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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1959, p. 1

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Voue22, Numnber '.33 Thursdlay, October 8h 1959 Orono Ontario Subseription $1.50 CeommitteeTloStudy Entrasnce Signsc For Oronoi Tire Cha ber of omm rce hel j pecficareas to canv s for s"igna thirreulr onh n eeting o ue o ieptto.M.Carma nI Thursdky evening of pst ,elek With stted tat if it wýas psil they an atendnce f twnty-ive n wul like to have the peitions re- epenin the eeting, tihePresident, tuniOed -Mnday oveug co that Donad Saple wecome 'tose they Could bu preaented b ýCounci mn emes of tMe CWamber te be- corwne mmb <sanPtat everyene L111was pîtdottu iecp was wlcore toattend t1%emeet- toicoutof eonsctinsg a eoolinC inga. ~CJarIke TownshI.pwolcotn Imore than the portion wihClane Mr, oro Wton reaqurer, is now suppýorting adwoud be! inomed t memeing thatth supporting through the area for Chamber i latpesent a bank other rmunicpaliies t isexpected balance of $1128%l. Thceo wr ti teTo hi 'ill et u coule f ltsandngaccountsyHecmmite nTnsipt àfi-ie to iece do.As u mutsuytr nx~adt omlt tie habe oerte aboth)n !by Dr. PR . J. Tggart, iýJerry Duvail Mr. tapls aso cmrnetedthat tý he, proinoMcoadsar A eteiskinig te hanir agai assst xIti ieU-INICEF -,-l- ceivd. r. J C.Tamiblynwaap poîtedtolook after this project ganthis Charles Armsrongand Deani West were Speaker Ait S aius A ver"y fine Takgvu evc tonet orote, a~ njoed by ca hiuc on Sunda-,y eei~0 and Provider, admyeeprs~ cd tire tutir tIM. Br>utoýs sae mnent thA w e epronete arl at tene"cati ons in tie 1a 'uffiturinig wrd h we blitely I sui!t of a olti ld seedý" dropped int Go's oodearti.Each one et) us cannres tirel m eiec of tire Godfor eeysinglohng une have pbenefits has a woundertuly settling Urgfe Residlents To Support Red Cross Bloocsd Donors Cliiinc Every ray of everywek ayrcieufiinpede.S th lives ari aved b)Y booîrasf success oc'o, FreseBlood Serv-ice sions. But the blood rýeqýired for! rests with you... these tran-.sfusions cannot be mnanuA A lite ma deendonyour deci- fatrdIt be pledged by Sion to pledge. neople. Plase corne to the Cliic addedte tre cmrnitee. ire om- j Dte No)vembJer 4h mte wilhave chirldren collcCt - u our cot)inmuity, thrîa ie -:G .. :30-9 p.m . peniesinseadet andesonH13-Fre (lodservice. 1Lt acta as a Col- place Lons Cîiee omnil i el ight. Refreshiments wllvil be -lcinagency for pledged blood. ilti Registration Carda may be picke erdtiecrdrnangWth j1- aise supplies al tirehaptals_ luuitM. .R ane' n ae ging of csue and some ams.your area withi blood for transfu- Fo ii, rn Times Offi;ce-ad siens and blood peucafor.etirer W.Rl',Kny idyfi u Mn. Mecill, -nmepee tattheFie urpse.our Ec BodService,-same and leave at rthese stores1 ProecionComîte wirchwas13 makes it possible for any patient te!v[where tirey m1ay be received indi studying tire proposai ef tispplyýinig receive lit e-giviuig bloed %without t orwarded te emnil for tabu- tire protection for the TewnishiplJcharge.lain haýrd 500n eaulens iref watenwThich To meet tire needs o e ie -ospit- SpensoredI by tire Canadian Red ~4te 50 galonset ater Tis Ials.. your, Free Biood Service- must Cross, Orone <'acr liunmpet,, ie saffl, eould be purchased_____________________________ for $2000.00. lie sgeoted (]tiralttir conimiitt(,ea be gvpautirûrity te ap- T TTW a'" .1 totali cost te buy tire machinie, eport. Tu.O M.LLLdL '.vêr rorty proaci tire Towniship -Counicil, inu tis matter. t lis expected thiat tire %C-huidren Attend M ission Band equîp it aii huse it would cost lu tre- neighb1unrood1 et $5000.00.. Mn. ;por-t, and aise reperted tire missien- ~ili pointed out that about 81-Tire Otober meeting ofthtie Atter-bad eludrwa wthM. et the Townshrip was noW, witroutt- noon Auxiliary efthtie W.M.S. wsJMcLaren as superintendent and tirer Protection, -Lu iis report Mn.