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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1959, p. 8

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$149J JOHNSON, RAND & CO., 316 Aveniue Rd., Toronto 7, Ontario. Ye-s! Send me pour amazing postpaid. If t amrn ot fu!ly may return tiseYAK withi.n 30 ni 50 dc iw VAK 'tisfied I ys for a complets return of my monmey. 1 enclose $14.95. Cheque or M.O. <)Send C.O.D., t witt pay po>stage and C.O.D. chargea. MAY NAME & ADDRESS ARE ENCLOSED .1 ~1 'N HOW Taxi 'Driver% Size Up Customners A a uid d ésn. thunderstormr drenecheg the oty. Bus -service lar slowtd ta a crawl An empty taxi cruises by a bus stop crowd- &Al with people, A ia-n jumrps oiut and halls the taxi. The l- lie speeds on, a tiny smijeecu- Lr his lips. Why?, lui the current issue of The, Anierican Journal of Sociology, Dr. Fred Davis offers an explana- tian). Davis, who dro-ve a hack binseif while a student at the Unliversity of Chicago, says that We the cabbie that man at the bus stop la probably a9 "public- traspotatontype," a person ,wbo rides taxis only wheni it ains and doos not deserve con-, ýideration. Like mnany of blis colleagues who can tumn a fable into a faible, sociologist Davis serious- lY explore-d "the random, fleet,- ig, and unrenewaýble relation- saip" between the cabbie and his pa,>sseng,ýer for, new knowliedge in the endlessly fascinýatîng field 0f humnan behiavior. "Ever since 1 colle-ctcdl my last tip, I've wvant- ed ta do a socilogîcal study of my experiences as a cabbie," said Davis, who is now studying tise problemns of handicapped children for the National Insti- tutes of Healtb. Davis's firat conlusion: Thse driver, Miern caigagled with a fare, is cohcdlous of littie mnore than the size of bis prospective tip. As a result, the hackies Davis analyzed put each customer into precise categories. Among tbem: Thse Sport: "His tips are gen- erous and even on very short rides ho will seldosi tip less than a quaýrter-." Thse Lady Shopper: "H-er pre. h 4.'- - ~ SOOTABLE SPOT -- Chiney pot of a hous. in TobermorY, tse of Mut!, Scotland, housesaci plant from geed Carried there, perhmps, by c bird. icerred coin is a dime, no more or less."> The Blowhiard: "Afae Sport .Often holding out the promi- !se of m-uch by way of tip, he seldom1- lives Up to his w,,ords." Thec Stiff Purely and simiply, %orneone w',,ho doesn't tîp. Davis insists that his study of cabbies ai-d their fares has a use- fui purpose. "The only thing that matters ta the cabbie is ma- te-rial ga-iný," corinments Davis. "The lesson is clear ta those who would foster sehemes for coin- prehensive medical service under whiých . ., . relations between servers and served would be- corne reputationless, anonymous. &A narrow1y calculative." INTRODUCTORY OFFER Revolutionary NEW NON-ELECTRIC SEANER NEW! A compteteIy novot way of spkc-and- span rug and floor cleaningl The amazing VAK is actually 3 cteuners i one! If sweeps, it dry-mops any surface: Carpeting, wooc!, linoteumi - even cenent - with tess effort und expens. than any ofther machine oiý dsv. son the mar'kett NO CORDS, NO OUTLETS, NO WIRES OR PLUGSI VAK't revotutionairy patented action aictualty out-performs electric machines! tt ia SAFE, bas no traiting wires. Gent!. "be-at. ers" and dust-gripping é)ru;shes give you deep-down thorough ctsaninqi - even oit thick pite rugr. NO STOOPINGI Gets under fu~rniture, ,ecches into awkward spots! Needs, no adjusting from smooth to textured -ïu ifaceLs. NO FUSS - NO MUSS becausjg there is no "flying" dust or mnessy baqs to clean