ORQNQ WEEI<LY T h Birdseye OraDg g O ilvie ake M Purex Toilet Tiç. SMixed CLOokies SFANCY - S A'IE1c- oz Tins Tomato Juice 3 f4 fDEEP-BJOQWNED - SAVE 6c Beans 20 oz 2 h 1BEY'S CREAM - SAVE 6c ~Corn I5, z 2 f c Pineapple Juice SFAN CV - 2f5 oz Tin rl AUNT'MARY'S save 7« qCASH sAV'N'y ';0F li Zb:16 *Ja 9MIRACLE WHI'P CHE CKTH,ýS ~EFGR VA 1 UEý S1AVE AS MU'CII A SOcON' PURCI- qHeinz Tom ato or, =j z=0 O= oc= 0 =-L- 0 C- 0 =Da .~ iu~~. 4~. A L.ui.flr% v -_Uz %~i' lUior UJa lixes four fiavours pkg 29 cl e sle white or coloured 4 roils 49c vic a f fresh 1 ' c pkg 3for $.0 Cough and Cold Remedies in our Drug Ldg r ----C SUPER ANAHIST Cold Tablets 18 for $1 .00 ol r 37~ SUPER ANAHST 1,4f bB uougt Zbyrup iL SPER ANAHIST Dr 2 5c Siose Syray VICK'S VA-TRO-NOL Cough Mixture,, !4 5c JACK and JL ~ O O BAYEIR'ý 8pirin. sizes 3 Buffeýrin sizes 3 Coli Tablets > SA LAD PRESSING HASE OF- TINS Vegetable Soup,- 2 iottle $I1AU) pkg 64c boule 59c bottie 59c Te OPastC Open hdî an d~pe- officers of the1 gala irgtwi thf 135.n o lation 0f Qf icers MUY ASLVSDRIVER AA v -dictoedpatïh due to con-j e- i -[qirtohea-on c1fsio with an- in m1~s motor scooter -n the wrongi side or the rwa, was returned by! last Wdedy No blamie was at- tached to the driver Of theéauto ts of r. As ý assisted in the sponsorinf-g Stwo studenits to, Queens. o.Raýy Hthsnand his stý examplEIf the Instali no-ny, f ollowed by ain addn -o. Ray Hthsn a questi4 and rol cai. ewsaeooffi swweý fas foiiow;s: -EBro. Ivail Bal! -Bro. Bruce Mlyies. Sec-B-ro. E. R. Rainey ec.Br.W J. Eiddell. S. Dro. 'C. W. Mar-tîn Grand Br, o Vrn Gr'al .G Bo.Gral i acklt( îplisnrents, mn the ham in ýreturin ige miembers for n duaring the, past 'Io, W. iG. 1Watson,-. fj _1 IL. !_,I1U II_ý FWI1 The inquest was held le inquire j!into thle death of TOOnuis a *due to an accide1it on HighwvaY 115. o'n JuJy :',,1959. leyten-ded a warm welcome, îdried to at noon lby the Ministers Rev. R. H. Love ruid Rev. Hf. Staintoný. The prograns wr interesting and in- fomative andf kept to schedule by thevie-resdetsin charge, Mrs. H, Meqo t Co)lumnbus and -Mrs. H. Fprguas at Eeaeer.The Past: Presidenit closed encli raily with anI alppropriate message and a bene-1 d ictionl. CORNISH-At BêcVmaatile Mern- orial Hospital on Wed-nesday, Nov- ember llth, 1959, Elizabeth Olive Linton bolove-d wtfe of ETHenry Corn- ish, in hler 54th year, Rpsting at the H'. Barlow Fuineral Home,. Orono, for servIce on> Saturday, Novýen-àber 14, 1959 at 2:00 p.nw Be\t Quality Fuel Oit and Stove Of AREAenNAB'LE PICEg VIGOR Oit.C'on I)ýiî4ed -77SBndSt-,Ws who fo -~~ "' - - , ', J. Riddell. Bro. idl spk of I ' ~Icth oy± of srvc f0 he Lodge! 'J""UCE shown by thc, financi a, secretary in adi l pases of iodge w Ïo1-. oWat- ~P R Q D C E ' b t ýed Èhe f'cýý, a d r nm f 0-Ll U off cr C c1oigthe busin"ess porion1 8CALIFORNIA CELERf~ 2 large stalks 29c c'Il the dvefi~jhr.I BR'ADFORD MARSH Pnbry eN-i 1-( itrG providingth MacRnsbrï' caledthesqiuare POTATOE suocwh e Lunch wis served -buffet! ;rýéwhich concIudied amst sui- cc veiilng. ErP P ER SQUASH a b 1 u_'e en12fo r l5C 10ur Ralph Collins 1 ers. She announced that -,w_-,youn QU LTY M AT om-en rom Qshawva rs:,t1 are, now attendinig the Tr'ainîng Coli QUALITY -MEATSleg-ean menit our prayers - 11,iss wt'sPem m Sweet Pickled - 1/2 sizes Cryovac Wrap 'Gegrof B1,1v3e Ms. Carl 11.. own reported On tegood q11"1ity, MIN, eU 1ofn supywkan'dsuplge1 1 a et 0i Mrs. E. 1Mountjoyn SGrade A Fresh Killed C ven-fteady eoti nct De easto he r schouonbinfola- O S îfts P e mi m Di ner&lmit M rs S uart D orreli f N es tleton iý FRA NKS lb cello spkg 4 c lanpot ore tdatend.by sic ws proidedby rs T Swift's Premiuum 3rown 'N Serve ~ca~n y r SAWAE z -lb33C o lfbEen-'.Tihe doalso sang "The' p ~Eancipation Sonmg" wrtt en by- thea OSwift's fi guest speakereDr. S. sR. Collîns. jm> on;.The Wetencalya Clmus ?7 fi-achurch and MaitrK.scina b ROYA) L Bowmanville Y:A MA. 3-55'89. THIS iýJ>ILU1RS'.O SAT., NOVEMSER, Matinee'Saturday at 2 p.mo I c', HSc orse at -7 and q:ý MON- TO WED. - NOVEMDER 61 M-G-M Pr~,,t. Lusdous COLO 2 hw,7 and I :05. d Af Fe i uice