I4IRSTJ "Dear Arnne Hirst: 1 amnnear- ly 18 and I've neyerwr tte t a stranger bfrso 1 fCeel a littie fo 1sh Iwant you tte CIl me what to do; 1 guess 1ht mearn is, 1I hope you'I be on m-y Sside I an-tï4rlove W ith 1a Vo n der- Sfual jmaný. 1Heis 32. 1e 15 se m uch Mor er s~ntlha a .ftilhe fEurope andI ailF over, anid l just sit an-d lister, and I'm so tbiiled ht h e ps , t±9nni9to !m-e that 1 just, about worslhip him AWthe respectU3imna lot-but they won't give their consent te. e ï-narriage n. -if-- I wait til, I'm 21, they Proms ir "Anne Hirst, 1 just cntwait that long! Wouiln't it be al Sright to run aw,ýay and ~h rle? kowhe wiih4d tbing 1Iv;a nt. and 1vI wnttht Bt 1 tbdught I 1ougbt 1o ask1 sontebody first. Pleasesa yes! WHY ClilEZATYOWRSELF? * sto"uce(d yloe and she *realizes, hwvr iithe Smeaning of ife, one day hie *clear befote b er. It is hrer mar- * nage mern1i. 'The picture is clear: In shin- *ing %vite, decked wvithO or- '~ange -lsosand veil, she- ficbatsaog the churcib aisie *on bier fath-er's arm, pDreýceeded, by her atÉten1dants. Proid.iy1 *she walks 'to 'he altarwhr 11.her brildgroom awa, sher Surrounded by ber famiiy ,ý,and ih bs, the pes iiled witb theLir Sg uests, she repeats ber .è- in ail d'h-lrholy meaning. S*Blest by bier pastor, glowing, with good wsesbe embarks * ipon heýr new life witbi su- *premne confidence inelber nmate *and the love site kn wwll *last as lontg asj shee Uves. It ^is the most selenir m o - ement she b-as eve r kew and *with a11 ber beart and soul she *dedicates he-seif "0o ber hbus- e band's happîDness. * Compare this sacred scene witb the eiopemcent thact ternpts GIo4,PIaid Look 1 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r- r' r r r r 'r r r r r' r r r r r r r r r r r r' r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Plaid W plain add -'Mp te A PLUS fashoiqte ng$~c ars. Titisgay dres has front- pleant skirt. Easy-sew---prtty Ln ce coicur. Pni.nted Pattern 43,49: Gîits' takes 2%,ý yards 35-ncit; %yard contrast fabrie. Pinted directions on e a c h -pattenn pr.Ensier, acceurate. Send FIFTY1 CENTS <5 0> (stamps cannrot 1 ageped cse posta',i nte ' sâfetyY foýr titis pattene. Please pjrit plain- lit SI ZE, NAMEF, ADDORE,9 STYLE zNU-MBEP. Send. order t3 ANY4E ADAM, 9ox '-, 1M ighV' nfhSt., Nýv *you today. Snieakring eut wf *your parents' homre, driving Sadyabout te <mdli a justice *of the peace whoù wil go *titrougi t he motions the law *depuands and yoti. finid yp-ur- *self the wife of a niaýn you *harjdly~ knowv. . - an-d wbat then? -You must creep back *and confess te yeur parents the ething you have done. They *V w44 m boqkped beyoncd wods ~and d l b e sick with *shamre-a-nd this shiae is tbe *baginning of a mnarriage thýat *should ha consecruted ile dig- nity and honor. -~The -eoftraatt eeweetr-these~ two pictures is net the only 'reaseit your parents ask titat you wait. Tbree years wilU Sprovewhte youn love is Sreal1, or yvou are only hlindedi bLther 1etg, rn fl' faultts and'-itfeifd -e ut boý te bing eut the hestin you botit. When tbhat happens, *you 111 b really ready tep ýn oXm r oi s 111 uknow that 'wiIt yo~u f'al is no i te love c' a- ifatimie. 1 Titrce years will prove, toc., *whatbter yeu,no 18, will nn at-ure suifficien-tiy ,-te <md *complate comipaionship wth *a mani nearly itwice your age, *or ehr tha difference irn Syouir ages is reaily imrprtanit * RaLntis piece agaqin, my *young frianîd, and tbik * hard! INDISCRLEET DAUGHTER "Dear Anne Hirst: Miy prob- leam is my daugitter, 4, and lber boy friend. Wbeh .nthay corneii frnom a dat, he stays unti1 vwell after rmîdnight! "Tis is a one-floor bouce, and otiers like tu slep. As fori me, I have teo get up earl-ly and go te my scitool Job the naxt dy Andt sbould {hey ha alone ail that thie? *'Your daugitter needs t te h remindeld that consideration *for others (especially tite an- i ly) ranlgs bigh amcong