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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 7

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AdtMue, Inimates of the Drug Addiction clinic at Mimico eomtr are rio longer addictad. Thiei~r systemis no longer cry out for the relief and sensa of welibeing brought on by an injection or "fix" af narcotics. But most wivil return ta the habit sonner or later. They no longer need narcotics because they have- been through the "withdirawal" periad, ani agonizing- period. where, cde- prïved of drugs, they sufer uni- toled anguish as their systems ha- came aldj'ustad ta a normial pat- tern. Once thîs stage is past the addict becamnes an ex-addict and hie is physically able ta function ,withouit the use of narcotics. To keep themn fromr returning~ ta drug-s once they are released ia almost impossible task of the staff of the Drug Addiction Clinic. Said clinic psychologist George Duce, "They 'have no- where ta go once tliey are out but back ta their 'old hauints, whicl iînvariably are breeding grounids for' addicts, prastitutes and others who contributed ta their addiction in the first place, Edward Maxted, clinic rehabi- litation offlicer said in order ta stop the ax-addict from ratumn- ing ta. his former ways w-,as to transplant him to an entirely dif- féent envi'ronm-ent. "If we can convince him not toa assciate with the element responsible for bis addiction in the first place", lia said, ha lias a fair chance cf nbstaining_". Pointing ta a file of cards on his deskc, two inclies thick, ha said, "Thera are 80 imnmates who have been treated hera and 1 know wvhare they are and what they are doing in case tliey need help." When hie contacts a prosý- pective employer directly, lie ex- PIained, he lanives it up taele inmiate ta decide whther or nat the employer should be told of' the inmate's addiction. "Thosa convîcted and seint lierac f or addiction, psychologist George Luce said, resenit the law 1 interfarring, tliey can't see they're hurting anyona b t theniselves and thinkl it uiijust." Tiey objeet ta baingy sent ta jail,"'lha said, "for sticking a needie in thair arm." Treatment at the clinie is p_-ri- marily educational, hie said, ta point out by lectures and films the physicai and mental detarior- atian accoampanying narcotic ad- diction. Sadatives and tranquil-i izers are administerad discreet- ly, lie said, sinca once addicted ta. one drug an inmate looks for a comparative rasuit in another. Narcotcs, hie expilainad, dapress thie nervous system and cut off alarm reaction and an addict can lie seriously ii without reahiz- ing it. -Ocetpational tlierapy pînys a large .part in making an inmnate fela i hé îcapable of samnething wvortiwhila. Said aacupational tlierapist Patr.icia Fisher," Thîs îs permissive traatment, wa don t try and telli tlam what ta do," but mnake the facilities aviýîlabia to tliam taý build things, paint, do- capper and aluminum 'etch-j ing and other crafts hoping thay'll discovar tliey can do sýomething that will halp theim abstain from narcotics, Drug addicts can no more ba eured tlian alcoliolics, M. Luce s aie, thare are periods of ab- otinence, but once the' fatal first stap is taken again thay are back wa,,reethey were in the first placa Rahabilitation progi am whicli wiil keep jamiates away fr1om riarcoticti after they ara released - Is the aim of thie clnie, ha said, but the co-oparation of the, ad- dicts tham-saives is nacassary. They hav &teraiziit la not tha respolnsibilty of tic publie or the law ta keep tiami away About Thot Third Major League s .ven ,vith the approach of the second Al-Star Gamne at Las Angeles and the remnarkably close moajor pennant races, balj players were focusing mutch of their attenfîio on ew Yorkýer William7 Shea's proposed Con- tiniental