- opened by tire president, Mus. Drum. I leader of tite Junrior group), and Mrs. MeGIilstated( that ire hadared moud, readling a poern entitled "Aàs Chla lu i charge efthtie yeunger ap-preaebed tire Orono Plc Tru- la Man Thminketir, Se li,". 'lTire j - grou. Tirere was a very ecua- tees. Gerdon Watson and William1 ira es1tahmuw ra uig 1tedneo ve ot iid Reid paasedl a motion authenizingi unison antid tire remaindier eft ti re nn t botirmetns tire eommittee te approacir tire irymu w as tijpe>tsng. ieTrnofrlgmeigw 'Conci an tedicua tie popoai Group No. 2 wava iinhageftheirire held lu November witir Group~ ith thema. - meeting withi Mrs. O. Ciapman No. 3 lu charge ot tirearneet Donald Statples ,stated irflat tic ead iesoge ris n iaWalbndgeon unougr Xo' Cliamber hfad oun umbe')f et'O- tbanksgiviug from Psalm i67. Mrs. nlawill re b£ rssn tieOsir- casions discussed tire erectonetWasir Ie re evo'ý"til e daw rsye on Fnidjay e ug prepr agus t tre ntraceste ith ipryer rs. W. Hf. Re)bnson ctbr9t nNertirminster lUnited tire Village. . F. Porter aa:id( tit (mdaliug withIltie seon iapter Churci and tire Eastern Sectional th-ey shouhldbe goed irespectable - of 1tire stud(y bok 'Af ica Dt Iistuirbed' R alîy wîil ire held ounirr Day eO- signa. JT. C. Tamîblyn app ve' trestressed tire ipat tht tire West- tober 29tirlu bnee.haiyi slogan e of eoa good place e c ru world and tire ciristiamisionNoveberlahaieetfeed O(and citr live'> andi said Jt slirouIld be icra-ws aknupntryunege-ugitereacefor tire Fred1 ated on11-asy igu t>irat Lwas erec,(ted. enie et ofAficans lu tireir rils, teVct. isin Poey Lunu isaid irÏere w017as ain a ruew freedom. Tire imeeting closed wt rm available lcal t onsrutau u ie absnceetire resuer andaleeaigtireMzarl paint sucir a Sigp. 1-A commttee thtireprsideu"t gave tr tniaÉýL -jison.Cci Ed. Neilson, !Harvey Partuler 1nd --_______________ Jerry Duivai-l as ippoilitedite )lu- A veistigate tire, erectien ot signa a"di-P meeting thiEr finding a1s te oc-n G u d s B ow i s tien, wo1rdhiug nd ontruction. W. Il. Carman stated iatreT OrenoPolice Trusteies were r etur-T D Plant JulIee uliW ing tire petitien ne store heurs tn ___________________ a -ceae4dfniio t ios toc w}rciwoud ire af-fie1ýCe.Lie siu A s oimet tgolden -;tip buuaiug5iimet uee ie1aga gesteci tfiat1w tieCane ar ieja nie uOoefonL IantliHporesee t-er ir e -pia(ýcl dot _inýition and ttfiat it ltmin Irer-pate hg rene irf-Caaaa s -ppd fo zolu tunndle ire Trustees te set mUp thequar tera of a m1ilionbuibater) i iepnt tMura m Van. po oe ut irat tirey woultikey-n rwnepek 0,1cat e4stiue fro tr onat irold a -etigat iicrthey 'wouldi cosat te miark t1ic odn uieee of mun ities lu evenyprvine.Or inivite tire :Affected stor-e our r-Giigi aaal 90 ders for oach inmmunity were i- fore any atinwas taken. 1Tire Oro-fno tulipafîc,ý,IorenDvb tr lçvd alypaked anid labelled in latcopar il ie lated iat tlire jHL ad ad acir onder carnesj W. . araniuerOdtie ret-OrnoUnte Curi s :a,"tHa1lýk1witirit dt',dplnin nsr 1 siip et Clanke Couincil lhad takon n l onits ceepenaie ttiire Guie jic tir ïe biba will grow.