or te dispose. Lift5 evsry kind of cirt - even aini- mat hairs. Foida flat - stores 1ke a broo-m. AMAZINGI VAK je thie mod ern answer ta time-saving clearing chores. Isstatic-gener- atfing cushion foamn rolters smagnetize loose particles, while an igsnious and powerful -vacuum pulls them into ai permanently at- tached bug. Dirt and dust settle into av spectat, ight-5eated, mnetal compartrnenit andi a touch of tthe finger reteses the contentts tato the waste container.J si4ktcI184-0-Tvmpo>iaL>ori 7L. cty~ ect avacC&on ,-275 P i CUNARD TC 'J '3 o' s, I unds frcc baq9a x9te Lightninig Causes Stres si n g theil e r ?cgy of Fa lightnîng flash, a scientlist cal- culated that it had the driving power of za 200-toni train thun- dering alotig at ai speed of fifty miles an hour. - Eacb siummer Science shieds new light [on lightning in many parts of th~e worldl. There is no basis for the popular saying thiat lightning n~ever strikes twice in the saine place. It ofteni In just $over a year a Leices- tershire inn was twice stru'2k by lightning. The Em-pire State building inl New York City,ý is bit by lightnin-g at least tw,,enty times a year. Friends of a golfer who Nvas struck on the fairway of a New Jersey course, were -,m-7ed as wel] as mrief-strick.en. Exýactly tv\en ltv-five years carIlier the saine man had narrowly mnissed being- killed by lightniing ait the Samne spot on thlat fiwy Accoding ta a2, man who studi- cd thuinderstorrns for -my years, theile are 44,000 ever ' day of every year or 1,800 every'hour. Each thunderstorm yields about 200 flashes 0f lightning an hour so- that 1,800 stormns give 360,000 flashes over the whole globe, ho said. This means that every sec-, ond of ti4e throughout the vear 100 1ightning flashes are tkn place sameuwhere. The day is coming w hen lightnin.o $ill be "collected'" Pand used to rproduce power and ta light our homnes, predicted Pro- fessor A. IVI. Low somne years ago. Freak effects of lightning a ire endless. Itn Lima, Peru, a, $ud- deén lighitnrig flash ripped oý,ff the clothing of a pretty girl in a main street. WVitb a sm-all car whatwol you do wm tb al that space you hdtoad to the garage? ýcc - 's w' Ca o 4 AGENTS WANTEU EARN Cash in lu x LISpare [rineJust show your triends our Christmasan Ali1-Occaslun Greetitng Carda <ciaucng Rel1glous) Station erv, Gifts. Write for samoples Colonli aCrd tliIl 4"9-B MAEMORE 1MONEY tAEE orders in your apare tiie for quileile American automattc self- gilde-dry sponge mopa. Every h ome a prospect, Easy to carry, bas a takýe-apart hanilo. Five year goarante.. V<ree waxer to each castomer. Standard pr!-liacresosa Canada?. We pay postage o-i al orders. 'Write for Particulars te' day. EUJ ott's Specislty Sales, Corner Bzroo, l'lwo da NUJRSERY SALESMEN' RGNTS wanted to represent Canada'a ldetidlng nursery Profitatbe full or p4ri-urlne sales position opens tbroughioi Canada ,Commi:1ssions 3p aid (veekly. Hlansisome instructionali selig oulfit in f ull colour suppliesi free. We <ffer ait varieties lin hardy, Cantadian. rmow fruit and ornamiental nursery stocýk, rose bjushes. etc. Write to: STONE AND WVELLINGTON LnIITED ITe o rthiliNuýrse(,rles" P O Box 40. Fnhl.Ontario. BABYCHICKS BRAY bas Ames [ni-Cross pullet-, day- olid, sta rtesi, ready-to-lay. Duanl p'uLrpose ansi Leghomr hicks, dayolsi ands sartes Sensi for liai. Order now for fail deliv- ery besi broiler varieties. See local âgent or write rav Hatcherv. 