to bc inui1 A G-~NERAL *4QTORS VALUE The glomco ~ieWork 0f e Lake Croup ,tp Ir Distric-t CLl0egfiate 1Instute-. higtir urent t. R. Ellioti, r~m ligiri lo! tire coniferec,,e. ws ire1vile) topc,"treUse oTele son lie (4) Egisr-anIsolaited Suir- Clasrom. Cou edscussions* jeet, r an n] iatEleenit îin wiere ireld on resuis 5of PreCvîOUS ex- ail partseo! týire curriculum (E. B. perîme Ts.1he demonstration o! B1oyd, Bowmnvi1,e clos ed-cîrc uit te-levisioni programn (5) Tire Stream1ing Syvstem -n in was codce y Mr. Hl. J. Ceny Secondary Scirools --- Good r Bad of Thorr2pson Prodc1jts, T-ortonto, (J. H. Meebus, co-ordinator -,! Guid- Oirtaro.' anco Services, Peterboroughr) Dr. Marcus Long, University eff (6) Tire use o! Televïsion in thre Toron-to gave an oulustandin~g ad- Classroom (A. J. NofialiK..VL dress on Educational Objectives in (7) Ediicatïonal Implications eof thre Changing W,,orld. tire Geophysical Year (R, A. Patter- Dr. M. G. Rochester o! tire Unfi- son, Lindsay DC,.L) versity o! TorontoD led a discussio-n (8) Tire Upper Sehool Systemn of on tire Geophysical year and its Examinations (HL . T Aumby, Port implications. He brie!ly reviewed H-ope.) tire main areas o! eoneern in geo- (9) Lse o! Classroom Aids (W, pirysîcs and dîseusd ai îength thre A. jEain, f;eneloxi Falls) imlctoso!curn esacrii (10) Englisir (C. .J. porter, Co.. som e o! these au-oas for better Un.1 bou rg DCI) dersianding o! tire Earth and tire (11) Mathemattes (Mrs. P. Mann, better utilization o!fis pirysical Cobourg D.C.I.) properties for tire ends o!flnankind. (12) Pirysical Education (Ms Thre !ollowing topies were dis- Mary Bennieti, Bowiraiiville D.H,S.) cussed by interested groups with., (1,3) Home Elcoroniies (Mrs. R, the ai-d o! expert leadershrip; tire Co(nlin, Cobeourg D.C.1.) -*name o! each dilairman is listed in (14) Tecirnical (Mrn AIR. loek-' brackets afier eacir topie, ingÏion, KýC.V.L,) (1) Ace1eration in tire Secondairy (15) Commercial (Mr, lR Mcl- Scirool (.LnyPCVS. Petr-j-raith, Mt. R. Bird, Cobourg D.C.L>) borough) (16) Musile (Mr. J. Drewniak, P. (2 Disuveiti ainO 7drtn~.. was decided veuýrea t.o m rVA d tr ed liearing in _ A recent builletin beleas e in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a of athateteo rgrmPanigpcet.Ms WilsonPringIdwOUI pfa itec ,fe Iake Tourist tirorities afteriorjth Domnin ouci _' n pmanl,je san g a solo acompanied Associatofrlifosgtadn-, ectious iselase Trot, aý ie getspeaker for at the organ by Ms.Rea Juley.; ttkiti .ve in 5'ti ismuke tîhe 0eianulmetn ftire T">ire teM. Turner cnuthe r rea rig pond locýated at Kee-ne On the-uresOhwaPeb{r ..ieldre- servi-e Of _oïCmunaiteRc ae. etuned to cd entybSt ads ntdCiuc ls f ierrigseso.Tiebletin gives tireiristory of wçr md in Bomavile rs. Milton Ta-Durinýg tire lcýh 1hOur tirere Wevre t iere modest beginning ai whicli cirldra' ai ~byn Ornoinrodlce Ms. pauil seated aitirhe head table Nvitih -the timne tire association spent two and tellIng of îher îok ih th W.A., pesdeIMrs. L. F.. Richardsot Df a liaîf years sarching f ýaitable; [s t o p n a w ir c ir h w l d e d e î n ti e c r a i n i a W ir t b y ti e t o I o n o a r y p r e s i s t e w i rte £ o W a vw in g r e q u îrie - ~leso, Bitsiroftie LIteralture depanrtm)-enit of tiredns Mrs. Claytlon Lee and Mjýrs. mentis: An acre o adwt has ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ben~-~oîinCuçlWA oe .CorleeOs aiad tie -pasti- eavy dy1xtomf bk wtr free byGeo tie. s d .1MisE. . Crnih. omefrorn 10 to 15 f eet above lake leve re i nobuil- ftireotiers i tre had able wee(n)loe t tres o urce of spjot tail rsPalstressedîte , -estyRj.H Trerad 1r. -'f- urner1, shmners for feigtire yunaius- ir mv j frmoesysteatie cplannin'g Of the M GogePu1n rpeet- isw' owl a ecroierafier vfrs. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~- Wht sporm o h eua neiýg ic rn h s aPebtr Îw lv as 'If not f ed live food. withtir L-e reg- ftr oas. Without a well-adtieWMSPrbyrilTre iepodaspedin15a- -Ta l4Wlaef~rîd~rga ie attendlancè jelico, ,unhenas srvdby lier tfre 20 members irad raised about iColunibiai. ïIenf ad ibers becomie less te emfe f ie S.Pu f 250tirrouLgh 0donatiosadpli DER mtresedï d lsse iîtrsa0-,trnonW.A. Undler thre leadersirip sbcmpîn.The pond yýwsen- *REe { bu iewokadtr im !fteprsdn rRoberi Ste- I~xe o200 feetby0feeana Counicil iras tr ..pirens and thre St. Paul's Evein-g 2 foot lidpthin195î% fence ell lvesý,tigate tire TireDoino Cimcil has pre WýýA, undcer Mrs. George Gra.hrm.> closes ltue poii n L'!(,,~ 1w and g a ne w ~ t p r ed a p c e o îa nnsu g s on ie afternoon t ie S cugo g .A t e le.i cv el are (c otr ole d b y a dam icil iras set uton oripoga each rtir, condueted a devotionalsericeandLke wateris ýýpumnped int1o a1,0 igate tire cost 1llýavinig special ideas for Uaster Pand1 Mrs. H. Blakely Ov waiofeedgln eraîLion t~~adf r ir Cirristimasq and educational- 'tiemes tJhe prayer of dedîcï,ation afe ieI1 - irto a pond. tohae ir erbes ecm 1ffrig Ms.C.M.Pnfun ad1- _! iru.n mskefrýy are Qde- it~ttie etr amjir itir"Ltie meaning of se- r.Cirarlaes Nylrgav, eot pstdecrsrn ytr nai Rlnk faimtoo uilding 's()tariri, tznsi, iristian i Edu? O tr ay o-,f Qinte Conferenice' ea eto! Lands and Frest :y ~ ~ a cete ttnm,êrtr n nanyv otier W.A.eeting Ild iiPetrouheietswomainancnro tio isbeng passOf tire recentîy. tr or.Tie ukefry jare hat- tciltual uid- urig trelunir ro r MS. Afier remnarks by tire peiet uda',tireDparmn' Deer Lake ~tra IeTi~>rak 3lckan Ms.A.Bradford r.RcadotireinemrbersHtirronie of -tire !kw muskie, tire Port Ho0pe of O fiwn ad a (disýplay o! ajvaL-1 rok urintoidi-u1()onrou)ps Ii tmrrîs ntire World te'led by tire arlous cormmîttee 'j4re water Is teteIwitir soy abl irertur ad sonbecmecharmmn.Mir rtuïuîg o trebea <eal by, s10itin ocreate auioimthe cirairinen gave tire cultureV foi tire growtir o! algae toý fidnsOf the dicsingop.fe ire yong. WVillow brusi aý- ,Tir prsidni pononce tir W,. iund ireed Cfo!tire pond jPro- bèndicionat'er h emrbers vldes srltrand alter a week or froi in ..gvCarpr f ten Cays tireËiirare fed tire shiners, tirecoutesycomîtte wlici Thenex mov fo tie'!isti is into tiane a] ius rsonibefor Rice Lake wir'er'e bu tire Past three tiresucessof ire eetng. . yars oretra 40000fingerlîngs huvp seen lacedinltie lake, 120,- 000 urpus ry were also put In i~ram icrasby tie Der Lk _____ ! re ic Lae ourisi A ssocia- Tirereglarme u-g f t e x- ien nd irereprtsfirm tierenany eraoil Ascainwjhl t1ew 15 lne r ~a and beyondIL 27, 195.Emr ct !Hp ~Tonsip Pesderiof tire Assoc- mtte s rak ikard, ex M.?.. ® uImaaSotSdnati'on wsinteiri.0fNwasl.Tire Comirtee le >ros Ipal SortSedn ussil C. HxeScetary. cOpýjeed o1 a represenjtatîve o! Treaisurer, of trire Associto-cir01 ietnmncplte Iorted tlirai membersirip tickets had DrraiCounty Tire representa- dsbe pritedadeejedj rvfrorrt Ho)pe is Ceeil Splicer, ditrbuin ndsle Trsetikts ai o oeTwiii is George w1illDe fowredt Lnerested i-Wtns [ea fin tire Cnyand tire po- TireEeui loaprvdtr ceedts o! tire sale e lire ued oaredu0ette r osiuin assisti l inacnÀclaivte ieAscainwVi îlcet ti tena eeihfiem Asua-, t L--- -l~en et part-,fnoebr muaigMtiguNeradif pae LOTS ANDl LOTS OF LUGGAGE SpACEI J k I k w A tn ifSx ird and you discover a fu thirty JL uh " h o stfy- cuibic feet of easily accessiblej 1er to luggage space.There's more than c vrolet enouigi room for ail the thij sCo nf e renc-AtCAb ur ge of the farifly wants to, bring along. A t _____u r 'S per- 1Look into Chevrolet loday and o WendaOoer2,30ugHde MtvsinCidB- see for yourself.I HigrSiol ecescfH'1atî rvor J ie, ctoa di.rctT.2 hl treranna GidncCooug)DC.. ua oas~omtimme L LUUUg dji Vaie 1 p dULI