CRONO WEEKL.V TiwoEýýTI4URSDAY, OCTOBER Sth, 1959 SR ICE LAKE DEATH SEE OSHAWA WU1TH divn yGerg uber of 140* Corps (with an enorolmnent of under 'R u d b ut UEAcR E AC uryCI DENTgh POP. 0F 60,000 Whlarf Peroa, Bowmnanville. Witnes- 100 cadetS) in ail of Canada hiat foud o vidnc 0 neli Ohawpatiorowifg teciy asefses said thle lboy ran intothe de been giveni to R.C.S.CC, Skeena, i ca i r o ner's ury id a y nof i g h ' T h o p l ti n of t e i f of th e v eh îcle. F He w a s treated f or P r o e C b ur . A n u c m n -- - r. Cross said hie prefers the gence in the drowîninig of public .emetfigures h !-(_w.In 19ý5Sithe pop-injuries b y Dr. Il. B.Rud, and was made ai thje Annual meeting of ITS THE~ LITTLE ~H I NGS little things in life.ý It is the sýimple lations counsel Alexander Jainusitis maie \as5 ,92.Th 1i 95! allowed to return ho-ne. the Navy League of Canada. Mr. IN LIFE THAT COUNT thin's in life w.hý ichnake for true Sept. 12 at nearby Rice Lake.-ao s~fgr A car driven by Mary Olive Jen- Bruce Sinart, 'dleae rm th Pe pl tda ~ obesed W thi£ieidship. "We believe no blame can bc ij5 57,59- an iceaeof 2,68_2. nings of 102 Sally Avenue, Toronto Pot H peCo ougatB rn io the tI:feigt&tteyn-s aea oon h>l ogttettached to aniyone c-onceiried,'" the le etin steady for several jufered sliglit drae-lt udyNv egt,,rcie h wr tefeing some ting bmgt he. ýNssof te Fji h oge -i ge juystatemnent said. "And(1 there lis, aWa bas iluere as an ni-1nght when i strucl the guard oti behaîf of the organization. shae n onohigevidenceûe'nss f teoitlsuggestnlie Heyears. In 1958, there Irails on Hfighway No. 35 just north Io think the biggest things are, the referred to several passages in the. Mr. Janusitis, '!3, hàdJ!been r cregjas o! 2755 overIf th ten1957 opu-foiKiryighlights of the Annual Report m<ot important. This higness has. Scriptures, outlining what Christ în.1 a ý19 ot ot oerdbyrdlgcon. ftis rn otne paetyteaibaehdo ....Skeena were the iii- îinfused isel! into Our culture, into had to Say about thje sim-plicities hre e uba0xeor a~Ohw lhv opulatiof? beeni left on and seized up, causing crease in enrolmrent during the yearý he60,000 by thie end of nlext yeat' h a osev nt h al. fo 8t Our Society, our churches and our 1 ife. arompasyrvef PeterheGralenhili, b8oat 50, zi'od the wînning o! Industry, Rotarian Rev. "Clint" j iarnconvnced i is our own bile adprsiet !ErmtoAECPRATRES heGnea Poiciency Award for' Cyoss, rector of St. George's Angli-ý SK ARTSOiro(orteÇrs1t ne 1Ltay t it sese o! ilisecurity that makes Us Boat Works, and K--ing Whyie, tele- INJURIES ....... 1H IGHEST IN CANADA 100Ontrolmoren CrpiWth). cari Church, told oar t t feel we have to belong to somnething vision and radio broadcaster. On a sake Hazgeter.p, 9, of R.R. 4, Bo10w-olen) lunhe»n meeting jin Bowmanvllle, big, lie declared. sharp turn) Mr, Janu i1stigi avlercietmnrijre The honour of receiving the Gen- WH 1ITey CLOVERLEAF' recetly t he cer wa ~fr~w uvruoru. Sunday when he was hit by a car eral Proficiency Award for the best AGAIN CLAI MS LIVES HERE TODAY! ýýnToRS VALUF ïTA-IL ýà NOT;I-HWNG UKE A NEW CAR.. MAKE YOURS A ROCKET ENGNE OILDS. 