120 .ohn Nvrth, Hilmilton, ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE MODERN two-chair barber shop; coin- pletely turnished; excellent location ansi trade. Reason for aeliing owner wisbes to retire to Olsi Country. Con- tact MNr Tony Suraci. Tony's Barber Shop, 5M1 Fraser St., North Bay, Ont. How Can I? Rv Anne Ahe Q. What is a filer 1 can use for wlde cracks between softwood Iloorboards? A. Yeu can make a filler fromi sawdust and glue. After fillingp the cracks with this, fresh saw- dust is :sprinkled over the filling. When diry, the top is sand ed off, and stained ta miatch the floor- 1boards. Q. How can 1 keep a tin roof lu good condition? 'A. AIlways repaint a tin roof at the flrst sign of peeling; other- Wise, d1eterioration will set il, and cause rapid rusting, conse- quent leaks, and eventuàlly the nces-sity for a flew roof. Q. How can 1, when preparlng a chiel ci, make the feathers co1rnle eut more easily? A. We scalding the chieken, açld a ieaspoon of soda tc the Loiling water. The feat'hers wil be easie-r ta pluck, and the flesis is lef t ,wh'tc and ean. Q. flow casa I get id of silver A. If the cupboard is infested wvith these insects It is hecause, there is somne dampness attract- ing thein. Sprinkle somne borax around I iberally tafofrighten the-m away. SM1ELLY BUSINE~SS Onie o.! the chores of experts at The Batelle Mem-orial Institute is to sit in closed booths sin g different kinds of food sub- stances.. The sniffers take a whif -evei .y thirty seconds, then try te write a detailedi description, of the smell. The idea bebiiid the researchi ik to .help. army caterercs provide tastier food for soldiers. GET MORE FISSH, FUR AND GAMF! THE Outctoor"ian Scrapbook viithi ts 100 Pages, tize 8/2X Il are tam-packod wth facts and tips on Fiahing, Huni- lng, Gunnlng, etc. Huindreda of dollars worth of information for $2,00, post. paid. a rd get FREE copy OUTDOORS. MAN COOK eBOOK on Fish-Fowl and Game. MYERS ENTERPRISES 2141-C H4UIS and Dales Resd M3tasamlln, ho BOOKS TALES 0f The Desert", 30 thrilling episod1eýs aelîs of sage-brush, Auto 5 raphesi. bn iArisi, Hermosa Beach, ahýiforni. DERHUNTINO ATTENTION deer huiniers! Excellent food, guides, dogs, accommodation, Phono LE. 4-1,676 or wvrite Sherrati, Emadale, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 300 ACRES. 100 tilleble, balance busý1s, boside Calabogie ansi Lanark Hgwy Ifydro. Mrs. Edwin Stewart. Calabogie Ont FRIGHWVAY fgri-n - 100 acres, choice landi, 95 workable. Banik barns 60' x 66'. Wator on pressure. Brick home. 5 roomas andi bath, $13,800 - toma-s J. R. Shorireesi, Cîsyýton C. Hogg Lisi. Phione 607 Fergus or Box 35. 130 ACRES Dairy flarmr. Large barn buIlk m-ilk tank, pipe lUne etc. 9 roomn modernizesi brick hiome. Situatesi one mile from vilage, muai be seen to h. appreciatesi. AI! inqiries shoulsi b. adrseito E. T. Broýoks, No. 2, Jersey. ville, Ontario, Tbis asivertisemient pub- Uishesi free by: THE ALLIED SERVICES LONDON. O, NTARIO. REAL VALUE UN FARM BUYS 2 REAL, goosidairy farina, on main highway, goosi homes, al convenien- ces, large barns, cemnent ands sanchion tie op. Silos, driveshesis, weil locatesi, boih farms all arable ands 2 of the best poducing farnae anywhere, pricesi to sIli. P REAL goosi 100 acre farin, well 10- cated goosi buildings andi geoos pro- duelng farina. Pricesieah $15,000, Terms. 100 ACRE farmn, lovely 2 storey brick bouse, ail convenlences. Large bank bar~n, cemient stabliag, stalla ansi pena. price $13.000. 150 ACRE farmy. go'od 2 mtorey bouise, ail conveniencos. large barn ansi straw, shed> henhoose, iiriveshed. 