clothes a-:re a alisgrace. "The place we live in has no ,conveniences, but I. do mny best ta keep it ainti niyself neat. 1 ani flot well enougli to hold a job; just doing housework antci cook- ing exha,ýus-ts mie. I want a nice homie and bett-ar living. I ike (,ta dance anl play cards, seec my friends andihaetheni in. He doesn't enjoy people.,lhe o wants a place tae ea± andi slee.p. Satujrdays he ta',kes mne ta the grocery store, and that's ail! We hiaven-'t even anything left ta talk about, an-d if 1. discuSs thefuur (or the present) L-e just shuts up I'Before we mnarried he was wonderful ýom-Pany'ý; vwe had goodtiûmý, and I neyer dreamnet thley wouldn't last . . , 1 let hlm bave bis way in every thing, but hýe is crrnky and hard ta please. I've begg,,ed .hlm ta hage IVe even cried, but he is too stub- bora. Haive you anyides 1 'arn s- ISCOtURACGEDl ~'Yeu are disappointed, in your marriag-e. Your hiusbancl has lest *thie glamror -,ou Once saw,, in ~ ifor you holti bini t'es- ~'ponsible for your discontent. *How d c 'ou suppose he (-an *keep on tryinIg la the face of s3 *many disappintments if be *feels your dissatîsf action" He *must finti newi faith in himoself, *andti tat faith musLIt corne ffr Syou. ~'Put asicle yojur own f eelings, Sandi attack the job aheati. Praise *youI husband for his efforts ta *fi-nt work and, when lie f ails, *remint i hlm that toinorrow will *be different. Other brides have Sknown bard timàes, ut tiey e- didn't sit down anti ery for Il the liappier yestertiays;tle *painteti a smile on their ips 1 andi in their voice, they comn- Two-lin-One Style a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a s- St a a a a- a a 'r a *forteti their husbands when *they Came home empty-ht-anýdedt, *andt ley $0 inspireti their men *that tbey "spit on their banis * anti took a fresh I at on the * opeYe SYour hushanti neetis you as * le neyer needeti you before. SLet hnm see that you stand *shoutlder -ta -shlder7, sh ar- iag lis bad luck as you s shreti better tiays, anti that *your faith in hlmn is reneweti *every morning. if he is ta do Shis best in these dark tinies, *he noedts bis spirit refresheti *anti bis confidence restoreti. *Don't ]et a single day pass *without s h owi ng your af- *fection (in wvortis, tao) anti *sent inhlmoff vwith wvings on * is feet andi a heart that y1ou have f leti with fresb courage. * Wben a ma3n knows bis xf e *belives in hlm. miracles can *happen. MARRIAGE DISAPPOINTS "Dear Anne Hi.rst: We've not been marrieti six miontha,: anti my hiusbaniiàis, PI'm afraiti, just plain selfis,,h. He neveýr takes mie aniywh-ïere unless 1 heg him o; we useti ta d-ance once a week regularly anti Ive asked bîm ta keep Wha up, but lie won't. He goes alone, however, wýhene1ýver lie feels ike it. "Ail mny frientis ask hlm about me anti wonder wby lin not witb hlm. I an ashamedt t tell them.ý He excuses blmself by saying he1C doest't wanit any other man ta look et me! 1 dani't see how 1 can live like this ucli longer. 1 think l'mn ging ta bave a baby, and if tha l true I shan-'t lie able ta go anywbere. -I bave hati iTany hint f romi your column, andt Iait you for themnow.Pleaqse tell we wbat ta do. EDITB" * Your husband is bîngplan *1s sjin unflt taking you out. *l 11mko-ws you love dancing u nd people, ant ihe hides you *as thou-,Iih lievere ashamred ta *be seen wvith you. That isn't V fI nor 1isitkinti. *The happiest marriages aie *between twaý people wbo are Sso thoughtful of each ather *that theyplan the othems bp- *piness aheati, anti finti heir *ownl joy in giving sucli plea- sure. 