the vir- *tues cf Young people. Shce 'sbould. know wiihout being *told tha, keepîing such laVe * lours is not enduy-civa te a *quiet household, antd certainly *is deinug ber ne goedpysa- l y - we resons wby o *sbould discontinue these îlng * heur S. It wouiLld net surprise *rne at ail iif ena gratefu] I* frieir w1ll he the young m-an *she keeds up serate. R i salasthe duty cf he gilte adjust lhanheurs tu;aC- *com)odate ethers eiffceta4 by * tbemr, and if the ladkn s * is way around ha Wil apnre- * icate having his tig'te eut shiort. *tYour dýaughtr. a ovu iok d odea acter': Nothinig is u *gram as berreuaonNig- *bers Ha3ve eyes and eairs -iseý ~tongues. Even tbough ye-u are Sure it lh love yuU feeL, don"t checlyc] that love by e1oping.. VonilIhw sorry the rest el youýr hfE. n Hirst -la liane to avieyen ii anty vital situation. W iber at Torrnte, Ont. Mnr. D. Lewýis, artrdSni Austn-ian <rmer cf Port Lnon bias invenhed an automnie c y- ringeý injecter te belp diabetics. A sufferer himself, ha uses bis -nz,,un te rire hap~~avn shlots" inte lis bQd-y. The ypdrm y 'nef it s inte amr ejecter caise witb adijust7- -able Seaing, se allewving ite1 needle's deptit cf pana tatOn tu te pre-sat. Thte needla cannot Se~n stika dangerously dîeep. To ire th? icbtistile patient meraitr ilacea h against bis flesà New Fuel Cell Opens Vast Vistas~ Once again Bntihsinii know-how has made a sigifi- cant, techlinological breaktbrough In titis case it 1s one that couild add substantiaily to the worl's_ sources 0< electric power, The breakçtbrougb 15 develop' ment of vwat appears to be a, practical fluel celi. The latter is a. kind of battery thnat gen1era2tesý electricity fromr the reaction of gase s uch as bydrogen aqnm oxygen tbat are fed into it. Uniike conventional battLeries-. its powler Producing. potential is tnt limiited te its initial charge Instead, ike a combustiont en- gine, il car. run indefiitely as IcTig as fuelI in the form o'f the reacting gases hs fed into it. m This kind of electrical gener- ator han been an 'engineer's- dream for decades. A numrber of research teams around te orid have been tryiing te dlevedop a successful prototype. However, tbe goiing bas been tougit. Only ~recently, .a sumnmary of Anner- ican work in tiiis fiîeld ended witb the conclusiion that a suc- cessfui fuel was many resegirc'( years iln th~e future. Now BrtEnta apears to have broken the tcnlMclbr ier. Tbe fuel cell's inventer, Fra- cis T. Bacon, bas be workinig on the project )or more tiian "'0 years. Ha and other expertýs Ih- lieve the apparatus may eve_,ntu- aly re-a tran5pDrtatiofl from de- pendence on oi and -oal, wnrites Peter Lyne in te Christian Sci- ence Monitor. Buses and trucks wouid spae-,_d neielesiywithout iain trail of <unies; eilectric trains could operate witbout oeha -wires Or i>ve rails. TheL Unitedi States is said re be particu1arIy interested in the project as a Irneans ciroidn pewalr for light anld lon-lasting, transmlitters in reckets andI(pee sbips, and aise res:erve pow1-er in nuclear submaj-rines. Mleanwh7iie, tbe United States is being touted hene as ikl to takre the leand incmiera- izing Britain's s;o-called "magie beiC'The lectrcityprodueing. fu-e el eauhan just been ieino- strat.ed for tire f irst timj-e -n pub'c lic at Cambridg'a, Engl and, at tbe works of M ba]of Cam- Britail is said to hlave SP-ent about $280,000 on te projeet s fan. But Amenijcan enarsatc soidl to be spen:ding aot20 tmsas 1 muein onthe nx taeot its developm1-0lt. At th,-e Cambridgeu demonstra- tien, Dennis Heninessey, deputy, rnariaging drecter of the B3ritisýh Govenmet-s onsredNational! Researých Devlopiment Corpo-rai- tion. vîwh ils4sponsoring te cC'il ineBritain, told a gathaning o' nawsa{amenand otiters "Weý are lot sellng et teAmericu,. Tbhey ws-ll feed l--ack thec inform-1i tientheygainfor tbaibaleitof BritisiA nusr. Thiis mastittthe al' fo ture is