it that was uinfit, for the oungest child to sec. Alýtèï e actual birth o! young, Is isno secret t6 ehldiren farm so why shouldi they be d the kniowleçlge of hou, oungb gradually grow unitil, are ready to leave the pro- e shielter of the-ir niother's is describea s is so else. In every oranchofos en- gineering diarnond tools are inow used to manufacture bearings, piston rings, axie shafts and en- gines. ]imonds, ike people, are sometimies mQoody. They react to the state of the wveather anid tliey can temporarily lose their lus- tre, When thîs'happens they are sent to a gcem doctor, Onie of these Ilatton Garden, Lordon, experts treated stores to the value of $10 million in a singleý year. Sqire-shapile3, 'round - shaped or pear-shaped, diarnonds to-daày are the bes' -investrnent in the word, declare deaiers;. Mornt wümeni, espc-cialy brides-to-be, prefePr a flashy, diamond wt 'flawvs to a1 flawles's sm-caller stonle, saidl a prominent decaler recent- Iy. WHO YOU? -- RE-ady for the worst i3 ibis Marine. wearing modern, cold - weother baffle dress. Ballistic belmet sheli, moade of the sdme material used i armored ves'ts, is designed to replace th3 helmet now in use. Other items are f acec rnask, cold-\weathet liner and snow gicisses. StuIdying a crowvd of people, is alw'ýays interesti'ng but 1 th-ink.I last Fridlay 1 fo-uncd the most in- triguing group it lias been my lot to bserve. 1 went to "Medi- scope" - the display and demoti- stration th1-at was put on b.,y the Ontario' Medica] Association in Toronto. 1 found lit intensely in- terestinig and mnost informative. And the crow,ýds .., the offliciais themîselv-es wvere floor'ed by the nuii-iberýs who tu-rned uip to se *what they had to' offer. Md3c it wvas ail free - yo-oidn't spend money if yoitJ wanted to. It w'as even liard to find a place- to buy ï sandwich. Actuall'y there were two small stands but they wýeren't very obViouLs 1 watched the penlo passin1g -id is a d with y.Un- sv h at to give, v ai a I :oralau12 nu uinprectictFauile t 1live with nrerves thla are the breaking- point. I1av n a good wf n arô n a od mnother, but 1I1a11 jusýt u-t throtughi . . Can 1I(do thing tht Ihmave ot? AT TIE END" Why o't you aský youri fa- er te have a mnan-to-i-ani and their jtie2r. I cx- tems fromi lis inferi Idi at lea-ýt stop being t stol) Ihiz it, as SU chI NEW a ref B.e ri o ni dan. A centlyv cess W( nce h' dian mail iniforma, al righit ridegroom ti rocring what goes on inside our, human itsý the body? I have a» feeling it was ini Lon- the latter. Not alil dspIays at- er 'r e- tracted equanl attention but 1 e Pria- noticed ther-e was always a) er ern retrcrowd wherever there ci w y er wasay practical denonstratkion permis- ia] stethoscope You could hear pite re- your ownvj heart beat, or by a h1 court contraption over thd ears you coutld test Youir own hearing abuity. 'Chere wvas aiso -qGeigèrj count er, vshowing îits reaction ~tte when placed over radlio-active aLn d non-radio-active material. For this purpose chunks of rocks il wed- were iused,,onie contaýiing a fair . o Chc amournt o! uranium ore. There ûwalk ' yere bosshowing houselhold equipment for paraplegies or ing i,2 otbierwisc disabled persons. Orie no near both demons trated various ýtjh01 le, types of anaesthetics. 1i:nevýr did giet close to ither 'of flose two. a little 1 O! course the greai4 attrattior- ilace Ït was "The Birth of a Baby',-,achi Monty lots Crow When Field Marshal Viscounit Montgomery pulls a boner, if's a big one, and when lie eats cro, is a big bird. Thus, the crusty old (71) soldier founid himself contfronted-c with an apol- ogy taj 12,205,535 Britons - ail those who voted for the Labor Party in the recent general elec- thon. Montgomer'y, with pre- election Tory fervor, hiad said that al Labor voters were "bar-my and should bce locked up in a hunatic asylum," In a post- election apology, Monity recant- ed: "Sometimes when you îmakec speeches, you say things you do't mean. It's rather a laugli at the time." But Laborites stil-, didn't get the joke: 50 Labor mnembers of the Bolton, England, town council boycotted a civic~ luncheon for, the field mnarshal. Il-t Be srr Get set now toi frosty days ahead. Tassel-caý for sister - helmet for brotGher asy-knit cap 'n' mitten set; in garter stitch, conitrast cab 1e trîim sewni on separately. Pat. terrn 948: directions ta fit I> 2. year old chikiren included. Send THIRTY - FIVE VIENT! (stamnps cannot lie accepted, us( p)ostal note for safety) orthiz patterrn ta Lau-ra Wheeler, Bow 1123 Eighteenthi St., New o qnto, Ont. Print plairdýy PAT TEJRN NUMIER,y o ur NAMI and ADDRESS. Send for a copy o! 1959 Lauri Whecier Needlecrart Book, 1t has- lovely deslgns to order embroidery, crochet. krni1tincg weaving-, quilting, toys. Ir. thi book, a special surprise tIo