'jour hushanti is îýobbinig *himself as wel as you anti, if *e lieilI pracce the above ides, *he will sooin finti how wllit *pays off. These are the days *-1lie shouletiIndulge you, while *you are able ta ge about. Ask *him ta reati this today, ani *think aýbo)ut it. If nisfïortuln2 has atckdyoUr mlarriage, stnd by yaur m1-an. Hec dcpenlds On you ow as he neyver tit bef9re5 ant111he tokýs ta youj fo)r comlfort a-na hope . . . Anne - i_ Hfirst Stands reaiy ta c ýheer yanu onl. Write her aid Box 1 1,l2 Eigtee~thSt, New Toronto. M1odem E-queiu Q. s i- onsdertirude not ta Iook at a perspn auIl uring- the time lie or sCe istakg A. Yuaee-ett aso aýttentio)n, ta h lie is sa- ing yIoakin, at hîm --but, oa, coreîhis tiae ot baveta le Q.If you have eetanei a aut-f-twn gestanti halve re,- tu reply? A. Th1is wu le rmuclibt Your SgUestwill aPPreCiat_' ierigthat yau, too, CejOyeýd the visit,' an'dti tatyo ar lck ing forawrd ta seeing lier again Q. Is it praper for a girl ta light a mian's cigarette for hii? A. Yes, if she bas just lighlteti bei1 own aniher match is stil burning or ber liglter is avait- FASHIONS FOR THE BLIND - Sigh'less Baýrbaria Card models a dress ait a fcshion show,, for the blind. Anoth-er blind memberý of the audience, Miss Ethel Miller touche.-,heýr clothing asi show dire-ctor Richard Bockwel! stands by. Chain ;n model's hcind lecids tIo her seeing-eýye dog. 4~ ~wq~dtùxeP. Cte-1,^ce It must bave been the heatd . what else woid make mie do wbat I titi? My usuel invi- tation came along from the C.N.E. - -for Press anti Radio Day. Toa bot ta go, I tboughr. Anti then - but it woni't lie sny latter there than biere. Sa 1 took the mîdi-mairning bus,_ pre- cated my pass at the gatesý. TIc man toak it, loa'keti at it, loolçed at nme anti then .-"Lady," le saiti, "this is't afly goodte ta u, totiay shoulti bavecoi yeserday!" 11e mes riglit - there it was in the top rigbt- hanti corner 'Thurstiay, Auguat 27'. Why ha-dn't I noticetWeJl, until this year Press Day badc alasbeen on11a Friday 50 I jus, jumiipedti t conclusions. B,'ý- sides lthat the invitation carti wýas wo(rded tifferently - a dit- ference theit probably sav-e ttc management qiuite a l ot ati money. Tire cards applieti ta ny dlay - saite Icblenks lad i bca filletiinbyhantiwihthe l nme ant iidat for their pu(ýrentton We1,It'houlglt, Fim here so. I myas uwell Ithe mot f my tiay. My firt tnp was ta se-,tI fltlaaiïdetroyrs yig anchor in the bay. The, werc slighly shroutid in mint whica somdow atdt[otatheire- tracutivoness - >ýey ghosts ion the vater. TU re is somieting ablout slips at ses - or boats on th-ebe stirs t%, eoonliination.lIcent desribe it .. it is something you ceep!-coryou don!t feel. They reso rmeny [thing-s - eu- tere, protec-tive and m. iagnifi - cent. Mavb my îfeelings go ba-ck ta eenlyebilîtihooti wben it ai was"stres oa i iese" that-asit11maY the boat hat more 'ý-fascinat[ion for methanýi the planes ninclýlI'ea-r weepons1 that were on dosle. Presently I Ieftthe water - front la search ofa iiplce ta ent - cool anti nettah owd- ecl. At tfic Exhibition . -. . whatq a hoe!Yo iglit he surpriseti,. as I ws. I tounti a new pla,,-e in te lManufcturrs'Buiding. Air-candtioneti, gooti footi gooti service, aveloking thelake anti no(t tuo en.crwd - probably lie- caurse imeaslhua-itnrg fouit have not y-et discovereti its where- abouts. I thouglit it was quite a finatidt came out restet ai-i re- freshet, ready ta visit the ex- bibits la the Queen Elizabeth Building. But there mny enthu- siasm soon gave out anti I beat- ed 'for the Fashion Shov w were it wss cool, comiortable anti easy on the feet, There was anc delîgbtfufl Ittie number tliat 1 tboroughly enijoyeti - a Jap- anlese chiId-ea's teaparty, The lighting, costumes ýantci cbarac- t erization wvere delghtfui. Tbien came the teaý where 1 met severai people 1 knew. ý(I hati lid mi Car'! changeti at the emecutive office). MWy nex,,t trip was ta the Elec trical Building, andtihe~ oo Show - by Auto-train. 