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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Oct 1959, p. 1

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Octobeîr 1j ris Subscription $1.50 ono H..Champions TixScoz-m Fieid Meel This Strdi eauray OTobri. , tatssh Blood ~1inic ý.ur coiflmun17ty'sco 'Is yo)ur 111e. As a hloodfor asfu-m k ~dSercec provides a !,tfi»r to"" jiý oe Wh Tb ofge -rodeay fao Wn fce, the lives of- ou f aily, ut the ffth ining en Trry Bood Te ~iveiI X~ drove o ror was to cross ate-Noe erth Although t VwaG adounced a Lo ok "odbRm :rters hv vr esnt their, finle echool. On Fenwic clubOronotook first lc garne for the carried the îmuch co*v -wil be pient dew hlaod lett urj,'buses '3 7th Crn t t bce-, omreH ee ac 00 Honour N ewly Weds Plae-Li- on's Comn it ete tt th OdehowsHall .1OrOno OInor )ronoPark H czd teculsrcn aae r.H ..7LeQ.L e r UMris. 0Kei Neal. Mr. vQuanlt ri',l is the snnof r.AdMrE. Qat i0fjTh( ThM rn ak 3adhlin ibmn suPM I for some prosent. I Follewii- fbus for he tný-p anti ltheir IÏ10-1 crr illroks Bac tock and Oron for 2U spectators. The Cost for e11b col asdcae ofcal opien. The bus Ill eave Oonoat 10:00 Th'le races heade h ~orm Aclok anmi anyohe who wishes to Due to the kindnesof our princL mnake lie tnp to support the boys pal in allowing the school to pur- in this their hast Chance ta Win the cà-ase eight pairs of uewsies our chminhpare akdta o have' runners certaivi1 ha,, -d dthe equ)ip- theWinme w i ither Jim Gamsby meto igo wi!ý prL m nediatelyate the racýes were over phone 11r,12, Dane Found or ROY the various othIer eVents got under.. Forrester-. These muast be r-eceivedl wa y. GrauIOstecrsaedd aes soon as Passible as arrngements each eventht pendi! and c1ip- for1 the bus nmust be ïcomleted by board -jtoreodaltethtifes Frda veninig, Octobier l6t01.U reodalCetfiui( as ________________________ Vimi andi vigour possessed .ali! Ev.. en at ltInh otr a studeni-t could 4 vile, ear yron, whn th rnis- hap occurreti. t osaiti th'vere hlunting phleas ant on some landi ownedi by Johin iBom.There were five other moni ithe p-arty. The dog they were fusing to put the bîrds up, cbased w cock bird eut from under à fçnce -i!bottom. An Oshiawvaman (whlose, namne Mr. Sturrock wiwth,-! f elti) firoti at the bird. Grdnwas lui the lhue oiflire, about 40 feetý aseba appen and saîd -Mr, tes andi gave p five hlits to Ille Feu! up wich is expecte-i te beýgint--is ttrrugh the square dances. o ch rpi wick Club.,[,all anld Carry Over to next year. was servedi L rre monours ilu the hoyýz< eveuktS wefre -A walk ani 111 0-0110rror gave S e c u k- .gu _______________paritcîpatlng sch<xtls, each school Twe his nd a w lk ga e hex t o Tho Du ham aind N orth m ber-'do m haiýve m atches bee n stagied w ith ýM ackiu1, rcon, w a,-s the u io Jys More in the cout luthefira. DUnt1IS larmng oer hampoii GaroMc irrreluf-e hird with ta similarre i Te marriage e, f