raki a little girl happy - aq cut-our doil, clotheS to colour. Seid 2' cents for this book. A. Oiicé tpon a time, it wam 'the ld"whlo always rpoke first. But; today'> If they are good friends, thecre's notingi. at ail w'rong with the mnan's speaking,- first. Q. Shtouldi the used silverwvare be .gathered np before remno-ing the plates fromn the dinner table? A. No, thiej silver shouild be left, on thie plates, and alile- moved fromn the table together, Q.If a iknife lhas flot been uised duirine- a ineal, should Il be pick- ed up at the end of the mieal and plaeed 'with the fork across tie plate so that it wil be taken out wvhen the plate is reimoved? A. No; it sliould remiainwhr it is on the table. Q. Who gees flrst4 down the ale of a motion. picture theater, V dy. fourth tlie J'cdeCd4 dtake rny chance wîth the rest and w-it. Bul-t 1I did not find the wait- itng too tedious! because I was sol entensely mintemnsted in watch- ing others in the queue. Nexi to me were two ministers, sever- al nuns, a, elderly couple and four or five high school studenits horsing aroundj in the approved fashion - approved, that is, by their own fraternity. 1 resented their attitude. Here we were, wvaiting to get in to a dem-on- stration of the great miracle of Life and ahl these young gaffers could do was show unseemingly 1evity. 1 hail no idea what we were-likely ta see -that is, the form it would tlc - but wha-t- ever îIt was 1 feit it should bie given the respect it deserved. Wcll, 1. need not have worried, The dlisplay was mnostly in pic- ttires and plastic modeis, s;how- ing the growth of a baby from, ifs inception to birth. And do you know', fromn the minlute we entered the small buildingc the ýýoung folk were al attention, No tailking. no usel on trients of gny, kind. Tbecy were genuinel y interiested and -moved plw] nd rlc~ty aog Y--r [~t~ i~ il'giathe ETERNAL~ CITY -- When in Roime, futurE taurists ,,ill be able 1i walk the streets as theywere in ancient timnes. The ity vilb. a mode! with streets the size of sidewalks. 1-ere, a wopiaa checks the niiture Colosseumi. Princess Steps Ouf One of the mnost accomiplth-hea dancers in our Royal Fainily ig Princess Margaret. She lovez dancing, so mnuch thatý she has be-en called theDacn Pria- cess. Her skill as a dancer stema froin her dancing Studies with the Queen whien tley, were smafL girls. Once every week their parents had one of the sittinig- roomrs at their home in Picca- dill y, London, transformed into a baIlroomi- where the two golden- hiaired princesses learnied w,,altze3 and reels. These wvere alternated with music towhh the littie giýrls h a p il'y Sang -PnUrsery rhymes. To-day Princess Margaret, is i versatile ballroom dan.plcerý. ShLe lias a remrarkable flair for learn- rng comrplicýatd rnew S t e P.«; quickly. Although she is f-ond of modem. rhythms, the- old-style Scottiali and Eniglislî Counîtry numbers also charm n rd deliglit her. Easy ChPI-Ch asers As the youngsters left thfe building there may have been a ~few quips realtive to what th-ey had seen but we have Io remem- ber that youing people will do or Say alrnost anlythîng tobid their real feelings. Later in myi wanderings ï hreard a lot 'of talking -and thought 1 must be nearing an- other. demonstration so 1 kept going in the direction of the %oice It -was anything but a de-- onstration! 1 founrid a smal ;booth -- or stal] - whcatever 'you like to cal] it, devoted ta geriatics -- that is, ta the care and ligit %work that cani bc undertaken by the ag-ed 7- cithei in homes for the ag'eu rinp vate hom-ies. The taîker,lo- eewasn't the doctor iLn charge,ý but a garrulous old lad1y! Theý poor sou] was airing> al heiý greivances -- about doctorsý, homnes for thie aged, the old age pension and how few' extras il covered. Shie haid been a practi- cal nurse in hier timie and thought she should be allowed Io help look after the other resid - ents in the h9mreý She resentedl the fact that she was cnot allow- ed to bring ber two truniks with, lier. 'I'rn sorry,» the adri-ittance nurse had said, "no truinks aI- lowed. What have you in tbiern, a ny way? " "What's in thlemn? the oldi lady told bier indignant ly, 'clothes, thatswhtIdotse you nursýes rurnning arouind in; the nude so why shouldn't 1 have mny clothes? And there's. a num- ber o! sickroom- utensils; yoiu could ma'ke use of that I'd ]et youi have for frýee." Well, the poor dear rani on like that at great length, I camne back a second time and' she was jus' movinig away, As 1I watched bier go I thoughit -"Thecre, if ever there was one, goes an un- lovedi and unwanted sol." She- pîrîtual peace You rknowln. ochurcli reguiýlarly ng neýw Courage, and anid those o! your *will keep your. orereardngChan- Fo 0r the( husband- your fa- the oldler alter you- soMiýe-- Syou ,t of rel a