p NOW. . :60. k i i k Chevy's dene the iext be. ta palling -every road ID 1 First they threw out ti. sprinig inýdependent su rear spnrings into most1 CHEVRO LET o feel to believe. A ri LT Brau lerBbulldozer huîld They're tougher than Frames -are strongel', wheels and tires are pr suspension cuishions jia TRUCKS Leore comfortable cabs! Ensier ta hop in and WITU REVOLUTIONARY whole 7 inches lower TORSION-SPRING Big in the power departi With the industry'si SU H sIo ILI With hig-h-torque W( SUE M N S 10 Nit. it n able in new L.C.F. mac TIIAT CIVES ASTONISHING NEW more models than ever! SHOCKPROOF ACTION""!a ACTIe,,," OLDEST CHURCH4IA CELEBRATES ANNIV Thre oldesi chumch St.Peter-,'s Anýglican, 44Oth avniersary E Iguest preauver was Hoiward Buchener oA ege, Toropta. It im on record tha Wiliam Mcçulyhek theCoburgparish i Eurt Farih Rete, Iý records servies being east as Bellevîfleandi as Prt Hope. UKITEO 'ÏtURch 6 Orono Pastorai Mlinister R 1ev. Bas1 bng SUNDAY, NOVEM-ER 1 Oronao Leskard Kirby il a.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono Leskard Kirby est thing Canada! ie front axie and put in torsion- uspension. Then they buit oil Iight-duty models, variable-rate es. That made it a ride you have ide that lets you move faster to ia day. iakiy Chevy trucks ever made. cabs 67% mnore rigil. Front recision-balanced. And that new rs and road shock that used to ieet metal. out of too. Many models are a outside. Yet there's more head width for shoulders and hips. :nent! most advanced gas-saving 6's. rkmaster V8 performance in ew 6-cyliiider or V8 power avait- lels. New 4-wfleel-clrive mociels, tandems~ and hmgh-styled Suburban Carryalls. It's the handsomnest, hardiest Che-vy fleet ever to report for duty. See your dealer for the whole story, and býe sure to take a ride! Anythiqr less is an olfsindtruck! 10 a.m. 2 pm. 2 p.m. ______________________have beena carriled o*ut ini SUndaYS_ý sine ast June. Tt was estiirated' A 4ut U that an arverage of more than 2000 Ipeople itd the lakefront every tGThe buLilding of St Peter's was 1DURrHAM PUPILS comrpleted lin 1820 and opefned OY11.AT DON EVAN ChrLstmas Day. llowever, the firs;tlTheDra Counlty Disýtrict gbuildingwas a swoodenstutue g -SholBar , dfotapear its lu184iî4 the present church %was to be going ahead ,vt'h plans for heetoehe e ol-ý_ cd cuciwil uliga schoýol sinc is pupils on it wvas stili C use. The new churchlhad been accepted, by Doýnevan- Col- op was opened on October !4, 1954. legMiateàsiut, Trustee M t To ABANDON LEAGUE H OC KEY f ery sad t neeing -Df the Plas fi- H.A juiorhocey u IOslawaboard of education recerntIy ey PortHoepe tMis witer havebeen riinll e said, tne Durhamr inl waandoed bythe Port lHope IRs-1bard had planned t avéMet he cretion ýàComimittee. Lu výiew cf tes -lCompete nlu195. tWaS gunexlwcted Mîe An te reMng fno 1906 whe.-thtey said the sthas concluded that the cost would MAuybe.,bu, taking the pupils we oc ecesive ar patlythereason foer stoppïing them uildng te high school", he *jPORT PERRY said. S . ayel, harmn fthe ~rnt~Aos pans e mke ortboard, said he had been assured * ~i- a ledXn lkesderesor't tît te-urhx Cou.nty Distrïit weeoutlined by John Price, hi- High School ul be reay ot mn aofa survey comm-itte,ta' ta etme,1 91 Cwma r meting of Port perrynMORE STORE Cbanbe ofComnmere. In a brief1H RPETIN reot ia uve arîd u sne Witys plla incomiutee JeM.Price said the lakef rouihsbenake ostd 1ptto lis undoubtedly the comuniy' , callig for an end to store opening ïracs sset, andma be dvl ntetw nTusa vnns The vilage Itsef could nat be ciqlytbs week askg forUaunew b- expectedtolarrny through plnans for îwrgîtngsehus develoment. Assistance wud Bies hc indwne t avt be soléted fmiboth the store houY-'!s tcefomam e 6 fedra ad roni -,uýal gover-Cpsi., Mônday, Tuesday, Thursday7 men .( Increasinig populariy of n audy ..ta 30 . 1Port Perry as a resarit Pcere am- P ns~y n ..t .r.a aný'g peo-ple from .MetropolàinTmr- îIcoq, 9ay ntand maniy lakeshore com-mun-, ou cul d p gt right in the ities was nioted. mniddl1e of a ha"ssi,"sidMao H Ie said car counts, visiter sur- frar Jry, 'nes e a er- veys and person-to-person poils tain, that this is wha't Ithe mjrt ai mrchntswan-t.." - IJames, NjxoCrl REVOLUIIONARY INDEPENDENT RONT SUSPENSION STRONGER FRAMES -Bf GGER BRAKES ROOMIER COMFORT -'FIN£ CABS W*ODER POWER CHMIE GREATER MOOF11 SELECTION Jam!nies Nxn vblSed husband of Mary Nixon nee 1Mary E.KcKely. dlied min Bowmiliaiile Mmrial llosita onMonayOctober 5,' follvzîg ashort1 ýiess.Ilie was lun A native of EIiappy Valley, west af ono', IMr. Nixon r)was the ,sonio the lIý,e Mr. and M"rs, William, Nix- on,wh before their inarriage re- idelu relahd. H-1e married his wf, Mary ~ Kell' y uiOrono lu 9-21, and since the ha famedini the a eýa until] ma ito Howmanviflle and stant- ing iu the real estate busýiness about 15 years ago. He ,vas a mnember of 0the United Ohvuch in Orûno and siýnce ming, to LovIlowanille has -been a regular attendant ai Tniîty United Church. Hie was a M\,asoi n ad a inember of thie independent Order ai Odd Fellows. Mr. Ncon s su~. :e~,1 biJs wife and onie ,on-, ~ila Henry,. whlo fairis narth ai Orono. In ad- cio heis srivdby 1wo grand- sons, Lan' and Noma. e was pre-deceased by a sist er, Mrs- Fraak Stinson (Annie) lui ay 19517. Funralserice wee eld f rom. theNotbctta-nd S.dýjfih uneral Home Thu.rsday, Octobàr 8 at 2. pi. ita-mutwas niCOano cem-. etery. itev. K. Houslauder, pastor of Trinîity Uited Church conducted t ne services. Tepalîbearersweeslce !£(romaý e nmes i2e4vaol CT-IwOc BOWMANVILLE (%OUR TIC E amalnfrFi s iMon. Nov. 21! I 7-8 P. M.j IN ORONO Give generously e& Give now. If the canvasser M isses *S Ie.c donations ta Mr, James~ Bell, Treasurer, Bowmranville- jWetDurham Advisory Corn-I n, rittee, Ban k 0ofMontreaL,. sti;tute for file Blind". e ýý.w - ý ý- ý - - - - ý -