1960 SUPER 88 I-IOUOAY SPORTSEDAN ~~____ NOW! ROCKET 11GO" ON REGULAR GAS! Nlow.. more miles per dollrt Every dollor-soving Dynamizc ~~~~> 88bas, as stond.-deup et . thse new R lr aktenine --for Rocket on l~ ower- cost regular goS. stabïihy, safety and silence to every 19ý60 Olds! There's a new balance of power ... with two Rockct engines for '60! Three estaiblisbed series- to choc-se froni! Seventeen new wo... frcludin t* wo lw 3-seat Fiestas! Corne in and sec th>e Mighty Satisfyîng 1960 Oldsrno- biles ... quality buit, quality soJd and qualiy ýervictd for your lasting satisfaction. The 1960~ Oldsrnobiles art bere-as new as, new, can be! Every beautiful Iinec and every ot cirnew feacure is included for your satisfaction Lnd to bring you the finest the mcdim-price class bas to offer! fldsmobile's new and radiant stylixig is designed to sqIc4Çfv your sense of good taste. New çr'-,' I~~~~~ý cd. 1 lsit-jo r- * .. *i.. i..eî ~e . I tè~' . rM- -m à' ý b8lyied 10 Please-F~owereci b PIsase-and what a Pleasur. 10 Drivel ROY W. NICHOLS "BOWMANVILLIE QQURTIOE Two people died in a collision be- imween a car and a tractor.-trailer shlortly before moon Tuïesdýay oi) g ay401. The accident occurredi ai te Witb clverleaf. The car wa ltealytom to iec's.The dleaths we(re thethd and !ourth or thecsame ýwstretch (Ahghayin -th-e ed the ilite f Mrs. Mary ýPattn BOW MNIV ÉL LE COU N CIL Bownavîle Council, on.Monday nigIit, anipr'ýved C-h issuîng ofde bentur -s fo the to new High SehooIs -in Darli ton Township ,and j in lrok, ïILerk inform- ed the meetLing that the Darlington school was being p-lanfied so that additions couid be added. CONE HARVEST COMPLETED j A very successful harvePst -f white pine cones has js encm pleted in the inayFrsDit rict. oa f220bséswr pîckd b ditf t rSidentS for th At $3.00 pr budhelthe $600.0 id of h ikesrp"et will ieldenou h ed a vnta inTo eue i epartmen'a t plntigprgra a foi, n- As re pione tonidu otrie as aly ith. fala thsenofashif the ickî'gao! i enformceeni ub now uderwy. his expecte tat abou.The0 uses i T'iý-Re "'i C-""'ath istruni Lt ofigheholBadhl pca ThoeBoreed iI l earsoui- fomsekClarTonship for ter n cudhave a7iniuene o l-h to.Tersutnredas fol- lowsesolved t this'Cun hereby approve ad nd'Port Hper hs ommercownsHein!Cr t- trictHigWHSeadol and trlhf na B owmnilleo! larkeingrh '%oIh Ditreict toovdeaccommdatio for se'cndarv er atio wiWfor MuWrnvialiy nd Potis ounf " ptsrceed wih aPl eer ihe oca toaseetwindraalefrom thesaid Viuleham Ci,out o Dtic -ils S00o700ssoon as, posible."ad Thoed a fc owssedMm. J. oS yas Soiene Head n i r t he rildn - an50Mr. i ce. Mm. a .Corish as CommerII cl ead i bro'wnnThle Boumaile 'epangM0,0. Worthe- HMad c a pe InduT ria rt e Nighlt Sehools erme aprovd tfor papers.'4 clbe Ata eting* almetinyg wman.b I c r, r 6.-