IY~ ~î~:; Orono High Schooil News.-.t Maartense DeclaredConiPè ident After CloseElcin 20 oz tin 23c lPOTATO MIX 7:oz pkg 33c pkg of 60 15 oz 3for 45ec 49e for 99e 59e 2lbpkg Save lOc 12 oz55c~ I lb pkg 29c Sec hon Now Available IGA'S NEW ASSEMBLE IT YOURSELF [GA - SAVE 1CQo eD L A 24 oz jar 29c. PRD0, WBAEX S GAY-Sv gallona can 99c 1VORC LIQUID - 5c off 12 oz 44c TIDE 12c off ;giant 71 c RLUFFO - 3c off Sliortening i 1b 29c ~ I b)Y Doug _Mýart!n Erienship.Make u yu th etjob in each-I of the HighSchol's nulSu Zoun ci] elction Von ,Wdns the unc] dsçusedwas aa ~all- nwe Daece!or Studntsan CMnd. This wll be carried out by thel Ble nOtoeiOh his rn1a igai at 8: 15 in the Odd- tE~ ~~~~~~h ~l~&Hl.Lnhw eserv7ed. Thehal wil'be dcrtdi r angeand lackuddder the super- visin o ConieTyrrecli and George ICI a. The dress is casual, that is, ;iMo hcoSuens, oucil-eWfo te winers of diferent t~~~~~~r~. Mhxc fteBusadtp es ùofdan ces. ~eJthepelcie cf1her îspet-The pices are as flos ePA.sys'ternat thebgnnrgStudÀýen-t couples-50 pu im atertl fhor thepresuits !to one rmnhg and smaking he even-, e0ý Lnwonced inga lrge success.SoLel welcome aI.!Sý 11 toatn n upr h igh tei eescre oahda h membpers id cf the eSunts CoiuCweearune.Tee- 'utiv costsoPee aree ndcnielTyregPubictyDr 'cnouc Ï by 13 HeatO(ýhe enRtefr 'L'sng hundsforte cAhetcAs fnsfrth;e thes'lic soito c~NC~HA UNS un legs ur ayly s. Fou powe ii r an mrud-leveI cuting. CWik smontsin any Scand frth IauIch Air CooIedI Motors L.akeshore Road PORT HOPE, ONTr. TU 5ý2760P PARTNER Plin g &letn Oiron., On.. Phoes~TyrneCOlfax 3-2281 Orono 1782. ovf an ALW/AYiS 1.0012K 'cCr Ê&L FR THýE BEST FOR N CAlAD iS PEA--CHTES AVLMER - SA 'E So BE~NS wi~h PORK d.White 'erySpice - Save 12c PR p FOODS 3 for - r-j