs. H. La Vaillant of our mauve - green. reg. $3.9 for $1. Saroouh iitd nsfnayMr.t Shorts with iagçe leg., Côtur hbe Size .:i-.'f and Mlrs. Stevenson returned to Tor- 12 an.d 16. Regular $3.50 for 9, onto with them where the latter Is Mens terry cloth Shirts, lace front Mlue hvn optltetet trùnReglar 3.0 for$1,5 hrs. Maaret Linton is spending trim. Reular$3.0 fo $1.5Mhr hl at aiApsley. oThe Orono -Boy Scouts are SPendI Girs Tops, white with ~-IgIhi week-end camping in the red. Size 7, 8.10. Regular 4e soreqofiBriPotnt, $1.75 for $1.25 ,<othoBrgon rIs broadclo th Tops IN MEMORIA ith Erb. trr flReELLI OTT [n loving remory o forL-, or dearitte girl, nnette Louise $1.00,fo 75e. Colour white0 1 Child's Skort, colour white. Size 6x.- 194tt7. opséwy uus 3 Regular $1.95 for $1.25 We modirn for er in silence Child's Oveýail set with shirt to m atch.o Noescae UJep Reglar$2.5 or 1.3 9But ma iy a ilent tear is shed Reglar$2.5 fr $.3 Whil o ers are asleep. fi 4 Lovingl remembered bymoh, gdad and famiiy.a- LOCAL PLOW MEET- A. r xIstorl ~ tpes(Continued from page 1) ~ ~ Classes are made availabie for al typs0f machinery plows. The drag w Made andSed by siquilBOWMEA&1LLER tyýpe -wàii---do -a -- ha-bttr 'b btit there is-a considerable interest J in the mnounted plows which arel very convenient to move about andI do a very useful service Any good ploIwmren, has a reasonable chance, at tliis -match as classesar made available for beginners. Recommnen-- dations for plowng is an easily un- derstood bookiet avallable frmthel Agricultural offices in our couinies and tells the details of 'Ihis work and what the officiai judge is - ook- ing for as hie scores the land. The Peterborough County matchi will be held at the farm o! Robert Jackson at Peterborough, R. R 6, onl Saturday, Septemiber l2th. Th-is would be a good opportunity for Durhama and Northumiberlandpo- mren to participate iiireaato for their homne event. The powre- mains th-e basic fr mpeetin m(ost, parts of Ontario an:d the event has a plaýe i Agrj;,icultualcivi UNITEDItnoHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Mi n iste r Rev. basil Long UNITED G-IUrtCH SERVICES ORO'lNO ýCIRUT FOwRD-EmDSEL SALI&@ And SERVICE 1 Uscd Cars Our comnple e service arantees year roui-ic drivi g pleasure CAR ËTH MOTORS Re.Ceeil and Mrs. Allun fromi Oakland, Ill., visited Mr. and Mrsi 2Clarence Ailin, Friday. On Sunday! M-r. anid Mrs. C. Aluin, Miss Laura Allin, Oshawa andi Rev. and Mrs.1 Aluin visited at Kirkfield where Rev Affin preachied in the St. .Andrews Presbyterian Church. ,,-ýsitors this week with the Victor' Robinson's were Mr. and MrUs-.R. G.1 Robinson, Windsor and MIr. and Mrm.W. Massie, Toronto.Rbr Robinson returned to Windsor with his Uncle and Aunt for holidays. Mlr. and Mrm Geo. Dunlop andý family, along l-With Mr. and Mrs.i Herman Dunlop and Sharon of Tor-! onito r'etur-ned home last Saturday akte a weeks holiday on Sandyl 1Miss Nancy Forrester, daughter!' of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forrester,' ce'~ ebrated her seventh birthday on1. Tuesday, with a birthday party for her friends at her home. I. Newcastl, NYa LON M Special. First quj ity 7Nyl Hose, dress sheer 1denier full f'ashi ned si s 9 to Il Pr.....49e 6 Pr.....$2.79 Sehool Lino Binders, a collection to ehoose froni. Some at Special Prices. Priced .. 59e to $5.49 Bondex Hot iron tape, mends fabrics the easy way. Assorted shades. Package.............. 15c Extra Special! Children's Sun Suits. Sizes 1 to 3yrs. Regular $ 1.98 and $1749 Clearing price 98e Scissors, 7, inch solid steel, madle in Sheffield England. Price per- pair..........39e Stainless Steel Tablewaremirror polished just wash and dr-y, always clean, -Set. lknif e, fork teaspoon and desseit-spoon. Set for ,. j $1,15 Plastie Pail Govers f r plasticv- er pýails ...35e Fly-Coils, Never-D i. Pkh 5 for ...........15e Special Wire Dish ner '/ rc e. 70c . 5 S Special Chan gFree 100% ',Nà cdo family size C Sregular price o SSAVE TIME ORONO paste wax, 1 lb. tin. . 59e 2 for $1.15 dlon Blair Brush with purchase lolgate Dental Cream. Ai foi' I )f.................8 9c SERVE YOIJRS EU 5c, TO $1.00 STORE ORONO TINSHOP AL KINDS 0F SHmEET METAL AND Pluutblng Suppi es BRANDRAM-HENDERSON PAINTS. FOR ALI PtJRPOSES OPEN DAILY 8~O0a.m ta5.30 p.m CLOSED WLm. P.Mý Opein Fr1 o9 .n Phone, 3251 Orono

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