O L L ForFINAL. AP I ixfi egistraLlonFo Hockey This is a I i Donors by th (Continiued from page 1) D l n e ' M ~ i k trthe Bloo)dDo and F. E. Lyett is to suggest that, Players Pl nn d or N o~vemberJL eteBw the 01rono0Chiamber of Çomnerce dy ovnl constderRtheserection ofraasiinTor- an-d 6:30 to 9 coscertý c'ýti1 f I Agi ithemeetinig of the Orono Arn- t h RgsrainBreuiTr cober 28t1h board at the TonhiJall for thie ateur Athletic Associaion on Octo- onýto. It is important that this be cie oa posing- of baseýýbali and hocPkey ber 27th, a motion of great impor-dnei eiaeyOththeerhatfunu gamnes. A sirniar request is to bc-,tan 'ce, to ail hockey players an-d tificaite will be in your possessionmeitfan made of the Park Board for a bul- their parents was passed. This Mo- letin Board a-t the Park. tin s to the effect that no boy be by N,,ovemrber 28th. inext vweek oi Mr. Donald Staples presented the aîî,owed to, play hockey this season blod aailb finanicial report which showed auni he lias complied with the fol- -Sinýce t1his is a departure from' havedoo. balance of $290.05. The balance Iast lowiýng conditions. previous procedure, you are asked teididu year was $395.76. t aeseilnt ftenvrg rs so Expeses- He rnus't present a hh'th certificatetoakspcantefthnerg-CssAs Annual Banquet............44. n a seasoni's ticket for thre rink, ulations. So don't bc disappointedï! itsefff to supp] Rink .pe.at ........... 1585.38 and pay a registration fee Of $1-00 Jetbc sure to have your birth cer- pitais, therefi Park program.......... 340.00 in addition to an insurance fee of tiiae esi' iktad$.0 tir neidý Bal teamns....... ......... 251.53,$1.QO. fees for oembier2th.ndThe .0lI e May e nad Hockey inurance ........60.00 f- o 'ývme 8h h le a ea Play ............... ... .... 18412 During the afternoon of Satur- of registration will be announcedister and Wl:i Miscellaneous ...............33 .1a, Noebr2,rgitainfrat a later date. go any way, hocey ilitake place. At that tim"eý - - fA t te n1aer'~'birth certif icate, ca Total . ......... ....." .- - -- -- - Receipts- sn' icket and $%2.0o must ail bc[ Annu,,al 1Banquet ..... ..$03.0-pesntd From rin3k.................. 88836 An;yone who does not now havea Pla...............46762birth certificate should obtain frein Pak rorm........5.5Ed. 1\11l' son application formns Donations .~...........319.00 h ah re to be filledl out and sent Total receipts .. ........$2789ý.23 Mr. Hi. Lowves, Gordon simpsoni and Roy Fretrwereapone as a rink cmmtte tolook atter the rink for th!e coming 9year. S. B Rutherord sated that the um was appaqren-tlyv done for' at the I'ink1 and that 2a n-ev;one would ho ee ed, Therewod be a g-eatdean for water at thef irgruns this! year due to the large numLIrber Of' horses whiclî wilfl be stabled in the i new barns aaso to operate tli eI rink. lt was suggested that the rinkI committee nieet ,vith thelirme to arrive at an ans"-wer tofxigUp! the present systema. A motion -was passed that thel purchase of two banquet tickets would entîtie the purchaser to a1 family season's ticket to the Iink. The seasons ticket would ho gooed for all public skating. Also it en- titles a boy to play hockey afterý paying a$10 reg-istration foc andi $1.00 for insurance. Mr. E. Dent statod that ho f cîtl that tho cost of lighting the rinki could be cut by a degroe if 300l watt1 bulbs were us ed instoad of the pre-! sent 500. No action was taken in this matter. !tlrs. Tagg-art wvas ap- pointed to otatthe Orono Skat- ing Club to discuss the PublicAd dress ssenw i 5owried joint-, ly by tlie two or.ganiizationis. Rcsceway (Continuecd fromr page 1) Vied spectator vantago points atî varlous placeis around the propolrtyi are onivisaged in the comiplote plan.! Also included are provisions ,ýforý timo-keepîng and scoring faites ambmlance ajld f ire services, press boxes