League, a third rnajur, There were so myany qu4estions unianswered, so many problemns for which there seenied oniy te- ken solution, a tnajority of onl- lookers were a bit bewildered by it ahl. The Shea group was confident that nothing would stand in the way of 1961 operation, but outý- siders mnerely shook their heads and wjondered. At today's priçes, could such. a mountainous ad- venture mesh smaoothly and, suc- cessfully in iess ihan two-yearsi Menm who understood the prob- lemns of major baseball doubted! Off icials of the National and Ame1rican Leagues did not ques- tion Shea's right ta an ambitious third circuit operation. They simply f elt that he had no idea. what he w.,ras getting into, how much .would hiive to bc, done be- fore a Continental League open- Ing. Mo1st questions 'at this timne are questions of the ignoraxnt, beciuse only Shea, his associ- ates ind advisers actually kno-w the answers, or iff there can be answers. But from a distance tfiere are things you have to poînderiHere are a few of thern: The Çontinental League keeps insisting that the present major., wilhelp with th)e player prob- lemn, passing surplus on ta the new circuit. But how wviil theý inWýportant pension plan be af- fected? Can the expensive pen- sion system ha broadenied ta in- clude the Continental? If flot, wý:ill players now iii the Naý- tional and A-erican Leagues want ta mnove~ into . the thirdl leangiue? The Shiea aroup has suggested as I u.nerýtand it, that it wi)U, fight any opposition by the pre- cent majors, WIil fight with wvhat? If the case were takcen ta a congressional level, ail mf basebai'i would be affected b:y an unfavourable ruling, includ- i n g the Continental Leagueý writes Rurail in the Christian Science Monitor. Are cities like l , ouston and Minneapolis and, New York go- in1g ta pay mnajor admission from naarcoÜtis tlTey have to want ta abstain or ail the rebiabilita- tion traatmnent is -wasted, lie adèled TWINSIES IN VEGAS - Jusi relcixirig near ua pool, showgirl twins Con-niaý, left, and Baninie Stinis get the reseniblance noted in Las ýVeqas. prices 'for wa is obviousiya mninor product? One need~s only tour the, American Leaguïe and take a close look at this Stirring flag battle involving the Indians anid White Sox - to chck ,sanie of thle key players in this struggle - ta faMiliariZe himseif with the Man-power Situation in base- bal today, Castoffs a-re becomning big, ,jmen in, such places as Cleve- land, Chicago and Mtaka This is a f ar greater polm it s ee ms ta me, than third league fathers think, or if thay eaize it hey are ignoring t Acc.rdîng ta quotes picked up here and there, they shrug of f the personnel m at t er as ro problem aýt al. But it is. It hasý ta be. Continental backersinsist they ,ire not interested in miakirg rnoney. They talk only as ,ports- men &ncd sportswomen interest- cd in bropdening the profession- ai basebýall map. If this is triue they wil l be rare indeed ini the modem nsports world. Even if threy are flot linteres- cd in profits, how long wilthey accept staZggring costs a 1 c losses? If thre present Majors have been wvrecking the structure of mninor league basabali for years,. slowýly but surely elimninating the mraj or source of player mna- terial, what jill an aven broad- er Mar) do ta thie gamne's in'- bator? This Continental League -ver- ture is ather backed by tre courage of Vikings or the most uninformad in the history of the national 'pastima. Onfly tima cen daecide which. How Cani 1?e By Anine Ashle'y Q.How can 1 erad icate poÎson( A. Mix threa paunds of comi- mon table saIt uin one gallon of scaapy water; and pour around the plants. Give tvo ttreatmnents. Q. How cau I wash 011 paint- likgs? A. Use tapid soapsuds made of white soap. Rinse with clear wa- tar and then dry very thorough- Iy