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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1959, p. 9

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M W-eek )n Wekand assuçŽh lrein .any oft the (60,(000fires eacdy a ltte creand foesight. n millions of dollars dlamage to) ;s lives. Tecassvary but mosl fresighit and cafeessness of mu edl by, vthe Oron1o Fire Chief, Eru'Ic recatios wichcan be Observe paiof garbag'e andICI ther ref iacinbery and motors shouldJ be n electricali cords should be repla per and old rags should fl be al anC be alottedi to thîe Salvae dri Tue homne, workshops anci other bul-dings shiould be equip- ped Wih fie fightig equîpment such as fire extinguishers. in tie year 1958 t1he f ire loss in thle Twsi of Clar1ke' amiounted to $39,11546 which is ani increase of over $19.000 over 1957 'rtenmer of fires in thie Township in 1958 was six.: On Friday exvening of this wceek the OrorU,- Fire Departmaent will bodOe ouse ut the (rono Firîe 1HLa-1ll ere the c.hiefad the fîrfîhtrswill be present t expluin thevarious piecs of equip- inentad their uses. If you have any other guestions pertaining to fire pruvenn tey Wil be glady anomered Tak cur, adhei)lp esap u otl ieA mom'ents egetca)n often iever be rcamd OQOWEEKLY.VTïMES THIJRSDAY, OCTOBEIR 8th, 199 Mvr. and GGMNMrs.Brutýce HIancock wisli L A S IPIFE1 -etr to annoufice ~h naeetOf ster t'heirý eldest d -ugTeNanuy Anne, to William ChIarles. son o M.and TRYE Mrs. Geo. Dennis, Yarm-outhi, Nova ý. on lI3t 1nsec fu i Scotia. The wecdding to akeplace Oeraiotonserfo quietly Iin Octobe-r. a-P lt2,Cneso ,d n h year asCRD OF TH AN KS r.PoeBwaveM -10 nind the a ena noal erta - arIf coul I aeset'l, workîn nteOoo-________________ Newcatle reasand 1I rtmsorry to'i APLEFORSAL properety leave. To those who hv bremy i jE F-qSL t caïn be lmoments o maineadnx altsSoSv ellwr perience, thank you for your toler- Tla we.Pie$.0abse e Mverce, ac;totneih ecie e adu.As ie 0 aln 'ed every withi friendinjess (and so maniy did) AlbrtPo.\Pon"ater 1 (m 'fuse anld thank you for this, it was mnuch ap- rn 27frfe eiey - vvell ser- jpeitd _______ aced and As a i-oa anld beesn lowed to it \was a new "-and instrciv NTC 'ives and peine1wokithcuty;o muchsotha I hin whe f ette IKenal Uite CluréAni-vers- inrh o. pemant pracce, nwui late counltryv. Wishling you welL, a-C, CARI> 0F THANKS t he gis adcrssn ohlm byý IIE I ATONSitddenilv, utOshiawa Rev.N. T Holes, armiony, t ut 7:0 p.m Spocal msic -arraniged on WdAedayOctber21, from 5 to S. bc COMING EVENT Turkey Spper t Oronio Unted ChuchWecnesayevening, No% .5.Supper served frocm 4 -l0 ene--ral Ho1-spital, on Thursday, Oc- _______________ tbrlst, 15,Mr .Bs fr Let's Have Hockey mel fOoo.aIr ers, CoMNltG EVENT miorhckywill rtr oteOr t okycnnot praefinanci- ono; oy,Kigtn amn inAulayofteWMSwlle ~O;no rn t1his winter. Since the< allyý. We feel that it was bounid toby and Ross, Oshaiwa. Servioe - e u.ld (1lhe SudySchool,4- uito Orono-owmunvlle Cobines ave do So for il, wa's gradu1ally losýing beld la the , Morris FnrlCae,81 h pae o h etn folded as hveother Itreit oa oorwihcani ýnly be su6p- Bwmanville, onSudyOcbewlbeM.Wtrsona- teams ai thie area 'the locl players, pbied by ljocal playerspayn be- 1t(a 3 o'lc. uemetOono vroewloe or- at least those teo ,m w have 'fore their home town fans. ThelCreey spoken, seemi to be i-terested la Lalkeshore teamns were grabbîng for! somne form o f hockey in Orono. suipremi-acy w--i th ouitside pilayers Ç~C whtherths vila i the formn of I and w'hen this started ail team-s gF e a bus leage oraffillated with were la to better, their sadn yIof ~ f I ,som-ïe other mercaileý leagu is not briýnging in better and botter çly gf4 S .uaitv 011el g-, known at the present. 