sen Ps, jint Anlgle- It zshould ha empa etthat thfuel ce]]jis still iii tha de, veioý-mantalsagItbuhits fsiityappears -"to hvebeea Tde fuecls al]daontrta a Cambîdg larather ulyand ak rdto handia. Hwe )r t is expa t tht the siZe can bc redluced cenougb ite poweï valut- trucks Making i saillnuh for pson utLombile i cons-dard raherambillous etý thi bstge. ircaltite fuel ceil well o)i',' er ï -nther way te gen'mcaa elecnicty romchemicail fuu(l. Farmers a ïre tiroupit wittb their banvast;: holiday folks are home <no-m the cottage; ciildren are back to scbiooù thae.1 ..is oven--and the weaIter, et last, la normai. anyctia ask? Witat more couid Dc, Arthur and te bey1s ware her-e ist .nigbt - te ,first timc we itad sean David, Eddie and Genaqid for twe mnontVhs. Thc ey alil loo e il and liad plenty tIo tai-b about, especially Dave. Eddiiiiiwinning ays are sf41] apparent. "I like ,yeu, Grand- ma," says ha2, as ha followed nie inte te kiteben. Jerry is stili bailigerant, detarminad fô geV wlitt he wants in spite of every7- thing and everybody. Tbank , o odne,,ss bis panants nownelz leca't he 'treted~ as a baby any long-er .. .ha wil ha two nex omntit. Sote ty net qccord- înglyý. Loud howls cf frustra- tien 'frontJeryare Vite'inevit- aýbie rasu I.. Thay ail show-, signs cf bnttle. ïa,,ainst îmesquitoas and poison - vy and .the-,y lhave a1 stnigjoke against Dca wbec ca.st anciton flnm ite motorboat a short distance <rnm shore, and titan <ail backwands into tha( lake wbile ring te m rise thia anicior eut cf te mudi. CousinBet reportad ail site saw w V7,as a pain cf legs in te air. JusV racently I bave litd quite a stint cf baity-sitting, Our nax.t dearnenigititoun came over in hurry last Sa-trday1--breugb t -bis five miontits old son witit hlmi. Wouild I look after te baby ,and couLd hebu orrow our corbs wi h ad gene shopping and lockad lber kays in ita'eirnt, henica an S.O.S. te hubby te go and ras1cue lban. Titis mnoringan stiter neiritiour biad an apit ruent with han dector. Eusbnd was wrkinig overna a e -Ocidn'Vget hemeI2-so ô6f Coursea titae-r was te usual baty pneb- Inm letitis casaete haby rmises Cain with mblst cf the available naiglitiouns excapt me se I1, pack- ied mother and baby into the car and of f wc 'vant te te doctor's. Could ha there are daw t t being popul'ar wvith clalidren Myethat popuilarity will even- tually ex end te our yoLungest grandcti. Yn my r'ecila i ur seýssion witit hlm a few weeks ag-o when ha crIed carn- inuousiy fer two and a haîf itours. Sinca tt'e ahb-itn for inri bas neithen- been ra- quested non offared. But don't miake any mistakçe, we stilI titink lia Ès a lvl baby-at leasi whien bis metiter is arennd. Last! week I1 %as meng te <et titat 1I couliCn"t go e Otawa on account of 1ia thlout waa s -iingles cm ptkl('y heatý. IV wsnathrbut a drug rash. Saems soea1cf us h'ave an inter-inimecbanism like an oid ca- i ne thing and sothing-,. aise gees wvreng. However, dur- ing the time 1 sheuid have beýen in Ottawa we 'had anether speil of ninety-degree weatiter su J, consffled mysaîf wbtbe viet, theat 1 was more cornfortable at homie anyway. Sevenal daý s two, cf our neighibours wito couldn'ýt stand thte heat cf their own, homes any longer came an4d spetit the afternoops in oui' basement, witene we had a cu, cf tea ie comfont. Our basement. cannot boast, a necreation roomc- bC bVil is cool and I have patV t r t urdta4nfed of, id t-yi AFTER te weatiter changerl Our eiectnic steve gav-ýe up thte ghost. And of course it bad te bc r. a Satunday night, after six o'clocký. IV wa ttn l ftire i oul'd ge, 1 any izesponse to eïe rgency jails .1 had visions cf a cold, coffae- less breakfast Sunday morrnn and O-maybe a celd luch -low- ever, eut very obligitrg plumober came to the rescue, put in a new cairti'idge fuse and titen we were able te bell, bake or fry te oui- beart's content. Acttiaiiy I wasn't tee, wornied.