wvith a soft E1ntless cloth. Q. What klnad of spray is best for rididing the house of roaches? .A. About the best insecticide la chlor-dane. Use it as a two per cenit oul or water spray, or a4s fîve Per cent powdar. For bes resuits, a; combination of thie two îs rmoat effective. Q. How fani 1overcome Utcth snnoylng tiaking of the bedroom elock? A. Caver it with a glass bow7,l of some kind, It can then be ïean without baing heard. Q. How ean I deal with iiqueaklug pedals on ray piano? A. If the frictioilsaoccurring batween wood, and wood or nme- tal, squirt somie powdered gr- phite batween the two parts; If bath surfaces are of mata,ue agood lubricating aoil ised Q. How can 1 freshenl bread ti'at lias become dry or stale? A. Wrap the loaf ila a daMp, clti, and beat it in a slow avený for 15 or 20 minutes. Q.How cati Iavold the samoke odour that usuially results when 1 use grease te mnake pancaýkes?1 A. Rub the griddle with a amali clotli bag fillled wthsait. No grease will tieni be needed. Or, fold a strlp of bacon over two or three timea and ru.b l'liesurface witln that ta glve the griddle a thin foating oý-f gre ase.- i CLASS1FUED ADVERTJSIN& EARN Caýýf in your spare Time.Jus shIow yeur frienda aur Christmas anid AU-O(;ccasiûonGreeting Garda (inciucilngý Religiousl IStattonerv Gifa. Wite for samples clnilCard Lut 4119 B QUCC13 East To) 2 JOKE CARDS SEfND 25ý in cofinfor, your package of 15, assorted card, Mpore ,Prlntinig. 133 'Me- St Tonto 13, Ont. BABY CHICKS BRlAT St'arted Pullets Prompt shipmnent. Ask for list an Amnes. Time to order Septmhe-Octberbroilers. See your local agent, or write BrayHthey 12,1 John North, Hamllton, Ont. DON'T miss ttiese starteti chick bar. gainýs. Thiey are moing out fast. A"il Ssubject ta prior- sale. Pullets - one wveek Light Stissex, Barred Rock, Columbian Rock, Jersey WVhite Giants, Rhod Islnd ed - S2895 per huni- LEARN towed No timre it, Day or eveniing. A.R.C. School of Wýeldhtg, John St '. at Gare, 011an Ot, JA, 9. 74*27 JA.ý 7-968ï. MEDiCAL NATURE'S HELP -- DIXQN'S PEÏMEDY FOR RHEUMAATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. THOUSANOS PRAiSINO IT. MýlUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN 01TTAWA *1.25 Express CoIlect. POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE ss SLEEP ARD RalIEVE ERVOUSNESS ~ua~îrTO-MORIOW SEDICIN gbtts ake ccordhig q diretion 1, sof wayQto nductsle TrEACHERÇ W, rAL teacherf seem Sentl 2~61 des 1 t d salai-, e', seers-4.. Joachla, Lji TWEDDLE Ci BERGUS AGED coui General Stoi stock living, t erma . lhm mostIv cs MA R V E 358 44A 72 CAMPING EQUÎPMENT FOR SALE AND RENTAI. ONEi minute ta set up. ten ibs. fa pull. sleeps five. large lugg1age conart.- ment. The Idealcs in unit. Helilte camping Traillers A. B. -C. Sales & RentpIs. 8Pl ihwy Stratbrov Plione il117W EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUMITIES , PM 14ER8 FOR SAVE Fl ether fae, us for Brannan, r UR PARM AIALS NUTRIA MID-StJMMER Special - Gr"enlanids, Champagnes, 5l1vers. Because 1 do an w7ork here, no plush office or travel- lers expenses, 1 can off er you stoek Mf high quality at reâsonable prîces. Gar- ments and pelts on disnlay. Boemyý. view Fur Farm, 'R.R. 1, KinaL Ontarlo. OIJINEA PG "YiOUNG Guinea pig breeders for sale. $2.50 a pair Guide book 25ýt. Larry Wntaia:' 133 Shns Rond, Kitchener, INSTRUCTION p .H GRADE$ 1-2 25 pel, cliassroom. nas, with %100e0t erience up to eixperience and niame of tho last ,AN, SUC.-TRUAt ONNELL. ONT'ARIO LITTUCI - Secret Service ehlêf U. e. Baoghmon, hold fcn.41ke gorne of the Cou nterfelî U.s. Treasury checksgeized when e half-mïlli.on-dollar r1ckét woe N N N N N j-, N N N N 'N N N N N -j N N N N N s N N N N 'j N N N N N N N N N N N -'v -N N j- N N N N N -j N N N s -j N N N N -j

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