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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Sep 1959, p. 3

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- - T 0 soci Mn Mvemor ial 1Hospital Septe mber 16,15. a=io o i Thursday, September 24,eh -~Fr-dlay Septembe'r 2 5th a, D Y St ur da Y, Septem..ber 26th G"ÎECK iTHE FUODS! - C4EÏCX THE BRANOS! - CE<THE PR.ES »,ST puy! - QUICK r-00ING 1A-ox. Tîns JNIBLETS COR 6 for $È. BST BUV[ - NEINZ COMPLETE ASSORTNIENT 5-oz. Tins IBBY FOODS-> Iuu o IBEST.CiUY' - QUICK, EASY TO PREPARE MEAL I 5-oi. Tins Pt PAGsmH TI. Catklid foir$I FATURE! Libýh's Pumpkin Pie - aîl Season Favourite FEATURE' Deep Browned IS-oz. Tinis 1PUMPKIN 8 for $1 Libhy'-s Beans6 fr'$t [E fo SiinsFE-ATURE! Red & White Evaporated SOUP fori ik 8 tail tins $1 ~VIRGAlNEFEATURE! Lowniey's Angeýtus CeIIo bags tFi TURE! MONARCIL 1 Lb, Pkgs. Marshmrallows 3 for $1 MAR ARNE 4 S I FEATLJRE! King's Choice 28-oz Tin, FEATURE! RED. P. WHITE ASSORTED JE.LV Tomatoes 5 £-or-$1 ï ý PovvbERS 12~ for S$I Libby's Fruit 15-oz. T1na FEATURE! ALL. POPULAR BRANDS Cocktail for2$ OIGA ETTE S 1GoId Reef Sliced 2oz. Tin CIAR TT S 3pigs " Pineapple 4 for $1 ,FEAT'WRE! FANCY QUALITY Ili-oz Tins Busikrg rn ïi'LI8BY'$ P.EAS 6 foir SI BSrnes, 1fo$ FS,î)N-RTOJ SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED Maish Carro0ts 'U BCO1 SWIFT'S PREMIUM CEL.LO PACKED FstGrade fo i c EINERS ','oz ~20 oz cello 3 u9"O SWiFT'S PREMIUM SKINLESS BREAKFAST DELICIOUS MeINTOSHI 1 Red Apples Rd&wi,: DIýr ausCmton Offer! Crisp, Cee Cradef 6 quartIasket 59C ail JO AE,1IG BEEF OR IRISH j YU AV NTHNG York Stews 1 5 oz tin 4 for $1 TREESWEET - L-arge 48-oz, Tinsg ~ UT CASH, Grapefruit Juice 3 for $1g Accot ~6103.W ' to har Canadl aonithly meeting hield on atppro-cved for -Augst-ý ar [s year is $237-28.O iditure to-date fhis yéï 1ni ar eve yugmnw Uic v1rsîtyu rad-t 1 Hadbudgeýted for income o! wh ae andin nierit gac-$2009,5,.00 aa xpndttre of uates. $2u92 , hich would have giveni - - surplus of $10138.00. Reasoni for ac- NM Ms. Kenn edy introduaced' the ta upu en ni ugei fjguest speaker, Mr-s. DM. "C.Fishier, -a xra-frihng a ob ~ pres 4den t o he Osha wla P e b - prchased due o increase in pa-ý Sterîial, whib are a group of womnen l ent days. - 'mhohve'1 for their objective the ~Mnh 11cbeniefi of tCe womnen and eilidreni, ~ o th wold.Mrs Fiher ~inatve June, Jufly, Aug. 1958 1959, ,4o New Brunswick and graduate of disin 608 609:, UnTýited Church training slŽhooLli a. Ja broad iewÉ of missionis Iingene-rai i'tS16 3 anid gave an ouitline o-f Lhe boo)k 4 J Africa Disturbed" writ-ttent by Dr. aientdas 92 amd Mrs. Ross, wh dkdasiJAverage no0. of patients umllSIOnaýries ini the Belgian Cungo. t daily 413.9 53.6 and partieularly Crsta ity, ! Operations înciuding elianging\ the Continen it o! frif,-ca emergencies det 696 628 ;ýtic vryrapidly. The mrovemient o!' - (hýsis 'd ndeI not hav- l ttlliber-atioi has beoun and can-' ing beds) i not b held , . h speaker Iisted Outpatients Visits 692 716P four items ilhat~ have to be deait1 w~h dcatio i, -1the Christian r Wilkins stated that at the f -Churchi, the race prejudice problemi Airerican Hj-ospital Convention in Y f and comnmunication.On way of comuncatonis by any ýthought or kîndness that we cap do. Mrs. ~ Fisher is veIry înterestedI in youngý of 'C.G.I.T. girl!s at iewate A AriaDistuirbed"-I' is reco)m-nen as a special stUl dyothe er.