~ respect te tfireDurhami Daîc igli 1meve'meut sinice t, omtinir.JNext Spring tire Gil GudeRie ScioolAra. ie ai tiey ra paa- ir buba reail GldnIavet Golý d"'will stant te bloom ou -iVa- ed a resoluien te itdnwfrom t ulipa ami will ire pante lu ire, j cuvr slnda wllgydu i tire aiea anti set up tirir wnanea front et tir hu.Te will bear tlewa1-Crýs- Cndat[ir0 oat witin tire Townishlip). At pre-sent alaaîrl notice sta.ting tiat they aýre Nefouudl!anid. Even -the. Yukon wýýill nube wn crciaig ettin tregf ire GieÀn rwismar pca nbtary tetireriver ilu tire Towniship sup or uattur trirGldnJuiei it uiecepulaan rwnie move andire asked tire support et Tuiipawillirep ï)td y Iltir pak:s teeoatn pca oc tire Ciramber et Commirence. Peul- grsteaie ner tie-iec ua Iinpot(s for giftta('te Ciruncles tienls were liottcdtevanies nem itien etofMns. W. DrdCpanadiad rsiaa lcn Utoj bers wvhù were te conitact others bla J Mrs. G.Sim"pseu, Bnowu Owl. Tlire hedas, iic.reimpractical irere.1 Mary Patton IcRed Cross Btudget $200. Victim 0 Faial Accident For Resu sitatc Mrs.Mar PatonIorflely f Or no uve ileshel a eekthe Orono Red C Ornwas the VIctim o. cf -tra -T home of Mrs. W.E. ,Ar-wUr-,tg acdn ast, enedyevening ati Lasener very good attendance. Whitby whioch lmed her lit e and I j : MrW. J. Riddell wa&ý presen-t tht f nother wom-an, a- sdn h rnoJvnl eai lu outinied the Blood Donors Ci of hity.The accident occurred metwihWito roeJuenls nwhîch will. be held in! Bo>wrnall. on Highway 401 west of the SHenry Saturday in the local par< for the on Novemer, 4h i a o Stee oeras amity Due to fîrst gamne of the final seales of Ithe of obtaining good support fror pavng-,iiý the east lane lu tis seýciti, Ontaro playdjowns. The gamne ient loctýal residents and also oite thie west lane was being used for to Wilon Grove Q/ the score ofihat registation cards wereý j- both east and went bouxts usfie 7TIre 1local boys lacked the hit ale ai the boliowing places b-, and it ashere that thre accident iniepower to bring about a whin Township: .1R0 Rioeu happened. and durlingthe game wone able onily3T Found' Orono Weel-lyTieO toi~up one bit an'd that by pnari Wn ei' tlQry Mr. ayer, theohrvctm fDacu.raisrnyashemlewb teaccidnt, was dii th eod Terry %Canon iras the open ing iddl. tIr hog hspo car involved. She uas returig PitUhe. for te Orono squadto0have 1Ptat fee pa ma le avilabl( Mr.iW E. Mffiron".c Mrs.totalofî.i hiS. Re rosma aryonwt wru areeunarncilun li m ed to avebeen rtrigfromn NewCastlewhrshhdbeni- ;ting for, "he eeig Davd Ptto an moherof AManson Carmaini Wh1i thband Rossof Osf- first trame. hsecmeoffour, wnljks, wldpitclir aiiia s inhit. They agaîin huit ir coeboard îin the thiird with twvýo off three Iits. Asîngle' was adýded in (tire tilt Irnd aise again in the ixti tegiveireý Witnentr-y the first victory in -dhe be(si- of regamue series. Orono's score cýame in the bottomi of the inth when Don Danc(-iuk Orono Athletic PcLanning"eWýinter ActvitesAnd Annual Banquet sociation started thebal ooi ,e wînter atviisunder the Sponsor- ampi of the AssOCiation. About fit. teeri were prfot1r the ameetingj hchwas ciaired by Jim Gamnsby. ýrThe treasurcr, Dnald Staples, re- ported a bank balan-e et $36.00. Te tii is amou nt la to îire added a reeeipt ot close W o$3e00 1f rom thre Oro4no Ch ambeýr of CommiPerce- and $65.0 fron thre Duirain District l*lgh Sebool Board. This is was pointeê out will leave a",ound '$400 t start thre taîl season off.Te teas urer- esked that ini future ail bisi 1o pis.