and information bootlis, foot- bridges and dlirection, signs anjd public addross sys;tems. Tlie racing circuit beinlg considl- ered includo a short circuit betw,ýeen two and throe miles 'in length de- sîgned for lajp speeds of 90 mniles an hour. Ai'xtnsonin tho next îtiee yoars Of tihe"sot circuit to pro,-i vide an "*outer-' circujit of approxi niateiy four miJlle obo used for- l®ig dista!txce -racinig; 500 kiloý- eventswthalppe fabu 100 ruirnjtliitlm icuse olle m'il e iin ghat the n-end c the propty. suth of The jjpopq-ly willbe c avrabet cyclecusevnswic r o aswelagynnas t JSIl opd o stalsis rs tig raes 'e h era ednumT ther'e is good rason o believe t-hatl finlancîng wllbecomp-aleted thîs fall. il The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phorno TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 port Hope, ont. OB k iect and Save Commissions' Monuments, Grave-IStones, Engraving, CGoldleafing A residenit of the Hroyroad Bcïo ýnortli area for 45 years, Jamies Hos- kmi, 91,(died èat theHnnfr'! 'Nus .ing Homre, Orilijia. He liad been 1 1n Me )pocor health for eight mentiis. 28, in A son of thre late MOr. and Mrs., Le, JohnHosi, the deased vas art iborinlu-Darli.-gton towns-hip Sept. Ori yuat thce chnic. There is just six hie dlays left for this Clinic. .,ÀMaywe H aský co-operation for this Blood Don- 29, or flnc ar I CATTLE SALE Aberdeen Ans us '450 HEKAD 350 STOCKERS AND FEEDER1S 100 GRADIE AND PIJREBRED COWS AND BRED HEIFERS SOME SERVICEABLE ÂGE BULLS $ATURDAY, OOT. 31 1:00 P.M. IN LINDSAY SALES ARENAIL LUNCHI-IAVAILABL.E Sponsored by Eastern Ontario Aberdeen Angus Associatïon A.C. MaocTagper' Màiroolm Baïllel sec.JTreas. Pre-sident Are you dreaming of the day when you will have every moderm major electric appliance in your homre? Medatiion I e e e e e e e e e e e e e e CC CC CC C e C C C e, O~QQ e C e C e e LIVE IN A MEDALL"iON HOMrïE x e e * w * e * e * e * e e O * e * e e. e. e. Plan, right noý.,w, tolive 11n a eon-ditione'd Vwhen it is bulit... des](gned andpnd tomkerooir» for a com-plete celectric ia'undry; a comnploete electric kitLchen. You'Il find at least one major eleci applîanýe included in the purchase price of a Medallion Home, and oiets provided for ai least tive more. C C* C os. 6. are bulit with your dreams iii mîd!,, * e C C C e e e e ee e *j e * f e e e C j e. e, e.. e, Ianethe convenience, tecmot th(sftyo a homne wli--eoàIi th11e lhing is pian,-ned! ht the truiy odem lighting sylst em you g cet inlaea lo Hm.No more "maiking do", hawwrlypae elcrcoutets,. YOu 11hav planined liýght fo0r eVer actiî, vy cantre in y our hom; dcoatio lghing tQ enhance * e thle decor of your oos:and * proper lgtig «Pa~wra C ~that require the .aej of lighit, B ... othi indoors and ou t! e, e, e'. .. e o. * e * e * E e e *,OOC@.,. z C ~ C * - g-t * ~ H e* H I e e FULL HOUSEPOWNER CIVES! A Medallio-n Homvre is rueadlY .. right fomthe day-yu ovin. with aei dqut iig vopetl equi ýpped w'ýith circtuits, ouitiets anditce t nal you to lv otreetial todaýy an luhe futuire. to you ?andur ail-h *complete satisfacý,tion tatcon-e * iving siii y, comfortably thie mde lecIe cway. * e ***.,.#* CCC Tellyour builder tatou w aaM dlinhomte FOR CO-lPLETE INFORMATION ON HOW YOU CAN OWNA MEDALLION PHOME1... CAIL VOUR LOCAL HqYDRO OFFICE 04 ETR LCRCLL Y R y iswie ni-e Cm NOTICE KHORTICULTLJRAL MEETING Monday, Novemaber l21 I..05F. HALL, ORONO Prizes wiII be awarded to Ôrono Fair Winners Lovely Pictures ehovwn by Mns. F, Jose Floral Demnonstration by M4rs. Fairbrother Dotir Prizes-Luncb Served-Smnall AdmnîpSIOu N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '4 e e e e e e e e s e e N N N N N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N s. N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N s. N N N N .5, N e e e e e e e e e e e e e e C e C I i -ros eS "e5ýT, R, PLU