1 want- cd ta sec wliat was ne-w in car,, anti radias. 'Se don't want to t ine a ur pres.ent car but vou neyer knaw . We like ta shor; arount aywy just -n case. By that ,[time 1Iuvas reatiy ta cal it a day andt toak a cabi over tc Dee's place as Arthur bat-prom- isedti t rua mre hom-e. Teýn mia- utes, later a terrifiecstr)rn-1blew up. Bain pelteti tiwp so fat the guttersý couldn't take it.1 sat onmftle vean a wtchinlg' rentyalong thec street ca-ia two littje girls, about five anic tliree yýears aid, running, _saakt. through1, anti bawling ta Eihx heaven. I knew. tbey liveti tw, dloors up 50 1 maclde noattemçný ta rescue the.-n Afte2r the worý1 of the starmn was over 1 hog I hatid bet'ter let Partner ko 1 was sitting higli anti dry Thultyou mig-lit like tý know I was,,n't U1 htlatht-, rei,1ý1" I saidto ia h l nthe pnonî- "Ram - wiht ra?"sayts 1h' "Doni't tell n-e it basn't heeý raýinmng th3ere," Iex1 imd "'Just a feýw draps, noting tc sýpeak Of." I.colti ardly believe it. Bu thaýt, of' course, bas been tLc eabrpatteran-for mast of th.ý sumre=. Anti it is still hot ant ioba ribly humiti. Dee anti famniiY ai stiî1 at the cottage aii atiný til Ic thauglit of caming bm i rl But next wee.k tbiey will have to school-time for Daivid. Th( English lady elied sleejoin, bere fofur rmonths 15 na* ci Worth Twice Theiýr WeightIn GoIdI Little animais whose silky, dense furwa once uised ta fa,- shion robes for Inca royalty i n South America are r'ocketing ,ta popuIlarIity in many parts of th-e wvorld. They are chinchillas, whiose natural hiome is in the sunny altitudes of the Andes, where they 1il v e at an elevation )f nearlY 19,000 ft. There's a world boom- in their preclous fuir, whlch is so lilit that a square, yard of chinchilla fa-bric weigils no imorie tana sqILiPareard a rayon. Chinchilla peitsý were first im- por-tecl from ChIte eàrly las century. Todlay the breedcig c1 chinchillas in miany placesý is booing on a greaitaýr scale thani ever before, The demanti for chinchilla f ur, because of its remairkable lightl- ness anti fine quality, is com-ing flot only from fuirriers but fr01-1 exclusive dress and' bat design.- ers aswe. There is a woild market for millions of chinchil- la peits. Bcauseýý of their value cin- chillas wvere once niearlyý trap- ped out of existence. Becaus,7e of thie heiglit at wihich theylvi-v- eti, nmny of the trappers tbem- selves perished -- victimis cai the extremoe co-. FortLy yeairs ago chinchlillas were just about the rarest ani- mals in the worlti The gonverui- ment of Chie had already pass- eti strict ]aws forbiiding, the export, dead or alive, of the-se aljnost extincet creatuires whichl look a cross between a squiri-el andtia bush baby. Sa serious, also, becamneth problem of the disapipearanice of chinhilas rom ,Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia t'? hia t thegven mnents thiere prohlbiteï export andi trapping on pain of the lossï of a hanti for the' first offenceý anti dea2th for, the seconid. 