ýed at mneetings pirte be- fing paid. He aise asked that 'bal managers ireturu ail bis 'te tire Girl Guide News; rogietire local 3Red Croýss Woy WVadde!. 'This group of lde sist in Red ciCossok by pv pril mnaterials Ufor use inithlemnyph es of Red CrM wr. tprese they are mrakîuig 'swva'hs' whîcir a used firlthre 1Blood Donlor Cii. Tire fînrmancialbudget for 1960>v set up to ilan ounit of over o1 thousand dlas isaon dividedbew ntieNioa ganization and the local organi tion w1lo sponisor th'îe sim classes in the ummrvîtanîii h lets for the pulic scirool id iný tire Township of Clarke. Icu ilu the budget this yearý is an a, oun1t et $2001)(f to assist \with t] purcirase of a rtésuscitator whicir bein,-ig romoted bv,,,tire O1,rono Chi Ou Tuesdlay at 7:-30 t111e Guides1 ber Cmmece held tireir regutlrmein.Te irad inspection and iattendanýice wa l$.50. So-eeof tire older girs de- takçen sirowing twenty-five psent. cided te baby ait for there meney.Otir- Tireo Guideýs then Wenlt into tireir, ers had different ideas. patrols. Mý,rs. Arnott taugllit tire eid-l er grlsl-iw t wrie aI snd 1 A number et thre-Guides led a telegram. Thre new recruits learnted s ltii wofolwd ptetr tire Guide Promise and lawvs. eo. Atter thls ttire Captain told the lTire meetinlg el4sed witir prayel" -Guides tirat each of therni s te earn! and taps. C.G,,.LT. I-eId 5Succesful Sale 0 f (Chiî»ne se A rt iclfe s On Saturdny, Otbrtr ....ig Mn.saples state titlat ,y-ea3r,-Group et tire Qrone Uniteti Ciurc-li Tr a ai posw it lid cost a total pf $1579, t eyr- red a ver-y sucesaful atxno ty and coliourtul and wýere mnat ate tiere ink aind et tihs anrotnt tea aInd sale et Cornene arleys ami Mt amahi dauirrter on m=' $953. iras been receipta. Tire roat îand nmatie arnSmaý,l ta!lea.decoratcd u hadl been raised tirreugi vrious Tire sale was iedin tireSunday al;wlýte hd henplce a projets. JScrol 4oon tfire rurcl i!r an'aws ier PletraCGLT openled a 'lo yMa..A.l riî !-r Iite ddics aud The annuai Benefît Banquet te Drummirond, presdutccr A-er- sirrt, -cpbySeed sandw assia wti tr oertin e i k rnon Auixiliary ettic .S. Vsai teal to11ti- la diesa ia te be held mi Tiursday, NOeom-1 h hns-,atceIorsl - ber 26th on motion by D. Staples Tr imeeatce o aehdcuOe oilit vl and Piril Lon. A conmmitteet Joe been made and senit trom Cimnee Tire CGIgroup) and theirj Banlw, yrte Rld ad Pîl ong- nfugees in Hnong Kong and wenr ce-s wish Wt iauk tire ladies off was~~~~~~ se pt okatr iearne rautifùly made, mnaking ideal W I forsupyganprp ,ens.Te lomknaften nie ony i f ta. There wene dosahaM.der tire lunch; tire motions -and a wvas st by motion et Jean AVin 1crifpus ow-ley wat a diS s WoMatie anddoad atTire refuge aunu il uî c -d~dc t--c u A ion ky John Ford and Joe ____ Tennant set tire date et tire annual - -----p-- meein fr ueaday? ctber 27tir. ~ ----------- A uomii-nating cmitee .B ~ k Rutierferd, Jfack Mofft ad Gonds ~ Simpaen wl vas aponetbt iving in ~i%) i ~ '~. a alateeoftticers5. - -- Ail basebail-equipme t a e h strdabove tie tire hall ad uni- c~ -~ formd etûrud'tWrJOO eBunlbWv. j t~ "- 1il>g- -etail miier hockey playens! and iws decided that ail boys in mutir e isrd hsyerjoirn1 Pod as app;oiýîtette s'e fIt au I oyiati tiroi ritir certif icates -and týIat trey ais a- ,id ir $OOnses- aary fer tir1 nsrnc.Tire Irisur- acit was feit vv~ ell wrh wiile. gît t et $25JM0. A dsuso follewed oný tire use ýî et r nukfor an Ornoe PItermrediate teaixn aniIhis was ne- fer-red te tire -iiuk comrmittee. 1

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