- Mrs. .Wm.Ronsnf Orono ad- dressed the meeting and stated that it isn't by size that you win or ýycu fail, but by being the best of EA IEN FL Yhaevr 1! uar'e. . i q T '"U1'Nru% It was agreed to give $100 to heip tow,ýards the repairs and decoration 0" the church, after being broughit to thec attention of the mneeting. Rev. R. C. White £losed the meet- ing with prayer alte-r which a soci- al time was spent durine refresh- ments. A vote of thankcs was given to Mrs, Chas Thomspon on behal! of the assembly, and to Mrs. Fisher for her fine address. -Alrg attendance fied thel aliidi United Church for die 1re-i peîgand r7e-dedication after be-1 Ping closed f'or repairs. Rev. R. C. Whit thakedail who h lad worked SO subard iin making the churchi readyi foi-, the service. Rev. Johin Smnith,! peyî.rformed the re-dedication andO orsdn f itheOshawa Presbytery said hîe f elt honour-ed to be able ta bje with us for this service. TI-e, i'ýeautiIul flowers added to the ap-i pearance of thie newl,-y de-oraïtedll cuc.The music by !the Audley- male choir was very, much appre-' MNrs. Loîthouse andi family o! Thonto'sCorners, Mrs. corniïsh,1 Mir. Jack Cornish and MssWite of Port Hope wxere supper guests with Mý,iss Catherîne Stewart. LESKARD "NEWS Mr.Robert Chater, Mrs Anigus3 Locsand Peter attended the D7rma Festival at Stratford -on Thursday. 1Mr. and Mrs. L. Walker, Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Vaughn1 Mlr. Roy Thmpson returnedt froiim Memorîai Hospital, Bowmanvile oit Tuesday anIC s 1powl conivaleseing at~ Mr. and l Mrs, -Art Yo)unýgan Michulael, Tor'onto spentl the weekend wýith Mr.and r. C.Matn M wh'iael is Splen1dingO this week wlth Mi- Ang-us Loucks is ilitiltha Virus ifcin Mrs. N. Bradshaw, OshIawai visitin)g witb rs Leroy Hlamilton, NO RTHUM BER LAN D (Continue4 from page Communtjjjjty Club; Sharon Rita Mlvondriaa-n and Myrn from York Road Club in Ea umberand~Distrïct -Sil oi Eimview and Audrey an Prentlice and Patsy R4ley of the Grafton club, Mý!rs. John ýiWhitehouse secretary- of East Northumberland D)istr-ict: W.I. and also of the North- umeladSëlholârshii!p Cômmiittee mradie the presentaitiohis an-d 'ýpoke words of ecugoext t he'gil 'l'le Fail and Winter projeet- wil be Drsngup fEome Grown Veg- etables" fo)r hich Tr:ainiing Shhbol for Leaders wiIll -be held in the B"Pard omof cthe 'DepLartýu.nt of Agricul u ral ofiein Bh oi October 20th and 2st. ThIe ploct cho1sen for nlext Spurng and Sunýmer New York ,it was stal tliaht the Chroie 111 should be cared for in a hoGspital and fllot in a Rest Hèmne. l hias been léarned that the nos- pita1 tIoard lha- made arrangements writh Architects to 'omnethe plans for Nhe inew addition and that [lhe Board should be ready ïo eall for tenders in March of thiis coming year. INDS AND FOI(ESTS CLEARLY MARKED "TENDER ON SURiPLUIS BUILDINGS" j WILL BE RECEIVED BV. THE DISTRICT FORSTER, DE- PARTMENT 0F LANDS AND FÔRESTS, LINtDSAY, UNTIL 12:00 NOON, FR1DAY, OCTOBER 9TH-, 1959. A denosit of $2500.must accompany eacli tender. Deposit wili be returned on unsuccessful tenders. Buildings may be inspeoted upon request by arrangfeent with the Suoerintendent, Presqu'ile Provincial Park. Brighton, or Foreman, Ser-oent Nlounds Provincial Park, Keene, Onitario,. Tender forms anl conditionis of sale respecting nine cot- tages and six other f rame bu;ldings at Prlesqu'iIe Provihelal Park, and'one cottage and one other frame buildingq at Serpenit Mounds Provincial Park, miay be obtained f rom Department of Lands and FoetLindsay, or Park Office. THE HIGHEST or a#iy tender not necessarily acceptedf. Forests, . R. Wi'son, District Forester. N N N N N N. N N N. NI N N -t-. N N N N N N '1~ N N N N 'I N N N N N N N N N.- N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N -N N 'N N N N s> N N N N N N N N s N 'N N s> s s N 's -s' N .5 's N --s N NI s 's ROYAL Bowm anvîlle MA. 3-5589 THIS THURS. TG SA?. - SEPT. :24-26 CARY MARIA KMR COOPER -9CNI..LMAWE£N TEC«HCOLo NQhwdogBEN PMAOZAA Bmà aP"oôtonom WARNEItBR0 Two cmplee shws a 7 &d 9:5 pým. MtneSaýturday at 2 p.m. NEXT MON. TC WED. SEPT. 28.3o "'Horrors ofuh ..lack Musetipu" in color, aiso 'The Headgless Ghosit' Adult Entertamnment "TIuseum" at 7 and ?745 "IIS"at 8:35

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