130 acrea arable. Price $14,000, Half down. THREE 1>0 acre farmns goosi home, hydro bank barns, each $9,000. TWIO 50? acre farma, $6,000 eacb. Farms Ail Sixes At Right Prie" J. CLAIRE LONG, REALTOR BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 282 170 ACRES Clay loani. 125 onder colti- vation, balance sugar bush pasture. Large barn, witlh watcer bowls. Modern 9 roons hoine, wth huilt-i cuphoards, fumnaco etc. Ibis farns muai bc ecea to ho appreclated. Price reasonable. Al tinquiries shoulsi ho asisressesi ta Mr. Donald Edlgeiv, No. 4 Maiiory- town, Ontario. Tbis advortisement pub. liahed free by: ALLIED SERVICES9 (CANADA). FAItM EQUIPMENI FOR SALE POTATO Digger. Chais. made ias Casa- ada. Standard weighi ansi whitha. For 26lnch, 454 per Uînk. For 24 Inch, 44e, per ink. Immiediate Shipinent, F.O.BE lHideiberg, Ontario, Gray- Ssyder Lici., Hlillsburgb, Ontario. NEW CHAIN SAWS B NDSAVE $1t00.00 BADNew Reïningion Silver Log- maiister's. 5 H.P. clasa, 18" eut, only $125,00. Shippesi Prepaisi anywhere i BERGER EQUIPMENT,, ARNSTEIN, ONTARIO PINANCIAL 5Y2% tnterest Paid On1 GUARANTEEE> RiUST CERTIFICATES ANYT ER M. 1âVEARS Tue Stering rusts Corp.. M2 Lay St., 'Toronito, Ont. i$ELP WANTEO FEMALE WVIDOWY to look afier eïdoriy lady, liv., ini, ligbt househeeplngz, goosi epen- oýnt home, remiuneration. Box., 197, 123- 11tb Strýeet, New Toronto. NURSES AIDES REQUIRED for the Kitchener-Wierloa' Hospital, A six weelc course will corn- mnence on Wedniesdaiy, Ociober 16, Miimm age - 17 years. Eduitcational] reýq11pements grade 10. Salary paisi during iraIning course - $50par week,. Miniimumr Salary af- ter, training course - $14000 per mnontb. Applicants are requiresi to e- main on staff one year. Information m'ay be obtaJinesi froas the Dîrector of Nurses, KthnrWtro optl Ktchener, Ontario. HORTICULTURE STAI Gernilun Slips now for btter flowenlng nexi year. O varieties, $1.00. Edwin (Grills, R. 5, Camn-pbellflord, Ont. iNSTRUCTION EARN mor~ BokkeelngSaleaman ship.So hnTypewnltiing. e. Les. sons 50We. Ask foo free, circuflar No-. 33, Canadia Coreponene Cures 29 eay retTrfo LIVESTOCK AYUSHIIRES offering 3young hula 0of ercebe age, bresi heifers, ansi foundaà&tion stock of alages. Alex Wal1ace, Smiithis Fails, Ont. iT'S PROVEN EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITUS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNIRO'S DR-UG STORE ~l .~:,,, VACUUM C& NURSERY 8TOCK FOR Sale. Scotch, Auistrien 3n!i Mug. Pie. Description anid priceis. Write: - Pedlnrghamn, R.R. 1, Barrie, Ontario. TREE Seedlings, Scotch andi Austriam Pine 3year ols d Ug for Christniao tree production, windbreak planting of reforestation. $14M00per Thousand, $8.w0 per 5M0. Eroia Nurserxies, Wyd- vel,e, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND woMlý.EN WANTEU. Youing mon train for Teleg.. raplier with $75 nmacýhine weba 'n Yeu, Asivance to Agent more salaï,ry Exp)res0é Comm'nls & Free hou-se. SPEEDHAND trains ini 10 week 8 ho0a11. study for Stenographe.r Free lbooV cither Course. Cassan Systeman, 1 0 Eas t bourme, Toronto 14. BE A HAIRDRESSER LOIIN CANADA'S LEADIt4G ECHOOL Great, Opp ortujnlty Learn Hairdreýssng lasn.dignifiesi professIon; god wa;ges Thousands 0f auccesaful Marval Gradi.aitesj Amnerica2s Greateat systein Illustraýted C-atalogue Frce Write or CaYl MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL, 359 BlorSi. W., TorGnto Brndcies: 4 igSt., W. ,ramuton 72 Rideau St eet. Ota AUTHOSIS invited sbi MSS Il typte. (includ ing Poenis> for book publication. ReasýonaibIe teris. StoCj-weilj Ltd Ilfra. combe, England estd. 1 m98) ADIJLTSi Personal RilbC ooda. ?9 ass3ortmnent for $200 fineat quaiitye teltesi.garant-eesi Nai iin plain seaiesi package