Noreen liza-jaud short sleeves. She-wLre lc lnPlo-wingMthhl nWLbte o odtos oal ladies Iwinnepr. witiiArtis. McAi timr, .of the cord adiding twa nmore lu the fouIrtil. ibc, -uhero r. at r.Nr lvs a Queen1 Aunim tiis e ecSa, Otober7t, 4 9at lhe Serv meals to the plowmen and Baksokschool ani Gen ar man Somgtt rguof ae0le ad Mý.Ntiur-,e soudr-igt e-îlîlerman cbdFriO castheconjicte195£boot. The shower in! a Milbr)iook, championis in theLiter- rooscoreti their Ihoue counin ilim nehSbwcu, io o cattered Llwith sequins, anti carri'et t was jiget by Winfredimbr fteatronsoeiteatvte eiaeat eirdvsos the hir whe ~rrr~~Graain rs.Victor Shewvcbhuck of Orono a wte Biblýecresteti.vith fashion- Stouffvhhle anti in spite Of Ldifficult ati1Secrotary RalpLIC. faOochowatxew- tl- wakeirdollow eti y G bi.Taînt !te a1e M. hechk, asso- tteroebtisani tramesnuotsh wallrielacîvtis wrecariti ihtn ttino fnis te ecrds noHib vlalkeduntil tank, PresidenthiDonTButiti mn gscho lhithfitoal of 198 fthgvFeick îtwo More scores emnîzti recnti i Yevetox s. Mtistahaoti.out.d, to bning their totafl Io sevenag l- t'A!huchMs.GeorËge 1Hartii1g ao fHighl)(ntýi Rs il ts wr: heti ndthe locai eoplr e. the on-ns ilro olwt co Crekaslaroan hue7ad Hrse Pýo-wing 1, \Wil! AHu i mn ndte uig-frthi1othi ttl sor eig16 oit Oroo' Qu. ron lckei he it lTe RevereniiSamue Snoxvden Miss AieShlewchuk, bridesmnait. 1Esio Champon& M"h g dua[praixinsagn lstok hniwt tin pwerani hldngabilify-yin; of Mlbrook ofiMaeiMs. DaviTe cr rsst hi m wleton; 2. loward Ahin -- Tomsi store ]istric-t D;ncoiloat er given withsome of f-be ithI-e soloist. Jon B i'uuof Janet1 Tacor10 fiucb plowvs- L. ordon c-eîinost o -)mnl'te tIlelu'- vcoyb pnomn u Up aloug ant i square ncklines and pull sleeves. trdiîiPtroogh .FaktrainlMatch wh eginls )ntaneOn tlle Man sret o*0-on lieltCiing errors proved cOýstjy, ville, Sang "O promise Me"aniAphiutipatl lwes n rheicTn ey-Es oraon ni;2 Lu.1coe 3bi entot on- nib ielnu at o ne "Truhthe Years." th'e hiplîne. Mrs. fHartiing wore a 'T1e soCarpo n un ýýbce Thle Orono iîneup wsGrant Yeo, Tho bridIe was Çgiven 1-1 rag ikvevthadrs nt isdonaltion.nerDtasint vnig * caf-cher, Rahph Keýnnedy(i cer ybr ahr She wore a gown of Shwhk,1le achu h'Trctor 12 ic lw-1 o Terry Grahanfirst, Ala: Hro11anilylacei- ir f e a-sramr mter buut hBdiMno otsseil; 2. frolli 'RoundboAboetsUo second, ChIarles Rei( f-ird, Waynecadliug tiowu theC sides o fh0 bu-1ik ni hîegîciou foet.Bruce Engleson - YLan-îtrsotedoua o MihershotGamy ycetMicae fat kin he ac boic wa Ms tn ar Hndmtiiug acet s in;l. Walter Ortie, Peterborojugb._____ Fagan ant ruoltiWallace Inftbe stlet wth a squareý,salpt ek ighaeTatrMutt lw .Ge field. tliobetitiwth sequinis anti pearîs IMn. îMax ýShewci-huk ohLindlsayAln-Rph arwe pca;ETNIEW KONadsaiehv uf-eytm, va bsi ananith uheswee . obntAun Duhm e-uTAU NTON ROA I Asredwhy -buýauton mtihati Mori Age nt icbU sShw. peia;3. Stan Allin - Lautcaster bcm mof~fM.Tbf-fen