*1~~ flMonarcSi Frnilv White or Chocola ý ,j S i r s E V e C h ic k e n , B e e f , w Canada'a, Ow n Tirclies j TIDE 1n a NEW LOW. PICE! No0. 1. White (Nàew Cop pwI doq,4 'HONE MMlitciietit Faricoy APPLE JUICE H Keijog's CORN FLAKE atH Ready Cut ,,-MACARONI saw SWagstaffes - ~JAMS & MARE Go Lquid 20coeffpack ~Detergent giant QUALITY MEA Swlft's Premiumi - Grade A Predressi Oven-Ready - 23 ib. average lb /-//îPRODUCE c Cortes- pMarsh - No. 1 Grade SCcirrots 3 lb celi '~Tender - Swvee - No. 1 Grade ~Parsnips 24 o 1 F lavorful - No. 1 Grade Beets 24 o CORtNISH'S un()morng1 E . f.~ohImes cable&t brs R aj? Cpoe othegrScss foff. s own mpuaig $>PAG t{E1 1,15 oz 2 for,2s 1 sad nte 1 ~ç ~ ~es. Ms Reilaror l uar4y Sveneca yPse hg L ckiy rew o.ý) a d~lace~rs', an'd the, linesmen were WçOr ~ ~r Oubb -Sav 1O.,~11ex~a1 e4 heantfiern hey rjimmlc y~ IS U E S L ,rr forr d2's: o, Ju" n h Rven- 1-1W . 13 . Neal oif _Mjii- l ro1- gve G d andfine ( rm on the Van Beois Mras ru" a iW eetO fXs t e i W e t ýj1oV' cixi am t r ng g f r e pe H ospital w h)e chenoi fOaaWa to be further ampuý savd v y nu cienjy a. t knybee a li i F)k 3Mar'y weie visitors i , MSs. 3csvere shock. ?I Mrs. A. swarbr&clk. Van Belois, ýh 13 obby Falls was at church was workilng on o il.$u1-Anda mrlling and was o igfoDr the Beaverda1! 'D 'N I ý,V0[ nd lapý7 -Com-pany o 01lpu piFNER p g5qCaw îe arehaPpy t l, j,.oçi 19ear oryf ea h T M. Tand scraper is ther Seens injured Ihis hip a wýeek company u:st 1d amhas to.reann bdfafe wWeeks. iCOGKTA IL..LOUNGI Mus ,a -r(0 I ç - f Ili. ~ ari - M nd r s q ite 1ii 5 V P O R T H O P E C o n4 uderthe docor' cae Ve Lna bld to hast( _oon s.f\V. g ette. cocktail lounges an, Roughiley qi0f Ono and quricnsCo -~jMr. Ross Roughlley , 1haa er Sith rogtia 2 lisitirnwith M5sCA.' S w ar rick <y' vote Of P ort H o pe. 2 l tii o ly 9 udy regular mecetinjg. In- ta-e sse as lost a:q' 4 lb tin only $1 &.09 ' Round A;xb out US 1te's rocee-d thirougt S (Continued from -p-ge 1) orthis year wul avObe,o ,~~ g 5 ~ ie rent Ia1ls, $1l'S 3; presinlf 4tS oz tin £ tor 5skate1, ,$700 andi incitien tals,mui, i 48 o fi fotests und dV(Irtjij:ng would have 1 Best 7 iMLT CORP4I$k 3c S'j 1nSZ E R EFO R % lt,l \A7. ornbi h of'Çld Orclai d F\r with 13 First, Sr . Chm dnsuip, Reserve r S av lrg p~ lc i r . Champion Bu ajRserv- jr. EA j wq lail groups, 8 breederscmptn. R - AtlIocayýgeOn Hlereford -Regionial;U ve 4c i16 oz pkg 2 fO 3 1 c" Sý( li~e took 10Firsts, Jr. and r. Il I 0lCampion 'Mjeand ra af -ops 92 cattie frm 16breed V vIALADES 9 oz jar 3. for 5 9cý.,ersi I'N PORT HP H'alowelen Jumbo 1 69e Kisses 28 oz cello 5 5 c,' "e le iP',)rt Ho(pe. It ]has been establlsed * t rodure he cl e tînpro- aldu cts and qeciatyfN7 util l- VTV MrL. T. Rý. or, well known n_________ p Caniadiani paint circles and f ormerly ________ 'l Manaýger Of Cosmos Chemrical Co. o whih'dosdrcntly in Port Hope. Eversweet - sîiced Side j b. sealed pkg. ý hldse sanmer p osiinft Ca lb k nakChemfiCal Co. li1e is Mr. . 55cI o eckless, M.C.1.C., a resident of[ _______ MPO _d p rtHOPE, COUNCIL FAVOuRSý TaIS THUI Swi\,ft'S Premýiuryi -ilM. cella Pkg. o WO HIGH SCI400LS l TW'einers lb 43c Pr 6p Cuci ecie froi Drha Ditrit HgliSchIool fi ~ard or prmisiôf b 'i ttwo ~ ig sholsinth h~hschool area IG LO0 1The CoCI oe h aor0 ~ the d e tue ss1ue. Smoh-Waxfed- No. 1 Grade 0GATE 0F TRA<CToR ahaj AMPIJTATES WORKERS LEG -L o i ~ . T I.> R Il I PS Last wIeekJhnVnBeos 2,C z i9c NCoT J'Phoine Oro0w 121 The date is Novembr4h 99RC Time--2 to 4:30, a>d ROC30to 9 p.m *d dining oo he-nuleducational confe ri-cillor C. J. ence for K$awartha district INo. 24 vesolution for a wilI also be held at Cobourg on 01 eounciiil aIthêjtý tober 28. Interest in ýgèneraI sui fa our-four. vote ý jects has greatly increased. Teaci. idll now have ! ers by thieir choices, seen ,'to m( ýhthe regular [cate ai) hïtereFt in education dieyüja Itheir own parÜtcular fields, Cs' D C=0 c o Quality Fuel Oil antd -Stové -Oft ORAIBLE. PRICE i93z,,OIL CON 'Limited " ibone Ostkawa RA. 52tIloq 78 Bond4 St. West f A /L Bowmnanvilie MA. 3-55 89 22-~Z4 lmi Sehool CGi"rl' lIA CASTILLO ai-dROS agstrip Girl" Eî BLAKE -and JilM 9ONiLDSN m!iplete shevws at 7 and 9:30 .m the WIn«lg Coier - AduIt ROSÈRT $TACK. OOROTHY MALONE 2, c- b. Il- MI -s N N N 'N N N N 's N N s s N Ns s- N s- N N N N N N 'N N s N N N 'N N N N N s- N s, N N N 's, 'N "N N N 'N N s "s "s s N 55 N 's N N S N N N N N s-s N N N N N "-s N N 's N '4 N