plus re irth <'ontrol booklet ansi catalogute of upplies. Wtern 0istr ibutars, BOX 24TF Rein Daak. PET STOCK SIAMESE KITTEN5 DACHSHUND AND SIR. HUSKY Registered. heaith guiaranýteed. Havît. cek Jeseviie.Ontario. PHOTOGI3APHY SAVEI SAVE! SAVE! FiIlms cdeveloped ïansi rSfmagna prints inlbum40e 12mlvrýgia prints in albumi 6l Reprints Sf each ICODACOLOR Develûoin ro,0100 (fot lneludulint prints) Color prints 3j5ý ech extra, Ansco snd Ektachiromne 35mm 20 ex- pýosurea m rountes i ilieSI4 ,$1 25 Celer rints froni sldes 35e each. Moiley refundesi ln full for u-nprinted nega.- tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BON 31. GATIX ON)iT. PROPERTIES FOP SALE 10 s-;ettie -an tat 70areRiCI iver 11'ts, w en draied in TownshIp of Mos., Apply Box ,6, Wardsville. l'O ettie an estate, 200 acres choie tUle andi ioam sou l iFown'ShýIP 0f Mosa. S pliyj! Box 36, Wardsville. Ontario. PULLEIS FOR SALE~ 11Y-UNE Puilets, 3,000 f ive months Oc- tober lth. W. dielivcer. Apply Willy Vainaverbeke. IlR 1, Stratford, Phon 336W-4. S'VAMPSAND COINS QUALIT'Y Approvais, Beginners-aivane- ed, 1, up25 of frtprca. Adults onîly. V. Dacano ,229 Rns landi Ave., NYC 69. WEST Germany-Berlin, 50 dUft coir- mlemorative fineat qalt.exehange aganat 1,.00 rint Cnaia orýmefli- ratives. WUmail from Unitesi Nationso with comm. set. Gerber, 6110O Fort Wash.. ingto-n Ave.. New Yor 40, NY. ASDA WE PAY M-ORE NOW! LARGE 72 page coîin aaoue it Ing and pricing aIl Canadian , Nvw. foundland coins, pius ge-nerous V.S. listing. Price $1,111,unihlustýrated 211, phllacoïn, Regina, ak rEACHERS WANTED TEACHER wvanted for MtawnTowin shîp School Area, Grades l to 8. buis to 'commence immediztey, Appl, aat lng qualiflications. and slr expected MRS. A. V. BROWN, SECRETARY F.O. BOX 277, MATTAWA, ONT. VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA vacations. Raoal rates.- Efficiency -partmenis, weelk or season. Central to Clearwater, St Petersburg Tampa, lisyfront. Piaefsigdock., Write- Davi"s, 2 Wilson SIL Dunedl,, ïSSUE 41 - 1959 FACTORY WAREHOUSE 16 First St, iondors, Ont. SAW CHAMN CLEARANCE Fioneer' Çaw. 404" îcIl 16- - $10.00 20"- 12.00 4"-14.00 McCulioch Saw. ÇD44 $nceb 7/14 Pitch. 8.- 00 Il elteSaw 7T14 lt le" - 9.00 Ai Chai n Factory GuaraIld 6rand New. Chain to fit env dlIrect drive saw. Lairge Discounts.Seild In Vor r ld aow bars -$50 aiowsnecc on your new bar. Cash %with order l0 enniure imoothssiig and amiple free bagg-agealwe to iake e ofyorbsnsoriaaonvrdhe %T. LAWRENCE SAILINGS From ,Montceol & Qee CARINTHIA OCTOBER 2140 GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL I IVERNIA OCTOhER 91H HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON t t SYLVANIA OCTOBER 1 6THi GRIEENOCK, LIVERPOOL t IVERNIA OCTOBER 301H- HAVR, SOUTHAMPTON t ,~.j SYLVANiA t-OVEMER 6TH GREENOCK, 1jVERPOOL i SON NOVEMBER 6714 HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON zc Y.our Local Agent- CornMer Say & Welington St0a.. Toronto, Ont, Offices ah: ontreui - Halifax - Saint John Tel: EMpire 2-2911 - Quebec - Toronto -Winnipeg - Edmosnton ' Vancouver ~i~'<t~/ 5P710M * 67~flV-(Qfl * »7A4P5' ~y' e -4fl5~,74'Pd /lV7~'~ 6'lqOM5~ e W' egy2i4 fQPfPeçlA -N N N N 'N N N N 'N. N 'N N NN. N N., N N N N 'N. N N N 'N N N N N N. N NN 'N. N N N N N N N N N N 'N N4 N 'N N Ni 'N 'N N N., 'N N N N N N Ni N N '-N N N N N N N Ni N N N Ni N N N N N N :4 N N Ni N N N N Ni N N N N N N 'N N N 'N s Ni 'N N N N N t4 'N 'N 'Ni Ni "N '-4 Ni N N s "N N Ni Ni N Ni N N Ni Ni 'N N Ni N 4 Ni Ni N j- --------------------- C:- . =4 EUROPE

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