- -~ -~ s ORONO WEEKLy -JIMES THUR$D)AV, AUGUST 13thl, 1959 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Founder. R. A. For rester Publisher_ R. C. Prrester LIGHT RAFTS CAN MEAN DEATH AS WELL AS FUN Followingý another drowning of a child who floated out of his depth on a plastic raf t at Wasaga Beach, a Stayner coroner ,4aid hevould like to see police put a bullet into every sucb raft. Th(, proincial police officer who testified agreed with the mnagis- trate. a- d wishied that the law permitted him to do so. Putting bullets into the rafts would be no týlution at ail, as the ra 'istrate ýwould undoubtedly agree i a calmer moment. The rafts cai be dangerous, but so ca'n ail the other tbfr.gs o'n which people1ý of il ages float about on the %vater-including boats. Te deg-ree ýDf danger depends on, their use., The fact is that parents who permit small children to play with gadgets that could be dangerous without proper supervision aeinviting disaster. The responsibility of the parents in such cases iF, indeed heavy. Rubber ai-d plastic rafts-and devïcesý used as r-afts, such as air mattresses-are fun in the water. put they can be -langerons even to gr'ownups. Tw,ýo young men diowned in Lake Michigan .,a few days ago). They floated out on a rubber raft and were- driPven jarther but by the wind, which appýrently was too stironrg for them to paddle the light craft back to shore. If a stiff wind is blowingi. off shore, it îs obviously foolhardy to venture out where the wind can pusli the raft with grim speed iway from safety. Somne rubber rafts are used by f ishermen, but any expez$.ý ence<d ishermnan has a light anchor r,ýady to drop in case -the wind begins to p;ay tricks withhis -raft. If aduits cannot handle the rafts in a wind, 'oertainly a cýhild cannot, and parents should realize this. When they permit their thildren to, play with the rafts or mattresses or tubes in the water, they should make sure that there~ is proper supervision, Properly handled, the rafts are fun. It 18 up to the parents to mdke sure that (,he fun does not turu to tragery. w' -y i Letter 1o The Edji August Mr. Roy Forrester, PuMlisher, Orono Weekly Times, Orono, Ontario. tor 1 th, 1959 Dear Roy:! I mnust compliment yo!u on yýouris recenit edfitorial entitled "isn the Boat."' The tonrist indus;try, as.wYOu and1 I know, is an important factor in the ecoaomy of this area. Only by .con-mmunities taking their own iî- tiatiy-e andi using facilities which fiitô ave to promnote this li- ,instrv nan they then hope to bene- fit. to first pick up the ball, and its 'up to the citizens olf that comymunity to f olloW up and assist with the work. congratulations on Yov,eitorial whieh sbould help to ema e lnterest ln your village A! Orono ai district. Yours veryýtrt11y, Lak. O;r4p oDevelfpmetlt Associ- for Jus te.. OL4AS5ITIEU SEC IIU The unÈIrsig4ed flas ceove structions frox* Milton Tm n Lot 26, Con-. 5, JLIarke Tws mile north off o-no o)fi HwINay !15, to seil ýbY ublic audtio at 1:00ý) A. R MeKENZIE, M.D. PHY91CIAN and SURGEON r Office Hours .00 to4:00 p.m. 700 t8:O00PJU Saturdays and Wednesdays by, appointmeflts only inry epd, atr LIVESTOCK SALE I Plan to atf dti i seey The undersigned bas receivedin tbing offere orse s i -istruc-tions fr0 te xcuos th1 lent ctondition.1 estate Of the 1 te eil Moffat to sel Tem as.oreserVe. by public auc i on on 'Tuesday even- j. Reid, Auctioneer ing, August 1kh at 7 p.m. at bis late jesidjence, to 20, Concession 4 C AD0OF THANKS ýClarke. 2 miles east of Orono the faiy-wis tKetNd h er-cw jutaen ied 11 ya Mr.andrs.WiliamHon and following vaaelivestoc fea 1t ir to a nd prc a fr te 7 cows ^w htlalves f oot; 3 act~~~ of km~xs ese !sm tes a ate 1 Istein heifer darly bel n, sn. Wes, pe n; hÏ-hony jl orroremedgs171 orp..tf C nt a c m ej j Phoe 9l Uoimo Foundatiofls and Soe Tank S poured. Fernis avalable IThe RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY phone TU 5-5216 P.Q. Box 62 port Hope, Ont. "Buy Direct and Save Commiissions' MonumntsGravestofles, Engraving, GC dlefin \ \ teggs electiccly This is only ONE examiple of the economy you, enjoy when you use electricity. In ,ermns of electrie energy, a cent will buy a lot-a lot of comifort, convenience, timne- saving effiiency, and a lot of entertain- mYent, too. Here are three of the many bargils you can enjoy with just one cent's worth of electric't. * Washi two loads of clothes in an auto- mtewasher * Watch TV for 4l/2 hours * Keep food fresh In an electrie refrigera- tor for 17 houri You, get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. *Baýeo on avercage cost wo Iomestin municipal e u.,toinersin Ontario, lave You mIu@ugIi aPirotect ypurselif and yotr farnily aga(nst tosu y bavinq 'Adequât Leomo je Iflur-, j) eoo Disquss yo r requir- UIACE IS f PsLIs N.. ORE flamiltus luisirance Se«vice Saile Hamiltoni Every class of Insur- anc-e is represented in our office. The follow- ing are sume of the main coverages we can Offer: AutmobleLife, Accident and sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Pire, Burglary, Hosplgtalizatiofi, Livestock, BolIer, Wind, Polio, Hail, Fidelity Bonds etc. -4 -t- J i -s '---1 --t DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON LawreméeC. C as..,LÀ Barrigter and Solicitor BOWMANVILL.E, ON1«. Phones: Off k. MA 1-56" Home MA 3-593 iW. LAY LYCETT, B.A. 34rrhIte -Solicitoe In the 0f fices of R.R. WaddeII Q.C. MAIN ST,. 9R0NO Firiday 7 p..i.-la p.m Saturdey 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Teeioe138 Orono JACK REID Auictioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consit me for tenus and dates TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales ef ail sbn» and at reasonable raes Communicaie with him et Port Perme~ Ontario, or see his Clork, A. IL Morton at Orono for date. LùIEINSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Pofldh.z Protection and Savings Plans fer ChFldren and Aduits: Mer#gago lu.' surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT Orono, Ont. - Phono 1171 ) Typwriters Remington Portables 4 Modelp. Fre, dem*nMrall.. At $1.0 down and $1.00 a w.mk.- Up f0 28% off o" demnonstrators.~ OSHAWA BUSINESS MAC4114S 329 Simc*o Se. S. Phcon RA 8121 p p Evt ig r9 STAFFORD BRO&. Illaue"taIW.rks Phone Whitby 552 318 Oundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS nlfied monument over the rest- Iing place of your Ioved ones. It's flot expensive. And %Wnhi this last tribute will give you endiess comfort. Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimiates APELIANCE SALES Pro -il, and Guaranteed R.air- f. a1 ,cdf Elecrical Eujn~' and Appliainces ~ ~os -Wter 4t* i. ~Io~ .Stoves .à 4- q -~ i a- a serving q =e= 1 PHONÉ 1471 1 OROMO IÎ Phone. 10616 oro», Ole 1 orone Phone 5 r 18 1 ý f -