ch k ~Tractor -s-eat. fTo cope vwitb an eo nreig xli hti- ao seas soon ro fl O A reception was helti lu .Jauet-1 ~~~~Junio_-rs ;18 - 21 -1. Jams vlmeo -ali eerlatrain s h-D fi fi-lwy O u tTo W I t n G ove embi wit a crsag oh el)w Sho;BnyFitaiBiho melniantýi uham. Thiese al~- aagreat tel f Iniic ouat. f -norf-1 17 anti under -1 alMakî tucinporannwutierWyluwtHihas3 n wa unavy bMme Wth %hite anti alA. 1H. Sturrock &Su so corsage aI pi!lI roses, AMSo gneetinig Dvt ryemn -1 ewn')il n o h ajrpoecs5f-enn; fOoo Wif-n roe uvnieswo -b os îceduptwlv itýs foO o fbeget a -b rtesgaD oaion. reconm CýWî4struction work now vbeing doue - eaf- Pi hwr -sas en Outanlo bampionhip ove the ioln.i'I'e ict-s1made steadyon f-ho efive miles of rond :uuIudoueby IlleCotyasohfb mo-hrMn.D.H.Mcule, ea-The Eaf-on f-ophy fr "Be(sizîo aupo - -e ilg hhaij e odal tn e Couuf-y wekod he fbe tehaet te limbf- fhentoalohseeuee ,iga turquoise anti fuch1sia jacke OrnoJuenls corf-oseon rnsoenf-ei igt nnng1f-ba1poedi landi by competf-ior pasf-'14Tuto n1h budayohOfanoRot. f 1 xpcei1-bat ti y fodri iil-less, wifeaccossonjes ati a cor but nt 18" nti SinpsonSandon straight gaine of f-be final series. FrOoo oneLycett was fb aeo ik1S5 fion hfon best work j) a heginner aiDurham c_1is h aridouwsdo enila --The victory for Wilton Grove wa 'botbier with f-wo. Siný_gles "vent-AS f-licoulehef- on thleir hbouey- ,wej elof-hwotn'by Paul M- li c The work wîill be com-lplef-eti inxt grieaf-deal oh change i xecei on Sunday decisive, 17-4. jf-o Terny Canleton, Tom .Cowvan, £Do nmooný, the bride was vWearniugasikCobourg Mho titi a ramar-kably go"C)p() u acorting - ereTte, uhpae 1sB~mcm'h1 Ornotii ac toohf-ei -eg aiwuk, Larry MleG. MM cdrss lowVened in oranige atm eo o onaby i ins-a--ep- ounties rond engineen. Grant0 Greenwoo)fd' Gý an tntia diibu otWfhblacklac.Thej fog colta aswub ef u a rJn oWARNS Sa GUN>S uadtpheayers(h-oy f-bsgm hch-TeOoothepwsPeo snes. YijJames ati avtiCydrm for.-wIlletthe permnanent fpavement on hai -obea ic-oy f -b Oon aanteuse, Donuie Lcft en n nt r.Secu r ak.-; .ouilewt -e Bihtn Roati No. 1 bas been a couinty BwavlePol*(-c Chief eÊ -Club w-%as te sf-ay jcA lu f-ho uing. CntoTom Cowan, Don Dn u -enhome Cýin saa 'gcoo i esre iIfn rn icefb-tse a sf pf- at1R I-eyisci, nn Donie Lycef-t aiD onldDa- au'" c1-ý,7e o ussS[jýI chuk s'hareti the, pîýitingduf-hes for- Maol inMeKe, G Don1,c-ues- en rsntfo Sd.Caimnoffh ochcmmte s 98 btwe rcntrcinisncntyffatprnt ilbe det ilb lcaltein.WisonGrve la- Rugley LnoyMuerGay M- ury Pntyoo, PrtHop, ron, f- b cngrtuaf-tion -b arane-iomtefet If wll ein -h wodsresonibl ati re!cu-e-1- cad telcltal 1I)GovplyMackin ai Grant Greenwiood. Bowmnullent Lotusî. iment. >The hand vwas ideal anti sel- :oh Mnr. Tf-enLf-:ibe ighest tn- (G hudfret-n page 2> -J s k 'a s s- N s s s 'a s s a-j s J-y s -s- N s s 'J, 's s J, -a N s s- s- $ s- N N a -'t ,Y-ag

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