-e could still use the electnic kettie anld egscen ha coddied very nicely if ieft ln boiling water fon five rminutes. Wtnconveniencas break down) 1 titink we sboiuld accept thte oc- casion as a challenge Vo aur inganuity. Nething i se bad bu)t wbat if could be werse. 1I baVa te ltougitt of being absoluteiy dapeýnda-nt -ûponk modern conven-- iences. IWe need a itraakdown in services onece inawbile Vo, sha1ýe us e.ut cf our ce iplacent acçeptance elcffal that we take fer gnranted, Mnrs, Donothy P., I enjoyed your latter and geV a Preat kick out cf your bb-itigexpani- ences. Thanks for advice about P.31. radiïos. AV the, moment I have one on approval, just te find out itat iV bas te offer in hie way cf programmres. 1V is wend.eriful net being told witat Vo takle for 'an up-set sto-macit; wvhat soap te u -se Vo geV Vings raally witite aid ho te <m ot "Iwheýre te ylwewnt". Any- way, an F.M. set wvould bhaa mneans cf esca-pe <rcnmT.V. w est- erns. Patnar and I agrea a-bout mnusic adaand nd edcucatien- a] featurs-but I1 arn a long wa,ý'Ly fnom liking b!is weter s sfor wnesýtling, 1 faelc] eay bammer- uoc adevr twist cf tite musclas titat aa sbown co01te T.V. wrastling bouts. Whien hey ana on 1 can't concentrata on anyvtbing eise-if 1 aIn in the samnerom But witb radtio it is a piaasing accompa.imlet tVO N7workixtg-,radn or writing. IModern" Etiqtiette by Robertaý Lee Q.iWen a vistor brinýga c'Indy to a Patient In the hOS- pital, should thie candy be offer- ed abouit? A. Yes; and the nurse -should beinciuded, toQ, if shie is preý-1 eýnt. Q. it proper to takçe youu place card and nltcep roi a banquet table as you leave? A. You are privileged to taki anythîig that is obvious]y ar. Sn di v idu-ul fayotr of the jcca,.ssion in fact, a hostes is usuaI1l pleased 41 you do sshow your ap- preciation of her good taste hr iselecting hýer place cards b' wranting to keep yours as a mne- miento. Be sure, however, thalý you are flot takirig any of you, hioste-ss' permranent equipment! Is i proci. or a 1ef t- hlab- cd ersoxït(o chis, vol- ic CUPA.ronl ih n ti-lt cithe lef t side of bis Plate-in1 Orderta drink wlth bis Ieft hand? A. OnlY, iif t4wre, is plenty ç et roomi between him i and his lef t- ha1ifl neighbor. A lf-'ne person shQtllt however, train hirmseif to cat "right-hnided" >'ai gracefuliy and P-cen1 S ha cani. Q. Eveil if Mweddin is til be a very alinfiormlai one, woul it be !àll nilit "fr Vth bride to wear a white bridaI vei ? A. A white biil veil is ai- ways ini ordèer, providled, o! course, that it is nlot thie bide',s second iparïiiage- Q. When h îloiv ss frei otit-or-toiwn. are expected lii0o1 the train o ôil an, are il-ey sp pose4 *ti bc netatithe sftati or terminal by the- host or hoste-ss? A. MUost cer-tainly, A ma-gistrate ln Nottinighaîrn, England, disqualified a Newr- castie youLhth ror drivlng for two years. When the defendax4 toid the court he Jd' fot have fare homne, the sentence wvas postponed until he~ drove the 15U m'iles backç to Newcastle. A camel can drink 25, gallons,, of water in half an hûur. Sm art Saiflor à*f Sew 'ni' save ' Make titis sinart sailor dress of ramnant1s - gay in navy and wblite witit ted trim. Do one version witit ambroi- dery - otiter in plaid 'n' plain. Pattern 922: hl' sizes 2, il et, 8, 10; tiqssuaL pattern; transter; easy dinectionsiý. State siza. SentI TIIRTY - FIVE CENT'S (Stamps cannot.bha accepiîed, use postal noe for safaty) far this patVern te Laura WJitecler, Box 1, 123 Eightentllit St., N4ew TForonto, Ont. Print plainly Pat- tara Number, your Nam?, Ad drcss antISiýZa. SentI for a copy of 1959 Laitra Witaaier Neaýdlacratt EBo o kIt lias lovaîy desigýns te entIer.ernu- broidery, c r o c b-i e t, knitting, weavin1g, qitnty.l In a book, a spaýcia1 liuprise Vo make a lîttla girl happy - a cut-olit doli, elothas tco coloun. SeýntI 25 cenits for Ctitis bock. 6oe vetdottn.e P. Ctiô,t'ke 0&,'