1Leadersh1ip in ers at greaterý and getrcss the move to have Onere iaeo There had to be an end a-nd an end C rurral hockey iýn Orono has par ter'e is, -aniiD Ou --tly yet to corne forth. We dIo be- l't would seem that homne-brew 1ieV hoeve thee wll e vckyteamis playin in their rightful for Oronio fans in the Orono Arena 1 leagues is the -answer to better spec- this yar. ator appea. Orone has always beea The Intermediate L~1akeshore, an active sports town aditr t em s for a goodly numrber of errs mcould be and possibly will be re-ofl 'to have lost conitact with -the,.speC- Ivived. g R A SO A B LEoiIl PaeS}iould Not CrippleIINL Economny5 belfSorne prorninetit people have recently expressed some fcars V I1G O R 0 fL àC0 0 . aF interview, for example, tuggested Otat the advent of true peace, - he necessary disarmament, would send the North Americani L1ie ýcOnlomy xnýtoa talispin. Commrunists have long proclaimed the ble htcapitalists have to have war or threats of war te sus-Te pba Os waR .çîo theselesfollo)wing- the same line of thought. A. sudden "ut oak f Peace would of cus as i- g7 o4S.W s ruto- Huge contruets wouldd he canicelled, factories would be o closed a-ad hun-dreds of thousands of service men and th 1iilsr venjts d-edet inte would be added toý the general labor pool. - ThedIsuptoa ould flot be con)finied to 'North America. E.very armed niation including th eSoviet Union, woudhv h Say r'beI. U %POINT FD TI4 Th sveity of its effcwoldepn nth speeci of the lI A A -A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 'f A A A A A A Y A A A A A A A A' A A r 4 A c 'f A 'f A s Service Guarantees Cnfî :ith Economy! ztgi dcean and -a f rpr condtiony-ti fective par Soil burner. Remove "- - Coutrols of ;Li heat-wasting Scot i? - oil bumre mi 04scle from - ' ezira o. scenifcdy rg - - uate Yom. 41 - cS S bwrner so it wiII l - - rn eifftln and "-s wlth low oïl con sumption. 2m- We furnfth '4. yWe r any emergencyser. -- autonatlc d vce whichmiay be le ftp. ' - needed during the rf- oit of lte ~' ~ -. ~ > ~ " grade. for YG " '~ar h- Ail this for a low annual Maintenance cbo-ý plus the cost of the cil you use. Not only is itth finest kind cf heating service, but theý most eco- ilomical and satisfactory. Phono Us Now Foy- Details fi 'é Ouou Fuel & Luniber Limited Orono Ont. Phone 14816" i SEC" FOR SALE Frtop quait AumiumStor Windws, ors, Awnings and il lng see orpone R., Pell-etier fori free-, dmntaonand an ones colletion Phone M.ono9533 H mltn ISuC race Srvc Sadie Ham.?il'ton -.Everycas of Inisur- ance is represented in our office. The foliow- ing are some of the matin ilCoverage we can offer: Automobile, Lie, Accident andi Siçkness, Plate GIais, Liability, Pire, Burglary, Hsiaiain Livestock, Bolier, Wind, Polio, Hall, Fidelity Bonds etc. C NO F «NE 1R16 FIRST MOq-ý7e i-::LOANS Engraving, Goldleafing Prae you eDf ndouh Ad9 ut A4turnbie In ance. Discuss your require- g ments withg # SFS PORTER pli. i-516 ~z.Re-- 1252 I Fr.IwsismmI~ Direct.ry A. F. McKENZIE, MCD. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Heurs 2:00 te 4:00 p.M, 7:00 to 8:00 p,. Saturdays andi Wednosday5 by appointments enly PHONE 1471 - OROt4G DR. R. ýLJ. TAGGART - VETIERINARY SURGEOM Phono 10616 Orone, Ont. Barrist-r andSoiio BOWMNVILEONT. phones:, Office MA 3-5688 o3 n MA 3-5553 àarristcr A~ieio MAINSIORONO FJdAy làpmE 1 Dm Aufoeernd138 Oroe Specialize in Farma and Furnituire Sales Consit me for tenus and dates Phone 5 r 1 - Orone TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducte Auction sales oe alilsi%"s andi at roasanable rates C*?mwnicat,.- witbh hm at Port Perm, Ontario, or see his Clerk<,A.m Mortan at Oýrno for date. LIFEINSURANCE pension Phns; Educatienai Peilhhu Protection andi Savings Plans for Children and Aduits; M>rfvag. lu. surance Plan,. -F. E. LYCETT OcoOnt, P fn in. Typwrlters Remington Portables 4 Models. Free <emonstraios. At $1.00 down and $'1,00 a wealc. Up to 20%'; off on denonstrators. OSHAWA BUSINESS MACHINES 329 Simcoe St. S. Phono RA 81211 Evenings 59748 STAFFORD BROS. Phono Wkithy 552 318 Dundas St. E.,Whitby MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Lot us oroct a hantisomne, dig. nified imonument over the rost- in hig lace of your loveti ones. It's not oxpensivo, Apti seeing this lest tribute wiIl givo J you endless comfort. O ro no Elec tr ic PHO0NE 129 CO-NTRACTIOR' FOR FARIM and 110115E WIRING FVreeEsiae API-LIANCE SALES Prof 'ai andi Guaranteeti Ropairt ten c.ndu of Elctrical Equi>niu.* and Appliaces Suc, 4orsn Water !feater trniion from cold war to peace. and tiie sounadness , ue ~Mental preparatiori fo rit. But to assme that thie economy wvould bec, ipe is to shiow a shocking lack of faith and belief in the soundniess of bothi our people and our system. If wve bele-ive the economic pessimistis, w must also beleive latwe- have no better, use for the billions of dollars Caniadians and Americans spend each year on armaments. We must beleive that our peaceful needs are ail lookedi after that, we have nothing rnore wve need, fromn houses to highways, from scientific jresearch to seWMes alifnd water, from transportation to teachers - nothing ion wbich thle noney, the skills ad h, mnowrno-ie pji de-neprogramns can be applied. That ,is nonsense. One highily ,ucsfcapitalist who hinks Iis ese s isCruýs \01,whe man agme-nlafavour Of diar~mntis based IOn the great ec,onie advance thjat wVould( tak9 p,înceý is thie Unitedj Statýes -ouldj shed Ithe burlen, of expen- ditue oin dý,ee'pce. He thýinkes thatt if taxation wvererecd by thie an now spenit on defence, consumners wvould0 use the extra dlasin the pay envelope- to start an era of upralle ros- Economnis s fhave a abitof iareig wihexliswhy ,so man'y of thýem 1mâke bdprophet'is. But diecoomcargumnent h; not He main one ln this c-ase. Thieher of thie matter is th1s: if we arý afai*1 d 0fpeacý, ithen wýe dese-rve to be destroyed by peace îrinounicir the opening on Oct. 8 EXOIUBIRDS AI F1511 vEz Walton St. Port Hope, Outarlo ~ omplete lin~e of Pet Stock - Supplies z jhîléimg A Hse? or remod.lling your prosent on* j Contact Floyd ffickllsm î I Phone 2191 Orono IFoundations andi Septic. Tanks -pourot. Formns avallable j The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phono TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 Port Hope. Ont. "Buy Direct andi Save. Commissions, .Monuments, Gravestones,

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