&choo'1 News o Finance Student Actil na Glanvilê TA$BLERITE RED OR BLUE BRAND fiEA ]WLDEROâJASTS lb 39c.11 "Rib Roa st "9C lb q4c_ CATELLI READY ÇUT - SAVE 6ic mleAC ARONI KOLJNTY KiSTrW1-LOLE - SAVE ge KE R"laN AL ÇR MIS weK, ne suUVLUb, CouncîII wilI stan proce'lIÎ, o rnd:rnë another year. A plan tefras flunds for our new coun cii is alr-eady, The Oronû Badmij undIerway. We have aiways fouud a -1 ub lournament t to M, one ot our most SucceSSfi j igft of this we-ek W, vnre;that is, a magazine CJm' apprvj 4tene paign backed by thie schooL @r tweiity 'payers we jthé- event on- Wedneý, Each student is given an envelupe D)ue to the 'nmb wth a liSt of t1le n-iagazilles )aal- full tournamnent coul able~ anda a TnVnréci-dr 'i~isi)- McCAIN FROZEN~ 4pkgs5< ROYAL QOLD tNIEDIUM C-ES 12 oz jar 16 oz pkg 2 for 29c 14 oz tin 4 for 45c Section i 1w Availablei IGA'S NEW ASSEMBLE IT YOURSELF DICTIO RY Food Features Effective Oqcober 22,'23, 24. Bursting jvilthNatural Flavor SU NKi S T ORANGES dri se 138 Large Crisp Heads U.S. N.iGradle Lettuce 2 for 23c The schiool's magazine1 campaign made possiblel by the Curtltis Dis- ributing Compatiy Ltd. Last yeal2 xore than sixteen tbousai cioois ere $polsored by tile 4cirt-s lMag- Cent oit the neyIIC t« o .ýc tie moWst* ý,u.iyJsoil"maLaziiie5 Io L-in lýl4îe tpuyel tn c he sliol. 'î, le oui' iýcati obtafli espaiur stou s ;aiiawed ljy percetn rtje eud ;oi t adj raL4 t ,ii lin ine us- ýCl40o 'nity:per ct . itqtht h Lue ronohig ~,uoolwal-"S ev- îf actS s ie hueu uuy goverfillng (coni'itued ir1OM page 1) sîderedtoue a fctj~.~'feie- 1-i'ryuea i e tîadq.atd ara, of 4 ai valle (coveialg inaal, (ia f mitnac smokLýenu- aceor tiheh proxiity to prÀvate pi opertýy, o obnt0iut~is ljlc ors. ~-mubIg Inpectis p ,l, pau4~tstltoi ±rprv h.e agrtecetu, theeCampe,& s~~~1 ÈwÂ5 eueei,,rýt1-ad-, inÏm the H4jy ss Mararet Bwiiv""edr l t Cr <~rg ffip t th ampye-i The Ontario Public IHIealth As- f oaiheld the eannual in Toro-ntoo, n Spebr~,2,and 30. Thle sMiiS' oneece, whIich il dia l offc'f health areobie 10 attend. 's held for oe day ta onjunction wuf h .e Associ-1 ofHattogethier wthseverfai of the public healthnrsiailw saitary Ins:pectorS, têde h genmeral nmeetings andci sectitinal meetings dealing vithaïpriD-cu1ar field of public health. Tw,ýo of [lhe Inspctor attc-n dedc the Ontario Branch Conferen11ce of the Canadian Insitutel fSaitr 1ispectors held this vyea r îNaar Falls as a joinit confernce ith thLie IDominion bodly on, Septelriber 14, 15 'an1d1.I ton clu b eèdi >ni Wedriesday iiich met wîi. :ers. A few ov, ve on band frr day. Dr present the d1 not be tom]., ft 0the rnixed lecided. -' Everýý member of the clufr is liv. vil (tl otalke part in these téurna- metýas weflas. those that art le beIp arivith ocit-of-towr1 clubM. IThe Orono, ÇIubýh9peS to, be at>Je ter 'haàve' the',Bôrù \ilëdu 'l theiïr guests this comi ng week Men time. Pkin to be thiere' Thete wii aiso be lhineh ser'ved. example; the noney isuse4 tûencx- cou rage pqt between schoh. The teamýs rust be pro'vided witli the neessary equipment at nd' transyor tation facîilit!es. .Also bocks are Te- quire4 fÏ)rý he libxary einih year.~ 1n ý-f vr is pai4 fe6r our mxnotily danceý,,,etc. We\üirge ypou te put yotr"sppport into our magazine canpaîip! The 281 CAL TELEPrHO-E ORONO 1782 FO0R AFE OIL HEATING UNIT Convenient budget terms-. up f0 5 years to pay ALWJAYS LOUR 70 I-MPIMAl FOR i111E Ir