'Thbe e xport by sea and air of chini- chillas had at one time reachedl 400,000 peits. Totiay the t i n y but higy Lit I e ti d0 hY TIME OÎN MY HANDS - The ring's ihe thing for telling time as cvidcnced by thiis new îdea in male fashion, insignia rings engineered ta carry quallty wctches wcrg displayed n Geneva, Switzerloniid, the Atlantic, lhe.dfing for home., Friday nigbt, wbile'drivïing me home, Art stoppeti ait Dixie shopping centre ta get a few supplies and 1I Went into the grocery store wvith hlim. Hovu people go tbrough tlhat ordeal week after week Plil neyer know, Thf-resbing your way tbrough the aisles, dodging shop-. ping carts fore, aft and sidei-Wavs: picking up stuff you had i o thoughl-t Of buying - and for- getting things you should hv bomght. Theni maing, a quicit suirVey ocýZ thle cash eks-Io ing for the sbortest line-up anti the Iast-loaded carts. But tbere's a queue everywhere aidal tlhe double-deck cartý, are loadeti ta the limit. After about twenty minutes yoti cash in - andi L, at least, came away tbanklfulJJ can shop in the dat 1e.Iputý it down as one of the ,omi-pen- sations of retirement. p riýzedd chiÏ nchillats are be in-9 breti in large numbers ont iarmrs in many parts of Americ, Iit wavs reekoneti in 1939, when the market price for' every breediing pair sold was betweeýn $250 and $300, thait the tiny animais werewrt about twice their weigýht in golüd. INSULT TO INJURY Mahism Agemy' , of Detroit, gave chase Vo thie'thief who had stolen his coat from a peg, in bis hotel, but faileti to catch hlm. Retu-rning to his hote] the proprietuor was consiierably ma- noyedi to diiscýover that, durineg his fruitless chasýe, a seýonid thief hati emptieti the tilti of $9. -Posy-Bouquet Set Roses, tulips, pansies andi but- terfly,-îni-fligbIt! Sec bow mesh backlgrounti accents design. Flowers for a hostess -- lovele design for chair anti buffet set,, scarf ends. Pattern 578: chavtsý directions'q 12½ 2 x16-inch chair back armrrestP, x 1"sin. No. Senti THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps c a nn ot be acceptud, uise postal note for safety) 1,(r this pattern tao Laura Wheeler, Box 1. 123 Eighteenth St., Newf Toronito, Ont. Pr.inti plainly P.AT- TERN NUIMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Send for a copy of 1959 Laura Wheecler Neediecraf t oak.lý t bas lovely tiesigas -nta order c- horoidery,, c r o c 1b e t, kitn, wevn.quilting. toys. In th,& book, a specïal surprize Ioa maký,c. a littile girl happy - acuot tiol~ clthestacolour, Sentid cents for this lbook. ISSUE Z9 - 1959 SHE DANCED ALI NIGHT - "Dancing Dottie'e Ferragamo, right, has called a hallta her much publicizcd boack-yardl dancing ini a Bikini suit, clairing she has found a corccr in show busýiness' The 33-year-ald niother of three dIrew ,a lawn-traimplin9 crowd of 1,200 ta wactch hier dance performince anc evenin-9. She was assisîed by her mother, Mrs. May\ry DM'olf.Dottie', tired, her Iiusb:and so-ys, Any ainyway, shc's got a couple of good off crs fromi New Yorkrstuans Doule-eatreneclkline ! Go cool o)r cvrd thanks ta the button-on baiera. Pincess md-n rifslimas -ant.ins-o-o-ths short- er, fller figures.- Prirteti Pattera 4780. fH a 1 f Siées 1415, 1015, 1816, 2010., 22½, '241ý& Size 16½f; dress takes 4.,' yards 35-incb; baiera 1% yards, Pr-iateti directions on ecdipa-I terai part. Essier, accurate. Senti FOBTY CENTS (400,' (s-tamps cànnat,0 l be 3a(cceptet use postal note for safiety) for this patterai. Please print plain- lyS IZ E,-NAMýE, ADES STYLE NUWBER. Senti ordierta ANNE ADAMS, Box , 123 Elgîteenth St., Newj Toront ont0.